Elon Musk on Sam Altman and ChatGPT: I am the reason OpenAI exists
发布时间 2023-05-16 23:37:43 来源
Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk sits down with CNBC’s David Faber for an exclusive interview from Austin, Texas, during Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting.
Open AI. I mean you seem somewhat frustrated with them. You were one of the big contributors early on. The reason I am the reason open AI exists. How much money did you give them? So I'm much to the exact number but it's some number on the order of 50 million dollars.
Open AI。我是说你似乎对他们有些不满意。你是早期的主要贡献者之一。我是Open AI存在的原因。你给了他们多少钱?具体的数字我不太清楚,但是应该在5千万美元左右。
中文翻译:我指的是你似乎对Open AI有些不满意。你是早期的重要贡献者之一,Open AI存在的原因就是因为你。你为他们提供了多少资金呢?具体数字我不太确定,但应该在5千万美元左右。
So the whole man, fate loves irony next level. So I used to be close friends with Larry Page and I would say it is House and we would have these conversations along the long into the evening about AI. And I would be constantly urging him to be careful about the danger of AI. And he was really not concerned about the danger of AI and was quite cavalier about it. And at the time Google, especially after their acquisition of DeepMind, had three quarters of the world's AI talent. They had obviously a lot of computers and a lot of money. So it was a unipolar world for AI.
And we got a unipolar world but the person who controls that does not seem to be concerned about AI safety. That's not like a real problem. So and then the final straw was Larry calling me a species for being pro-human consciousness instead of machine consciousness. And I'm like, well yes, I guess I am. I am a species.
So you helped the creation of OpenAI. Yes, much as 50 million dollars. More than helped. It wouldn't exist without you. you. It wouldn't exist without I came up with a name. The name, opening I refers to open source. So the intent was, what's the opposite of Google? Which would be an open source nonprofit because Google is closed source for profit. And that profit motivation can be potentially dangerous.
So. Should you have gotten governance for that money? Should you have gotten some level of control perhaps in retrospect? Yeah, I fully admit to being a huge idiot here. So. Anyway, so OpenAI was like meant to be open as an open source. It was created as a buy one, T three.
And so part of it is also in the beginning I thought, look, this is probably a hopeless endeavor. How could we possibly compete with how could OpenAI possibly compete with with Google Deep Mind? It was the seemed like an anti-gainst and elephant, which is not a contest. And I was also, I mean, I was instrumental in recruiting the key scientists and engineers, most notably Ilya Sutskair. In fact, Ilya went back and forth several times because he would say he's going to join OpenAI then Demis would convince him not to. Then I would convince him to do so. And this went back and forth several times. And ultimately he decided to join OpenAI. And really Ilya joining was the, was the linchpin for OpenAI being ultimately successful.
一开始,我认为这可能是一个无望的尝试。OpenAI如何与Google Deep Mind竞争呢?这就像是反对一头大象,毫无胜算。我对招募关键的科学家和工程师也起了关键作用,最值得一提的是Ilya Sutskair。实际上,Ilya一直在反复考虑他是否加入OpenAI,有时他说他要加入OpenAI,然后Demis会说服他不这么做,然后我会说服他这么做,这反复了几次。最终,他决定加入OpenAI,Ilya加入是OpenAI最终成功的关键。
So you're very disappointed in what's happened there in terms of it becoming a for profit? I was going to say action. I was going to convince him in some way.
I do think that there's some, look, it does seem weird that something can be a non-profit open source and somehow transform itself into a for profit closed source. This would be like, let's say you funded an organization to save the Amazon rainforest instead they became a lumber company and chopped out the forest and sold it for money.
And you'd be therefore like, well, wait a second, that's the exact opposite of what I gave the money for. Is that legal? That doesn't seem legal. And if it is, and in general, if it is legal to start a company as a non-profit and then take the IP and transfer it to a for profit that then makes tons of money, shouldn't everyone start? Shouldn't that be the default?
And then I also think it's important to understand that when push comes to shove, let's say they do create some digital super intelligence, almost godlike intelligence, who's in control? And what exactly is the relationship between OpenAI and Microsoft? And I do worry that Microsoft actually may be more in control than say the leadership team at OpenAI realizes.
And Microsoft as part of the Microsoft's investment, they have rights to all of the software, all of the model weights, and everything necessary to run the inference system. So they essentially have a great deal of control? At any point, Microsoft could cut off OpenAI.
作为微软投资的一部分,微软拥有所有软件、所有模型权重以及运行推理系统所需的全部内容的权利。因此,它实际上拥有很大的控制权?任何时候,微软都可以切断 OpenAI 的联系。