Why HBO's Next Move Is Critical
发布时间 2023-04-23 16:00:09 来源
More than 50 years ago, HBO revolutionized television when it began to offer uncut movies, live boxing matches, concerts and comedy specials when you couldn’t watch those things anywhere but at a movie theater or in person. And slowly but surely, as video rental companies like Blockbuster began to compete with the network’s value proposition in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the company pivoted to investing in some of the most beloved original content of our time such as “The Sopranos” and “Sex and the City.” But it didn’t end there, the company has continued to produce award-winning content such a “Game of Thrones,” “Veep,” “The Last Of Us” and “Succession.” Despite establishing itself as the gold standard of storytelling, HBO has never operated as a stand-alone business, and has instead experienced numerous mergers and acquisitions, including the ill-fated AOL-Time Warner deal, known as one of the worst in American corporate history. Today, the company is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery but experts are predicting yet another transition is on the horizon.
00:00 — 02:00 Intro
02:01 — 06:13 The rise of HBO
6:14 — 13:40 Original programming
13:41 — 18:20 HBO Max
18:21 — 22:18 Warner Bros. Discovery
Produced, Shot and Edited by: Darren Geeter
Animation: Jason Reginato
Senior Managing Producer: Tala Hadavi
Additional Reporting: Alexander Sherman
Additional Camera: Shawn Baldwin, Emily Lorsch, Jade Tungal
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Why HBO's Next Move is Critical
It's not TV, it's HBO. That was the slogan that launched in the mid 90s that ushered in some of the most prestigious television shows ever made. With nearly 550 Emmy wins over the last 20 years, and about 80 million global subscribers, HBO has secured its spot as the gold standard of storytelling on television.
The story of HBO has always been a promise of excellence in quality, and that's what we always tried to deliver on. And I think we did that, and that's why the company, it was and remains as vibrant as it is, and I think attracted so often the attention of the best creative people. Yet HBO has never been its own stand-alone business, surviving merger after merger and acquisition after acquisition, with one of them considered to be the worst deal in modern American corporate history. AOL Time Warner, arguably the most disastrous merger in media history, and the responsible for over $150 billion in gray offs. And your call $160 billion, a catastrophe. It's a big problem. Again, HBO is finding itself in midst of a shake-up, owned by Warner Brothers' discovery since April 2022. Current CEO David Zazloff has looked at deep cost-cutting measures, and announced on April 15, 2023, it's rebranding HBO Max to Max, and some believe that the company is gearing up for yet another sale.
HBO一直以卓越的质量为诺言,我们始终致力于实现这一承诺。我认为我们做到了这一点,这就是为什么公司一直如此充满活力并吸引了最优秀的创意人才的原因。然而,HBO从未是独立的业务,经历了一次次的合并和收购,其中一次被认为是现代美国企业史最糟糕的交易之一。时代华纳(AOL Time Warner),可以说是媒体历史上最灾难性的合并之一,导致了1500亿美元的裁员。你们称之为1600亿美元的灾难。这是一个大问题。再次,HBO发现自己置身于一场动荡之中,自2022年4月起由华纳兄弟发现公司拥有。现任CEO David Zazloff已经考虑了深度的削减成本措施,并于2023年4月15日宣布,将HBO Max重新品牌为Max,有人认为该公司正在为另一次出售做准备。
The expectation is that Warner Brothers' discovery will not stay Warner Brothers' discovery three to four years from now. And I think it's just a matter of managing the company as well as possible before that next transaction. Despite its turbulent business history in every decade of its 50-year existence, HBO has never ceased to change the programming game, from uncensored uninterrupted movies to setting up the template for perceived television, to revolutionizing sports, stand-up comedy, and documentaries, the question now, as competition stiffens, can the network sustain yet another major turn?
When we think of HBO, we typically think of this, the best of the best in television. But big budget award-winning series wasn't where HBO got its start. The birth of HBO coincided with the modernization of TV, and the emergence of cable television in the 1970s. Cable wasn't as ubiquitous as it is today, and in most cases, it was an necessity for those living in rural regions, or cities like New York or San Francisco, where broadcast signals weren't reaching customers. HBO began as one of the only paid TV services on the market in 1972, under parent company Sterling Communications. A year later, it was spun off the time ink. So HBO started out as sort of this add-on cable channel that you would pay whatever amount of money, $10, $15 a month. It wouldn't come with your standard bundle.
当我们想起HBO时,通常会想到这个电视节目中的佼佼者 - 最好的最好的。但HBO并不是从大制作、获奖的影集开始的。HBO的诞生正好 coincidec 了电视的现代化,以及有线电视在20世纪70年代的出现。当时电缆还不像今天那样普及,大多数情况下,它是那些生活在农村地区或像纽约或旧金山这样的城市的人所必需的,因为广播信号无法到达客户那里。HBO于1972年作为Sterling Communications的子公司之一开始,成为市场上唯一的付费电视服务之一。一年后,它作为Time Ink公司的一个分支独立了出来。因此,HBO最初是一种附加的有线频道,你需要支付10、15美元的任意金额,它不会与你的标准套餐一起出现。
In the beginning, it had mostly movies on there. It was the only network that anybody had ever tried to count off the ground. It wasn't supported by advertising. And then the 1970s, it was when the big three network, SUDOS, NBC and BC, they had 95% of the viewing. It's Jeff Buches. He began his 25-year career at HBO in marketing and sales in 1979, and was named CEO in 1995. By 2008, he became CEO of Time Warner, and ended his storied career in 2018. During his time as head of HBO, he spearheaded some of the most successful TV shows of our time, The Sopranos Sex and the City and Curbure Enthusiasm. But that all came later, in the early days. There was virtually no original content on HBO. In the 70s and 80s, we don't have enough money to make actual scripted series yet. The networks each have 30 of them a week. You know, they got big budgets, big stars. We can't afford that. We don't have money for that. So we didn't go into series as long as we could, we basically avoided it.
With about 1 million subscribers in the late 1970s, it was one that only places outside of the movie theater. The customers can watch their favorite films uncut and end free. With access to live boxing matches, concerts and comedy specials, it truly made it a customer's home box office. You know, we're basically doing whatever the big budget networks were an interest to them, or they couldn't do it because they didn't know the more conservative tastes in the Midwest or they'd piss off for motor companies. I don't know like that. We didn't have to worry about that. So we were kind of rolling. But with the popularity of VHS and video rental stores like Blockbuster, HBO was left with no choice but to make some big decisions. At the time where the company had a little in their budget, to fund original content. And then Blockbuster cops. And basically takes our entire selling proposition uncut Hollywood movies and they're on. And they go earlier, they're now available to you six months before HBO. They're also uncut. And here's the next, the key thing, the big big problem. They're on demand. You can watch them whenever you want. We're sitting beside HBO saying to ourselves, we're screwed. Our number one reason why people subscribe to HBO is now being taken by Blockbuster. And what are we going to do?
In 1989, Time Inc. HBO's parent company made a $14 billion deal to merge at Warner Communications, creating the largest media and entertainment conglomerate of its time.
The Time Warner error ushered into multiplex model, with multiple channels and effort to reduce churn from subscribers and begin launching original offerings, starting with two comedies Dream On and The Larry Sanders Show.
We called it the best hour on TV. It literally is almost only one hour because we only had 10. Half hours, a year, 10. Half hours a year. But you got 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, unlike the broadcast network. We've got 10 hours of serious programming, that's it.
We knew we had to be different. It had to be particularly in the early years, simply put worth paying for. By the late 1990s and early 2000s, the network made big investments into original content. HBO followed up Dream On and The Larry Sanders Show with bold bets that will turn to critical darlings like the sopranos and sex in the city.
我们知道我们必须与众不同。尤其是在早期,必须简单明了地值得付费。到了1990年代末和2000年代初,这个网络投入大量资金投资原创内容。 HBO追随了 Dream On和The Larry Sanders Show的脚步,大胆地押注了像“黑道家族”和“都市女性”的经典作品。
From there, the network went on a hot streak of original programming. They said to the broader creative community, look over here. There's extraordinary work being done. And that becomes a virtuous circle, right? Writers talk to writers, directors to directors, the creative community to each other, agents to agents, something's happening over there, you know, early 1990s all the way through.
Now of course, when Michael Patrick King and Sarah Jessica came with Sex in the City and David Chase came with the sopranos and Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg with band of brothers, the door had been open that these kinds of bets were worth taking, not only because you were going to resonate in pop in the country, but it was a great business.
At the peak of the.com era, HBO's parent company Time Warner was on the verge of an event merger with AOL, one at the time would become the largest deal in merger history.
But just a few short months after the deal closed in 2002, AOL Time Warner was feeling the effects of the bursting.com bubble. Advertisement revenue for AOL star drying up, all while the world was shifting from dial up internet to cable broadband.
不过,仅仅在合并交易结束后的短短几个月,AOL Time Warner就感受到了2002年互联网泡沫破灭的影响。AOL的广告收入开始枯竭,但与此同时,世界的互联网接入也从拨号上网转向了有线宽带。
AOL Time Warner reported losses of $98 billion that year, the largest corporate net loss in US history. To put that into perspective, in 2001, just a year prior, the company's net loss was just $4.9 billion.
The road to recovery was a tough one for the entertainment segment of AOL Time Warner. It wasn't until 2009 that Time Warner was spun off from AOL and Jeff Buches took over the reign to CEO.
AOL时代华纳娱乐部门的复苏之路十分艰难。直到2009年时代华纳被从AOL中分离出来,Jeff Buches接任CEO,才开始扭转局面。
And ultimately, he made the company a pure content company. I think what Jeff was very adamant about for my colleagues at Turner and Warner Brothers at HBO was, you guys do what it is that you do. Warner Brothers make great television, make great movies, Turner make great television, get your sports rights, CNN continue to be the important brand that you are, and HBO make great programming. And so they did.
Marking its fourth time exchanging hands, the network decided to dive deep into original programming, driving more subscribers to the business than ever.
From Time Warner's uncoupling from AOL, leadership shifted. After about 12 years and various leadership positions within the company, Richard Plepler took over at CEO. When I began in 2007 for the team and for myself was, let's make sure that we remember what brought us to the dance in the first place, which was becoming a home where the best people wanted to work.
So look, we didn't overthink it. We knew that the environment was increasingly competitive. We knew that there were other places for people to go if we weren't quick to respond. And I think our mission was to make sure we picked well and we invited the right people to keep coming back. Even if we said no to some things, we made sure that we were respectful of the creative people who were coming to us urging them to come back.
His shows like Game of Thrones, True Detective, Veepe, and Secure, and many more dominated the zeitgeist and entertainment, breaking in 228 prime time Emmy wins between 2009 and 2017.
While the success of its original programming was exploding on screen, its domestic growth took several more years to get up and running. During the United States, cable TV subscriptions peaked around the year 2012 at about 100 million US households.
So at this point, there was already evidence that millions of Americans were canceling traditional cable TV. And the main reason why it had gotten too expensive. Year after year after year, these programming companies would push 5 to 10 percent increases. And all of that increases would basically go straight to consumers. Now it was like, well, you're paying $120 a month and you're getting all of this content that you're no longer watching.
Between 2009 and 2017, HBO Under Time Warner was the most distributed paid TV service in the US. However, it came at a time where domestic growth was undercut by court cutting and steep competition from other streamers. To combat this, HBO set its sights on two major efforts, international growth and streaming.
By 2011, HBO had a total of 93 million subscribers. Of those, about 40 million were domestic. HBO launched in 2011. It was a streaming offering only available to those subscribed to HBO through their cable provider. Between 2011 and 2014, global subscriptions increased while domestic growth plateaued.
The fundamental question for me in 2012, 2013 was, how do we continue to grow in a world where there are more and more broadband-owned homes? And that's how we built our digital product. In 2015, HBO now launched. It was a streaming service that circumvented the need for a cable subscription.
And we decided that HBO that we needed to develop a digital product. I think there were only 3 million homes in the United States that were broadband-owned homes. By the time we introduced HBO now in Cupertino with Apple in March of 2015, I think there were 10 or 11 million. You know, now there are tens of millions of broadband-owned homes. Meaning, if you want to be in the homes of your consumer, you need to have a product which can be delivered through broadband-owned, either direct or consumer or wholesale through another digital distributor. So it was an obvious decision for us. And we evolved to be able to do that. But at the end of the day, it's about the content.
我们决定需要开发数字产品,因为当时在美国仅有300万住户拥有宽带,但到2015年3月在Cupertino和苹果合作推出HBO now时,已经有了1000万或1100万家庭。现在,全美拥有宽带的家庭已达数以千万计。这意味着,如果你想进入消费者的家庭,你需要有一种可以通过宽带直接或经由其他数字分发商以批发或零售方式交付的产品。所以对我们来说,这是一个明显的决定。我们不断进化,目的是为了能够达成这个目标。但归根结底,它关乎到内容。
But the transition to a digital platform was not without outside turmoil. Because another merger was on the way. Rubber Murdoch made an attempt to buy time Warner for $80 billion. But you could stop that deal. Since Murdoch's Fox, it wasn't worth the $85 share Fox said it was worth. So when I was talking privately, the rupert and Chase was telling me, no, we're not doing this.
First of all, it's not worth $85 share. It's worth $68 share. You know it. And I know it. It's a real price that you can afford that we would accept. Because you don't have, it's literally you're trying to buy a dinner that you don't have money for the dinner. You can't do it.
Time Warner ended up selling to AT&T, a massive merger that potentially changed the brand image of HBO. And one that is viewed as one of the worst mergers in US history, just behind the AOL Time Warner deal. That deal was catastrophic. It was catastrophic as AOL, but it was definitely dollar serious to HBO and Time Warner's health.
AT&T agreed to buy Time Warner for roughly $85.4 billion in 2016. A deal that took nearly two years to complete, as it was met by pushback by regulators and the DOJ. We're disappointed that it took 18 months to get here, but we are relieved that it's finally behind us. And we look forward to closing this transaction in the upcoming days.
While changing hands several times, one thing had remained constant, the quality of HBO's content. In 2018, the network brought home 23 Emmys and continued to grow its audience worldwide, but things were slowly changing under the AT&T leadership.
The streaming wars were in full force at that time. Vertical brands HBO, Turner and Warner Brothers slowly began to shift to streaming. After AT&T, Time Warner became Warner Media, and looked to activate HBO's prestigious brand to the wider world of streaming. Instead of using HBO GO and now as standalone products, it looked to make a new streaming service.
当时,流媒体战争正处于全面开展之中。垂直品牌HBO、Turner和Warner Brothers慢慢开始向流媒体方向转型。在AT&T后,时代华纳成为Warner Media,并试图将HBO的知名品牌推向更广泛的流媒体领域。它不再使用HBO GO,而是将其作为单独的产品,以建立一个新的流媒体服务。
Legacy Media companies like Disney and BC Universal began securing the rights to their iconic shows and films in preparation to launch their own respective platforms, Disney Plus and Peacock. AT&T and its newly rebranded Warner Media had a massive catalog of content and won the capitalize on it.
传统媒体公司,例如迪士尼和BC环球开始确保他们的标志性节目和电影的版权,为推出各自的平台——《迪士尼+》和《孔雀台》做准备。AT&T及其新品牌Warner Media拥有大量的内容目录,并希望从中获利。
In 2019, just one year after closing the acquisition, Warner Media announces HBO Max. So the thinking with HBO Max was, we'll take this for stage programming. If we want to compete with Netflix, we need to add non-HBO programming to HBO, and that will get us over the hump here where we can start to target these tens of millions of Americans who have never subscribed to HBO.
在收购完成一年后的2019年,华纳媒体宣布推出HBO Max。HBO Max的理念是,我们将使用这个平台进行电视剧节目的播放。如果我们想要与Netflix竞争,我们需要将非HBO的节目添加到HBO中,这将帮助我们吸引那些从未订阅HBO的数百万美国观众。
The buildup of HBO Max's announcement was met with AT&T stock seeing a steady climb leading up to the official unveiling on October 29, 2019. AT&T stock hit over $29 per share. But when HBO Max finally debuted in May 2020, its launch was a bit rocky, and it happened to coincide with the pandemic. Still, AT&T saw someone of a needed boost.
HBO Max的发布公告预告引起了人们的关注,导致AT&T股票在2019年10月29日官方发布之前稳步攀升,达到每股29美元以上。然而,当HBO Max在2020年5月正式推出时,由于疫情的影响,其推广遇到了一些困难。尽管如此,这次推出仍然给AT&T带来了某种所需的提振。
The issue was that there were already streaming service products out there that had HBO in the name that were not HBO Max, but kind of sounded like HBO Max, like HBO GO and HBO NOW.
问题在于已经有一些流媒体服务产品在名称中使用了“HBO”,但它们不是HBO Max,但听起来与HBO Max有点相似,如HBO GO和HBO NOW。
The launch of HBO Max, which was just, I mean, it was malpractice. And it's not just the naming confusion, which was just a trotious and just unnecessary.
HBO Max的推出真的是过失,不仅仅是命名混乱,这也是一种可耻且不必要的做法。
But the actual launch itself was a disaster. The tech was terrible, and they didn't have all their ducks in a row. They weren't on Roku or Fire. Number one and number two for just amount of streaming, or at least dongles in the United States. But I believe at the time those two controlled somewhere around 50% of all streams on CTVs in the United States. How do you launch without half of your ecosystem?
HBO Max and its plan to compete with rivals was fairly simple. Continue to spend big on content. At the time, the market was very much cheering Netflix on from a spending standpoint. In other words, the more money Netflix spent on content, the more it's stock seemed to rise. And the market was cheering on more and more spending. But they were cheering on more and more spending for Netflix. They weren't cheering on more and more spending for all companies.
HBO Max为了与竞争对手竞争,其计划是非常简单的。继续在内容方面大举投资。当时,市场非常欢呼Netflix在支出方面的表现。换句话说,Netflix在内容方面投入的资金越多,其股票似乎就会上涨。市场越来越欢呼着更多的支出。但他们欢呼的是Netflix的更多支出。他们并不是为所有公司欢呼着更多的支出。
The fact of the matter was that AT&T was a wireless company, and it cost billions and billions of dollars for your capital expenditures to be a wireless company. So AT&T was caught. They were caught in a bind. So now you have to spend billions of dollars in two directions. And by the way, you now have tens of billions of dollars in debt because you just did this large transaction to buy time order.
事实是,AT&T是一家无线通信公司,成为无线公司需要花费数十亿美元进行资本支出。因此,AT&T陷入了困境。现在,你必须朝两个方向投入数十亿美元。而且顺便说一句,你现在有数百亿美元的债务,因为你刚刚完成了购买Time Order的大交易。
As the pandemic wreaked havoc on WarnerMedia's brands focused on theatrical releases, then WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kylar announced that all theatrical releases will be released on HBO Max on the same day.
由于全球疫情的影响,导致 WarnerMedia 旗下专注于院线电影发行的品牌受到严重破坏。因此,WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kylar 宣布所有院线电影都会在同一天在 HBO Max 上发行。
The AT&T and WarnerMedia merger never found solid ground in its early days. It was met by an unprecedented pandemic that crippled WarnerMedia's theatrical vertical, and while HBO Max saw revenue growth and subscriptions hitting $73.8 million by 2021, the costly streaming venture mounted $6 billion in operating expenses in 2020 alone.
AT&T和华纳兄弟媒体合并在早期并没有找到坚实的基础。它受到了空前的大流行病的打击,使得华纳兄弟媒体的戏剧业务垂直受到了严重挫折,尽管HBO Max在2021年实现了收入增长,订阅人数达到了73.8万,但这项代价高昂的流媒体业务在仅2020年就累计运营支出达到了60亿美元。
As for its stock, AT&T never regained its pre-pandemic highs. WarnerMedia accumulated more debt, as Wall Street urged AT&T to invest in its technology and communication business, rather than its media. AT&T needed to spin off its expensive and risky merger. In May 2021, just one year after HBO Max officially launched, AT&T announced its spinning off WarnerMedia to Discovery for $43 billion. For Discovery, it took on roughly $55 billion in debt when it deal close in April 2022.
至于AT&T的股票,它从未恢复到疫情前的高点。因为华尔街敦促AT&T投资于其技术和通讯业务,而不是媒体,所以WarnerMedia积累了更多的债务。AT&T需要剥离它昂贵且风险高的合并业务。2021年5月,在HBO Max正式推出仅一年后,AT&T宣布以430亿美元的价格将WarnerMedia剥离给Discovery。对于Discovery,当交易在2022年4月结束时,它承担了大约550亿美元的债务。
HBO's parent company will go through another name change, WarnerBrothers Discovery.
The newly formed WarnerBrothers Discovery has had one clear direction from current CEO, David Zazlov. Cut costs and generate cash as fast as possible. David Zazlov started to put into place these a variety of different ways to cut costs. Thousands of people were laid off at the company.
AT&T plus, which was this new streaming service, was immediately rejected, that saved something like $350 million off the top. Many older library programs that were on the HBO Max streaming service were eliminated. With the addition of HBO Max to Discovery's business, its direct-to-consumer segment jumped from $860 million to $7.3 billion in revenue, with a total of 96.1 million subscribers.
AT&T Plus是一种新的流媒体服务,但很快就被拒绝了,从而节省了大约3.5亿美元。HBO Max流媒体服务中许多旧的图书馆节目都被取消了。随着HBO Max加入Discovery的业务,其直接消费者部分的收入从8.6亿美元增加到73亿美元,总共有9610万订阅用户。
Throughout the various mergers and acquisitions, HBO has continued to push forward with critically claim programming. The latest being succession, House of the Dragon, the last of us in White Lotus. With a lot more in the pipeline. Its storied culture has impassed down from one CEO to another.
在各种合并与收购中,HBO 一直致力于推出备受好评的节目。最近包括《王位继承者》、《龙之家》、《最后我们》和《白莲花酒店》。还有更多节目正在计划中。该公司的文化传承自一位CEO到另一位CEO。
Look, there's a wonderful, wonderful creative team at HBO. AC Boys and his team, I mean, they have a really impressive creative team. And if left to their own devices and get enough money, they can continue to do what they've been doing.
看啊,HBO拥有一支非常出色、创意十足的团队。AC Boys和他的团队,他们组成了一支富有创造力的团队。如果他们能够得到足够的资金,让他们自由发挥,他们可以继续做他们一直在做的事情。
But as part of cost-cutting measures in 2022, just a few months after the completion of the merger, there was a wave of cancellations of shows and HBO Max exclusive movies. The company also shipped some of its content to free and supported streaming TV.
但在2022年进行成本削减的措施中,公司在合并完成后仅仅几个月内取消了大量的演出和HBO Max独家电影。此外,公司还将部分内容转移到免费支持的流媒体电视上。
And with the merging of two companies, came another streaming service, Discovery Plus, which launched in 2021, and in efforts to save money on running two separate streaming services, and a streamlined customer's choices as to what to watch, HBO Max is rebranding to simply Max. Part of the reason to rebrand the streaming service Max, it not just call it HBO Max and throw in all the Discovery content, was the executives at HBO and at Warner Brothers Discovery, were very attuned to trying to save the HBO brand. And the fear was, if you call the service HBO Max and you throw in 90 day fiancee and all of these other reality shows that are not HBO quality, that over time, everyone's calling this thing HBO and the brand will be diluted.
两家公司合并后,又推出了一个名为“Discovery Plus”的流媒体服务,于2021年上线。为了节省维护两个服务的成本,并简化用户的选择,HBO Max将更名为“Max”。重新命名流媒体服务的部分原因是为了保护HBO品牌,而不是仅仅称之为HBO Max并加入所有的Discovery内容。HBO和华纳兄弟探索公司的高管非常重视保护HBO品牌的形象。他们担心,如果将服务称为HBO Max并加入90天未婚夫等不符合HBO质量的真人秀,随着时间的推移,每个人都会称此服务为HBO,这会削弱HBO品牌形象。
Last year, Warner Brothers Discovery posted a net income loss of $7.3 billion, mostly from paying down its inherited debt, and its stock performance dropped from the start of the merger to the end of 2022, selling at over $38 per share.
The company has made major efforts into bolstering the different media and articles and inherited from Warner Media. The company announced major investments into the legacy IPs like a new Lord of the Rings franchise, a Harry Potter series on Max, and relaunching their superhero studio with DC films.
But some believe these major investments are potentially setting up another sale for the company. Using the 7th time, HBO has seen the change of hands.
If you have, forget the individual confidence. If you have an overall industry profit pool that's smaller than what all the legacy, the digital pieces used to live off of, it has to consolidate.
That's it after.