Should the Fed stick with the 2 percent inflation target or rethink it? – Part 1
发布时间 2018-01-09 17:22:56 来源
On January 8, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings brought together advocates to present their case for keeping or changing the 2 percent inflation target and to challenge the others. The discussants weighed in on whether and how the choice of a target might matter for the actual policy path and the results for the economy.
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I'm David Wessel, Director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy. Here are Brookings. I want to thank you all to coming today and for people who are joining us online.
大家好,我是David Wessel,负责管理财政和货币政策的哈钦斯中心的主任。在布鲁金斯学会,我想感谢大家今天的光临,以及在线加入我们的人。
I bring greetings from Glenn Hutchins, who's the benefactor of the Hutchins Center who's chartered plane from somewhere was canceled. So he can't be here with us today, but he's probably watching on his phone and will undoubtedly be weighing in on everything I did wrong in the first opening segment of this thing. But that's the fun.
We think that the question of rethinking the 2% inflation target is one of the most important questions facing monetary policy makers at the moment. You might say that the backward looking question that we need to think about, which we at Hutchins Center are thinking about is how did unconventional policy really work and should unconventional policy really be considered conventional policy.
But when you look forward, I think one of the, you'd have to argue that one of the biggest questions now is whether given everything we know, whether a 2% inflation target framework is the right one for monetary policy. After all, when it was conceived, nobody anticipated we'd have so many years of trying to get inflation up to 2%.
In order, we think that the long run equilibrium interest rate would be so low that in the last Federal Open Market Committee survey of economic projections, the members said that they expect a long run rate to be a nominal 2.8% to 3%, which means that there's not a lot of room to lower rates, real rates below zero as we usually do in a recession.
Now when we first conceived this event, one of the reasons we did it is we felt that this was a discussion that was really important, but hard for the members of the FOMC to have, because if you start talking about this, you frighten the markets and bad things would happen so you just don't talk about it in public. I think we were right that this is an important issue.
We were wrong that FOMC members are afraid to talk about it. The minutes in the meeting suggest that it's been discussed in a number of regional Fed bank presidents and Chair Yellen herself have raised it, but I think that this is not a decision that can be left to Federal Reserve policy makers or the economists who spend time thinking about monetary policy. This is too important a decision to be left to the Fed and the economics profession itself. It has to involve a broader array of people, a broader discussion in our society.
So this is our attempt to try and explain what the issues are, what the choices are, what the pros and cons are for that broader audience. I'm hoping that we can do that. We'll try and synthesize this at the end.
We have a very crowded schedule, which we're extremely pleased about. It's hard to imagine. You could have assembled a better group of people to discuss these issues than the ones we have. So I'm just making a public plea to our speakers that I made in private, which is trying to stick to our time schedule so we can get everybody can get a fair shot.
We're going to start with a conversation with Larry Summers, the former Treasury Secretary who has raised this issue in public and is going to set the scene for us. Then my colleague, Louis Schaener, will come up here and introduce a panel that we're going to have to discuss the alternatives.
So with Larry Summers. My job at a conference like this at a moment when I am not in government is to surely be provocative and hopefully be sound. My propositions are at root 2.
1. First proposition, our current framework is likely to involve unnecessary costs in lost output on the order of a trillion dollars a decade or a hundred billion dollars a year relative to what otherwise would be possible.
Second two, a proper better framework which we shouldn't necessarily move to immediately but we should ultimately aspire to would involve normal nominal interest rates in the 4 to 5 percent range.
Let me develop these arguments in several stages. First proposition, within the current policy framework we are likely to have by historical standards very low rates for a very large fraction of the time going forward even in good economic times.
David just shared the Fed's view which is that the neutral real rate is in the neighborhood of 1 percent. We're at more risk at least currently of falling short of the 2 percent inflation target than we are of exceeding the 2 percent inflation target.
David 刚刚分享了美联储的观点,即中性实际利率大约为1%。我们目前面临的风险更多地是未达到2%的通胀目标,而不是超过2%的通胀目标。
It's a good rule with official projections think about the weather bureau that when they keep being revised in one direction there's positive serial correlation in the revisions. So it would be my judgment that further reductions in the real predictions of the neutral real rate are more likely than further increases. The market essentially shares this view. The long run libor forecast is 2.3 percent. 2.3 is less than 2.8 but the market is projecting the expected value. The Fed is projecting the mode that is a reason for some discrepancy. On the other hand the market's forecast builds in a term premium whereas the Fed's forecast doesn't build in a term premium. Reasonable judgment then if we continue to operate in our current framework it's a reasonable expectation that in good times rates will be in the 2 to 3 percent range typically. And it seems to me hard obviously that's a projection made with substantial error but I cannot see good reasons for thinking that the Fed and the market's estimates are massive under estimates.
Second proposition. Recessions will come. What is the likelihood of recession? My reading suggests that the best thinking is that recoveries unlike people do not die of old age. That the probability of recession once one is significantly advanced into a recovery is essentially independent of the length of the recovery. And that probability depending upon just how far back one looks is something in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 percent on an annual basis. That's a historical reading looking back through 50 odd years of US business cycle history. Is it the right view going forward? You can make a case that it's an understatement of the risks going forward. That case would emphasize that normal growth is now 2 percent rather than 3.5 percent. And so you have to slip less far to fall into recession. It would emphasize a higher degree of geopolitical risk now than in the past. It would emphasize that we have a more financialized, more levered economy with higher ratios of wealth to income that's therefore more at risk of financial disturbance.
A case for more optimism would that the past probability is an overestimate would emphasize lower inflation as less risk of inflation getting out of control, forcing the Fed to hit the brakes hard. It would emphasize smaller inventory cycles in a less tangible and physical economy. I'm not compelled that one of those sets of considerations is far more important than the other. So I think 15 percent annually is a reasonable estimate of the probability of a downturn. The average of monetary policy of the standard form will lack room to do what it usually does.
On average, the rates are reduced nominally by 5 percentage points in order to combat recessions. The low numbers are at the beginning of the period when there were very substantial credit rationing effects that were important in understanding how the economy functioned. So that 5 percent strikes me as if anything slightly on the low side. If you look at nominal rates, you conclude a 5 percent reduction is necessary. If you look at real rates, you similarly conclude that about a 5 percent reduction in rates is necessary. You can see where this is going, 5 is substantially more than 2 to 3. So the likelihood, I would argue the overwhelming likelihood, is that when recession comes, policy will not have sufficient room to cut rates as much as it would like to within the current framework. If one believes that neutral real rates will decline further or that there is a risk that they will decline further, this effect is, of course, magnified. These conclusions are not very far from those reached in a much more elaborate way by Kylie and Roberts.
At the zero lower bound, if you assume that once every 7 years will be in recession and you assume that once we get into recession, rates will be constrained by the zero lower bound for 3 years, one gets that will be at the zero lower bound, about 30 percent of the time given our current framework. Observation 4, if within this framework, the expected output losses are large. Kylie and Roberts estimate an output loss above 1 percent of GDP on average. That would be at current magnitudes over the next decade, about $200 billion a year. I think it's plausible to suppose that their estimates are too high.
I have a much more of a back of the envelope approach. I said suppose when we get into one of these episodes and we are constrained for 3 years, about 40 percent as long as we were constrained after the 2008 crisis that will lose 1 percent of GDP, the first year relative to where we would have been 2 percent of GDP the next year and 1 percent of GDP in the last year. If you take that number you get a loss of about 4 percent of GDP once a decade that works out to about a trillion dollars over the next decade or $100 billion a year.
One could obviously be wrong if recessions were more frequent or they were long lasting or a negative spiral developed or there were hysteresis effects. You can imagine reasons why the calculation would be an overstatement. It seems to me hard to argue that what I have said is way off as an estimate of the cost of the insufficient ability to adjust monetary policy. How could this calculation be way off?
I might address the question of whether I am way off on the frequency of recessions or way off on the amount of interest rate cut that is necessary when you have a recession. The main challenge to this type of calculation it seems to me as a suggestion that alternative forms of stimulus can be provided and so the zero lower bound is not an important constraint because monetary stimulus can be provided nonetheless. That's what Janet Yellen tried to argue in her Jackson whole speech in 2016.
I am far from convinced and I would make these points. First starting at 2.5 percent 10 year rates. If you simply imagine that the economy goes into recession and then you imagine that the Fed cuts rates four or five times to a 25 basis point Fed funds rate and nobody does anything else.
The 10 year rate will find its way down to 1.5 or in that range. It seems to me quite questionable how much extra stimulus would be developed by any further reduction below 1.5 percentage points that is possible and that applies with respect to any monetary device that might be developed.
With respect to quantitative easing I would note that there is less room now than there was previously that it is far from clear and retrospect that it is as effective once periods of major illiquidity are removed as is often supposed. As Ben has acknowledged it doesn't really work in theory and I think the evidence now is much less clear that it once appeared that it works in practice.
Especially in light of the awkward fact which most discussions of QE pass over that the quantity of US public debt that markets have to absorb has increased rather than decreased during the QE period given the activities of the treasury and given the further observation that the swap spread is negative somewhat inconsistent with the suggestion that there is an induced short supply of treasury debt.
So I am completely unconvinced that QE can be our salvation next time round. What about forward guidance? The fact that the Fed is moving with some vigor towards tightening while inflation is at this moment well short of 2%. The fact that the Fed is not willing to predict inflation above 2% at any moment even a hypothetical moment of the 10th year of recovery with an unemployment rate of 4% must be undercutting whatever credibility might previously have attached to the idea that a Federal Reserve would be willing to live with substantially super 2% inflation rates.
Finally there is the possibility of fiscal policy. I would only note that growing levels of the debt to GDP ratio coupled with readings of the political process and the way the political process responded to the aftermath of the Recovery Act suggests a little basis for serenity that substantial fiscal policy will be quickly entered into the next time the economy goes into recession.
My conclusion therefore is that we are living in our current framework in a singularly brittle context in which we do not have a basis for assuming that monetary policy will be able as rapidly as possible to lift us out of the next recession. And therefore that a criterion for choosing a monetary framework when we next choose a framework should be that it is a framework that contemplates enough room to respond to a recession meaning nominal interest rates in the range of 5% in normal times.
Whether that is achieved through changing conventions on how one permits above target inflation, providing for adjustment to changes based on the price level rather than the rate of inflation, or whether that is done in the context of relying on nominal GDP seems to me to be a question of second order importance. What is of primary importance is that we establish a framework in which our best guess is that we will have room rather than that we won't have room to respond to the next recession.
And so I would suggest as a design criterion that an appropriate framework allows for a 5% nominal interest rate in normal times.
I would just conclude by observing that if I am wrong and we assume I am right, we will live with marginally, perhaps slightly more than marginally, higher inflation. But if I am right or if the trend towards a declining neutral real rate continues and we ignore it, we will put ourselves at risk of very substantially exacerbating the next recession and that the consequences for welfare, not to mention political economy, I would suggest dwarf those of marginally higher inflation.
So I would hope that all consideration of monetary frameworks emphasize centrally the need to provide for adequate response to the next recession.
Thank you very much. Thank you Larry. I want to ask you one question and we will take a few questions from the audience and then Larry will be around and might be able to respond in the next session as well.
So if you had to decide today what the new framework should be without regard to the difficulties of changing it, do you have a horse in this race? Which one would you choose?
I really wanted to emphasize that something that would have a normal nominal interest rate of 5% is much more important to me than the tactical choices. If I had to choose one, I would choose a nominal GDP target of 5% to 6% and I would make that choice because it would attenuate the issues around explicitly announcing a higher inflation target, which I think are a little bit problematic on politically economy grounds and because it would build in the property which I think is desirable that the slower the underlying growth rate and therefore the less likely to mean lower neutral real rate and is likely to mean less normal productivity growth which is relevant for the zero floor on wages and so a nominal GDP target has that as an advantage.
That would be my bold big step. My smaller, I think more practical step would be an explicit acknowledgement by the central bank of an objective of super 2% inflation in the late stage of an expansion based on the confidence that a recession would come at some point and would provide for some further disinflation and by doing that one could preserve the 2% inflation target, justify a more expansionary policy today and it seems to me be entirely responsible.
I don't think it is possible to reconcile the forecasts of 2% inflation with not a single dot above 2% inflation on forecasts that assume continued expansion with the claim of being symmetric about the 2% inflation mandate.
Thank you. I should have noted, people are welcome to stand in the back if you like but in the room just across the hallway we have a big screen and you can sit down if you like so anybody who wants to see you do it.
I want to take a couple of questions and then we'll let Larry respond and we'll move on if anybody has one. Roberto, does it make coming? And if you would tell us who you are and please make it a question which has a question mark at the end? So all this discussion assumes that neutral race is going to stay low. Is there anything in your view that can any realistic policy that can be implemented that changes that?
我想提出几个问题,然后我们让拉里回答,如果有人有问题,我们就继续下去。罗伯托,你是否能来说一说?请告诉我们你是谁,并提出一个以问号结尾的问题。 所有这些讨论都假设中性种族将保持低水平。在你看来,是否存在任何现实政策可以改变这一点?
Okay, thank you. Take another one. Jen, please Steve. Larry, do you envision any fiscal response to this next recession? As in would you then I know the horses left the barn with this particular year but envision creating fiscal capacity right now in order to let fiscal play a part and not put all of the recession response on the monetary side?
Okay, one more. Yes, gentlemen here. Wait for the mic and please tell us who you are. I suggest that was Roberto Parley, Steve Leesman and you are Patrick Lawler.
Our experience with inflation in the, I'm guessing 3 to 4% range which might be consistent with your target nominal rates. Our history doesn't show any ability to keep a rate in any kind of narrow band at that point. If are you at all concerned that raising inflation that much might engender much wild their swings in what kinds of things monetary policy is expected to respond to?
Okay, Larry, three good questions. Answer them and they're already elected. All questions of the form am I at all concerned? The answer is yes.
I do not share your reading of the 1980s for example when inflation was in the 3 to 4% range and seemed to me to remain in control. Furthermore I think that there is a natural corrective in the form of intermittent recessions which would tend to bring inflation down. I could conceive that this would become a problem but I guess as more and more time passes I come to see the 1970s more as the world's first experiment with pure fiat money from which it learned painful lessons and less as a prototypical event that characterizes what's going to take place going forward.
I don't have that as a concern at the level of the trillion dollars a decade at least that I think we're putting at risk from this bread illness problem.
Steve, if we really could work countercyclical stabilization policy well in our political system that would attenuate somewhat these arguments, but it's actually a pretty complicated business even if you leave aside the infirmities of our political system. What's the instrument of the countercyclical stabilization going to be? It just turns out to have it be I live this designing the helping to design the economic recovery act. It just turns out to be very difficult to turn spending on and off on the spending side. If you insist on developing backlogs of infrastructure projects you'll get projects delayed to wait for your stimulus program just at the moment that you want them. It turns out just to be very hard.
I spent the better part of an afternoon trying to figure out how to give money to the NIH in a useful way which they could only spend in the next two to three years, and it turned out to be very, very hard to do. If you rely on the tax side, there's a question as to just how high the marginal propensity to spend out of anything you do temporarily on the tax side is. So even before you get to the political problems, I think fiscal policy is somewhat problematic. Is it somewhat problematic instrument?
The question of the neutral real rate, look my view is that the neutral real rate is being shaped by some very profound structural things that I would call the demassification of the economy. Law firms used to need 1,200 square feet of space per lawyer, now they need 600 square feet of space per lawyer. No one wants malls anymore because there's e-shopping. Startups used to require $5 million of capital. Now they require $500,000 of capital. Our canonical technology companies, Apple and Google have as their central business problem what to do with all of their cash and how to disperse all their cash.
An environment of that kind it seems to me as an environment that's going to have structurally low real interest rates, and look it's a basic problem. How do you extrapolate the time series 321? Like one answer is you extrapolate it to zero. Another answer is you extrapolate it to one because stuff is a random walk. Another answer is you extrapolate it to two because stuff mean reverts and another answer is you extrapolate it to three because stuff mean reverts sort of fast, and it's very hard to know what the answer is.
在我看来,这种环境似乎就是一个结构性实际利率较低的环境,这是一个基本问题。那么,如何推断时间序列 321 呢?有不同的答案:一个答案是将其推断到零;另一个答案是将其推断到一,因为有些东西是随机游走;还有一个答案是将其推断到二,因为有些东西平均回归;最后一个答案是将其推断到三,因为有些东西平均回归得比较快。很难知道答案是什么。
But I look at the downward trend in almost any proxy for the real interest rate in almost any country over 25 years and I'm at least as worried that the neutral real rate is going to fall as I am of the belief that it is going to rise. And I think you have to take the fact that if you look at the index bond market, it is telling you that in neither the United States nor Europe nor Japan is there an expectation that the 2% inflation target will be attained over a decade as suggesting that there is substantial doubt about the capacity of policy to generate adequate stimulus.
And so it seems to me that if anything the Kylie Roberts assumption of a 1% neutral real rate is way too high as a certainty equivalent estimate of A what the real rate actually is and B how you should calculate it recognizing that if you are too high that's a really serious problem and if you are too low that's a much less serious problem. Thank you very much, Larry, and thank all of you.
在我看来, Kylie Roberts 对于1%的中性实际利率的假设是高估了,因为它假设了两个方面:一方面是对实际利率的确定性的等价估计,另一方面是你应该如何计算实际利率。应该认识到,如果您的估计过高,这将是一个非常严重的问题,如果您的估计过低,那么这将是一个较轻的问题。非常感谢您,Larry,也感谢大家。