Why a 2022 Recession Would Be Unlike Any Other | WSJ

发布时间 2022-07-15 19:29:37    来源


Is the U.S. in a recession? Many economists think that’s a possibility and by some measurements, it may have already started. But why aren’t people losing their jobs? Recessions usually come with a dip in economic output and a rise in unemployment. Right now, economic output is falling. But so is unemployment. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath has coined it a “jobful downturn.” We look at past recessions and indicators to explain how a recession in 2020 could be very different. Read more about this “jobful downturn” on The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/recession-economy-unemployment-jobs-11656947596 More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Visit the WSJ Video Center: https://wsj.com/video On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/wsj/videos/ On Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJ On Snapchat: https://on.wsj.com/2ratjSM #Recession #Economy #WSJ

