Why Google had to rename Android Wear

发布时间 2018-03-20 20:54:26    来源


This week on the show we have our first ever guest. Sam Sheffer will be joining us to talk about his love for the T-Mobile Sidekick. Dan Seifert is back to talk about Wear OS, formerly Android Wear and wants to ask your deep, burning questions. And, Ashley Carman will be on the show to talk about Animoji, Bitmoji, and Samsung's new, AR Emoji. Digital Avatars - 00:01 Ask Circuit Breaker - 13:20 Sam Sheffer - 19:25 Paul Miller - 30:34 Wear OS - 34:45 Subscribe: http://goo.gl/G5RXGs Follow us on: www.instagram.com/verge www.facebook.com/verge twitter.com/verge And read more on TheVerge.com We want to hear from you and we love comments that follow our community guidelines: http://bit.ly/2D0hlAv

