Inside The Bitter Family Feuds Of America’s Richest Billionaire Families | Forbes
发布时间 2021-01-05 23:00:00 来源
When one member of a billionaire family died in September, his will specified precisely how to spread his fortune among the members of his family, including his children, his stepchildren and his siblings—except, the will commands, for his sister Susan. It was the latest development in a long-running fight among members of the Gore family, one of the wealthiest in America, that stretches back decades.
They’re far from the only fractured ultra-wealthy brood. Among the 50 clans on Forbes’ latest list of America’s Richest Families, at least six have gone through very bitter—and very public—family feuds, including legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions and even murder accusations.
Here are the six billionaire American families whose fierce infighting shows that money—even billions of dollars—doesn’t always buy happiness.
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