Subway’s Hidden Billions Revealed: How Its Founders Sliced Up A Fortune | Forbes
发布时间 2023-04-17 16:23:08 来源
In the early 2000s, a footlong frenzy swept the United States. More than three decades after the first Subway opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the sandwich shop started appearing everywhere from strip malls to churches to Walmart Supercenters in all corners of the country. By 2011, Subway’s iconic yellow and green awnings were more ubiquitous than the golden arches of McDonald’s.
But almost as quickly as it arrived, the world’s seemingly insatiable desire for cheap subs began to wane. After the 2015 death of Subway cofounder and longtime CEO Fred DeLuca, which happened to coincide with a colossal public relations crisis for the company when its spokesperson Jared Fogle pleaded guilty to child sex and pornography charges, the restaurant chain saw its sales sputter. The years since have been an undoing of much of Subway’s rapid expansion. Nearly a quarter of the over 27,100 U.S. stores open at the time of DeLuca’s death are now closed.
So it wasn’t a huge surprise when in February, 15 months after its second cofounder, Peter Buck, passed away, the company officially said it’s for sale. According to reports, the price tag could be anywhere from $7 billion to over $10 billion.
New reporting by Forbes in light of that impending deal uncovers new details on just how much money Subway’s billionaire owners pocketed over the years, as well as the moves they’ve taken to both protect and minimize their wealth in the lead up to the sale. Through its ups and downs, one thing has remained constant: Subway has been paying out generously to its owners and their families for years.
This reporting–which is based on hundreds of pages of court documents, charitable filings, historical financial disclosures and interviews with experts and insiders–also pins down for the first time the fortune of DeLuca’s widow, Elisabeth DeLuca, 75, who debuted on the Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list in early April. DeLuca, who has one son, inherited her late husband’s 50% stake in the restaurant giant. With her family, she is estimated to be worth as much as $8 billion, after subtracting disclosed charitable gifts and calculating investment returns on the Subway royalties.
Read the full story on Forbes:
00:00 Subway's Origins And Rise
02:19 What Happened To the Founders' Fortunes
03:28 Subway's Multi-Billion Dollar Sale
06:55 Some Franchisees Feel Jilted By Subway
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The Subway was founded in 1965 by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck. Fred DeLuca was then a 17-year-old aspiring medical student, and he went to his family-friend Peter Buck, who was a working nuclear physicist, and asked him for advice on how to pay for college. The two of them opened in 1965, the first location of Subway, which was then called Peats Super Summarines.
We've always known that Subway was a cash cow. Fred and Peter both debuted on Forbes' billionaires rankings in 2004 with an estimated net worth of $1.5 billion each. But there's a lot of questions about their wealth, and we think that potentially there's billions of dollars that we didn't know about over the years.
One clue to that was a 2017 deposition by Fred DeLuca's personal banker, which gave some rent in sight into their fortunes. She claimed that Fred DeLuca was pocketing about $7 million in royalties each week in the early 2000s, and that wasn't even at the peak of Subway's sales. Subway switched to a franchise model about 10 years after the first Subway sandwiches location opened, and from there it really experienced very quick growth. By 1988, they had 2000 locations across the US.
His revenue peaked in 2012 at $18 billion, but has been on the decline since 2015, which was the fast year that Subway closed more locations than it opened. Number one, they began to read their point of no return in the United States that they had too many subways on too many street corners, and the number of stores just exceeded the demand. Number two, Subway had spent the prior 15 years not developing new products and just simply discounting their products. And every marketing professor and restaurant professional will tell you that if that's all you got, you're chuping your brand.
Both of the founding families of Subway are very private, and for a while after they died, died in 2015 from leukemia, and then Peter Buck died at the end of 2021. We didn't know what happened to Subway, but we recently learned what happened to half of the fortune when the foundation started by Peter Buck announced that in his will he had left instructions to give his half of Subway to the foundation, which then spends tens of millions of dollars helping charitable causes like in spanning journalism, land conservation efforts, and also causes in his local Danbury, Connecticut.
As for the other half owned by Fred Duluca, the family has not confirmed with us what happened to that half of the company, although there are a lot of signs pointing to the fact that it was inherited by his widow, Elizabeth Duluca, since his death Elizabeth Duluca has given hundreds of millions of dollars to charity from herself, so that signals that the royalties that were previously owned by Fred have been redirected to Elizabeth. The Duluca family, through multiple attempts, did not respond to a request for comment.
So the announcement of the gift comes as Subway confirmed that it is considering options for sale. The Willsreet Journal reported that the price could be as much as $10 billion for Subway. The timing of this gift means that Peter Bucks as avoid a pretty hefty tax bill. If he didn't donate his half of the company to the foundation, then his estate would owe 40 percent estate tax on the Femalk value of Subway upon his death.
这个礼物的宣布 coincides于 Subway 确认考虑出售的选择。根据 Willsreet Journal 报道,Subway 的价格可能高达 $100 亿。这个礼物的时机意味着 Peter Bucks 避免了一个相当巨大的税单。如果他没有将公司一半的股份捐赠给信托基金,那么在他去世时,他的遗产将需要支付 40% 的遗产税,该税根据 Subway 的市值计算。
In 2018, Peter Bucks was engaged in a legal battle with the IRS over his gifting of some of his land that he had accumulated in the North Main Woods to his two sons. Peter Bucks started buying Timberland in Maine in 2007 and during his lifetime became one of the largest landowners in the state, with over 1.3 million acres of Timberland. So he gifted some of that to his sons at a discount from what he paid for it and then got penalized by the IRS and he saved millions of dollars on taxes by doing that. It seems that the family still owns this land, his two sons likely on the land, which is valued anywhere from $300 million to $1 billion and that doesn't appear to have been included in the gift to the foundation for Mellia this year. Peter Bucks family through their representatives did not respond to a request for comment.
2018年,彼得·巴克斯与美国国税局展开了一场法律斗争,原因是他将在缅因州积累的部分土地赠送给了自己的两个儿子。 自2007年起,彼得·巴克斯开始收购缅因州的林地,并在其有生之年成为该州最大的土地所有者之一,拥有超过1,300,000英亩的林地。因此,他以比其购买价格低的价格将其中的一些土地赠送给了自己的儿子,但遭到了美国国税局的惩罚。通过这样做,他节省了数百万美元的税款。看起来,巴克斯家族现仍拥有这些土地,他的两个儿子可能在土地上,其价值介于3亿美元至10亿美元之间,而这似乎没有包括在今年为梅利亚基金会的捐赠中。 巴克斯家族通过他们的代表没有回应置评请求。
Peter Bucks was long charitable. We calculated that he had given away more than $500 million before his death to his foundation. Just for Fred Deluca, there was less charitable giving before his death in 2015. But since his death, his widow, Elizabeth, has been giving away money at a very fast rate. She's given away more than $400 million according to an analysis of public documents and that doesn't include gifts made in 2021 or 2022 as the filings haven't been made available yet. She's given more than $400 million to the Fred Deluca foundation since his death in just a few years. She also incorporated her own foundation, the Elizabeth Deluca Foundation in 2020.
I spoke with one woman who runs a nonprofit that received a donation from the Deluca Foundation in 2021 and she described them as very purposeful in their giving. You actually can't apply for a grant from them like you can from many other foundations and instead they come to you is what this person said and they're known to have a big impact targeting the people who need help the most in some local communities in Florida.
As for the Bucks, Peter Bucks has a lasting legacy in Dambry, Connecticut where he's spent the later years of his life. According to somebody I spoke with, he helped transform the city which has a population of about 90,000 people and he was just very generous. They're both described to be very generous people.
Since you know 2015 and 2016 when Subway is revenue started declining and the locations started closing, it's been tough to run a subway franchise according to the franchisees. In 2021 a group of over 100 franchisees wrote a letter to Elizabeth Deluca outlining a whole host of issues with the ownership of Subway that they alleged was making their jobs a nightmare in their own words. Their average store revenues went up and down like a ladder somewhere in the 400 to $500,000 range. Okay. And that's very hard to make any money on.
自从2015年和2016年,Subway的收入开始下降并且各地门店开始关闭,连锁经营者表示经营Subway连锁店变得艰难。2021年,100多名连锁经营者联名致信Elizabeth Deluca,详细列举了Subway所有权存在的各种问题,他们称这些问题让他们的工作变成了噩梦。他们的平均店铺收入在40万到50万之间上下波动,这非常难以盈利。
The other San Wolf sector competitors Jersey Mikes, Firehouse subs, they are all running in the $800,000 to a million dollar range. And that that hurts, you know, because you can make money at $800,000 or a million dollars per shop sale. But at 400 to $500,000, it's very difficult. Mr. Chidzy has noted in interviews that what they want to do is they want to consolidate out and kind of drive out, force out the smaller franchisees. The mom and pops if you will. This is not a surprise. They have been trying for the last couple of years to try to find bigger franchisee operators to come in and take over whole states of franchisees.
San Wolf部门的其他竞争者Jersey Mikes、Firehouse subs都在每家店销售额80万至100万美元的范围内经营。这对我们来说很困难,因为每家店的销售额为80万或100万美元时都可以赚钱。但在40万至50万美元的销售额下,情况非常困难。 Chidzy先生在采访中指出,他们想要的是整合并力图排挤那些小的特许经营者(“妈妈店”)。这并不意外。他们已经在过去的几年里一直在努力寻找更大的特许经营者,以便接管整个州的特许经营。
The issue is that the store level profit has to be higher for these bigger franchisee groups to be interested in coming over and taking over blocks of Subway. And so the charitable donations have some Subway franchisees kind of annoyed. I spoke with one who said that, you know, the owners get to look good on the backs of the Subway franchisees who have been struggling, who have lost their businesses in recent years. And that really those profits should be more in their pockets than in the owner's pockets. That's something that has been exacerbated as the sale nears.
Subway responded to questions from Forbes and said that it is improving its relationship with its franchisees that has made multiple steps to do so over the past few years. And that it needs a good relationship with its franchisees to thrive and is doing everything it can to do that.