How far we go to solve the water crisis - YouTube
发布时间 2023-05-04 16:00:00 来源
Let me take you back to 1977 to a very special gathering. The iceberg was plucked out of the ocean in Alaska, then flown from there to Minneapolis and tracked from there to Ames as part of the first international conference on iceberg utilization. 175 scientists and the Saudi Arabian prince, Muhammad Al-Faisal, met in the US state of Iowa to discuss a truly outlandish idea. They thought about transporting icebergs to places like fresh water. The only question is when is it feasible?
Before we get into that, let's quickly fast forward to today. Water shortages are an even bigger problem than in the 1970s. Climate change messes with rainfall patterns and we also waste a lot of precious water. What if people in the 1970s were unto something? Maybe to stop our taps from running dry, we just need to get more creative. Like looking at the problem from space or harvesting humidity from the air. These type of water resources, they do hold potential. But the question is how much potential? Let's look at three crazy ideas and see if they hold water.
Heat has exacerbated an ongoing crisis in the US, water scarcity. Water shortage has become a never-ending issue with an approaching global water crisis. The lack of fresh water is not a future problem. Half of the global population experiences water scarcity during at least some parts of the year. Overconsumption, a heating planet and bad water management are draining our groundwater, rivers and lakes worldwide. By the middle of the century, every second country will struggle with limited access to water. To tackle this problem, we need to manage our water better. We need to reuse it and figure out ways to use less of it. But that alone may not be enough. Scientists think that we need to look beyond usual water sources like rainfall, snowfall, river runoff or groundwater.
And this brings us back to the iceberg conference in Iowa. Honestly, the whole thing was above all a big media spectacle. The iceberg chunk flown in from Alaska was eventually chopped up for Martinez at the Cocktail Party. Creating a rare situation when the ice cubes were worth more than the drink. After the conference, the hype around the topic quickly subsided. There were next to no substantial advances in using Arctic ice as drinking water. It seemed the whole thing was put on ice, pardon the pun, until recently.
Entrepreneurs from South Africa and the United Arab Emirates have picked up the idea again. The research has demonstrated that this opportunity does hold potential for bringing water from the northern hemisphere where there is abundant water to those areas where they need. This is Mansur Kadir. He's lead scientist at the United Nations University in Montreal and author of the book Unconventional Water Resources. Frozen ice sheets in the Arctic store nearly 70 percent of all freshwater resources globally. Thousands of square kilometers of ice breaks off as ice bugs every year and melts into the ocean, freshwater that is wasted. And from a technological point of view, ice bugs are already told today. Ships from the oil and gas industry are pulling small chunks away from drilling platforms. But to provide a city like Cape Town with freshwater for roughly 10 weeks, we'd need something a lot bigger. An ice mountain weighing around 125 million tons. In comparison, a large cargo vessel weighs around 200,000 tons. And instead of pulling it just a few hundred meters, it would have to be dragged thousands of kilometers. It's a huge feat. But computer simulations from 2011 have shown that this is possible. Well, theoretically. They will come through this Antarctic ocean, which is very notorious in terms of its wealth to about 15 meters and at times the wind speed could be 130 kilometers per hour. So these are the two major challenges apart from all these economics and productivity and evaporation and water loss and the towing technology. It's still a long way from Fleshy 3D animation to reality.
来自南非和阿联酋的企业家再次吸取这个想法。研究表明,这个机会确实有潜力将北半球富含水资源的地区的水资源带到那些需要水的地区。这是曼苏尔·卡迪尔(Mansur Kadir)。他是联合国大学蒙特利尔分校的首席科学家,也是书籍《非常规水资源》的作者。北极的冰冻冰层储存着全球近70%的淡水资源。每年有数千平方公里的冰块从冰堆中断裂并融入海洋,造成水资源的浪费。从技术角度来看,现在就有技术可提取这些冰块。石油和天然气行业的船只正在从钻井平台上取下小块的冰。但是,想要为像开普敦这样的城市提供大约10周的淡水,我们需要一个巨大的冰山,重约125百万吨。相比之下,大型货船重约200,000吨。并且需要将其拖行数千公里,而不仅仅是几百米。这是一个巨大的壮举。但是,2011年的计算机模拟已经表明,理论上这是可能的。他们将通过这片非常臭名昭著的南极洋,深度达约15米,风速有时会达到130公里/小时。除了所有的经济学、生产力、蒸发和水损失以及拖船技术之外,这也是两个主要问题。距离从3D动画实现到现实还有很长的路要走。
An Emirati company, the National Advisor Bureau, has patented the technology to eventually pull it off. But they still like the funding to start a pilot phase. For now, the iceberg idea is proving too big a feat to solve today's problems.
So let's look to something lighter, something that can be found pretty much everywhere, like air. You know how in the morning everything is covered with small droplets? Guess what these were before? Exactly. Clouds or fog? Humidity in the air becomes liquid when it cools down. That's why a cold glass of beer is wet on the outside even though no beer spilled over. In nature, this usually happens in the evening and at night when the temperatures drop. And it's possible to take advantage of this phenomenon and harvest this humidity.
So fog harvesting has been practiced by indigenous people on virtually every continent. This is Rebecca Fano. She's a consultant and researcher at one of the most successful fog harvesting operations globally. You've got some kind of material. This one's nice and 3D, so it's got a lot of physical surface for the water to get stuck on. And then as fog passes through, it's just a cloud. You can kind of see the spray coming through in front of the other bigger net. And then it gets caught on this net.
各大洲上的土著人群已经开始了雾水收集的实践。 这是丽贝卡·法诺,她是全球最成功的雾水收集运营之一的顾问和研究员。 你们有一种类似材料的东西,这是一个很好的3D 网,因此水分子有很大的物理表面可以粘附。 雾气通过时,就像一团云一样,你可以从另一个更大的网的前面看到雾气喷涌出来,然后它就被这个网捕获了。
Put into practice, it looks like this. In the edge of the semi-arid, I'd-barm, rum region in Morocco, there's very little rain. But for six months, a thick fog hangs over the region. And this fog passes through 1,700 square meters of mesh, which makes it the largest fog harvesting operation in the world. The fog condenses and drips into large underground deposits from where it is distributed via pipes to people's homes. The nets collect around 35,000 liters of water every day, which fulfills the needs of more than 1,000 people and is even used to water crops. Today, there are big fog harvesting operations in Chile, Morocco, Ghana, Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Africa. But the potential is much bigger. There are suitable sites almost everywhere.
A 40 square meter net that yields about 200 liters per day costs roughly $1,500. So the communities that would benefit the most from this particular technology are also those who are most marginalized within countries. So getting the attention there and the kind of startup capital where it needs to be is not pill battle. Although capital is needed, fog harvesting is fairly cheap, scalable and a great solution for people living in remote areas. But it's not an option for big cities. There's simply not enough fog and cities need more water than nets can catch.
Our last solution does not seem very crazy at first. But what's crazy is the amount of water we could save by implementing it. Leaking pipes are the reason we lose nearly 30 percent of all fresh water globally. That's a staggering 346 billion liters a day. To put that in perspective, that's 30 times more than German households consume per day or more than 2 billion bathtubs a year. Perfectly good water we could use to drink, wash, clean, grow food that's just being wasted. My son called me a planner from space so we are basically planners some of the times.
This is Lauren Guy. He co-founded the tech startup Astera. Plummers is a bit of an understatement. Astera tracks water leaks from space. They make satellite images with the help of microwaves. The microwaves are reflected differently depending on which medium they hit. From space we can get within the city underneath the ass-slide into the soil, into the pipes layer so our algorithms actually aim to drinking water. We can say from space if the water on this bottle for example came from the tap or from rain or from something else. They're looking for the composition of the water. If it's drinking water they assume it's a leak. And mostly they're right.
The results look like this. Every dot on this map for example is a leak. And here too a leak of over 120 litres per minute detected in Prato, Italy or in Bangkok or in Chinese cities. Astera sells those maps to utilities globally so they know where to fix leaks and save money. Astera says they have detected over 74,000 leaks worldwide. Leaks responsible for water losses of more than 2 billion litres per year. UK, Italy, the east coast of the US, Germany, those countries. We saw pipes, I saw personally a pipe made up of wood from 150 years ago that the only thing that keeps the pipe intact is the pressure within the pipe.
Locating leaks is only the first step in a long process. Fixing one leak might create new ones because it can affect the pressure within the pipes. Proving and renewing pipes and infrastructure is key to saving water. And the nearly 40 billion dollars that are going down the drain globally here on here. In the US, fixing pipes is even cheaper than recycling water.
So where does all this leave us? There are plenty of ways to improve access to water. Iceberg towing sounds fascinating but we are far off from implementing it and there are other methods that are much easier to put into practice today. We have a bag for harvesting that works in certain areas. It's a low-tech solution and quite cheap. But the biggest challenge is fixing our water infrastructure. This will be essential to stop wasting valuable clean water. We have the tools to do this. It's effective and just needs to be put into action.
If you want to know how much fresh water your country weighs every year, check out the description below. I put a link for you there. And tell us what you think in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe, like and hit the bell. And give new videos for you every Friday.