Jim Farley's Brutal Honesty / Munro: Tesla's Closest Competition ⚡️

发布时间 2023-05-22 20:58:04    来源


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Welcome to Electrified. It's your host, Dylan Lumis, quick shout out to my new or updated patrons, Jackie, Ramona Say, and Michael Kay. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
欢迎来到Electrified。我是你的主持人Dylan Lumis。在此向我的新或更新的赞助者Jackie、Ramona Say和Michael Kay致以快速问候。感谢你选择支持这个频道。

There are a few new sources out there saying that Tesla has rolled out its first advertising try and that's really just not the case. They're all just referencing this video that Tesla Asia tweeted out last week and therein lies the problem. Posting from your own company, Twitter account does not constitute as advertising in the truest sense of the word, especially for Tesla because they've been doing this now for years.

Elon himself has said that the choir or people following accounts like this are already bought in, so advertising is to reach a new cohort of people. In fairness, Elon did say he wants Tesla's advertising to be more like content and less like advertising, but the way I see it, this is not Tesla's first ad.

Here we have Bridgestone rolling out a brand new replacement tire specifically for electric vehicles and even better, actually geared for the full Tesla lineup S3 XY and the Ford Mustang Machee, claiming improvements in the areas you would expect for an electric vehicle, better tread life, reduced ride noise, better wet handling performance, less rolling resistance and things of the like, this specific tire the Taranza EV Grand Touring.
在这里,我们有普利司通推出了一款全新的电动汽车专用替换轮胎,甚至更好的是,它确实是专为特斯拉全系列S3 XY和福特野马马车定制的,声称在电动汽车所期望的领域有所改进,如更好的胎面寿命、更少的行驶噪音、更好的湿地处理性能、更少的滚动阻力等等,这种特定轮胎名为Taranza EV Grand Touring。

So if you're in the market for a replacement tire for your Tesla or Machee, specifically in all season tire and so far just in North America, this may be one to add to the list. Here's the pricing and they said other EVs will be launching early 2024.

I'm always very skeptical of battery breakthroughs because at the end of the day research is great, but the real question is can this be entered into mass production? We'll see on this one, but the Argonne National Laboratory researchers have said they found an anti-freeze electrolyte whose charging performance does not decline at minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit.
我一直对电池突破性技术持怀疑态度,因为最终的问题在于能否将其进入量产阶段。 对于这个发现,我们拭目以待。不过,Argonne国家实验室的研究人员表示,他们已经发现了一种抗冻电解液,其在华氏零下4度下的充电性能不会下降。

They also discovered at the atomic level what makes it so effective. Typically in sub-zero temperatures it's the liquid electrolyte that's responsible for transferring the ions between the electrodes, the anode and the cathode that actually can freeze and can be what degrades the charging performance. So this research teams solution to that problem, fluorine containing solvents.

Even at sub-zero temperatures the capacity was equivalent to that of a cell with a conventional carbonate-based electrolyte at room temperature. They also said it's much safer when it comes to not catching on fire and now they're looking for an industrial partner to adapt it to one of their designs for lithium ion batteries. I have absolutely no insight into this, but of course I would love to see Cato Road get to try out this new fluorine solvent.
即使在零下温度下,它的容量相当于常规基于碳酸盐电解质的电池在室温下的容量。他们还表示,这种电池在避免起火方面要安全得多,现在他们正在寻找一家工业合作伙伴,将其应用于锂离子电池的设计之一。我对此完全没有见解,但当然我很想看到Cato Road尝试一下这种新的氟溶剂。

I saw some trending posts that Tesla's new safety score version 2.0 has rolled out, but we actually talked about this a few weeks back. I'll make sure this blog post is linked below, but I saw many people actually saying they thought the forward collision warning was now removed because there was a screenshot where it did not have this as an option anymore, but it was actually just going over some of the latest updates.

So yes, the forward collision warning is still part of the Tesla safety score. They just adjusted how they calculated. I also saw many people asking how the specific hour of the nighttime driving category actually impacts your score. So this will also be below where it's broken down in detail by the hour for the safety score version 2.0.

On the FSD Beta front, Elon said some easy-to-fix bugs addressed in 11.4.2 that starts rolling out this weekend. Will address excess conservatism with narrow roads and with lane changes and heavy traffic. This tweet was Friday night.
关于FSD Beta,埃隆表示,11.4.2版本已经解决了一些易于修复的错误,本周末开始推出。将解决在狭窄道路、车道变换和高密度交通中的过度保守问题。这条推文是在周五晚上发布的。

Just in case any of you were following the Model 3 crash at a Vancouver ferry terminal, turns out after the investigation, it was a case of driver error and not sudden unintended acceleration. Spokesperson for the police department said the investigators determined the collision to be human-caused. So far, Nitzah has looked into over 200 claims of sudden unintended acceleration, but found no problems with the vehicles themselves.
万一你们中有任何人在关注在温哥华渡轮码头发生的Model 3车祸,调查结果表明这是司机的错误,而不是突发的意外加速。警察局的发言人说,调查人员确定这次碰撞是人为引起的。到目前为止,Nitzah已经调查了200多起关于突发意外加速的投诉,但并没有发现车辆本身的问题。

We got the battery energy storage market update for the month of April from Roe Motion, and here are the numbers. In April, 4 gigawatt hours of new capacity entered operation across 44 different projects, up 75% from April of last year.
我们从Roe Motion获得了四月电池储能市场的最新更新,以下是数字。四月份,44个不同项目共推出4千兆瓦小时的新电池储能能力,比去年同期增长75%。

So far, year to date, 17.5 gigawatt hours of projects have been deployed globally, and just later this year, another 123 gigawatt hours is planned for completion again this year. Given the year to date deployments and what's planned for the rest of the year, we'll call that 140 gigawatt hours for the year.

If you're new, for context, each Tesla Mega Pack factory has a capacity of 40 gigawatt hours, so the total global deployment for this year is only about 3.5 Tesla Mega Pack factories. My point being, with Tesla's two announced Mega Pack factories, and most likely another one coming in the next 12 months, Tesla has ambitions to be a major player in this market.
如果你是新来的,为了理解背景,每个特斯拉Mega Pack工厂的容量为40吉瓦时,因此今年全球部署的总容量仅约为3.5个特斯拉Mega Pack工厂。我的观点是,特斯拉宣布的两个Mega Pack工厂以及可能在接下来的12个月内推出的另一个工厂,表明特斯拉有意成为这个市场的主要参与者。

In case you're in Canada, please be aware that the 7-seat option for the Model Y has been removed from the online configurator, and it says there are a limited number of 7-seat interior options available in inventory. Looking at said inventory, there are only a few available, and it looks like most of them are currently being offered at a discount, so if you're in the market, just a heads up.
如果你在加拿大,请注意Model Y的7座选项已从在线配置器中删除,并且表示库存中仅有少量7座内饰选项可用。从库存中看,只有几个可用的,大多数看起来目前正在以折扣价出售,所以如果你在市场上,提前注意一下。

In case it wasn't official before, it's official now. The first ship bringing Model 3 and Ys from China to Canada, specifically Vancouver, arrived over the weekend, and the second ship, with the same destination, is in transit now. And yes, a side benefit of this is that more cars that Tesla makes in North America can actually be delivered in North America to take advantage of the IRA credits. And just to throw it out there, a Shanghai built Model 3 or Y sold for Canadian prices, even despite the logistics cost that by the way have come down significantly over the past 6-12 months, could be a very profitable endeavor.
如果之前还不是官方的,现在就是官方的了。第一艘载有Model 3和Y汽车从中国到加拿大(具体而言是温哥华)的船已经在周末抵达,第二艘同样前往该目的地的船正在途中。是的,这样做的一个附带好处是,特斯拉在北美制造的更多汽车实际上可以被送到北美以利用IRA税收抵免。而且,顺便一提,一辆在上海制造的Model 3或Y以加拿大价格售出,即使考虑到物流成本,这些成本在过去6-12个月中已经显著降低,也可能会是一个非常有利润的事情。

Speaking of new Model Y variants, we had a member of the TFF forum post some screenshots with some data about the charging curve for the new Model Y from Gigaburlin with the new BYD Blade LFP battery. Another TFF member actually put that data into this chart, which makes it much easier to understand. The red line is this new BYD 60kWh battery, and the blue line is CATL's 62kWh pack. Of course, this is just one anecdote from one user, but interesting nonetheless.
说到新的Model Y变种,我们有一个TFF论坛的成员发布了一些截图,显示了来自Gigaburlin的新Model Y使用新的BYD Blade LFP电池充电曲线的一些数据。另一个TFF成员将这些数据放在了这张图表中,使得它更易于理解。红线代表这个新的BYD 60kWh电池,蓝线代表CATL的62kWh电池组。当然,这只是一个用户的案例,但仍然很有趣。

The BYD Blade pack held its charge just south of 175kW, all the way until 50% state of charge, and that's where it started tapering off, not linking up with the pack from CATL until about 85% state of charge. This test started at 20% state of charge, so from there until about 85%, looks like the new BYD Blade packs may actually have better charging curves. Yes, there are usually trade-offs with battery performance, so if it charges faster for longer, does that mean less cycle life for the lifetime of the battery? It's clearly too early to tell, and we know CATL isn't going to stay in the rearview for long if these are indeed consistent charging curves stats.

As we've heard plenty of hype about CATL's upcoming M3P battery, which is LFMP chemistry with some extra differences as well. This is exhibit AY competition is so good for the end consumer.

Today, there was an article from the Wall Street Journal talking about how Hyundai is making such big waves in the EV space and becoming a cool forward thinking brand now. Well, their former vice president said the Model 3 from Tesla showed the industry that the EV market was much bigger than many people thought, and he astutely pointed out Hyundai leadership realizes the EV market is a jump ball, at least for third place in beyond behind Tesla and BYD.
今天,《华尔街日报》发表了一篇文章,谈论了现在现代汽车在电动汽车领域如何产生了巨大的影响,并成为了一个酷炫前瞻的品牌。据悉,该公司的前副总裁表示,特斯拉的Model 3显示了电动汽车市场比很多人想象的要大得多,他还明智地指出,现代汽车的领导层意识到,在特斯拉和比亚迪之后,电动汽车市场的第三名是个变数。

And Jim Farley had some glowing comments on Hyundai. He said some software features in the Ionik 5 were better than Ford's own, and he said that company has really found their stride with EVs. One of the biggest problems for Hyundai right now is that most of their cars are built outside North America, excluding them from IRA credits, but they do have a 5.5 billion dollar factory planned for Georgia, but it won't open until the end of next year. Their former VP spoke on Tesla saying everybody saw they went from a niche player to a core player with one model, and people in Korea and Hyundai saw Tesla as a tech company rather than a car company. They were focused on technology and that was very appealing in Korea. So maybe it really is just the analysts that are in the clouds here in the United States that aren't giving Tesla credit for being a tech company.
吉姆·法利对现代汽车发表了一些赞扬。他说,Ionik 5中的一些软件特性比福特自己的软件功能更好,而且他说,这家公司已经真正找到了他们的电动汽车步伐。目前,现代汽车面临的最大问题之一是,他们大部分的汽车都是在北美以外建造,这排除了他们获得IRA税额抵免的权利,但他们计划在佐治亚州投资55亿美元建设一家工厂,但该工厂要到明年底才能开业。他们的前副总裁谈到了特斯拉,说每个人都看到特斯拉从一个小众公司变成了一家核心公司,而韩国和现代汽车将特斯拉视为一家科技公司,而不是一家汽车公司。他们专注于技术,这在韩国非常吸引人。因此,也许真的只是美国的分析师们没有认为特斯拉是一家科技公司,而是在云端中。

And don't forget what Farley said, the ones I'm paying the most attention to are Hyundai Kia, the Chinese, and Tesla that's my list. Quote tweeting that very report, even Corey Stuban is saying there are more than a dark horse talking about Hyundai, were nearly finished with our Ionik 5 tear down and report, I would argue they're the closest to Tesla.
不要忘记 Farley 的话,我最关注的是现代起亚、中国和特斯拉,这是我的名单。引用推文该报告,即使是 Corey Stuban 也说,有更多的人在谈论现代起亚,我们几乎完成了 Ionik 5 的拆解和报告,我认为他们是最接近特斯拉的。

I'd like to show you the LinkedIn page for Presoon C, because he's currently the staff manufacturing engineer for vehicle manufacturing at Tesla. I saw Sawyer point this out and Presoon said he's working on a small project that aims to automate wire harness installation in cars. Yes, it's still in the development stage, but Tesla is up to something. This is important because Elon has mentioned in the past that one of the litmus tests for robots really being on a human level is if they could do this very task, installing the wire harness. So if Tesla can be successful with this project of automation, this would not be a trivial accomplishment.
我想向你展示Presoon C的LinkedIn页面,因为他目前是特斯拉车辆制造的制造工程师。我看到Sawyer指出了这一点,Presoon表示他正在开展一个小型项目,旨在实现汽车中线束的自动化安装。 是的,它仍处于开发阶段,但特斯拉正在进行某些工作。这很重要,因为埃隆曾经提到,机器人真正能达到人类水平的检验之一就是他们能否完成这项非常重要的任务,线束安装。因此,如果特斯拉能够成功完成这项自动化项目,那将不是一个微不足道的成就。

The co-owner of the Babylon B tweeted this picture with Elon Musk, so it sounds like we'll be getting an upcoming conversation coming soon. This was a pretty cool thing for marketing for Tesla in Shanghai, where they had car owners and employee volunteers in Shanghai connecting 52 different couples for a group wedding with a special wedding fleet that yes was made up of 80 Tesla wedding cars, not something I've personally ever seen here in the States. The internet is also telling me that 520 in Chinese means I love you, which is why a lot of people celebrate weddings on May 20th. Just another fun fact, community builder, we have the Tesla LinkedIn page tweeting out with a thousand employees, we took part in this year's Berlin company run and started as the largest team sharing this photo. Sometimes it's the small stuff that can go the longest way when it comes to brand building and making people feel like they're part of the team. More importantly, part of the mission that's bigger than themselves.
Babylon B的合作所有人发了一张他和埃隆·马斯克的照片,这意味着很快我们将会有一次即将举行的谈话。这对于特斯拉在上海的市场营销来说是非常酷的一件事情,他们在上海有汽车车主和员工志愿者连接了52对不同的夫妇,通过一支特别的婚车队来举行集体婚礼,这支婚车队由80辆特斯拉婚车组成,在美国我个人从未见过这样的情况。互联网还告诉我,520在汉语中表示我爱你,这就是为什么很多人选择在5月20日举办婚礼的原因。这是另外一个有趣的事实,社区建设者,在特斯拉的领英页面上,我们与一千名员工一起参加了今年的柏林公司比赛,并成为最大的团队之一,分享这张照片。有时,品牌建设和让人们感觉自己是团队的一部分,更重要的是,参与比自己更伟大的使命,甚至是一些小事情却可以起到最长远的作用。

Ford just held its capital markets day and we got some new tidbits of information. First one of its next gen EVs planned for 2025 will be a 3-row SUV with 350 miles of range that's inspired by the Ford Expedition, not an actual Ford Expedition Ford said that would be too big and required too many batteries. One of the other biggest highlights of the event was Ford mentioning multiple new supply deals for raw materials to make batteries. Ford CFO also shared some very candid comments he said you're not going to believe us until we start delivering it. Ford has said these things before and they said so far they haven't delivered so we have to prove it. We can talk about it but we have to prove it. And then Jim Farley deploys even more candor saying we're so far behind on waste and cost a sentiment that he's mentioned now multiple times over the past few months.

Ford also said its next gen EV truck will have a 30% lower labor and overhead cost than its current gas powered truck. I thought this was one of the most interesting takeaways. Ford expects sales and profit margins from its ice division to grow for at least the next two years before the industry wide transition to EVs starts to shrink that business. The head of Ford Blue the ice line said profit margins for combustion vehicles should grow from 7.2% today to at least 10% by 2026. One that I'm not so sure I agree with he also said Ford sees strong US ice and hybrid sales well into the next decade.

We also have Ford taking a page directly out of the Tesla playbook over the last two years reducing orderable combinations of the Explorer and expedition from 1900 to 23 and 800 to 32 respectively. Ford reiterated its goal for 8% margins on EVs by 2026. So Ford has talked a lot about how it plans to close the gap with Tesla. Now we just watch and see if they can execute on that plan.

A quick update on Panasonic and its future plans to build 4680 sales in North America by 2030. They had talked about two new factories but they have yet to decide where exactly in North America it will expand. It could be Nevada where they're already set up with Tesla. It could be Kansas where they're already set up or building a factory there now for 2170 sales or it could be somewhere else. We had just reported that Panasonic delayed the commercial production of its 4680 test line in Japan basically for one year. So given that news it's really no surprise that they don't yet know where they would want a dedicated 4680 line in North America. The good news it's still coming at some point.
快速更新一下松下公司未来计划,到2030年在北美建立4680销售线路。他们提到了两座新工厂,但仍未确定具体是在北美哪个地方扩建。可能是内华达,因为他们已经与特斯拉达成了协议; 也可能是堪萨斯,因为他们已经或正在那里建造一个2170销售工厂; 或者可能是其他地方。我们刚刚报道过,松下已将其4680测试线路的商业生产推迟了一年。因此,鉴于这一消息,他们还不知道在北美建立专用的4680线路的具体位置,这并不令人意外。好消息是,它最终还是会来的。

You can find me on Twitter at Dillanumus22. Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.