Tesla CEO Elon Musk discusses the implications of A.I. on his children's future in the workforce
发布时间 2023-05-16 23:34:18 来源
Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk sits down with CNBC’s David Faber for an exclusive interview from Austin, Texas, during Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting. Musk talks about advice he would give his children on going into the workforce as A.I. continues to boom.
Elon, I'm being told we have to wrap up. Your board has been very patient.
I want to end on one AI question. You have a lot of kids. I have some kids. I have one who's actually soon to go into the workforce.
I struggle with how to advise him about a career when this technology exists and will only improve. I'm just curious when you think about advising your children on a career with so much that is changing.
What do you tell them that's going to be a value? Well, that is a tough question to answer.
I guess I would just say to follow their heart in terms of what they find interesting to do or fulfilling to do and try to be as useful as possible to the rest of society.
If we do get to the magic genie situation where you can ask the AI for anything, and let's say it's even the benign scenario. How do we actually find fulfillment?
How do we find meaning in life if the AI could do your job better than you can?
If I think about it too hard, it can be just disparaging and demotivating. I go through a lot of blood sweat and tears into building companies and I'm like, should I be doing this?
If I'm sacrificing time with friends and family, I would prefer to do the AI to do all these things. Does that make sense?
To some extent I have to have the liberty of just believe in order to remain motivated.
I guess I would say just work on things that you find interesting, fulfilling and that contribute to some good to the rest of society.