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Vehicle Shortages Explained, Car Price Predictions & That Time CDG Bought 50 Chevys | Jonathan Smoke

发布时间 2023-05-12 09:00:07    来源


In this episode, I'm speaking with Jonathan Smoke, Chief Economist at Cox Automotive. (00:00) Intro (00:51) Our unique market environment (04:12) Jonathan's background (08:45) The Great Digitization (11:46) That time CDG bought 50 Chevys at auction (13:40) Are we in a K-shaped recovery? (18:45) Domestic vs International supply constraints (26:00) When do we get back to 2019 price levels? (33:45) Forecasting new vs used car prices (38:19) Advising a new car buyer (41:42) Jonathan's take on EVs (47:38) DJ Smoke's recommended listening You can find Jonathan here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmokeonCars Smoke on Cars section of Cox's website: https://www.coxautoinc.com/economic_insights_category/smoke-on-cars/ Check out https://dealershipguy.com for more and follow me on Twitter @GuyDealership! Interested in advertising with CarDealershipGuy? Join the sponsor waitlist here: https://cdgpartner.com This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions.



I love you brought that up because I get that question on the time when are we going to get back to 2019 prices. Trump roll. The answer to that question is, what's up everyone this is car dealership guy. You're listening to the car dealership guy podcast, which is my effort to give you access to the most unbiased and transparent insights into the car market. Let's get into today's episode. Jonathan Smoke is the chief economist at Cox Automotive, a subsidiary of the $20 billion Cox enterprises. In this episode, we spoke about how the car business has transformed over the past five years, why we still have vehicle shortages, when prices will fall in by how much, when he predicts we'll get back to normal, and the time I bought 50 Chevy's in one day on a single auction. Here's my conversation with Jonathan Smoke. All views of car dealership guy and guests on this podcast are solely their opinions. None of the views expressed should be treated as financial advice. This podcast is for informational purposes only.
我很高兴你提到这个问题,因为我总是被问到:“我们什么时候能回到2019年的价格?”特朗普效应。这个问题的答案是:大家好,这里是车行人。您正在收听我的汽车行业播客,这是我为您提供最公正和透明的汽车市场洞见的努力。让我们进入今天的节目吧。Jonathan Smoke是Cox Automotive的首席经济学家,这是一家总资产价值200亿美元的Cox企业的子公司。在本期节目中,我们谈到了汽车业在过去五年里的转变,为什么我们仍然存在车辆短缺问题,价格何时会下降以及下降多少,他预测我们何时能回到正常状态,以及我曾在一次拍卖中一天内购买了50辆雪佛兰的故事。以下是我与Jonathan Smoke的对话。本播客中,车行人及其他嘉宾的观点仅代表他们的个人意见。这些观点不应作为金融建议。本播客仅供信息参考。

Alright, John Smoke on the pod. John. Did you ever imagine that car prices would be moving like a stock market? This is like the number one conversation I'm having with dealers nowadays. They're like, I'm looking at my inventory. It's like a meme stock going up and down every day. What is going on? Tell me how do you perceive this? Yeah, I definitely would never have projected all of the things that were necessary to give us the environment that produce the increase in car values that we saw mainly through the pandemic. Although coming into the auto industry, I did learn very quickly that car, it is natural for car prices to go up. There's a phenomenon every spring in tax revuncies and that wholesale use vehicle values always appreciate. It has happened every single year in the 27 years and I'm has been tracking it. So you know, it is always possible. But the unique conditions, the shutdown every factory in the world and simultaneously boost demand is really what gave us what we've experienced over the last couple of years. And you know, we're still slowly seeing some things return to normal and give us more of a track that we can follow and predict more accurately. But this is certainly uncharted territory for all of us.
约翰,你曾经想过汽车价格会像股票市场一样波动吗?这是我现在与经销商最常讨论的话题。他们说,我在看我的库存,感觉就像一只“典型股”每天上下波动,到底发生了什么?告诉我,你怎么看待这个问题? 是的,我肯定永远都想不到为了给我们创造生产汽车价值上升的环境,需要进行如此多的事情,这主要是通过大流行病实现的。尽管进入汽车行业后,我很快就了解到,汽车价格自然会上涨。每年春天,拍卖会和批发二手车的价值总是会升值,这是一个现象。这在我跟踪的27年中每年都发生过。所以你知道,这总是可能的。但是独特的条件——关闭世界上每家工厂并同时增加需求,这确实是我们在过去几年中经历的原因。而且,我们仍然慢慢地看到一些事情回归正常,使我们可以更准确地跟踪和预测。但对于我们所有人来说,这肯定是未知的领域。

What does that depreciation curve look like for our use vehicle? So at an individual car level, usually a car loses about 12% of value. In pre-pendemic times, it was miraculous actually how 12% became the average across all model years. Now, technically model years vary a little bit and so you do tend to see older vehicles, especially vehicles that are five years of age or older, very consistently deliver that amount of appreciation and always stay in very close relationship to mileage as well. So they're very, very, very predictable. The nuances that we see kind of throughout the year, I mentioned, you know, during the spring, we normally see wholesale use vehicle values go up and that's because tax refunds drive and an inordinate amount of demand in the spring. You tend to have six to 10 weeks of wholesale prices going up because even though that time of year is pretty well known and predictable, it's impossible to line up the supply to address it perfectly. So as a result, within a calendar year, you usually have less depreciation in the first half of the year because you've got that strange period of time where values are stable or even going up. And so as a result, vehicles tend to lose more of their value in the second half of the year. And then also coincides, when new vehicles are typically have their new models coming out and when new models are coming out, the older version of the new models that are in normal times still sitting on dealer lots get heavy incentives and more discounting and that's also part of the reason why there's usually more depreciation in the back half of the year.
我们的二手车的折旧曲线是什么样的?一辆车通常会贬值约12%。在疫情前,令人惊讶的是,12%成为各个车型年份的平均值。现在,技术上车型年份有些差异,因此您会发现特别是五年以上的旧车,贬值率非常稳定,并始终与里程数保持密切关系。因此,它们非常非常可预测。我们在全年内看到的微妙差异,我提到了春季,通常我们会看到批发二手车价格上涨,这是因为税收退款驱动了春季过度需求。你通常会看到六到十周的批发价格上涨,因为尽管那个时候的市场已经非常稳定和可预测,但要完美地解决供应问题是不可能的。因此,在一年的日历中,通常在上半年的折旧相对较少,因为您拥有那个奇特的时间段,在这段时间内,价值稳定或甚至上涨。因此,车辆 tend to lose more of their value in the second half of the year, 也与新车通常有新的车型推出以及汽车经销商还有一些无法消化的旧款汽车有关,所以促销折扣更多,这也是一年后折旧率较大的原因之一。

I'm curious as you've sort of been in this position where, or let's just say your job has gotten a lot more interesting in the last couple of years. And I'm just going to guess that based on how my job has got interesting. But tell us about, like, how did you even get here? What is your background and what did you do prior to this? How did you get your current position? I think that context is important before we dig deeper into the economy and just abroad a car market.

Yeah, my journey to get to where I am today was certainly not a straight path. I basically, first of all, never sought out to be an economist. I studied economics and I loved economics, but I was a very practical, I want to have an impact on the world, wanted to see results. And no way did I want to go down an academic path. And that was pretty much what I thought the economics world was. So I worked, I worked for a year and ended up then going to graduate school and got an MBA and went into management consulting in the 90s. And is the case for anybody that's ever been a management consultant? My first project happened to be with a home building company.

And on my second assignment six months in at another real estate related company, that made me a real estate expert. And so I was destined to be in that home building in real estate. I was checking out your LinkedIn and I was looking through the back, I was like, interesting, interesting path over here. Yeah, yeah. So and I was in that industry first as a consultant and then I ended up working in a corporate office of what became a top five large public home building company in the country.

And eventually in my position, I basically saw how critical it was to have data to drive decisions that we were making. Because in home building, if you mess up on buying the land and you overpay or you buy in the wrong location, you just screwed results for like the next five to 10 years. And it is amazing how, especially back when I started in that industry in the mid 90s, how limited information was being used to really drive decision making. So I ended up being responsible for strategy and basically built up an economics team and started to work with well known economists like Mark Zandee, Moody's Analytics and using that data to help us kind of make decisions.
在我的职位上,我最终基本上看到了数据对我们所做决策有多么重要。因为在房屋建造业中,如果您在购买土地时出错且过度支付或购买了错误的位置,您会破坏未来五到十年的结果。尤其是在我于90年代中期开始从事该行业时,真正推动决策的信息非常有限。 因此,我最终负责策略,并基本上建立了一个经济学团队,并开始与知名经济学家(例如Mark Zandee、Moody's Analytics)合作,利用这些数据来帮助我们做出决策。

And I decided back in 2006 to take my ideas and form my own company. So I started a website, started to do some things and it was going brilliantly until the great recession unfolded and I ended up having to sell my business to a company that eventually named me Chief Economist because of what I was doing with our data and working with clients.

And that ultimately eventually got me as the first Chief Economist for realtor.com in the real estate space and boy, those were the years where Zillow, Trulia Redfin, realtor.com were really, it was an arms race on the economics and analytics side. And I learned about the opportunity at Cox and people said I was crazy because I was leaving what I had spent over 20 years developing a reputation and in real estate. But I'd always loved cars. I thought it was an incredible opportunity to have a position with Cox, which was known to me personally.

I'd lived in Atlanta for quite a while and knew lots of folks in various parts of Cox. Plus as a data guy at the end of the day, you couldn't dream of a place that's better for having unique detailed proprietary insights into every corner of the automotive business. So I jumped at the opportunity. I've been here a little over six years and you're absolutely right. It has been a very interesting time. Only one also to be an economist in just more broadly looking at the economy and all the things that's been, things that have been impacting us. But I have zero regrets. This has been a wonderful place to be.

So six years, right? Now the business has transformed an incredible amount just in the past couple of years. I think there's no doubt about it. The 2000s, we saw the rise in the internet and websites. And then in the early 2010s, we got this kind of reinvented online carbine in 2013, you had shift, you had room, you had carbonate. But I mean, the last six years, what have been the most impactful changes or transformations that you've witnessed in the car business?

Well, I think absolutely digitization, the movement to transact and completely online and the pandemic forced that issue on the wholesale side and the business to business side in a way that I don't know if we ever would have been able to get some dealers to consider transacting the way that they now transact naturally today. Because basically close to 80% of the transactions at Mannheim are now digital in some reform or fashion. This was a business that up until the pandemic started was really sort of struggling with the idea of letting go with the good old days and the people that would talk about the fried chicken at Mannheim and the experience of being there on sale day.

And don't get me wrong. As an economist, watching a vehicle auction and especially being at the biggest lots in the country like Atlanta, Riverside, California, Mannheim, PA, there was nothing quite watching 36 lanes with simultaneous bidding and what was taking place. So the movement to digital, there's no question that has been the biggest transformative change and it's one that's still ongoing. We haven't seen the end of that.

Why do you like that? Right? I don't want to understand what's your take on movement to digital here? I think it's very controversial within the industry now. Different players, but they think you have different opinions. But what's your perspective? Yeah. I would say I don't necessarily have a strong opinion like I'm rooting for one side or the other. There is definitely benefits to a data guy though. The more digital a transaction is, the more of information that's being captured and insights that we can leverage. In fact, information becomes part and parcel of people's decision making.

To me, that's probably a huge improvement. I love to, I love the idea of being a part of this and helping the industry. You mentioned the fried chicken at Mannheim. Listen, I've been to Mannheim, Pennsylvania more times than I can count. When did you start at COX 2017? Was it?

Yeah, early in 2017. Okay. So I'll tell you a secret. In 2016, I want to say, maybe in 2015, I won't forget this because we found this, I want to say it was a hurts or someone was having a big sale and they were selling, they were selling a bunch of inexpensive Chevy's and stuff like that. But I just won't forget that. The price disparities were so great. It was the first time where we were like, wow, we just got in the insane deals at an auction and it really fit our market very well.

We had all of our margins on those cars were definitely better than other sales on a relative basis. But I don't forget that sale or that entire period because I just remember how we bought like 50 Chevy's in a single sale or like two sales or something. I just remember the sales team, like what the fuck is going on? What are you guys doing? But we're like, no, no, trust me. These are purchased so well, like an idiot could sell them and it was exactly what happened and I won't lie. I missed that.

I mean, who wouldn't miss that? That was the last year because I remember that like every year after that, you just got more competitive. There were like more venture dollars flowing into the space. Cars were being bit up closer to their, I guess, you know, fair market price are even higher. That was for me as you know, having been in the business for a while. That was the last year where I remember we were like, wow, like there's this inefficient see that no one knows about. I felt like I had a secret, you know, indeed.

So along with that, you know, didn't need fried chicken, but I did love the egg, the eggs and the hamburgers. They were, they were great. I know exactly we're talking about. All right. So enough about me. I think you're a recap it. I think we said about the industry transforming to do those correct. COVID induced adoption has been just incredible, right? Like block downs, all that, right? That's like a dream come true in order to get tech adoption.

I think another question that I'm getting a lot now, because this is obviously out of a big impact on the market is like, do you think that this has led us now into forever case shaped market? And what I mean by that for the audience and you of course know is, look, car prices nowadays, you have a new cars at record highs or close to record highs, use cars close to record highs. Rates of course are at, I don't know, decade highs. You know better than me, but 20 year highs, 20 year highs.

There you go.

What's next for the business? Like how should someone think about this, whether a dealer or a consumer and when it comes to car prices, right?

What do you see on the horizon for new cars and use cars in the next couple of years?

Well, fundamentally, this is a still very supply constrained market and one that is not why I'm sorry, kind of, why? People think that like Toyota is colluding with like Kia, like what's the deal, right? And by the way, I'm not saying that's true. I'm just saying what people are de-eving me in rumors, but like, how are we still supply constraints three years after lockdowns?

Well, it's kind of like how we started, you know, would you have envisioned a world in which the prices went up the way that they did? And the answer is no, because no one and with the same mind four years ago would have said, okay, we're going to shut every factory in the world down. Simultaneously, we're going to unleash the possibility for everyone that has a job in the United States to work remotely and choose to live perhaps in less population dense areas and become even more car dependent when the whole world was trying to sell us in 2017 that we were at peak vehicle ownership and vehicle ownership was inevitably going to be replaced by miles and miles of autonomous taxis that were going to take us, you know, everywhere.

So, we've ended up in a world that over the last four years, the car park or what we call in the industry, the number of vehicles that are available out there, which is every new vehicle and every existing vehicle that's registered and being operated has essentially not changed. When in the prior 10 years, we were averaging adding four to five million vehicles a year to the car park.

That's the difference between new vehicle production and sales into the car park minus the number of vehicles we lose or the scrapage rate. So effectively, the pie didn't change, but yet we simultaneously increased demand because population was growing. Jobs were growing through that time. More licensed drivers were growing.

And as I mentioned, people were actually moving away from places that they could depend on public transportation more and moving to places that were far more car dependent. We also have some exhibit right here.

You did it too, huh? I did exactly that exactly. I would say, I'm out. I am not staying here. Yeah.

And so the end result has been this disconnect between supply and demand. Then we had the invasion of Ukraine in a series of things last year that basically caused the ability for new vehicle production to just bounce back. It's been very difficult path for vehicle production to recover. So instead of popping right back to 17 million, we actually declined last year because you had an earthquake in Japan.

You had COVID lockdowns in China that really impacted much of Asian production. You had the war in Ukraine really disrupting things in Europe, even though the war itself wasn't necessarily impacting factories directly. It was raising the cost of energy and all kinds of things that essentially all conspired, if you will, to limit what could be done.

And yet we had $4 trillion in stimulus put into the economy where at zero interest rate policy for the Fed to keep the economy going. You had just perfect conditions to not only have people becoming more car dependent because if not wanting to take public transportation or moving to places that were more car dependent, you actually had an abnormal environment that otherwise would have predicted that vehicle demand was going to be boosted simply because of consumers' economic situation and the level of interest rates and how easy it was to get credit.

And we're still not back to that level of production that would cause even the new car market to be at equilibrium with supply and demand. And that's why we just this year across the point where consumers are actually paying less than sticker for vehicles and that was an unheard of concept prior to the last couple of years.

I saw you guys put out that insight. I tweeted that. Yeah.
我看到你们发布了那篇见解。我在推特上发了那个。是的。 意思:我注意到你们发布了某个见解,我已经在推特上转发了这个信息。

So I want to double click on one thing you said, we're still not back. Explain to the average person, why does Ford or Chevy have vehicles or Jeep have supply. But Toyota, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, Toyota is the number one retailer by units or volume. So I understand they sell more, but just explain to us like how have the domestic brands rebound it so well and whereas the Asia brands have not.

Well, there's a global regional lens to this. So you had unique circumstances in Asia that basically caused that recovery and production to be furthest behind and running into issues that made them actually lose ground in some cases last year. That was particularly for a lot of the Japanese production because a lot of their supply chain was a little bit more dependent on China, a little bit more dependent on the region that was having a much tougher time, quote unquote, getting back to normal.

The other end of the spectrum here in North America, we were blessed to get the vaccines earlier to see people returning to more normal activity. So a lot of our factories and a lot of our supply chains improve. But even so, Stellantis Ford GM, they were still had components that for decades ever since the original NAFTA was created, the entire industry was very focused on where is the cheapest possible place in the world to produce every single component and have them all come together really in the assembly of the vehicle.

Well, COVID taught the industry in the entire manufacturing world that there's a price to pay when you have actual disruptions to transportation and factory production. So we now at sea manufacturing going from that world that was absolutely focused on the lowest cost and the single best place to produce something to something that's a bit more resilient and able to withstand disruptions and that is adding an additional layer of time that it takes to get us, quote unquote, back to 100% production levels.

And then the third component is labor. Even in North America, we're not recovered on labor because guess what? We've had a labor shortage. We have the lowest unemployment rate since the Korean War. So no one on this podcast, and probably no one listening this podcast was alive the last time the unemployment rate was lower than it is right now.

And as a result, even when you add we've got a strike potentially coming with the UAW this September was Stalantis, firmly in its target. You basically have a scenario that probably even the North American production wasn't as aggressive as it typically would have been in trying to hire people and getting factories back up to three shifts and and running production. Oh, and by the way, we're changing to electric vehicles. And that causes retooling and changes at every part of the entire ecosystem.

And that too sort of creates a layer of change that I think really made it difficult for us to snap back. And so at the tip of the funnel, that's where new vehicle production is. We need to be at 17 million to really sort of offset the deficit that's been happening at the top. And then in the use market, particularly in what we see at Manheim and in the wholesale, what is being driven for the wholesale market that feeds use retail is really a product of what has happened in the new market over the last three years.

And where the market has been most starved are in the channels that actually traditionally feed the wholesale market and feed the use retail market, namely sales into fleets, sales into rental, sales into leases. And we've got such a deficit there that when you add both new and used together, we don't think it's possible for us to get to some quote unquote normal space for at least five years. That's how long it's going to take.

And that's assuming you dropped a lot of knowledge box here. So normal space within five years, I, that's something I wanted to ask you. Before we get there, the first question I asked you is about domestic versus Asian brands. And you mentioned three different components that have created shortage.

But what I want to understand is the dealer down his street from you right now has plenty of jeeps in stock, but the Toyota dealer next door has none. Is that mainly a component of present date demand? Maybe that Toyota has more demand than that jeep, or is it just a domestic brands have done a better job at rebounding their manufacturer facilities? So there's a supply component to what you're describing and a demand component with those two brands specifically called out on the supply side.

There is no question North American production, whether it's the traditional domestic brands or some of the brands that rely more heavily on North American production are in a much better place and are much more likely to be closer to the level of production they had in 2019 right now than say the factories that are producing vehicles in Japan, Korea, or Europe. It shocks me because all I learned about my whole life was Toyota, you know, they're the cream of the crop.

And it's like, I don't know. I would have thought that they would figure out their manufacturing better earlier than anyone else. Well, they had some bad luck. I mentioned it sort of dismissed a lot, but there was an earthquake early last year that hit Japan impacted some of their supply chain and in particular their access to semiconductors. So it set them back. There was a while in, especially in the first half of 2021, it looked like Toyota had planned this perfectly.

And was going to navigate the supply issues, take share from all the other brands and that pretty much ended up being the case for calendar year of 21. But boy, did that story change last year and that was, it was more a function of a lot of bad luck. And when you look at the day supply and we publish that information, you know every, every week, we still see Toyota at the very bottom and, you know, Jeep and Ram are at the, at the other end of the spectrum. Historically Toyota has been close to the bot. They are used to working in a low environment, but it's abnormally low now. And a lot of that has to do with really bad luck that it impacted Toyota and some of their counterparts in Asia more than it did the North American brands.

Definitely. But there is a demand component to this too. And I figured that, but I was wondering how much of it is really demand versus supply. Just figured that, you know, they would figure out supply faster and better. And I think you hit the nail on the head. You just said something of very concerning.

I think to a lot of people, which he said, five years to normalization. What the heck does that mean? Like what is normalization? Do we get back to pre-COVID price levels? Like what does that really mean? Let's just double click on that. Yeah. Well, I love you brought that up because I get that question on the time. And are we going to get back to 2019 prices? Dr. Elbrough. The answer to that question is never at no point. By the way, I give the same answer, but I'm curious to see how you're going to answer that.

Well, at no point in history, and we've got examples like after big hurricanes that destroy a large amount of vehicles. And there's demand to replace those vehicles happening at the same time. There has never been a case that an increase in prices results in prices in the vehicle market going back to what they once were. Vehicle prices are very sticky, and it's more that you have step changes in what occurs in the prices, especially in a world that is supply constrained. And there is no question that we are supply constrained.

So then when I talk about it, taking five years, it's the holistic view when you look at what the path for a new vehicle production is going to be. And it's probably the new vehicle market will be getting closer to the possibility of 17 million in less time. Let's say three years. There's definitely a way. And just to tell the audio, like 17 million is considered normal, right? 17 million new units sold per year. That's considered more or less normal. That's right. That's right. I think it's going to be a struggle to get there because you've got these other issues that we were just talking about.

There is still lingering on the supply chain side. The movement to electrification means retooling of factories, the decolonization, take some capacity out. You've got costs relentlessly going up on that side too that suggests that maybe we're going to be in a lower volume environment in order to address the fact that affordability has been reduced as well. So it's not necessarily going to be a snapback to 17 plus the way that prior recoveries might have played out. But it's the wholesale and the use side that takes the longest amount of time to completely normalize.

What does that basically practically means? It means the use car market is going to be limited in potential for the number of transactions that occur, which means that for dealers that have really focused more on the use car market over the last five years, say, especially franchise dealers, maintaining growth and maintaining the level of volumes and revenue that they got from their use car department is going to be much more challenging and much more competitive because especially we've got a lack of younger vehicles that means virtually every dealer is competing for vehicles that are five to ten years of age, which used to have unique lanes on the.

So for people listening in dealership terms, use cars that's going to shit. That's good. It's not, I wouldn't say it's going to shit because it's really one that is still going to have positive dynamics because dealers are awesome entrepreneurs and they know how to respond to the market and we're all you seating evidence of this. How are they dealing with the more limited market? They're reducing overall levels of inventory and they're turning inventory far more rapidly. We're seeing turns that are probably meaning that most dealers are focused on 30 days or less for their typical turn on inventory. And so as a result, as the market sees periods of strength like we had at the very beginning of the year or when the market starts to see slowing down like we've been experiencing over roughly the last six weeks, dealers can more rapidly adjust and they focus on.

Are you seeing anything else to do? Any other ways dealers are responding to just lack of inventory into market? I think looking for ways to be as productive and as efficient as possible. That is, you know, services in area that I haven't heard you actually talk about much on your podcast yet, but it's. Are you talking to the service department? Service.

Yeah, yeah. I have some great stuff coming up for service. I've very strategically planned the segment. I have really good stuff on wholesale coming up. Just wait, it's going to be really good. All right. So we're going to talk about that a lot. We'll be back to maybe do some color commentary on what we see. Yeah, I mean, man, we'll be doing this quarterly. This could definitely be a recurring thing, I'm sure people will love it.

But yeah, look, I think I've been very. Look, we're used only and it's. We're feeling the headwinds, especially if you skew more like near subprime on credit spectrum of consumers. It's very tough out there, I would say. You know, I see that the. You know, just friends and dealers that are maybe they're in the south or they. You know, self-trocks or $30,000 plus vehicles. They're actually. their business has been a lot more consistent on the use side. And of course, you know, finance ability or, you know, just approvability for their customers has been better. So that's sort of what I've been seeing there.
嗯,我觉得我一直很清楚。我们只能使用特定的方式,而且情况很糟糕。尤其是对于信用谱系接近亚高级的消费者来说,面临很大的困难。我可以说那里很艰难。你知道的,我看到了一些朋友和经销商,他们可能在南方或者他们销售自卸车或者30,000美元以上的汽车。 他们的二手车业务一直很稳定。当然,他们的客户的财务能力或批准能力更好。这就是我所看到的情况。

There's no doubt about it that everything you just said, I mean, is correct, right? Like less inventory, fewer cars, focusing on efficiencies elsewhere, putting more focus on. Well, let's talk about who's getting squeezed, right? Like I can tell you straight up who's getting squeezed. Vendors are getting squeezed. Especially if you're not a. If you're not a vendor that's generating more cash flow, if you know, whether it be just some organizational tool, something for project management, I mean, anything like that, you're likely getting squeezed.

And by squeeze, I mean, we're trying to like a brain of negotiate, find a different vendor of whatever it is. I mean, we need to make sure that not only are we preserving our margins, but that we're increasing our margins at a time like this where volume is down. I mean, volume has been the biggest challenge for us, not so much the margins, but volume, right? We're selling, you know, a lot less cars than we would have at any April or May in any prior year. You go back to 2019, we're selling fewer cars, 2018. So it's been very, very challenging.

And, you know, I just having had conversations, I've been very vocal about, you know, just diversify. And I think that you're right. Like, everyone that invests is so heavily in used over the past couple of years right now is entering just a very challenging period where you're likely not going to see top line growth or you're going to have to struggle to even get there. Our baseline forecast, so throwing out the possibility of recession says that the retail use market will not change over the next two years that we're at this level driven mainly by supply constraints, but also recognizing the affordability challenges of what's likely to be the case with interest rates.

And when you say not change as in units will not grow, is that what you mean? Units will not grow. Yes. And what are you forecasting for annual unit sales used? The actual total number, we're in the 36 million total, which includes private party. Retail is slowly crawling its way up towards 20 million again, but it's one that we really don't think the next two years are going to create the opportunities for that.

So I think the juicy question here is we spoke about supply levels, but what happens to prices over the next three to five years? Neuverse used. Yeah. So through the pandemic with the incredible run up and use vehicle prices that started first, and the reason for that is because the use market is actually the part of the market that is responsive to market conditions. And within the use market, it's the wholesale use market that actually is the best barometer for what supply and demand looks like.

So we had an incredible run up in use vehicle values that started in the second half of 2020, really reached its peak at the end of 2021. We gave some of that back last year. And over the course of that time, we basically had a scenario, especially at the end of 2021, that the use car price level was way out of alignment with the typical new vehicle price level.

But since that time, the relationship between the two have come much closer to balance. I would say we were very close to being within the natural sort of equilibrium, meaning the market normally corrects itself when you have periods of time that use vehicle values run up or new vehicle values run up because the consumer who is either challenged by affordability and has to switch to use now has an opportunity to go back into the new vehicle market and that reduces demand for use and causes the prices to sort of correct.

So last year's decline in use retail, a decline of 10% by our metrics that happened was really part of the path of getting those two back in relation with one another. So we don't think that there's a big gap left that calls for a quote unquote price correction or further reduction in value.

I think with the run up that we had in the first three months of the year, we had 12 weeks of wholesale prices going up to start the year. We probably are on a path that over the next three months we're going to lose all of those gains. But we are projecting by the end of the year, we're basically going to be back into a rhythm where depreciation is pretty normal if not slightly below normal simply because of the supply constraint in environment we're in.

So we think vehicle values are going to be returning to a much more predictable path that's driven by normal time, mileage, usage that delivers depreciation. But if I put in 12% as normal, we probably are going to see depreciation that's closer to like 8% on average.

Now younger vehicles, that's on used cars. Yeah, younger vehicles have actually appreciated more and so there and they're coming down a bit more because they're the ones that are especially impacted by suddenly more incentives being in the market on the new vehicle side and rental car companies not being as aggressive at buying, which is definitely been a factor that we've seen take place over the last couple of years. Yeah.

So pretty much, I mean, from here, you're anticipating that within the next couple of months we're going to give back all the gains from say Q1 or the first several months of the year. And from there, get back on this linear linear, which say a linear decline, predictable decline in used car values. Yes, absolutely.

And so by the end of the year, our current forecast says the man I'm index is going to be up 2% year over year in December, which is pretty darn close to what a normal year over year path would be for the man I'm index.

And why is that man I'm index doesn't measure depreciation. It measures the mix of what dealers are paying for inventory, which naturally has inflation as part of it because every month dealers are buying a younger mix of vehicles and they bought last last month. So over time, the man I'm index usually delivers a 2% gain year over year and we think we'll be close to that by the end of the year.

So if you had to, again, to keep this very simple, right, you have to advise a family member on a car purchase right now, right? What would you tell them? New versus use now versus wait, least versus buy.

I know it's very general and you know, depends on the car, the program, but like generally speaking, kind of where is your head at? So there's all kinds of questions to kind of get at what is the optimal kind of purchase point.

I think the use vehicle market has far more opportunities to it than the new vehicle market in the short term. I'm actually surprised to hear that. I'm really curious to hear why. As long as you're not looking for a minivan, the most affordable sedans out there, if you're in the market like for a luxury vehicle, you're going to see, you're going to see more buying opportunities.

But that's also true in the new market too. Interestingly, what's available, most available in the new market and most incentivized, is also delivering the biggest use vehicle price to clients. So you kind of have opportunities in both spaces. And if you're looking for a vehicle that doesn't fit that category, that's where you're kind of screwed or you need to wait.

Because the condition, you're saying that if I'm looking, if let's just say, right, I'm going to use GPG as an example, they're the talker that's out today. If GPs are, you know, have all these incentives going for them on the new side, well, the later models will also be depreciating faster on the new side. So you're likely to get a better deal on either side of the spectrum because just the overall price is coming down. That's right.

And so then financing comes into the category and that's where it's much trickier. Because if you're dependent upon credit in this market right now, you're much more likely to get a better monthly payment and a better total financing costs over time by buying the new vehicle because you're more likely to find in some cases, a 0% interest rate or certainly something under 3% when the average new in so far in May has crossed 9% for the first time in 20 years.

Insanity. So the fine anything. I say insanity because it's like the assets, the cars, I'm not come down. It would not be insanity if cars are like, you know, fell by, you know, $10,000 a piece, but it's insanity when the interest rates are this high and that this that collateral is hasn't moved. If anything, it's gone up. Yeah.

So it's going to depend on what segment you're looking to buy and unfortunately for some segments, like the one you just transacted in, I think it's going to be one where it's going to take several years for it to be an environment where you can brag about the deal that you got. Yeah.

I mean, I got to tell you like, I never thought I would have to use connections to buy a frickin' minivan like it's a, it was a weird experience. And the fact that I bought a new minivan for less than I would have used, right? That's another very weird phenomenon, but it's just the current state of the market and it's super competitive. I just, it's crazy.

Yeah. So, all right. So Elon Musk, friend of the pod, he's shouted us out a couple times. Maybe he's listening right now. So hey, Elon, if you're listening, tell us your take on EVs. I know you've made over the past couple of years, there's been some investments and, you know, yeah.

We have a mobility division that's very focused on electric vehicles. We bought a company two years ago called Spheres New Technology, which is a major player in second life recycling, working and we are diligently working on incorporating electric vehicle battery health into all of the valuation metrics that we do from Manheim, MMR to Kelly Blue Book values. So that is definitely a space and we are seeing momentum. You know, it's not just on the new side.
我们有一个非常专注于电动汽车的移动设备部门。两年前,我们收购了一家名为Spheres New Technology的公司,它是二次使用回收的主要参与者。我们正在努力将电动汽车电池健康状况纳入我们从Manheim、MMR到凯利蓝皮书价值等所有估值指标中。所以这绝对是一个领域,我们看到了动力。你知道,这不仅仅是在新方面。

We had our biggest quarter ever with electric vehicle sales at Manheim in the first quarter this year. New vehicle market is tight and very low, the shift, which has taken years to really come to fruition is finally taking place and it's becoming meaningful to more of dealers in the broader community and the retail market. So we think this is only the beginning of what we're going to see in that space.

So a lot of what my team is going to be focused on is, you know, the things that you've come accustomed to seeing us report on. Think of us as having effectively a parallel addition of the same details covering the electrified space and also covering, well, how are we seeing EVs compare to ice vehicles at how we're seeing. Yeah, like from evaluation, depreciation curves, like how are you seeing them compare?

I mean, generally, like the first 12 weeks of this year, almost all vehicles appreciate them. And over time, we've really seen electric vehicles start to perform better in terms of use vehicle value retention. The yardstick that is traditionally measured is what is the wholesale price relative to the MSRP that's that's retention in in the vehicle world. And especially as Elon's vehicles have slowly become the norm in the industry, electric vehicle value retention is is head and shoulders stronger today than it was five years ago.

And why is that why is the price for attention stronger? There's multiple reasons for that. But I would say the electric vehicles that were sold pre Tesla were very heavy and everything wrong with which causes vehicles to not hold their value well, meaning they were heavily leased, they were heavily sold into fleets, they were way overrepresented at at manheim. So their vehicle value retention was awful, a flat out awful. So what you know, at three years before the pandemic, a typical use vehicle would be worth usually about 50 to 60% of what its original sticker was. We had electric vehicles when I started in in 2017 that were worth 10% of what their original sticker was. And that does not help consumer confidence in the vehicle experience.

Or the other confidence, frankly. I mean, no one wants to be stuck holding a hot potato, which is, you know, that was the case partially at the beginning of this year, right? When when Tesla began or price cuts, you know, some dealers were like, fuck, like my ass, it just fell like $10,000, it was it was scary. And we we are seeing a little bit of that. If Elon's listening, the consequences of cutting prices on the new side does have consequences. But yeah, but I do understand also, like I did, I treated about this as well.

Like I think short term, there's going to be volatility. And I do think long term, it's the right move. If you, if truly if your goal is to increase affordability and adoption, at some point, you're going to have to, you know, take the medicine and it's going to impact anyone else that has that, you know, vehicle under balance sheet. So, and we've definitely seen interest, we've got the strongest interest we've ever seen in electric vehicles. And that seems to be cascading into the use vehicle market by what measure though? When you say that, by what measure?

By consumer both stated, like on surveys, are you interested in buying or are you considering an electric vehicle on your next purchase? We've gone in majority interesting in one that choice. And then in what we observe on Kelly Bluebook, it's a great platform to really see what are consumers really looking at? What are they comparing as they're narrowing down their choices? Electric vehicles are definitely part of it. In fact, the interest is way larger than the reality. And that's where affordability as you were pointing out comes into play.

And would you say there's like a geographic concentration in like the coastal cities, or is it like more evenly dispersed? Right? Like I'm thinking like, are we talking about like New York, LA, you know, Texas or are we talking about like other states as well, you know, Midwest or whereabouts? So there's no question. Electric vehicle adoption has been first a California thing. Then a west coast thing versus the rest of the country. And then generally an urban phenomenon, other areas. We are seeing interest grow across the board. But it's still a reality that you're most likely to see a consumer in an urban setting where they have access to chargers and a world where electric vehicles are. Yeah. You're more likely to have a friend that's driving one, you know, be where we're really going to see more sales take place.

Dude, this was super insightful. I think people will love the insight. I think one thing worth mentioning here is our friend John Smoke is a man of many talents. He also DJs. And so I followed that fascinating. I followed your post, your blogs, and we put out soundtracks. And by the way, DJ Sol, David Solomon has some competition. DJs and economics at finance sector. Yeah. Give us some soundtracks to describe the current state of the economy. This would be fun.
这真是太有见地了,我想人们会很喜欢这些见解。我认为有一个值得一提的事情,就是我们的朋友约翰·斯莫克是一个有很多才能的人。他还可以担任DJ。我对此非常感兴趣。我关注了你的帖子、博客,并且我们制作了一些配乐。顺便说一下,DJ Sol(大卫·所罗门)现在又有竞争了。在金融领域担任DJ,这很有趣。是的,给我们播放一些配乐来描述当前经济形势,这将非常有趣。

Well, every quarter, I put together at least one playlist that I think captures the economy and the auto market themes. And I went all hip hop for the first quarter. And I still like top song selection from when I was in high school. It's tricky by run DMC because when you ask me, what are things going to look like? It's so tricky to forecast. But my magnus opus for playlists, I put out right before last week's fed meeting because I was hoping the fed would actually listen and keep rates unchanged. I was hoping that they would channel the Beatles, let it be. But instead instead they were pushing higher and higher. So now we find ourselves in a scenario of I don't know if we're going to necessarily see the bad moon rising by CCR.
每个季度,我都会编制至少一份我认为能捕捉到经济和汽车市场主题的播放列表。在第一季度,我选择了全是嘻哈音乐。我仍然很喜欢我在高中时听的那些热门歌曲。其中 "It's tricky" 是由 Run DMC 制作的,因为当你问我,未来会是什么样子?预测起来真的很棘手。但是在上周联邦储备会议之前,我发表了我最伟大的播放列表,因为我希望联邦储备会实际倾听并保持利率不变。我希望他们能像披头士一样,放手不管。但是相反,他们一直在向上推进。所以现在我们发现自己处于一种情况,我不知道我们是否会看到 CCR 的 "Bad Moon Rising"。

But I'm actually really concerned that the next couple of months are going to be pretty telling in terms of pushing us into a recession, especially when you add other risks like in the banking sector and what's happening with the debt ceiling that's likely to take place over the next couple of years. And at the end of the day, I'm worried about credit. And to me, credit, the song out of the 24 songs that I put up for that is most kind of central to why I'm worried about the indirect consequences of what the fed is doing is ain't no sunshine because there ain't no sunshine when credit is gone. And that's definitely an old school. But just keep on me at smoke on cars on Twitter and I'll publish every playlist that I do.

I got to admit, when we initially connected, I think your social media team commented on one of my posts and I DM them and blah, blah, blah. But I was, look, I'll admit it, I came out guns blazing into the Twitter verse. I didn't really have like a plan. I was sort of like, you know, this social media stuff. And you know, there's no doubt about it, like, you know, the last six to 12 months, I've really kind of tightened up the game and really put like, you know, kind of honing on my niche. But I was like, this would be fun. And I hope John doesn't, didn't bother him. My inaccuracies early on before I really posted like the fine details to that, I learned how this game works.

So I'm just thrilled that we could do this. And like I said, it would be great to do this, you know, on a recurring basis. You know, we can really continue having industry updates and as you started saying like work in, work in, you know, the audience learn more about you about your work and everything else. Well, you got, you got me on Twitter at Smoke on Cars, but really my team and I published something almost every day on the insight section of Cox Automotive's website, which is Cox Autoink.com. And just for the look for the market insights and outlook and you will find a Smoke on Cars section there. It's all of my stuff, but basically all of the metrics and information my team is publishing, which I know you're a fan of. I'm very, very much so.
我非常高兴我们能够这样做。正如我所说,定期进行这样的行业更新会很棒。我们可以继续努力,让观众更多了解你的工作和其他方面。你可以在Twitter上找到我,账号为Smoke on Cars,但实际上,我和我的团队几乎每天都在Cox Automotive网站的Insight部分发布内容,该网站的网址是Cox Autoink.com。只要寻找市场洞察和展望,你就会找到Smoke on Cars的专栏。这是我的所有文章,但实际上是我和我的团队发布的所有指标和信息,而这恰好是你所喜欢的。

And so if you see me post tweets, I say, you know, via our source, Cox Auto, you know where it comes from. Absolutely.
因此,如果你看到我发推文,我会说,你知道的,通过我们的消息来源,Cox Auto,你知道它来自哪里。绝对。

John Smoke, thanks so much. This was awesome. Wealth of knowledge. Had a great time. Thank you.

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Thanks for tuning in. See you guys next time.