Top 5 Solar Energy Advances Using Perovskites
发布时间 2023-05-16 12:16:46 来源
Top 5 Solar Energy Advances Using Perovskites. For 20% off a clean and secure browsing experience, go to: For years, perovskite solar cells have promised revolutionary improvements compared to traditional silicon solar panels. Perovskite could hold the key to higher efficiency at lower costs and in some cases has shown a 250% performance boost. But scientists have been working on improving this solar energy tech since the 1990s. What do we have to show for it today? This feels like yet another piece of over-hyped, planet-saving tech, perpetually 10 years away from adoption, right? Maybe not … they might finally be on the market before the end of this year. Let’s look at 5 perovskite solar panel advances since the last time we talked about it.
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This video is brought to you by Guardian. For years, special kinds of semiconductors called perovskites have been promised revolutionary improvements compared to traditional silicon solar cells. Perovskites could hold the key to higher efficiency at lower costs. In some cases, perovskites have been shown to offer a 250% performance boost, but scientists have been working on this tech since the 1990s. So what do we have to show for today? Well, this feels like yet another piece of overhyped planet-saving tech, perpetually 10 years away from adoption, right? Well, maybe not. This might finally be on the market before the end of this year. Let's look at five perovskite solar panel advances since the last time we talked about it.
I'm Matt Farrell. Welcome to Undecided. Proskites are yet another example of old technology that's just starting to gain some traction in the world of renewables. But how old? Well, it was first discovered all the way back in 1839 and is a family of materials with the same crystal structure as calcium titanium oxide. However, it wasn't until the 1950s that they saw use in fuel cells, superconductors, and other applications. Even then, it would take another half century before they were first used as the optical absorption layer in solar cells.
我是马特·法雷尔。欢迎来到Undecided。 Proskites是又一个老技术在可再生能源领域开始受到关注的例子。但这项技术有多老呢?早在1839年,它就被发现了,并具有与氧化钙钛的相同晶体结构的一组材料。然而,直到1950年代,它们才被用于燃料电池、超导体和其他应用。即便如此,又过了半个世纪,它们才首次被用作太阳能电池中的光吸收层。
So why are so many people hyped about the use of perovskites in solar cells? I won't go into all the details because I've covered a lot of the specifics in another video, which I'll link to in the description. But in a nutshell, as abundant as silicon is, there's a theoretical limit to the efficiency that we can achieve. As referred to as the shock-liquacer limit, perovskites can go beyond that limit just by a little bit, and they promise to be significantly cheaper. If perovskites are so cheap and efficient, why aren't they everywhere?
Well, the first issue is lifespan. Currently, perovskites just can't stand up to the typical 25-year warranty of a silicon cell. Oxygen, moisture, and heat can all reduce perovskite's generational output and lifespan. And unfortunately, the solar panel is sitting outside, is going to be facing a lot of oxygen, moisture, and heat. And this can happen quickly, with some perovskite cells reduced to just 80% capacity in two years or less. That's a far cry from silicon's 25-plus years and beyond. And to prevent this, a capping layer of lead is usually applied to the cell, but lead is, of course, heavy-end, toxic. And as these short-lived cells age, break down, or get discarded, that lead can escape and harm the local environment.
So has anyone addressed these challenges? Has there been any meaningful progress or new innovations that bring perovskites closer to reality and retail? In a word? Yes. So let's look at five advances since the last time we covered this.
First up is this study led by Tunele Guó, a professor of optics at the University of Rochester, my hometown. And it suggests that perovskites have the potential to become radically more efficient. Over the course of the research, Guó and his team found a way to massively boost perovskites carrier diffusion length. By replacing the glass surface, you'd usually find in perovskite cells with a metal or a metamaterial composed of alternating layers of silver and aluminum oxide, the researchers created a sort of electron mirror. And this mirroring effect ended up increasing performance by 250%.
首先介绍的是由我的家乡罗切斯特大学光学教授Tunele Guó领导的一项研究,它表明钙钛矿有可能变得更加高效。在研究过程中,Guó和他的团队找到了一种大大提高钙钛矿载流子扩散长度的方法。通过将钙钛矿电池中通常使用的玻璃表面替换为由交替层银和氧化铝组成的金属或金属材料,研究人员创造出了一种电子镜。这种镜像效应最终使性能提高了250%。
Now before we get too hyped up, let's clarify that this isn't a direct 250% jump. Broadly speaking, solar panel efficiency usually refers to power conversion efficiency or PCE, which is the percentage of solar energy shining on the PV's device that's converted into usable electricity. In this case, we're talking about how long the electrons essentially bounce around inside the cell before they dissipate or the carrier diffusion length. That's where the 250% jump is happening. Now if that's a little confusing, consider the offshore wind turbines we explored in a recent video. And just because we double the wind turbines radius doesn't mean we get a straightforward 3, 4 or 5 times power increase. There's a lot of changes to internal components beyond the blade size that impact the final output result. It's the same with these cells. Just because we vastly increase the photosensitivity doesn't mean that we vastly increase the final power output.
However, this is still a very noteworthy development because it opens the door for far more advanced perovskite cells down the line. And here's why.
Typical solar panels are essentially two obviously charged semiconductors that are stuck together forming a neutral zone.
Now, ideally, incoming photons of sunlight knock the electrons out of the neutral zone and then the solar panels electrodes capture that as usable electricity. That's grossly oversimplified to put in a nutshell. That's what's happening.
The problem is that these recently free electrons often recombine with their polar opposite or their respective semiconductor layers before the electrodes can capture them. And that seriously hamper their ability to actually make electricity.
But when Gwolun's team added a metal substrate below the perovskite layer, they found that the free-ish flowing electrons within the metal layer moved the recently free electrons in the perovskite. These ultimately kept the electrons free longer, which meant more opportunities for their charge to be collected. And theoretically, this should allow cells to generate more energy with the same sunlight and ultimately to be more efficient.
It's especially cool because other methods for achieving similar results require complex chemical engineering. And said this approach involves a simple, stable piece of metal.
And while we're on stability, let's take a look at a Star Trek sounding way to improve that.
But before we get into that advance, I'd like to share something else that's important to our daily lives from today's sponsor, Gardio.
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谈到稳定性,让我们来看看一个听起来像《星际迷航》的提高稳定性的方法。但在此之前,我想分享今天赞助商Gardio的一些重要信息。在YouTube评论中,可能会注意到骗子数量的增加,几乎出现在所有评论中。我们需要不断地清除这些,以避免人们被骗或遭受网络钓鱼的威胁。我的父母最近遭受了一个虚假广告的欺骗,尝试让他们前往一个充满恶意软件的网站。尽管人们认为双因素身份验证可以保护他们免受诈骗,但实际上并不足够。如果有人从网络钓鱼攻击中窃取了您的计算机和浏览器数据,游戏便结束了。Gardio可以帮助您防止网络钓鱼和有害的网站,跨平台监控您的信息泄露情况,并阻止危险下载和烦人的弹窗。恶意软件无处不在,即使在像Facebook广告等正当渠道中也不例外。Gardio最近研究了这个具体问题,并且是唯一能够检测和阻止这些恶意广告的工具。Gardio是一个简单的浏览器扩展程序,已被超过一百万人使用,您可以在Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge中安装它。它会积极警告您并阻止这些事情的发生。保护您的信息安全非常重要。现在就开始使用实时警报和免费安全扫描。只需30秒即可设置好。他们为我的社区提供了特别优惠,享受每月订阅费用八折。如果您想获得清洁和安全的浏览体验,请访问。链接在说明中。再次感谢Gardio和所有支持该频道的人。
Now let's get back to the second advance on stability.
Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered a very star-trick sounding way to enhance the perovskite's durability.
Remember that perovskites are a multi-crystalline material. That means that when you're growing a perovskite, that material forms as a series of crystals or grains. These grains are responsible for absorbing light and generating the charges that become an electrical current.
Normally ions find their own path through the perovskite grain causing tiny chemical reactions and molecular changes that shorten a cell's lifespan. However, the NCSU group found that by channeling the ions into defined roots between the crystals, which they call grain boundaries, they formed a sort of ionic desire path. I told you it sounded kind of star-trekky.
By moving through these designated lanes instead of bouncing around, the ions cause less harm to the cell leading to more stability and longer lifespans.
The third up is Liyou Zhang and his team out of Penn State, who found a way to quickly and easily manufacture high-grade perovskites.
The typical fabrication process for perovskites involves wet chemistry. The materials are liquefied in a solvent solution and then solidified into a film.
While it's very efficient for smaller applications, the process is slow and expensive, so it just doesn't scale up well. The solvents in the manufacturing process might also be toxic, so obviously not ideal.
To get around these hurdles, the Penn State team created halide perovskites using a method called Spark Plasma Centering, or the Electrical and Mechanical Field-Assisted Centering Technique, also known as EMFAST.
Put simply, this technique involves applying an electric current and pressure to powders, causing a reaction that welds the powder into a new solid material. And you know the so-called unbreakable iron triangle? Cheap, fast, or good? You could only pick two. Well EMFAST may have just broken it. One of the benefits of the EMFAST process is that it has a 100% yield, meaning that all the powder that you put down will be transformed into perovskites. Compared this to the 20-30% yield of the more common solution-based processing, and we're already off to a very cost-efficient start.
为了克服这些障碍,宾州州立大学团队采用一种名为Spark Plasma Centering或电力和机械场辅助定向技术(EMFAST)的方法来制造卤化物钙钛矿。简单来说,这种技术涉及将电流和压力施加到粉末上,从而引起一种反应,使粉末焊接成为新的固体材料。你知道所谓的不可打破的三角铁吗?便宜、快速或好?你只能选择其中两个。EMFAST可能已经打破了它。 EMFAST过程的一个优点是它的产量为100%,这意味着您放下的所有粉末都将转化为钙钛矿。相比之下,常见的溶液处理的产量仅为20-30%,我们已经在非常节省成本的起点上了。
The process is also able to create 0.2 inches of perovskite per minute. That might not sound like a lot, but what would have taken days or weeks can now be done in mere minutes. EMFAST? It's more like EM SuperFAST. And this technique doesn't seem to sacrifice on quality either. As Zhang says, their properties can compete with single crystal perovskites. There's other benefits too.
EMFAST doesn't use solvents, though there's no need to worry about toxic materials. Unless the centering process can be performed in a way that's similar to 3D printing, allowing for layered perovskites tailored to a wide array of jobs. This includes not just better solar panels, but also enhanced X and gamma-ray detectors. And even more innovative developments from EMFAST could be written on the corner.
And speaking of environmentally friendly materials, for number 4 we have another exciting breakthrough from February. Like we mentioned earlier, perovskite cells unfortunately necessity a capping layer made of toxic lead.
But in seeking to make perovskite solar cells more eco-friendly, Professor Seng-Shen from NEN Young Technological University or N.T.U. may have found a way to make them more efficient, stable, and market-ready. After a lot of testing, the N.T.U. scientists used a full precursor solution or FPS method to co-perovskites with solutions containing metal-halade salts and PEAI. Among the caps that were made with this method, they found the most effective was a non-toxic zinc-based compound. And I'm not even trying to pronounce it, this is the name of it, and I'm sorry to any sleeper agents that I just activated.
Now, it's able to convert 24.1% of the light captured to electricity. It becomes close to the highest efficiency achieved so far by perovskite solar cells. As for the lifespan, the FPS coated cells were able to maintain more than 90% of their ability to convert light into electricity from more than 1000 hours of operation. For context, perovskite cells without this coating typically dropped to around 50% power conversion efficiency at just 300 hours.
And that said, there just hasn't been enough tests or even solid agreed upon standards to really compare perovskites here. And it's not only perovskites versus other types of solar cells, so it is difficult to say how good that really is, but good news, this method does seem eminently reproducible. During testing, N.T.U. fabricated 103 FPS cells, and they all performed in the same manner, which shows this isn't just a fluke.
And finally, number five is kind of a cheat. It's a sub-list to my list. It seems like one university after another is handling every issue that you could think of from toxicity to longevity to cost. And sure, all this progress is exciting, but so far I've only mentioned laboratory breakthroughs. Does any of this have any real world applications?
Is any of it on the market yet? Are we any closer to better solar panels now than we were last year? Absolutely. In fact, we're closer than you might think. Recent financial support and new measures from both the U.S. government and the EU have contributed a lot to boosting various perovskite cell enterprises and help them evolve past their pilot phases.
This sub-list is about commercialization. Oxford PV, who we checked out last year, is planning the commercial launch of its perovskite on Silicon-Tandem cell this year, predicting a conversion efficiency of 27% and an energy yield of 24%. If all goes well, Oxford PV and German partner Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin or HZB plan to expand their pilot factory near the German capital and scale up production to 10 Gw by the end of the decade. And France is right behind them.
这个子列表是关于商业化的。去年我们检查过的牛津光伏公司计划在今年商业推出其硅钙钛矿双接触电池,预计转换效率为27%,能量利用率为24%。如果一切顺利,牛津光伏和德国合作伙伴赫姆霍兹-柏林中心(HZB)计划向德国首都附近的 pilot 工厂扩张生产,到本十年末将规模扩大到 10 Gw。法国也紧随其后。
The Solar Research Center IPVF has partnered with French manufacturer Voltek Solar to build a solar panel factory that will produce tandem four terminal combination perovskite silicon cells. The partners aim to start production early next year and ramp up capacity to 5 Gw by 2030.
太阳能研究中心IPVF与法国制造商Voltek Solar合作建造一个太阳能电池板工厂,该工厂将生产串联四端子复合物钙钛矿硅电池。合作伙伴旨在于明年初开始生产,并在2030年之前将产能提高到5 Gw。
And Germany is currently the EU's largest solar market, so it's no surprise that HZB is double dipping in solar. Last year they teamed up with QCEL, a Korean solar manufacturer, to establish a pilot manufacturing line for Silicon perovskite tandem cells in Tallheim, Germany. This research project is tastefully named PEPA-RONI, or pilot line for European production of perovskite silicon tandem modules on industrial scale. I prefer PEPA-RONI. It aims to address perovskite's challenges and speed up the technology's mass manufacturing. The research side of this project is set to conclude in 2026, but by June of that year, they plan to be ready to mass produce perovskite tandem cells at competitive rates.
And finally, Toronto-based QD solar boasts a great efficiency rate and they're actually ready for the market. The company's spin-coded and slide-dot coated perovskite cells are designed with mass production in mind and boasts efficiency ratings of 24% and 23.2% respectively. And better yet, they just had those numbers confirmed by a third party in February.
Ultimately, it's easy to see why so many people are optimistic about perovskites. Perovskite solar cells have emerged as a promising foldable tech technology for many reasons and headway is being made on addressing several perovskite's challenges and it looks like commercialization is finally happening. By the end of this year or next, we should have some options on the market as the developments we've talked about are incorporated into perovskite cells, it's going to continue to expand the sector and keep it growing and in on a moment too soon.
So what do you think? Jump in the comments and let me know. And be sure to check out my follow-up podcast still to be determined we'll be discussing some of your feedback. And thanks to all my patrons who get ad free versions of every video and thanks to all of you for watching. I'll see you in the next one.