Real World: Tesla vs. Waymo / Ford Customers Not Happy / Best Argument for Tesla Advertising ⚡️
发布时间 2023-05-18 21:15:41 来源
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Callas EV:
ACEA data:
00:00 - Cybertruck Crash Test
00:20 - Tesla vs. Waymo
2:27 - Troy FSD Poll
2:55 - Cybertruck Options
3:36 - Model 3 LR RWD Germany
3:49 - ACEA Sales Data YTD
5:14 - My Workout Last Night (AG1)
6:55 - Tesla Taiwan
7:29 - The Epstein Situation
8:11 - Optimus
8:24 - Elon Laughs at Competition
9:11 - Tesla India Incentives
10:03 - Best Argument for Advertising
11:46 - Geely and Aston Martin
12:18 - US Canada EV Corridor
12:57 - Ford Upsets Customers
13:58 - Investing in AI
Some links may be affiliate links - you pay the same price, I get some credit. Great way to support creators you value 👊🏻
*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslavsWaymo #TeslaNews #Ford
Welcome to Electrified, it's your host, Dylan Lumis. Yes, if you couldn't already tell, that video was special effects, not real.
欢迎来到电气化,我是你的主持人Dylan Lumis。是的,如果你还没有发现,那个视频是特效,不是真实的。
Here we have an awesome video from Kais EV on Wamelverse Tesla. The Wamel has an expanded area in Arizona now, but freeways are still not available. This trip goes from the Phoenix Art Museum to the Chandler Museum, which is a 21.2 mile trip. Tesla takes highways one available, and Wamel still doesn't do highways. SSD of course does not have any boundaries, so it can go outside of the pre-fenced or mapped area where Wamel can only operate. And for Tesla, it was on FSD version 11.3.6.
这里有一段由Kais EV创作的Wamelverse Tesla视频。现在Wamel在亚利桑那州的面积扩大了,但高速公路还未开放。这次旅行从凤凰市艺术博物馆到钱德勒博物馆,全程21.2英里。Tesla选择了可用的高速公路,而Wamel仍无法进入高速公路。当然,SSD没有任何边界,因此可以超出Wamel仅能运行的预围栏或已映射区域。而且对于Tesla而言,它使用的是FSD 11.3.6版本。
The Tesla did actually go 55 miles an hour for a big stretch on the highway, 55 was the posted limit, and it was consistently being passed, so the Tesla time could have been even better. And yes, there were zero interventions for Tesla in this trip. Wamel did also go through a parking lot at one point, Wamel was halfway done with the trip when the Tesla actually arrived.
The total trip took Tesla 26 minutes and 27 seconds, and it took Wamel 54 minutes and 42 seconds. The Wamel ride cost $43.45. So if Tesla were to do this 50-50 split, that Elon just mentioned when it comes to autonomous revenue, let's do some math. Tesla's SSD has driven over 200 million miles since inception. That works out to about 9.4 million of this trip we're watching now. By that, by the $43.50 for each trip, that would be $410.3 million in revenue. Then if Tesla gets half, that would be about $205 million.
这次旅程总共花费特斯拉26分27秒,而Wamel花了54分42秒。 Wamel乘车费用为43.45美元。因此,如果特斯拉按照埃隆刚才提到的自动驾驶收入进行50-50分成,我们进行一些数学计算。特斯拉自成立以来已行驶了超过2亿英里。这相当于我们现在正在观看的9.4百万次旅行。按照每次旅行43.50美元计算,收入将达到4.1亿美元。然后,如果特斯拉获得一半,那将达到约2.05亿美元。
And yes, this extrapolation falls apart considering things like Tesla rides being much cheaper without things like LiDAR, HD maps that need constant updates, the radars, etc. that Wamel still uses. And I believe Wamel also uses remote operators to correct routes when needed. But still, a great overall video from KayaCV, and a cool comparison that in my opinion definitely highlights the many advantages Tesla has right now.
Troy is doing an interesting poll and so far it has over 11,000 votes, and keep in mind many of these will be Tesla fans to some degree. But 43% of those respondents are saying they expect Tesla to have driverless SSD meaning robotaxies no driver in 1-2 years. But overall we have almost 75% of respondents saying they expect this to happen in the next 1-4 years. So where would you fall on this poll?
On Twitter, Elon said, Cybertruck option packages and third party add-ons will be fire, which yes is exciting. But I think more importantly, the Cybertruck option packages that are coming from Tesla in-house, their design studio for Cybertruck accessories. This could help them boost the margins on Cybertruck, or narrowly that's where a lot of pick-up companies and other auto companies have actually made more margin. It's actually on the accessories, not the vehicle itself. Almost like traditional dealers making money on service, not the actual sale of the car. So in a scenario where it sounds like Tesla is struggling a bit to drive down the cost of the Cybertruck, this is definitely not something that should go overlooked.
We already talked about the Model 3 long range rear wheel drive showing up in inventory in some European countries. Just wanted to pass along that now Germany is now officially on that list if you're looking.
我们已经讨论过Model 3长续航后驱车型在一些欧洲国家的库存情况。只是想传达一下,如果你有需要的话,现在德国也正式加入到这个列表中了。
Here we get some official data from the ACEA and Tesla is now seemingly reporting to this agency. So if you look at these columns over here, this is year-to-date data for January through April. For the entire European Union. Growing down, finding Tesla we can see Tesla is up 112% for that time period January through April in 2023 compared to 2022. Taking its market share during that time last year, which was 1.3 up to 2.3%. The only other company on this entire list that grew at a higher percentage rate during January to April was Alfa Romeo and they of course were coming from a much lower base.
The biggest loser in the EU so far this year is Honda down 39.5% and then the second biggest loser is Jaguar down 22.6%. But zooming out to look at overall market share by manufacturer so far this year, VW up at 26% still antists at 19.2% and Renault in third at 10.9%. And again, Tesla is still down at only 2.3% of the overall auto market in the EU so far for January to April this year.
So yeah, things are going very well. The growth rate is right where you'd want it to be but we're still in the very early innings. For the month of April, full BEVs made up 11.8% of the overall market.
Most of you guys know me as the Tesla or Electrified Guy. It's that way to some degree with family and friends but with them, I'm even more so the fitness and performance guy. You may not be able to tell as I've been pushed off track as of late but I'm hoping to be parasite free by this summer and then I should be feeling like my normal self.
Training has always been something I've thoroughly enjoyed, a way to challenge myself mentally and physically and to get in the zone and push the boundaries of what I can do. Yes, always do what you can to get your nutrition from whole unprocessed foods sourced well to recover but I'm telling you having been around the fitness industry, even this sometimes is not enough.
And can you really say you eat a perfectly balanced diet every day? I can't and that's why AG1 has been a part of my life for years now. AG1 is the sponsor of this video and honestly, I'd gladly recommend them even if they weren't. Lex Freeman got me on board and seeing Huberman involved with AG1 certainly doesn't hurt. With AG1 pretty simply, you're planting good seeds daily, ensuring a baseline of nutrition with 75 vitamins, minerals and probiotics. It's independently certified, ensuring you won't get scammed which I've seen first hand happen frequently in the supplement world. It's quick and easy and living in a cold, dreary climate like myself, AG1's vitamin D3K2 is absolutely essential. If you can swing it, it's at least worth a shot to see what you think and yes, it's a great way to support the work I do here. So if you use my link, you can get 5 travel packs and a 1 year supply of that vitamin D3K2 for free. The link is in the description below.
你能真正说你每天吃的是完美平衡的饮食吗?我无法做到,这就是为什么AG1成为我的生活一部分多年了。AG1是这段视频的赞助商,说实话,即使他们不是,我也很愿意向大家推荐他们。Lex Freeman让我对AG1产生了兴趣,看到Huberman也加入了AG1也不会让我感到失望。AG1非常简单,每天种下好的营养基础,其中包含75种维生素、矿物质和益生菌,这一点得到了独立认证,保证你不会在营养补充品市场上遭受骗局,我亲眼见过这种情况。这款产品快速方便,对于像我这样生活在寒冷、阴沉的气候中的人来说,AG1的维生素D3K2绝对必不可少。如果你买得起,至少值得一试,看看你的想法如何。是的,这也是支持我的工作的好方法。因此,如果您使用我的链接购买,您可以免费获得5个旅行包和一年的供应维生素D3K2。链接在下面的描述中。
We have Tesla Taiwan rubbing it in that they now get the quick silver model Y. And as Troy highlighted, the first two months of Model Y sales in Taiwan were both higher than any previous month of Model 3 sales. The Model 3's best month was 2.4000 and you can see the Model Y has bested that in the first two months. Of course you're going to have some pent up demand but it looks like some of that will be cannibalizing the Model 3 sales which makes sense. As Troy highlighted, Taiwan and Israel are Gigabre Lins 2 main export destinations.
我们台湾的特斯拉公司很自豪地宣布,他们现在拥有了快银款Model Y。正如特洛伊所强调的那样,在台湾销售的前两个月,Model Y的销量都比Model 3以前的最佳销量还要高。Model 3最佳销量为2,4000,而你可以看出Model Y在前两个月就超过了它。当然,你肯定会有一些压抑的需求,但看起来这些需求将抢占Model 3的市场份额,这是有道理的。正如特洛伊所强调的那样,台湾和以色列是Gigabre Lins 2的主要出口目的地。
There's some chatter out there about this whole Epstein Elon Musk situation. We just have the US Virgin Islands now serving a Sapena, 2 Elon, essentially asking for documents anything related to Epstein and JP Morgan as the island is suing JP Morgan. This alleged involvement is that there's some suspicion that Epstein may have referred or tried to refer Elon to become a client of JP Morgan. Ultimately though, I think this will be a nothing burger.
I'm not going to read you these bullet points that Elon tweeted about a few days ago but go ahead and pause and read them if you missed the tweet. Actually, this one's making me chuckle from Elon. The notion that I would need or listen to financial advice from a dumb crook is absurd. If anybody thought the Optimus videos were CGI, Elon said all real and hot off the presses, test the Optimus team cranked super hard through the weekend to get it done. They are awesome. And added Optimus team is making excellent progress.
You may have seen that the $2 million plus Remac Nivira broke over 20 different acceleration in breaking records. One was a 0 to 60 time of 1.74 seconds. If you're not familiar, yes this is an electric vehicle. But what I wanted to highlight here is what Elon said about it. Tesla economics asked, will the Tesla Roadster be able to beat this new record? Elon just said LOL. It sounds like the upcoming Roadster, potentially with that SpaceX package, should be able to get under 1.74 seconds 0 to 60, which is just absurd. Keep in mind, you can buy about 20 Model S plaid vehicles for the price of 1 Remac Nivira and it does 1.990 to 60, which is not bad.
你可能看到过价值200多万美元的Remac Nivira在加速和刹车方面打破了20个不同的纪录,其中之一是0到60的时间仅为1.74秒。如果你不熟悉,那么这是一辆电动汽车。但我想在这里强调的是埃隆说的话。特斯拉经济学问道:特斯拉Roadster能否打破这一新纪录?埃隆只是说了声LOL(大笑)。这表明即将推出的Roadster,有可能搭载SpaceX套件,可以做到0到60在1.74秒以下,这太荒谬了。请记住,你可以用1辆Remac Nivira的价钱购买约20辆Model S plaid,后者可在1.990秒内完成0到60加速,这也不错。
We get another update on Tesla in India. There are discussions with officials about incentives being offered in India for a car and battery manufacturing for Tesla. Tesla is still testing the waters and trying to understand the local policies. Recent talks have touched on India's taxes on imported cars but have mainly centered on how Tesla could make use of a government scheme. The scheme would include certain cashback incentives for selling and exporting locally made vehicles and parts. And again, they're also talking about battery production as well. In official said, it appears Tesla has come with a different heart and head this time and that Tesla can negotiate on things like taxes better if it first sets up a plant. As we know, there's been back and forth between Tesla and India for years. For a time, Tesla seemed to walk away from the table but it sounds like they're back so we'll see.
You guys know I think these brand watch and shopping consideration reports are kind of silly but I'll pass along the data anyway. In the first quarter of this year, about 75% of luxury vehicle shoppers were considering an SUV. This was a new record high. In the first quarter with 73% of luxury shoppers considering an SUV, that's up from 68% last year and you can see the same thing happening but to the downside for luxury cars, actually down 5 or 6% from last year. If you don't have any context, usually these can move 1, 2, maybe 3% but 5 to 6 in a quarter is definitely a significant move.
Only two models in the top 10 luxury models considered were actual cars. We have the BMW X5 and then the 5 series. The Model Y of course an SUV came in the 10th spot so this is a pretty good argument for people that are trying to say Tesla should advertise. Then yeah, plenty of families just need more size than a Model Y can offer but I think part of the reason the Model Y is still down at number 10 is just a lack of awareness of the benefits of Tesla and that vehicle. And these results are still kind of confounding because we know that Tesla was the best selling luxury brand in quarter 1 in the US and they only had about 9% of the quarterly brand consideration. When it comes to safety, the second most important factor for these luxury shoppers, Tesla is not even in the top 3. And yes, these brand watch reports are consumer perception surveys. So again for the advertising camp, hopefully it will fix the consumer perception and bring it more in line with reality, especially for Tesla safety.
在排名前十的豪华车型中,只有两款是实际上的轿车,它们是宝马X5和5系。而Model Y则是一款SUV,排名第十,这很好地证明了试图说特斯拉应该广告的人的观点。当然,许多家庭需要的尺寸比Model Y能提供的还要大,但我认为Model Y仍然排名第十的原因之一是人们对特斯拉和这款车辆的好处缺乏认识。然而,这些结果还是有点令人费解,因为我们知道特斯拉在美国第一季度是最畅销的豪华品牌,而他们只占季度品牌考虑因素的约9%。在安全方面,对这些豪华车购物者来说是第二重要的因素,但特斯拉甚至没有进入前三。不过,这些品牌观察报告是基于消费者的认知调查,所以再次为广告营销而言,希望它将消费者的认知调整到更符合现实,尤其是对于特斯拉安全性。
Glee has just announced that it increased its holding in Aston Martin essentially doubling its investment position up to 17%. Glee now the third largest shareholder in Aston Martin. Definitely something to watch because Glee has done really well as the parent company of Volvo, Polestar, now Zika and they're making big waves in the EV space. And we've already heard that Aston Martin plans to build two upcoming EVs in the UK by 2025, a sports car and an SUV.
Shout out to EV Knowledge on Twitter, we now have the first United States Canada electric vehicle corridor. This roadway will stretch from Kalamazoo, Michigan to Quebec City, Quebec and it'll have DC fast chargers every 50 miles. Also, Canada and the United States have built the world's largest market-based energy trading relationship. So relations between the United States and Canada, specifically for the supply chain and raw materials for the EV sector, not trivial. This corridor will carry the flow of EV traffic, trade and manufacturing between the US and Canada.
感谢Twitter上的EV Knowledge,我们现在拥有了第一个连接美国和加拿大的电动汽车走廊。这条路将从密歇根州的卡拉马祖(Kalamazoo)一路延伸到魁北克市(Quebec City),每50英里就设有直流快速充电器。此外,加拿大和美国建立了全球最大的基于市场的能源交易关系。因此,供应链和原材料对于电动汽车领域来说,美国和加拿大之间的关系非常重要。这条走廊将承载美国和加拿大之间的电动汽车交通、贸易和制造业的流动。
So add this to the list of things you love to see. I'll be very curious to see if Ford stands its ground on this one, but they just had a price hike for the Blue Cruise System for Machee owners. Now customers buying a new Machee will have the option to include Blue Cruise at the time of purchase for $2,100, that's for a 3 year subscription period. Previously, owners were paying about $200 per year, now it works out to about $700 per year. And a slightly different rate for existing Machee owners, the renewal cost for Blue Cruise will be $75 per month, or they can pay $800 per year at the time of renewal. Blue Cruise is of course still very limited on where you can actually use this feature and in a Ford form, apparently plenty of people were very upset with 30 pages of responses and many people expecting to take great to drop to zero. Now of course you're going to have a knee jerk reaction from customers being upset and using some hyperbole, but at the end of the day if the take rates really do start to drop significantly, I won't be surprised if Ford again cuts the price.
把这个加到你喜欢看到的事情清单上。我很好奇福特是否会坚持此事,但它刚刚提高了Blue Cruise系统的价格,适用于Machee车主。现在,购买新的Machee的客户可以选择在购买时包含Blue Cruise,价格为2,100美元,该价格适用于3年的订阅期。以前,车主每年支付约200美元,现在每年约为700美元。对于现有的Machee车主,Blue Cruise的续订费用为每月75美元,或者他们可以在续订时支付800美元每年。当然,Blue Cruise功能的实际使用范围仍然非常有限,在福特车型上,显然有很多人对此感到非常不满,有30页回应和许多人预计落差将大。当然,客户会有一些不满并使用一些夸张的言辞,但最终如果接受率真的开始显著下降,如果福特再次降低价格,我不会感到惊讶。
So I'm not someone who has become obsessed with AI, I definitely play around and I'm watching and experimenting a little bit here and there, but as far as looking for companies to invest in, personally I feel like Tesla is one of those companies where I already have some AI exposure. So far it seems like the market doesn't really agree with me, but honestly that's the way I like it and I would just say well let's talk again in another 5 or so years and see what's what.
Don't forget check out AG1 links below, get your freebies if you're interested, hope you guys have a wonderful day. If you liked the video if you did and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.