Analyst Encouraged After Tesla Tour, Factory Updates, Chevy Silverado EV
发布时间 2023-05-20 00:35:10 来源
➤ Deutsche Bank issues analyst note after Shareholder Meeting, factory tour
➤ Tesla Asia publishes promotional video
➤ Tesla applies for China expansion
➤ More reporting on Tesla and India
➤ GM updates range on Chevy Silverado EV
➤ Munro tears down Hummer
➤ Calendar
Tesla Referral:
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Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Mauer here happy Friday. Today we should have a pretty quick episode as we don't have a whole lot of news. We've got an analyst update from Deutsche Bank after they have toured gigafactory texas following the shareholder meeting. Got some updates on some other plans for Tesla's factories news on the Chevy Silverado EV and just a couple other quick items as well.
大家好,我是Rob Mauer,祝大家周五愉快。今天的节目会比较简短,因为我们没有太多新闻。我们有德意志银行的分析师更新,他们在股东大会后参观了Gigafactory Texas,并对特斯拉工厂的其他计划进行了更新。我们还有有关雪佛兰Silverado EV的新闻,以及其他几个简短的事项。
All right looking at the stock really nice day for Tesla today up 1.8% to close at a hundred and eighty dollars and fourteen cents. Well the NASDAQ was down a quarter percent on the day. So while we didn't have as much of an outperformance yesterday on strong performance at least. Strong green performance nice to see that today with a significant outperform of the market.
Are getting into the update from Deutsche Bank? They have reiterated a buy rating on Tesla maintaining their price target of two hundred dollars per share after the shareholder meeting and a Tour of gigafactory texas. I assume this was a more robust tour than Tesla gave shareholders at the shareholder meeting it was only about ten minutes there. So I assume they got a more specific walkthrough from IR. But after the tour they said that they feel that gigafactory texas is well designed and runs very efficiently and is clearly making good progress and ramping up both Vehicles and battery cells volume and an installing tooling for cyber truck. So that's a good sign to see.
你有关于德意志银行的更新消息吗?他们在股东会议和德州超级工厂的参观后,重申对特斯拉的买入评级,维持每股股价200美元的价格目标。我猜这次的参观比股东会议上特斯拉给股东展示的十分钟还要详细。我认为他们从IR那儿得到了更加具体的介绍。但他们在参观之后说,德州超级工厂设计良好,运营非常高效,并且明显在扩大车辆和电池电量,并安装cyber truck的工具。所以这是一个好的信号。
Obviously the shareholder meeting the Tesla talked about how they still view that as being on track for initial deliveries this year. So Deutsche Bank. I'm not sure if they would have been able to see any of the cyber truck tooling. But just from comments made by the people on the tour sounds like that is going well. So exciting to see that update from them. They also said that all in we came away and encouraged that Tesla could deliver cost improvements and efficiencies in the quarter ahead. In the quarter ahead which may help offset some of the pressures. But we still worry the company may have to take additional price cuts in a weakening environment.
Then they say midterm test it confirmed that it is working on developing two new models on its next gen platform and Represent its highest priority at present. So good to see that in terms of both reiterating something that we heard the shareholder meeting. So no surprise on that but that that does represent its highest priority. I think there's a lot of excitement building around these next generation vehicles and for Tesla to have that as a number one Slots even with a new product coming out relatively soon with a cyber truck I think is exciting and encouraging for what the timeline might look like on those vehicles and on the first part of this comment.
Good to see that they feel like the progress that Tesla's making there at gigatexis will help with efficiencies. But obviously they're throwing in some demand concerns. So I don't think we're totally over that hill yet. But again what we talked about after the shareholder meeting I think advertising is probably something that is encouraging as it relates to Margin expectations at least in terms of that perception from Wall Street. So on this tour Tesla said that they are open to trying advertising as obviously you on said. But this was not the first time this has come up.
很高兴看到他们认为特斯拉在 gigatexis 的进展将有助于效率提高。但显然他们也提出了一些需求问题。所以我认为我们还没有完全克服这个问题。但是像我们在股东大会后讨论的那样,广告可能是鼓励人们的点,至少在华尔街的预期中是如此。因此,在这次游览中,特斯拉表示他们愿意尝试广告,就像你所说的那样。但这不是第一次提出这个问题。
Unsurprisingly, this is something that Tesla has been contemplating Internally for several months already according to Deutsche Bank from this tour. They said the Tesla believes the main challenge for advertising is with awareness so around battery life Charging capabilities durability kind of all the normal questions you get about an EV right so no surprise on that. They say the issue of the awareness on some of these things exist even in areas like California. Which we've talked about obviously has you know huge adoption of of Tesla vehicles and EVs in general with Tesla being the number two brand in California so. It's good to see that you know I think Tesla's been thinking about this for a while.
Hopefully that makes the progress in terms of whatever the plans there are Happened a little bit more quickly if that's already been a little bit on the drawing board previously. All right speaking of advertising this is not an advertisement but a little bit of a promotional video shared by a Tesla Asia on Twitter today. They've actually had a few of these where they kind of put together What could be advertisements but because Tesla's not paying to put them on a TV show or something like that. I guess technically don't count as advertising but.
Pretty nice little ad here just kind of talking about the reason that this mother chose to have a Tesla. Obviously a lot of focus on safety Which I think is something that Tesla can really take advantage of in terms of The information that they're they're presenting and sharing with people.
Are getting into a couple of updates on factories? This one actually happened earlier in the week. I think it got buried a little bit in the shareholder meeting. So I apologize for that but Reuters on Tuesday had reported that Tesla has applied in China to expand gigashang high from a current production rate of up to 1.25 million We used for power trains there to 1.75 million so another 500,000 vehicle increased potentially again, you know power trains We're not quite there in terms of the production rate at gigashang high But this will provide another you know 30 40% or whatever that number equates to in terms of the production rate there So no update on if that expansion Application has been granted yet.
We know after the shareholder meeting with David Faber Elon said that there are some constraints Around growing production in China. He didn't really elaborate on that but You know could be tied to maybe some concerns that Tesla has around this or you know around the next generation vehicle things like that Also part of this report Or just saying that Tesla is also looking for clearance to produce pouch type battery cells in China Which would be a first for them saying that they would have a trial production line Which would have an initial annual capacity to make 20,000 amp hours of cells Equivalent to the power in a single model Y battery pack. So this is a little bit confusing in terms of what that production rate would be if these are 400 volts this would be about 80,000 Kilowatt hours so you'd be looking at enough for a hundred vehicles So this looks like it would be very very small scale unless something is a little bit off
在股东会议后,Elon告诉David Faber称,在中国生产方面存在一些限制,但他并没有详细解释。这可能与特斯拉对此方面的一些担忧有关,或者与下一代车型等相关。此外,特斯拉也在寻求在中国生产袋式电池的批准,这对他们来说是第一次,称他们将有一个试生产线,最初的年产能为20,000安时的电池,相当于单个Model Y电池组的功率。如果这些电池是400伏,那么这将是大约80,000千瓦时,足够100辆车使用。因此,除非有些地方出了问题,否则这看起来将是非常非常小规模的。
Either on the reporting or my understanding of the reporting which is possible as well But kind of interesting to see that maybe Tesla would go down that path Obviously, they're beginning a lot of this type of battery from CATL at the moment
And then we have more reporting again for the third day in the road third day in a row on Tesla and India And a couple of different reports here first ridgers reporting some comments that were made by the deputy minister of technology of India Saying that Tesla is quote very seriously looking at India as a production and innovation base and going on to say That quote you talk about cars you talk about energy you talk about manufacturing technology So all of that figures in the conversation what they will do what they will want to do in India It's too far for me to tell and it's not easy for me and it's not for me to say
So basically saying you know no announcements here But that Tesla is talking about production and potentially not just production for vehicles potentially batteries energy storage and things like that So on the other hands we then have Bloomberg also today reporting That sources have told them that although Tesla has been in discussions with India and we know that executives have been there A delegation or sorry executives that have been there as a part of the delegation that Tesla has sent Have stopped short of proposing to build vehicles in the country
According to these sources. So kind of directly conflicting conflicting with what These comments may be and readers earlier reports this week But they say that while the automaker will eventually look to establish a domestic factory to tap into India's vast consumer market It has not yet presented a formal plan. So You know, it's a little bit probably semantics on whether a formal plan has been presented or if it's just kind of conversations about what that might look like But wanted to make sure that's sort of both ends of the story. We're shared on that
All right moving on we got an update today on the Chevy Silverado EV which Uh, GM is still saying is gonna ship in spring 2023. I think we're kind of quickly moving out of that window but They still say that's on track and they've announced that for the work truck edition of the Chevy Silverado EV the EPA tested range or rather the EPA testing The range will be is 450 miles So previously they had said that this would be 400 miles on the work truck now they're saying that Uh, their EPA testing process is yielded 450 miles Uh, so pretty impressive range. This is supposed to start at around $40,000
好的,接下来我们获得了有关雪佛兰Silverado电动车的更新消息,通用汽车仍然表示它将在2023年春季发货。我认为我们很快就会超出这个时间窗口,但他们仍然说这仍然是在计划中,并且他们已经宣布Chevy Silverado电动车的工作车型的EPA测试的里程将为450英里。之前他们说工作车型的行程将是400英里,现在他们说他们的EPA测试过程产生了450英里,这是一个相当令人印象深刻的里程数。这个车型的起价将在40,000美元左右。
Uh, as we can see down here However, they're gonna have multiple trims here. So if we look at Their reservation page which is actually open already Although they say it starts at $40,000. They also mentioned that future variations Will result in MSRP's of around 50 60 70 80,000 and more so What this 450 range version would be remains to be determined Uh, but we can see again that they are you know talking about this now on their site So they do view this as a relatively official number at this point
All right, and then another quick thing on GM uh, just kind of some weekend watching here I think Sanimon Row put up a video or a Monroe and associates rather put up a video on their teardown of the Hummer EV Uh, which is sort of interesting in that it is obviously so inefficient Not that that was the primary goal for the vehicle But uh, you can see here the miles per kilowatt hour chart that Monroe has put together Uh, with the Hummer weight the bottom again not surprising that was not the goal but um, just kind of interesting to see that teardown
好的,关于通用汽车还有一件事,可能大家可以在周末关注一下。据我所知,Sanimon Row或者说是Monroe and Associates在他们的拆解视频中对Hummer EV进行了拆解。这很有趣,因为很明显这款车很不高效,虽然高效并不是这款车的主要目标。但是,在这里可以看到Monroe制作的每千瓦时英里数图表。底部是Hummer的重量,这也并不令人惊讶,但是这个拆解的过程很有意思。
Uh, as you can see from the title uh, they do not view this as being an exercise in lean design And so uh, kind of interesting to see that especially with the news of the Chevy Silverado and and kind of the range today I would expect that that is also not really being necessarily achieved through excellent efficiency But probably more through uh, just kind of you know throwing a lot of batteries uh, in the vehicle
All right, and then lastly for today just a quick look at the calendar for next week Uh, we should have a couple interesting things uh, with the FMC meeting minutes from last meeting dropping on Wednesday And then we'll also have PCE on Friday Uh, as we head into Memorial Day weekend with the markets then being closed uh, the following Monday
好的,最后再快速看一下下周的日历。我们应该会有一些有趣的事情发生,上周的 FMC(美联储)会议纪要将于周三发布,接着在周五还有个物价消费指数(PCE)。接下来我们就要迎来纪念日周末,当时股市将于随后的周一休市。
All right, let our app it up for today then as always thank you for listening make sure you subscribe and sign Defer notifications you can also find me on twitter at Tesla podcast
好的,我们今天的节目就到这里,像往常一样感谢你的收听,请确保你订阅和打开通知。你也可以在Twitter上找到我,账号是Tesla podcast。
And we'll see you on Monday for the May 22nd episode of Tesla Daily.
我们将于星期一见面,为Tesla Daily的5月22日节目提供报道。
Thank you.