Tesla CEO Elon Musk: 'The laptop class is living in la-la land' over work-from-home
发布时间 2023-05-16 23:10:11 来源
Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk sits down with CNBC’s David Faber for an exclusive interview from Austin, Texas, during Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting. Musk speaks on his controversial work from home policies and why he thinks it is a 'moral issue'.
Look, I'm a big believer that people need to are more productive when they're in person. And really, the whole sort of work from home thing is like, I think it's.
There are some exceptions, but I kind of think that the whole notion of work from home is a bit like the fake of the Korean internet court, let them eat cake. It's like really, you're going to work from home and you're going to make everyone else who made your car come work to the factory.
You're going to make the people who make your food that gets delivered, that they can't work from home. The people that come fix your house, they can't work from home, but you can. Does that seem morally right? Let's mess up. You see it as a moral issue? I mean, I see it more as a part of the issue, but it's also a moral issue.
People should get off the Gunaim moral high horse with their work from home bullshit. Because they're asking everyone else to not work from home while they do. And yet, there's still pushback, by the way. It's still going on. This battle is still happening.
I mean, leaders of organizations, and I speak to plenty of them, I want people back. I want people back. Three days a week, they're still battling. It's not clear that it's ever going to change to. People are not going back. That's five days a week.
The laptop class is living in La La Land. Look at the cars. People working from home here, of course not. So, the people were building cars, servicing the cars, building houses, fixing houses, making the food, making all the things that people consume. It's messed up to assume that this, they have to go to work, but you don't. How is that?
It's not just a productivity thing. I think it's morally wrong. Although productivity is definitely impacted too. And the ability people to learn and, I mean, on and on. Listen, I.
So, I mean, look, people will disagree with me about this, but it's like. So, if you want to work at Tesla, if you want to work at SpaceX, if you want to work at Twitter, you've got to come into the office every day. Yes, I mean, you know, like I'm not saying. I'm saying, like, look, put 40 hours in, you know. And it frankly doesn't even need to be like Monday through Friday, you know, work Monday through Thursday.
And also not saying, I mean, I think people should take vacations. Like, I work seven days a week, but I'm not expecting others to do that. How much sleep do you get, by the way? About six hours. You do? Six hours, typically? Yes. No, that's not bad. I thought it would be less. I've tried less, but my productivity. Even though I'm awake more hours, I get less done. And the brain pain level is bad if I get less than six hours. But you work seven days a week? Yes. Yeah.
Actually, only. In terms of actually, you say, like, how many days in a year do I not put in some meaningful amount of work? It's probably about two or three. Right. Two or three days a year. A year.