Deadliest Roads | India | Free Documentary

发布时间 2020-02-02 14:00:11    来源


World's Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in India in 2011 Benares, India’s holiest town, is the final destination for millions of pilgrims. They come from all over the country, making the difficult, dangerous journey to bath in the sacred River Ganges. For some, this will be the last journey they ever make. According to Hindu mythology, the souls of bodies cremated here will avoid the cycles of reincarnation and go directly to paradise. Every day, hundreds of corpses are brought here by their families to be cremated on funeral pyres. Thousands of tons of coal and wood are needed to keep the fires burning and a busy ‘coal-route’ has developed. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Free Documentary Channel for free: Join the club and become a Free Documentary Patron: Facebook: Twitter: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FreeDocumentary #Documentary #MostDangerousRoads ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer. Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

