How Rich Is Dr. Doofenshmirtz? - Doof's Secret Billions

发布时间 2020-07-24 19:00:14    来源


Dr. Doofenshmirtz is a genius doofus. His crazy inators are mind-boggling; yet, he lets the smallest of mistakes and oversights overcome him time and time again. From space lasers and space stations to mind-controlling devices and time accelerators, Dr. Doofenshmirtz has done it all. Though Dr. Doofenshmirtz eventually gives up being evil and trying to take over the Tri-State area, this brings up the question: How much money did Dr. Doofenshmirtz spend on all his inventions. Moreover, how much money did he start with to afford all of his inators. This video explains how rich Dr. Doofenshmirtz is and why he is likely a multi-billionaire. Martella, Vincent, Ashley Tisdale, and Thomas Sangster. Phineas and Ferb: Season 1-4. Widescreen. Burbank, Calif.: Disney DVD, 2015. Timestamps: 0:00 - How Dr. Doofenshmirtz Funds His Inators 0:50 - Cost Of Magnetism Magnifier 3:04 - Cost Of The Drill Inator 4:01 - Cost Of The Space Laser 5:46 - Total Cost Of Inators 6:36 - Why Doofenshmirtz Is Cash Poor 8:13 - Doofenshmirtz’s Vast Riches 8:43 - Source Of Doofenshmirtz’s Wealth Resources:

