Why Tesla Is Constrained in China / GM Drops Impressive Silverado Numbers / Waymo's Situation ⚡️
发布时间 2023-05-19 21:23:43 来源
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00:00 - Shareholder Meeting 2024
00:39 - Tesla DRC Audit
00:52 - Don't Forget!
2:20 - TSLA Stock Note
3:14 - Tesla Constrained in China
4:58 - FSD Beta 11.4.1 Regression
6:03 - Tesla India (Again)
6:43 - Is GM Bluffing?
10:22 - Munro Ultium Teardown
12:07 - Waymo's Interesting Situation
13:17 - B2U
13:53 - Inventory Model 3 Discount
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#ChevySilveradoEV #TeslaChina #TeslaNews
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dila Lumisso on Twitter. Martin Vieka said for the shareholder meeting next year for Tesla, about one month in advance if you want to go, you have to enter the lottery for a chance to get an invite, or if you have a good following, you can try to get in as somebody's plus one, right now those are the only two options. Martin did add however that they're looking into having it in a larger capacity area. However, the challenge with that is people would not be able to see the factory that way, which he thinks is one of the highlights. So for next year, when we get the official announcement date, just remember about one month earlier to mark that day on your calendar if you're interested.
欢迎来到 Electrified,我是你在 Twitter 上的主持人 Dila Lumisso。马丁·维卡表示,针对特斯拉明年的股东大会,如果你想参加,要提前一个月进入摇号抽签,以获得邀请函,或者如果你拥有很多追随者,可以尝试以某人的加一的身份进入,现在这是唯一的两个选项。然而,马丁补充说,他们正在考虑在更大的场地举行会议。但是,这也带来了一个挑战,那就是人们将无法以这种方式看到工厂,而他认为这是其中一个亮点。因此,明年如果我们获得官方的通知日期,请记得提前一个月标记在你的日历上,如果你有兴趣的话。
When it comes to the third party audit that Elon spontaneously agreed to at the shareholder meeting, Elon said, I will review the audit personally. If you drive a Tesla, you should be able to believe in it to your core. As a Tesla fan and investor, this is a narrative that I don't ever want us to forget.
So back in 2008, Elon said he had one of the hardest decisions he ever had to make. Basically, Tesla and SpaceX with everything going on in the economy were on the brink of failure. Elon only had about 30 to 40 million dollars left. He could either put that money into one and definitely save it and let the other one die, but because they're both like children, he decided to split the funds in, try to save them both, taking the risk that they both might die. And then of all companies to step in and save the day, it was Dymler investing $50 million in Tesla, acquiring a 10% stake at the time, which today would be worth about $55 billion, but Dymler sold all of its Tesla shares before 2014 for less than $1 billion. Still a great return, but not nearly as good as it could have been. So honestly, the question can be asked, would Tesla exist today had Dymler not stepped in at the 12th hour and provided this funding because then the very next year, Tesla went to IPO, it had the backing of Dymler who was way more valuable than Tesla at the time and here we are some decade plus later. And how ironic would it be if Dymler, which was rebranded to Mercedes-Benz, ended up out of business because of that company it invested in back in 2009 to ultimately save it from bankruptcy itself. What's that quote Elon always says? Fate loves irony.
Deutsche Bank analysts put out a Tesla stock note saying they were encouraged after their recent tour of Giga Texas and some meetings with Martin Vieca. The analysts were impressed with the plant saying it was well designed and runs very efficiently. We came away encouraged that Tesla could deliver cost improvements and efficiencies in the quarter ahead, which may help offset some of the pressures. But they're still worried about price cuts ahead into a weaker environment. And on the advertising front, Elon may have played it off like he decided that on the spot, but these analysts are saying after that meeting this has actually been contemplated upon internally by the team for several months already, not really a surprise. And from the conversation, Tesla believes its main advertising challenge is with auto consumers awareness around battery life, charging capabilities and durability, things to watch for in the upcoming ads.
德意志银行分析师发布了一份特斯拉股票报告,称他们最近参观了Giga Texas工厂,并与Martin Vieca进行了一些会议后,感到鼓舞。分析师对工厂印象深刻,认为其设计良好、运行效率高。我们对特斯拉未来的成本改善和效率提高充满信心,这可能有助于抵消一些压力。但他们仍担心价格会在疲弱环境中下调。在广告方面,埃隆(Elon)可能把它说得很随意,但这些分析师说,在那次会议后,团队内部已经考虑了几个月了,这并不是什么惊喜。从会话中可以得知,特斯拉相信其主要广告挑战在于汽车消费者对电池寿命、充电能力和耐久性的意识,这是即将推出的广告所需要关注的事情。
If we do ultimately get them, Jay and Shanghai told us that Tesla invited him and other China based content creators to go to Giga Shanghai for an exclusive tour taking them behind the scenes. Of course, no photos or video were allowed in the factory, but he said it was an absolutely mind blowing experience. And he shared this little thank you note apparently from the Tesla China team after the tour. Of course, looping in and including content creators into what you're doing to make them feel valued is only going to help Tesla in the long run as these content creators will be looking at Tesla in a more favorable light and ultimately continue to receive more free advertising.
If you watched my new look Tesla video earlier this week, you will have seen when Elon said there were some constraints in China where it was actually limiting Tesla's ability to expand production in the region. And at the time, I said I would love some more clarity on what that constraint is.
Well, shout out to my guy Peter. He got a response from Wu Hua on YouTube and here's what he said. Yes, according to sources, unconfirmed, Tesla and the Chinese government have not been able to reach an agreement on the land lease. The problem is the way the land lease is done. One requires a loan from the other and the other does not require a loan to pay for itself.
Slightly confusing wording. Either way, due to this, the expansion project has been delayed, which is why the production line at Tesla's Shanghai plant keeps being upgraded. We hope that both parties can solve this problem as soon as possible. So potentially we have a negotiating or a posturing back and forth between Tesla and the Chinese government over the actual land lease required for the expansion in Shanghai or the surrounding area. Certainly seems like something that will be solvable in the future, but now we have something to watch for.
Chuck Cook uploaded the video with the regression in FSD beta 11.4.1 when it comes to narrow roads and that behavior. So I wanted to share a few quick clips of that behavior.
Chuck Cook上传了一个视频,展示了FSD beta 11.4.1在狭窄道路上出现的回归问题。因此,我想分享一些关于这种行为的快速片段。
I am in the middle of the road with this oncoming truck. Do you see that? And now it's going over to the right and it comes. Please stop. And then wow. And now it's going back in the middle of the road with this other oncoming car. And I have to disengage to get over the right. Oh, look at that. Wow. All the way to a stop. This is right about where that bus was on the other direction. Okay. Wow. Okay. And it stopped twice there. All the way to zero. This is going to be a short video because I don't need to really show you anything else.
So remember this is a dot one release. Some regressions are to be expected here. But the good news is Elon liked the tweet where Chuck was highlighting this problem. And presumably the FSD team is aware of it and will be working to fix it.
Reuters loves the slow drip of Tesla India information. India's deputy minister of technology said they Tesla are very seriously looking at India as a production and innovation base. We've signaled to them the government of India is working together and will certainly make whatever ambitions they have or investment objective they have in India a success. When asked if these talks with Tesla included more than just autos, he said you don't talk about cars alone. You talk about cars, you talk about energy, you talk about manufacturing technology. So all of that figures into the conversation.
What they will want to do in India. It's too far for me to tell and it's not for me to say there you have it.
For over a year now GM has been saying that 2023 is going to be the year where their EV production really starts to take off and that's heavily reliant on the ultium battery production. Well the time for GM to actually walk the walk rather than talk the talk is now here. Today we get word that the upcoming Chevy Silverado WT work truck which yes is intended for fleet customers will have an EPA estimated range of 450 miles much more than the original 400 number that was thrown out and they're saying this truck will start at 79,800 dollars including shipping which yes would be under that $80,000 cap for trucks for the IRA incentives.
GM已经说了一年多了,2023年将是他们的电动汽车生产真正起飞的一年,这在很大程度上取决于Ultium电池的生产。现在,GM要实际行动而不是空谈的时间已经到了。今天,我们得知即将推出的雪佛兰Silverado WT工作车将有450英里的EPA估计里程,远超最初宣布的400英里,并且他们表示这款车的起价为79,800美元,包括运费,是符合IRA激励措施对卡车的80,000美元限额的。值得注意的是,这款车主要面向车队客户。
Sticking with this work truck for now it is actually expected to launch this spring so essentially in the next few weeks and later other versions of the work truck line will follow starting as low as 41.5 thousand dollars including shipping. The next variant release will also be a work truck with a GM estimated 350 miles of range and a starting price of 74.8 thousand dollars.
Then for retail buyers later this fall in 2023 they're expecting to launch the RST rally sport truck version of the Chevy Silverado with an estimated 400 miles of range and a price of 106.7 thousand dollars. Bear in mind this is GM estimated not yet EPA estimated. They're touting DC fast charging capabilities up to 350 kilowatts and of course they'll be capable of charging another EV or powering tools on the work site all of that good stuff.
We have Rory Harvey the North American president of GM saying Cadillac is on track to reveal three new EVs this year. To that I would say let's start with the Lyric ramp up that production a bit but he also said the availability of semi-conductor chip parts has improved.
我们有通用汽车北美总裁Rory Harvey表示,凯迪拉克计划在今年推出三款新的电动汽车。对此,我会说,让我们先从Lyric推进生产,但他也说半导体芯片配件的可用性得到了改善。
A few things to keep in mind here if GM can hit these specs then yes it would basically have a pickup truck on the market with a range of about 100 miles greater than any of its closest competitors. Rivvian R1c Ford F150 Lightning they're both between the 3 to 350 miles of range depending on configuration.
如果通用汽车能够达到这些规格,那么它基本上将推出一款比任何竞争对手都更大约100英里的电动皮卡。Rivian R1c和福特F150 Lightning的行驶里程都在3到350英里之间,具体取决于配置。在这里要记住的几件事情是…
Second on the pricing front let's not forget what just happened with Ford and the F150 Lightning. At launch time when there's all the media hype and the press coverage they come out with a price that's much lower than where the F150 Lightning is priced today. So can GM really make money selling this vehicle for less than 80 thousand dollars when doing any sort of math you're going to need a battery pack size between 180 and 200 kilowatt hours to hit these figures listed.
Let's say the F150 Lightning gets about 2.3 miles per kilowatt hour which of course will vary depending on many situations but just using that efficiency and expecting that GM isn't going to blow that out of the water that would give us a battery pack size of 195 kilowatt hours for the Silverado to hit that 450 miles of range. Then we have to ask the question how will dealers handle having limited availability of this initial variant what will the markups look like if anything because right on their website they're saying very limited initial availability starting spring 2023.
假设F150 Lightning每千瓦时能行驶2.3英里,当然这会根据很多情况而有所不同,但仅使用这种效率并期望通用公司不会超过这个效率,那么为了实现银ado的450英里续航里程,需要一个195千瓦时的电池组容量。然后我们必须问一个问题,初期变体的有限可用性,经销商会如何处理,如果有的话,价格溢价会是什么样子,因为他们的网站上正在说,从2023年春季开始,最初可用性非常有限。
Look I'm not trying to cut down GM here I'm just bringing up some things to consider for this vehicle as we hear promises and then when it comes to production things don't always pan out as they thought but if they can pull off 450 miles of range for less than 80 thousand dollars I'll tip my cap.
With almost perfect timing we get the Monroe video on the Hummer battery pack which uses these Altium cells and gives us an idea of what we might see on the Chevy Silverado. The weight on this battery pack for the Hummer EV was 2500 pounds with over 3500 welds because they chose to use the cheaper steel rather than aluminum so Mary is definitely leading the EV transition in welds per kilowatt hour. In fairness though it wasn't all just about excess from the Monroe team have a listen.
They did package this very well even though it is a massive pack. Right I mean for the most part the number is most people focus on when you're designing these is watt hours per liter and watt hours per kilogram. I mean it's not horrible on either list so. Here's a quick shot of a module which each one contains about 24 of these Altium cells right here. The 4680s are 22 amp hours. This guy is 103 amp hours so there's a lot more energy just in this so I mean that's what GM's big claim was the Altium cell is a new and great thing. All it really is is a bigger gas tank. It just holds more. It's bigger. It's not really a novel in any way but the one that everyone forgets is miles per kilowatt hour. The Hummer is dead last in that one.
I mean we also have to separate trucks out from heavy duty trucks versus because this is effectively in a different weight class from almost every other vehicle we've torn down. Right but at the same time the Rivian it falls below the lightning which also speaks to efficiency and design. And hey at least GM is trying which is more than we can say for some other companies.
Interesting news story here in Phoenix we have some local residents upset because what we have are WAMO vehicles that are actually parking between rides on public streets which yes is actually legal. Roberto Fritz and Jim Biel say that when these WAMOs aren't working they're idling in their tempi neighborhood. It's an intrusion into residential districts. These are commercial vehicles. They shouldn't be allowed to be in here. They should be parked at a commercial yard somewhere.
We spoke with WAMO and got this response. WAMOs ride hailing vehicles use publicly available parking spaces when needed between trips. We do this because driving around without passengers would unnecessarily add to congestion and be an inefficient use of the vehicle. Also parking locally as opposed to returning to a WAMO facility allows us to best match supply and demand to ensure that vehicles can arrive quickly when hailed. Once the vehicle is matched with another rider it continues on its way. Perhaps some interesting foreshadowing into this transition to our autonomous future.
And lastly just want to shout out this Southern California company B2U again for anybody new. This company takes end of life EV batteries from companies including Tesla, rocks them together as is and then connects them to solar panels. They become powered by solar and then discharge that energy onto the grid. These used EV battery packs can last for about 5 years in this use case and then they can actually go to recycling after that. So just don't forget plug and play uses like this for EV batteries so when you hear those fun narratives about batteries going to landfills and it's going to ruin the earth just keep this one in mind.
If you're in the market for an inventory Model 3 in the United States Tesla is currently offering $1,350 off. Maybe worth taking a look. You can find me on Twitter at Dillilumus22. Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend. Please like the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.
如果你在美国市场上正在找库存Model 3的话,特斯拉目前提供了1350美元的折扣。也许值得一看。你可以在Twitter上找到我,用户名为Dillilumus22。希望你们有一个美好和安全的周末。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。同时也特别感谢所有我的Patreon赞助者。