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Marc Benioff - The Billionaire Who Wants To Plant 1 Trillion Trees

发布时间 2022-02-17 04:00:01    来源


I'm sure all of you guys are familiar with Mr. Beast's team trees effort where he tried to $10 million. Every single dollar donated translated to 1 tree being planted. This effort garnered quite a bit of steam and has currently raised $23 million including massive donations for notable figures like Elon Musk, Tobi Lutke, and Marc Benioff. Marc didn't just want to stop at donating $900,000 to team trees though, so he went ahead and opened his own tree-planting foundation called 1t.org. As the name implies, the goal of the foundation is to plant 1 trillion trees by 2050. And given that Marc is nearly a deca-billionaire with connections to basically every fortune 500 company in the world, he's been able to get some pretty serious players involved. This video explains the story of Marc Benioff and Salesforce and Marc's plan to plant 1 trillion trees. Socials: https://www.instagram.com/hariharan.jayakumar/ Discord Community: https://discord.gg/SJUNWNt Timestamps: 0:00 - Background Billionaires 1:15 - Marc Benioff 4:02 - Salesforce 6:32 - Delaying Profitability 8:52 - Salesforce Today Thumbnail Credits: Matt Edge https://nyti.ms/3HQJso0 Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd https://bit.ly/3Jt7wxt Resources: https://pastebin.com/nhJW1aYh

