Emergency PSA - The End of YouTube in Australia

发布时间 2020-08-22 12:04:56    来源


Change.org Petition → http://chng.it/s8QmcZt269 Retweet → https://twitter.com/EconomicsEx/status/1297087862366777344 Googles open letter → https://about.google/intl/ALL_au/google-in-australia/an-open-letter Additional Info → https://australia.googleblog.com/2020/08/regulation-impact-on-YouTube-Community.html Read the bill in full → https://www.accc.gov.au/focus-areas/digital-platforms/news-media-bargaining-code/draft-legislation #OurYouTube The News Media Bargaining Code is a proposed piece of legislation currently under review by the Australian parliament, that would work effectively to abolish the level playing field of the internet within the country. Now for all of you watching that are not Australian, don’t breathe a sigh of relief, because this will still impact you. The law would mandate that registered media organizations would have key insights into how googles back end systems work, including access to users data, privileged analytics, and unfair compensation. ✉️ Business Enquiries → hello@economicsexplained.com Follow EE on social media: Twitter 🐦 → https://twitter.com/EconomicsEx Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/EconomicsEx Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/economicsexplainedoffical/

