CEO Drama, Tesla Sales & Production, FSD 11.4.1, Shareholder Meeting
发布时间 2023-05-16 02:32:15 来源
➤ Tesla Daily is back!
➤ Elon Musk appoints new Twitter CEO
➤ Tesla set for shareholder meeting
➤ Tesla Y price increases, sales, wait times, production
➤ Right-hand drive S/X cancelled
➤ FSD 11.4.1
➤ Highland rumors
➤ Tesla breaks ground on lithium refinery
➤ Giga Texas hit production milestone
➤ Musk meets with Samsung, Macron
➤ Tesla adds vehicles to referral program
➤ Panasonic 4680 delays
➤ BYD cuts price on Seal
➤ Starlink hits user milestone
0:00 Intro / TSLA
0:48 Shareholder meeting
1:32 CEO discussion
4:59 Price changes, wait times, demand
7:45 China numbers
10:45 California sales: see pinned comment
11:50 FSD Beta
14:52 Project Highland
15:56 Lithium groundbreaking
17:05 Giga Texas
18:22 Musk meetings
19:10 Referral updates
20:17 Panasonic 4680s
21:04 BYD price cut
21:57 Starlink milestone
23:11 Q&A
Tesla Referral:
#Tesla #TSLA #Investing
Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Mauer here and welcome back to Tesla daily. It has been a little while, a little bit too long. I do apologize for the absence last week. Had a lot of things to take care of. Those are getting into a much better spot now. So time is opening back up. Hopefully much more consistent from here on out. But again, thank you for your patience and it has been a relatively dramatic week.
So we've got a lot to go through here. We'll keep things relatively high level as we catch up and then get into this week as we go through the shareholder meeting tomorrow. So first off the stock, despite a lot of drama, only $3 lower than where we left off. So nothing too crazy and most of that coming today, half of it I guess.
Although the NASDAQ today was up two thirds of a percent, Tesla down about one percent, closing at $166.35. As we head into the shareholder meeting tomorrow. So just a real quick reminder, if you haven't yet, pause this video right now, go and vote your shares. I think there's four hours left for voting to get in. Tesla's got a guide online at, you know, investor relations, You can go check. It's right at the top. And it shows you for your individual brokerage, how you can go and vote your shares.
Generally, brokerages are sending out emails to link to that proxy material. But just go and make sure to do that. Retail has a huge chunk of Tesla ownership. And it's important for people to vote. Some things need votes to even go through. Whether or not the ratio of the vote is a ratio that would pass the thing. Sometimes you need enough votes to do it. So it's important to do that, you know, for the company that you have ownership in.
All right. So let's get into some of the news. Obviously this week has been a pretty CEO intensive week. As we go into the shareholder meeting tomorrow, there's some drama today with, you know, some rumors that maybe there's going to be some big announcement from Elon of the shareholder meeting because he is set to appear on CNBC at 6 p.m. Eastern time tomorrow.
Looks like that would be just after the shareholder. So obviously that's pretty unusual. Elon going on CNBC. I don't know if that's really ever happened. You know, you, you, you, Elon's been around for a long time. So probably has before. But certainly not a frequent occurrence. And, you know, that, that leads one to wonder if there's something that Elon feels like should be explained as a part of that appearance. But Elon did say, you know, an announcement may be coming. That needs an explanation, replying to that tweet, saying, I'm not doing an interview with CNBC. The organization I'm doing an interview with David Faber and Ariaman at Ariamanials recommendation. If David was at another news org, I would still do it.
看起来这应该就是股东会后不久。显然这非常不寻常。埃隆上CNBC,我不知道这是否曾经发生过。您知道,埃隆已经出现很长时间了,所以可能之前有过类似的情况。但无疑,这并不是经常发生的事情。而且,你知道,这会让人想知道埃隆是否觉得有什么需要在那个节目中解释的事情。但埃隆确实说过,可能会有一项公告即将到来,需要解释。他回复了那条推特,说我不会在CNBC上做采访。我将会在David Faber和Ariamanials建议下在另一个组织上做采访。即使David在另一家新闻机构,我仍会同意。
So that doesn't necessarily change anything in terms of if there is something that maybe needs further explanation. But it's, I suppose it's a little bit comforting that, you know, there is Elon making that statement that it's not just CNBC. He's trying to get to here, but rather talk with David Faber. So we'll see. It could just be kind of a scheduling coincidence. We'll talk a little bit more about that in a second.
But the other big news in terms of CEOs this week, obviously, Elon finally appointing a Twitter CEO following through on his promise after his poll on whether or not he should do that earlier this year or late last year. So Linda, Jacarino, not sure if I'm pronouncing her right, because I haven't had any time to really look into her background. Obviously she comes from more of the advertising world, I think NBC universal. So we'll talk more about that later on. But now focusing on just the impact of Tesla.
本周关于CEO的另一个重大新闻,显然是埃隆终于履行了他早些时候或去年末的承诺,任命了一位Twitter CEO。林达·贾卡里诺,我不确定我是否发音正确,因为我没有时间去深入了解她的背景。显然她来自更多的广告界,我想是NBC环球。所以我们稍后再谈论这个问题。但现在我们专注于特斯拉的影响。
I think obviously, as Elon says, potentially opens up a little bit more time for Elon. And, you know, mental resources for him to focus on some of the other businesses. Rather than just the day-to-day operations at Twitter, he's still going to have a huge roll at Twitter, obviously. Working on product is what Elon loves to do. So that will remain. But I think probably a welcome sign for Tesla investors in the stock. Did jump a little bit after that announcement, but kind of quickly sold off after that. So interesting to see in again, we'll probably talk a little bit more about that in the future when I have more time to do a little bit more research on Linda.
我认为,显然,正如伊隆所说,这可能为伊隆释放了更多的时间。你知道,他能够将精力集中在一些其他的业务上。不只是关注Twitter的日常运营,他仍将在Twitter扮演重要的角色,这是显然的。 产品开发是伊隆喜欢做的事情,所以这方面将保持不变。但我认为,在特斯拉股东看来,这可能是一个好消息。在宣布之后,股价稍微上涨了一点,但很快便回归了原状。所以,稍后我们可能会更深入地探讨Linda的情况,需要花费一些时间进行研究。
And that being said, so. As a part of what people have been concerned about this NBC thing is that. Even Macmillan on Twitter here, head earlier this week said, or I guess over the weekend, said, hey, Elon, please let Wall Street Journal know you're not stepping down from being the CEO of Tesla. Elon replied to that saying, obviously bringing on Linda allows me to vote to vote more time to Tesla, which is exactly what I will be doing. Some people are taking the omission of Elon not saying specifically that he's going to be CEO as a preface to maybe that's going to change. And then with the CNBC thing, you know, good to tie those together and people are starting to think that Elon is going to step down. So I don't know my personal opinion, I think at some point that'll probably happen. I don't really know that it's really all that important.
He wants obviously still going to be very involved probably as involved as he is right now. But again, he said for years that he really wants to be the chief product architect and hand off that CEO role to someone else. He just really hasn't found the right person for it. So we'll see. Could be some announcements tomorrow, but. Not something I necessarily expect, but you never know with Tesla.
So getting some of that stuff out of the way, let's get into some of the more numbers based things here. We do have price increases from Tesla. Not sure what exact day this happened on, but over the last week, Tesla's increased the price of the model Y in the US by $250 on all trims. They've also increased the price of the model S and X by $1,000. So I think a positive to see for the model Y, you know, that's the second $250 increase in as many weeks with the model S and X.
为了先引出一些内容,我们先来讨论一些数字相关的事情。特斯拉最近进行了一些价格调整。虽然不确定具体的日期,但在过去一周,特斯拉在美国对所有款式的Model Y上涨了250美元。同时,他们也将Model S和X的价格提高了1,000美元。对于Model Y来说,这是第二次在两个星期内涨价250美元,但总体来看,这是一个积极的变化。
You know, we saw the $2,500 increase now another $1,000 increase, which is interesting because it looks like the inventory on SNX continues to rise as well. So I want to come back to the SNX in a second, but rounding out with the model three or with the model Y rather aligned with these price increases. We also saw an increase in weight times. So I was about to put a standard. They've been tracking this and you can see those did jump a little bit. Sometimes that can happen when we're, you know, sort of changing over the month. But I think that that's a positive sign, both a couple of price increases, a little bit of an increase in the estimated delivery timeframe. It seems like demand for model Y right now is pretty strong in the United States, which is great to see following obviously the series of price cuts so far this year.
Now for the S and X, you might say, okay, does that same watch apply? Are these price increases a good sign for demand? Perhaps not again, because the inventory is increasing. And the other news that we had on the SNX, unfortunately for a lot of people, Tesla has announced that ordered holders know that they are at least for the time being canceling the right hand drive version of the SNX.
So I think this originally coming from an email that sorry, Marit had shared, but Tesla letting those customers know letting them know that they would receive a little bit of a discount if they want to convert their order towards a model three or a model Y. So obviously unfortunate, but I'm glad to see that Tesla is doing a little bit there to kind of help soften that blow for those people that have been waiting for that for a long time now, probably a couple of years in some cases. So I think, you know, disappointing for those customers with the tie in of the increased prices here in the increasing inventory, I do wonder if maybe this is Tesla saying, you know, we're just going to dial back production a little bit on the S and the X. Maybe if they are dialing back production a little bit, maybe that sort of changes the equation on whether or not it makes sense to do a right hand drive version.
我认为这最初是通过一封邮件来的,抱歉,Marit分享了这封邮件,但特斯拉让这些顾客知道如果他们想转向购买model 3或model Y的订单,他们将获得一些折扣。所以显然这很不幸,但我很高兴看到特斯拉在这方面正在做一些努力,以帮助缓解那些等待了很长一段时间的人的痛苦,有些人可能已经等了几年了。因此,我想,对于那些希望购买S型或X型的顾客来说,这是令人失望的消息,因为价格上涨和库存增加有联系,我不知道是否特斯拉在暗示他们只是会适度减少S型和X型的生产。如果他们适度减少生产,也许这会改变左驾版车型是否值得推出的方程式。
That's sort of the first thing that comes to mind for me. Obviously, there could be a number of different reasons, but it is interesting with with the increase in inventory with the lower sales numbers that we saw last quarter, despite some of that probably being in transit. And then now the cancellation of the right hand drive version. So we'll see, maybe they'll talk about that tomorrow, probably not something they'll get into at the shareholder meeting, but if not, we'll get an update on that at the end of Q2.
Alright, a couple of other statistics that we got over the last few days. So we now have an updated insured vehicle number for Tesla in China for the week of May 1st through May 6th. 5900 vehicles here. Hopefully you guys can all see that. You have 5900 vehicles and that's obviously a drop from the last few weeks. But remember, there was a little bit of a period of downtime here for Tesla production because of the Chinese holiday. I can't remember exactly what holiday it was, but obviously if production is down, that can impact deliveries as well. That seems to be what we're seeing here.
If we look at the first five weeks here, the total for those first five weeks, the quarter, find it my notes about 47,000 versus 34,000 in Q1. Obviously that was impacted by Chinese New Year, though. And then about 28,000 in the first five weeks of Q4. So total quarter to date still tracking pretty well on those insured vehicle numbers. And hopefully we see this pop up next week. Now partially offsetting that is we did see Tesla in April. You grow inventory from Shanghai.
So a couple of numbers that we got here. I have later the new ones we already talked about wholesale sales, but inventory or rather production did come in at about 85,000 vehicles for April. So it's a really good number. You can see that that's pretty close to a record. That's just kind of topped out at that, you know, 88,000, 7,000 mark April one fewer day despite me talking about April 31st on a previous episode that date does not exist yet until we change the calendar. So anyway, a little bit fewer days one fewer day here and that'll impact the production number there obviously, but with the wholesale sales of about 76,000, 9,000 added to inventory.
So those could be, you know, a waiting export. So it's not a big deal when we look at the insured vehicle number coming in lower. But it is worth, you know, kind of considering that there was inventory there, possibly available depending on allocation. But again, it's just one week, so not something that I would read into too much. Now on the retail sales about 40,000 vehicles sold in China for April. That's a little bit lower than what we'd expected based on the insured vehicle numbers as we've talked about those can kind of differ from month to month and week to week in terms of how closely they tie. And then about 36,000 exports. Obviously that's a little bit higher than what we expected because we did know the total wholesale sales number. Now, I know you can't see the column headings here over on the right. But again, this is the trailing two months on the left of this right hand column and the trailing three months on the right of this right hand column for retail sales in China. So we can see trailing two months still a record for any two month period in Tesla history there in China and then trailing three months, 151,000 coming off of that 157,000 record a little bit below that from Q4. But we talked before about how that was sort of an outlier in terms of how things had trended with the really massive November that kind of fell off and going into December.
So hopefully as we move through May, we can see this three month rolling three month period jump up to record there in China as well. Overall things are continuing to look strong. I'm happy with that production number and hopefully we see a rebound in the insured vehicle numbers. Now the production restarted.
We also have sales numbers for Tesla in California. So this is for the first quarter. I do want to spend a little bit more time. I didn't have time to compare this back to previous quarters. But really strong results again, model Y best selling vehicle in California in the first quarter. Model three best selling sedan. I believe got a double check on that. I know in the luxury category. It was we scroll up here. We can see that near luxury cars, Tesla Model 3 luxury compact SUV. That's a model Y model Y best sell or be a good California. At any rate, 11.8% market share. Sure, I'm not covering that in the first quarter. Significantly up from 4.7% at this time. I believe last year is what that number would be.
我们还有特斯拉在加州的销售数据。这是第一季度的数据。我想要花更多时间,但是没有时间去与之前的季度进行比较。但是非常强的业绩,Model Y在第一季度成为加州热销车型,而Model 3在热销轿车中表现最好。我相信这个需要再确认一下。在豪华车类别中,我们可以看到在近豪华车型中,特斯拉Model 3豪华紧凑型SUV表现最好,而Model Y在加州销售最佳。总之,市场份额为11.8%,比去年同期的4.7%显著增长。
Hopefully I'm reading that chart correctly. I guess I didn't double check that. But I assume that's last year to way. Obviously, weeding the pack there at 15.2. But Tesla significantly lowering the gap from about six and a half points or so to, you know, three and a half or four. So hopefully we see that gap continued to close quickly. And maybe soon we'll be talking about Tesla being the best selling brand in California as well.
All right, the other thing that we got, FSD beta 11.4.1 did start to roll out to not a huge set of non employees, but some non employees. So we're not going to go through the release notes super closely because again, we're on a little bit of a time budget here with catching up. But in terms of the updates seems to be kind of on lanes, which we had talked about with love not for. The cut in behavior. There's a couple of things on cut in behavior. And then just overall smoothness seems to be a point of emphasis in this version as well.
And Elon prior to the release had been talking about that a little bit said that we always prioritize safety over smoothness after we achieve a higher tier of safety. Then we polish the experience very important to both safe and smooth for new years for new users to be comfortable with FSD. Home ours, retweeting that saying it's interesting. It explains why new updates are a little bit jerky or at first any on agreeing with that. So I haven't had much time with love enough for about one yet. My car is not here right now in Austin. So for the shareholder meeting tomorrow.
But as soon as I can, I'll try to give some first impressions of that. It's really just had a few mile drive so far. Sort of on that point of smoothness. Elon also said that once FSD is super smooth, not just safe. They'll roll out a free month trial to all cars in North America and then extend to the rest of the world after they ensure it works well in local roads and regulators approve it in that country. So it's good to see that.
I think this is something that people kind of forget about like especially in margin concerns come up. Tesla is not always pulling all the levers that they have because they just they don't need to again going back to what we talked about after the first quarter earnings. It's not all about this quarter right as much as people wanted to be it's ever always about this quarter so there are things that Tesla can do over time to really start driving margin. They're just not really doing yet. And I think trials like this is definitely one of those things especially as the FSD beta continues to progress in terms of its functionality and smoothness like is being discussed here.
Also the features that might be expanding so smart summon actually smart summon reverse summon if there's any updates on that Elon said a major update coming in a few months which I think we all know that far out could mean anything so it'll be interesting to see hopefully some of those things comes soon. I think actually smart summon is pretty significantly delayed from what we'd hoped but hopefully hope springs eternal on FSD beta features.
On FSD there's been some reporting this week that Shanghai officials have mentioned kind of being supportive of Tesla and their self driving efforts just in terms of working with Tesla in Shanghai to make sure that's you know what Tesla wants to do from a regulatory standpoint is covered so we're not going to go to you know to on that but good to see a little bit of support there as obviously that's kind of a question both from a regulatory perspective as well as a functionality perspective in terms of FSD in China.
And then we also have another update here on China this relating to the factory there's a rumor that on June 1st employees have been asked to no longer taking their cell phones because Tesla will be starting to work on project highland from Giga Shanghai so again just a rumor at this point this coming from we were obviously usually has some pretty good information so when jock me how long that takes to eventually then be introduced to markets I think anybody's guess this could be sort of I guess they same as produced.
Well they said would be mass produced so this could still be you know trial production things like that it could still be a few months before project highland happens if this is indeed an accurate rumor and then also at three months report today by Tesla that Tesla has applied to demolish and update production line there three months which also could tie to projects highlands in a similar way so things are probably moving there no surprises we've seen you know more of those things start to leak out it definitely seems like progress is happening and we're probably not too far out at this point.
One of the other big things in terms of factories so Tesla had their groundbreaking event at corpus Christi for the lithium refinery that they are building there these are all cyber truck shots as you guys can see but they have their groundbreaking events which was as fun to see they talked a little bit about the project mostly things that we've heard before but they did say that this will eventually scale to support lithium needs for up to a million vehicles per year potentially some capacity to expand beyond that. The production cost they expect to be about 30% lower on a per unit basis then sort of what is available today so obviously that would be a huge huge rate of progress in terms of the cost and they expect that that the reach production next year and full production about one year later from that point. So really cool to see that obviously some some cyber truck shots there and some accessories that I think Tesla said were perhaps custom made for this I don't remember exactly how that ended up but kind of cool to see at least a little bit of a demonstration of some customizations that could happen for the cyber truck.
Also in Texas Tesla announced that they have achieved production of 5000 vehicles 5000 model wise in a single week at gigatexas so we heard this recently from Berlin now Texas announcing a similar thing which has been a little bit behind the curve obviously 46 AD's are affecting the rate of progress there but with the reintroduction of the standard range or I guess at the introduction of the standard range into the design studio with 46 AD's and now this hitting the milestone of 5000 model wise in a week I think. You know speaks to the progress that they're making hopefully on 46 AD's and I'm sure we'll hear more about that hopefully tomorrow at the shareholder meeting. Also on Texas I feel like we get these a lot but Joe tagmire in his drone video capturing a shot of what maybe is some new castings people always get excited because they think that maybe these are cyber truck and and maybe they are hopefully that's the case I'm not really sure I don't follow the castings as closely. I know there's been times where it's just been things that are flipped upside down and maybe it's a front casting or something like that but in case anyone does have a keen or eye for that and has a strong opinion want to do at least show those today.
在德克萨斯州,特斯拉宣布他们已经在Gigatexas工厂单周生产了5000辆车型。我们最近从柏林听到过类似的消息,不过德州的进展可能落后了一点,毕竟新冠疫情可能会影响生产速度。但是,现在随着标准版车型的重新引入,并结合46个先进驱动(46 ADs)技术,这一周生产5000辆车的里程碑再次体现了他们的进步。我们期待在股东会议上听到更多与46 AD的相关消息。此外,德州也有些新的投放,Joe Tagmire通过他的无人机拍摄了一张新型铸件的照片。人们总是很兴奋,因为他们认为这可能是Cybertruck。也许确实如此,但我并没有那么仔细地关注各种铸件。总之,如果有人有敏锐的眼光和强烈的看法,请务必做出展示。
And then a few other items here my transitions are not not going to be great here at the end but we've got. Elon and Drew meeting with Samsung sounds like the report was that they were meeting on perhaps semiconductors but obviously you know could be better related meetings happening here maybe both. But interesting to see that apparently this is the first time that Elon has met with Samsung's chairman so potentially a little bit more collaboration should be expected from Panasonic or sorry from Samsung and Tesla moving forward. And then Elon has been busy also had a meeting today with Emmanuel Macron of the of France obviously president France and talked about the you know attractiveness of France and possibly a potential investment there from Tesla at some some point what that would entail not exactly sure but always you know interesting and not really to see Elon out there with those types of meetings.
All right last few things here we're getting there the referral program has reintroduced vehicles so these were you know back in the day pretty pretty big referral item for Tesla lately it's been just solar products that have been able to earn referral credits now is Tesla's reintroduced or has introduced more of the credit based system they have now added back the vehicles. So for referral you can earn 1500 points on a model three 2500 for a model S is a little bit lower than a source still where you can earn 9000 credits for those referrals and then it does look like inventory would be worth potentially a little bit more so we are seeing Tesla start to again pull some of these you know demand levers I guess if you want to call them that but probably like promotional optimizations would be a better way to look at it where they're using just different sets of incentives to try and help. Drive demand so I think this will continue to evolve and I think it's probably you know net positive to Tesla's margins to do things like this and obviously gives them a lot of things that they can sort of play with and tweak and again optimize over time.
好的,最后还有几件事情。推荐计划已经重新引入了车辆,这些车辆曾经是特斯拉的重要推荐项目。最近,只有太阳能产品能够赚取推荐积分,现在特斯拉引入了更多的基于积分的系统,并将车辆加回了其中。因此,在推荐计划中,您可以赚取Model 3 1500点,Model S 2500点的积分,这个价格比太阳能产品要低一些,太阳能产品您可以赚取9000积分。看起来库存可能还要值一点,所以我们看到特斯拉再次尝试拉动需求,他们使用不同的激励方式来帮助推动需求,这可能是宣传优化的一种更好方式来看待它,因为他们可以不断调整和优化。我认为这种趋势将会继续发展,并且对于特斯拉的利润净收益是正面的,同时也为他们提供了很多可以玩弄,调整和优化的机会。
Panasonic they have announced that they have delayed their mass production target of 4680s so we know that other automaker another battery makers are working on 4680 production. I think we've heard this from I think C8L Panasonic can't remember on Samsung LG for sure so there's others working on this but Panasonic is you know just not quite getting a mass production as quickly as they hoped with their version of 4680.
Which we don't know exactly what Tesla's intended use case would be for external 4680 cells sure they have some in mind but if that would be delay delay any products whether that would be you know cyber truck ramp or you know potentially things like the semi or whatever else remains kind of an unknown.
And then the last couple of things here sort of non Tesla things but I guess obviously B.I.D. relating so we talked about how the sales for the B.I.D. seal which would be probably the most direct model three competitor at least in terms of price point for B.I.D.
然后,这里的最后几件事情与特斯拉无关,但我想显然与B.I.D.有关,我们谈到了B.I.D.密封件的销售,这可能是最直接的Model 3竞争对手,至少在价格方面是这样的。
Those really started to drop off after Tesla cut the prices significantly in China in the fourth quarter we talked about how the first quarter those sales were maybe I think they were down 60% when we were looking at it just for specifically the seal family so B.I.D.
Has now responded and has cut price on the seal by about 10% across the lineup so interesting to see that unfortunately we're not getting as much insurance data so we can't track that quite as closely as we did in the first quarter but we'll try to group back on sort of where B.I.D. sales are sitting to especially from the more specific.
And then lastly for today I think we moved through that relatively quickly not too bad. Starlink has now hit one and a half million users they announced last year I think sort of late in the year that they crossed a million so really awesome to see such fast growth for Starlink and would expect that to continue through the rest of this year.
And I think we're there so I'm going to just briefly pause here in terms of at least my speaking because I did you know you want to give people an opportunity to at least ask questions or maybe bring up things that perhaps I missed in the last week because again it has been incredibly busy but I just want to take a moment and make sure if there are things that you want to talk about get my thoughts on that I am making time for that again tomorrow is going to be busy with the shareholder meeting but after that you know hopefully starting it back a little bit more towards the towards the normal schedule.
Alright so give me a second. I apologize for the audio only listeners it'll be even more boring at least the YouTube people can read chats and stuff. So I'm just going to read through here and make sure big wave dragon thank you for the super chat appreciate that.
Was anything said about the subpoena so no I did not mention that yet because frankly I don't really think it's really worth talking about but there was a subpoena issued by I think the Virgin Islands relating to JP Morgan Chase's interaction with Elon as a client relating to some of the Epstein stuff so you know I think Elon has been pretty clear about how he has felt about that old group and his past interactions and I don't think there's much of a story there but I think that's a good idea.
Hey always always good for headlines so those are kind of my only thoughts on that. John thank you always super supportive really appreciate that means a lot.
Lots of stuff about like the world economic forum and. Just interaction with that. I don't know I would say you know give it a shot I think it's good that Elon is finding someone that. Has a little bit of a different skill set or a little bit of a difference set of knowledge then what Elon has you know been involved with primarily in the past obviously she's going to be pretty easy to integrate into the advertising world and kind of knows that business well so.
Elon is obviously going to still be the one driving most maybe not most of the decisions but the overarching strategy for Twitter so for potentially Linda to come in there and you know pick up pieces of the business that maybe Elon. Just not as experienced with or maybe doesn't even have as much interest in spending time on but are still important to Twitter I think it's a hopefully a good sort of.
Just a little bit of a counter balance but obviously it's again I need to do a little bit more more digging on the background there and you know really figure out my thoughts on on the higher but I think in general it's exciting that. It does seem to be a little bit of a contrast to what Elon is.
So I'm going to get through the chats here. Someone said Rob the chart wasn't California market sure this year versus last year all right I do apologize. California market sure versus US market sure all right great catch on that that's my bad will we'll go back and I'll correct that tomorrow or I guess probably Wednesday.
我要查看这里的聊天记录。有人说Rob chart今年与去年不一定是加利福尼亚市场,我很抱歉。加州市场和美国市场确实不同,这是我的错,谢谢你指出来。我会在明天或周三回来更正。
And again I just want to go back and see to have a market sure and sales have progressed sort of quarter to quarter to quarter talk about the micro situation I think the whole episode was on the micro situation we didn't really talk much macro obviously CPI and PPI came in last week.
Figured probably not roll that into this episode with the party being so long thank you I appreciate that but we can catch up on macro stuff if you want.
Someone said how are you voting yeah and then someone else said vote how you believe now someone else tells you to I think that's a great call you know I'm not going to go through and line by line.
Go through my votes but yeah I would say read through it that it's not extremely complex read through vote vote with your you know your set of knowledge and it's really what it should be about.
Chances of SNX discontinued I mean it's not zero Elon's talk before about how they're you know not really all that important for the business and from a financial perspective. You know they're really not I think they're good for halo products so I don't think Tesla's going to kind of cancel them especially when we just said the relatively significant refresh couple years ago. I would if anything I would expect them to sort of die of back production a little bit.
Probably ask any thoughts on roadster to know I will not just I think roadster comes when it comes right and I think we're all looking forward to it but again it's not something that's very important for the business other than probably more of a marketing type of vehicle. And the fact that they just introduced it so it'd be nice to deliver on something they introduced I think that's important to but it's not something that it would be the top of my my question list.
Alright that is where we wrap it up for today then I appreciate you guys again thanks for the patience over the last week and hopefully smooth things from here on out again definitely not intending to with the sort of unannounced have time like that that happens but just really didn't have another option last week.
So that's really for today as always thank you for listening make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications you can also find me on Twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see you over the next couple of days as we react to Tesla's shareholder meeting.
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Alright thank you.