World's Lightest Solid!
发布时间 2019-05-31 16:40:50 来源
Aerogels are the world's lightest (least dense) solids. They are also excellent thermal insulators and have been used in numerous Mars missions and the Stardust comet particle-return mission. The focus of this video is silica aerogels, though graphene aerogels are now technically the lightest.
At one point Dr. Steven Jones literally held the Guinness World Record for making the lightest aerogel and therefore lightest solid. If you're interested in learning more about aerogels, let me know in the comments as there is a potential trilogy in the works...
Huge thanks to Dr. Stephen Steiner and the crew at Aerogel Technologies. To find out more or buy your own aerogel sample, check out:
Thanks to Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. Mihail Petkov at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
And thanks to FLIR for loaning us the awesome high definition thermal camera. The footage is amazing!
Special thanks to Patreon supporters:
Donal Botkin, Michael Krugman, Ron Neal, Stan Presolski, Terrance Shepherd, Penward Rhyme and everyone who provided feedback on an early draft of this video.
Filming by Raquel Nuno
Animations by Maria Raykova
Drawings by Mariel Solsberg
Music From "Seaweed" "Swagger Stagger"
This is Aerojell, the world's lightest, that is least dense solid. This piece has a mass of just 1.22 grams. That is only a few times the mass of the same volume of air, which kind of makes sense because it is 99.8% air. In fact, some Aerojells are so light that if you removed all the air from them, they would be less dense than air.
I have long been fascinated by Aerojell, so actually flew out to Aerojell Technologies in Boston to find out why was Aerojell invented? How is it made? Why is it such a good thermal insulator and what is it used for?
我一直对Aerojell着迷,所以实际上飞到波士顿的Aerojell Technologies了解一下,为什么Aerojell被发明出来?它是如何制造的?为什么它是一个好的热绝缘材料并且它被用来做什么?
Okay, we are going to try and experiment to demonstrate the insulating power of Aerojell. So over here we have two setups, one with a glass Petri dish and the other one with Aerojell on top. Both are made of silica, but with very different physical structures. We are going to see how long it takes to melt these chocolate bunnies with a bunzen burner. Now to have a look at this experiment, we have a FLIR T1020, which can see temperatures up to 2000 degrees Celsius. It is getting pretty hot.
好的,我们将进行一个实验来展示Aerojell的绝缘能力。在这里我们有两个装置,一个是玻璃蒸发皿,另一个是放置Aerojell的玻璃蒸发皿。两个都是由二氧化硅制成,但是它们具有完全不同的物理结构。我们将用火柴枪看看需要多长时间才能融化这些巧克力兔子。现在,我们使用一个FLIR T1020来观察这个实验,它可以看到高达2000摄氏度的温度。现在它变得非常热了。
Yeah, you can see that the glass is getting really hot already. And after just a minute? It started to smoke. Oh, okay. It is definitely melting and smoking. Oh yeah, here we go. I would say that that is phase change. We have got liquid chocolate situation. We have some smoking bunny. Over here the bunny is actually sort of melting over and look, it is sort of tilting to the side. Alright, I think we are going to call that a belt. What is that? Oh, on cue, on cue. I would say that that is material film. Not only did the bunny melt quickly, the Petri dish cracked under the thermal expansion.
So now let's try the aerogel. So how was aerogel invented? Back in 1931, a guy named Professor Samuel Kisler had a bet with his colleague Charles Lerned. Now the bet revolved around jellies, like peanut butter and jelly jellies. Now the thing about jellies is they are actually a combination of liquids and solids. I mean, they are mostly liquid, but it is embedded within this 3D solid structure. So if you think of a jell like jello has a skeleton with nanosize pores that gives it its rigidity and then that is about 1% of the jellies.
现在让我们来尝试一下气凝胶。那么气凝胶是如何发明的呢?回到1931年,一位名叫Samuel Kisler教授的人与他的同事Charles Lerned打赌。现在这个赌注与果冻有关,像花生酱果冻。现在关于果冻的事情是它们实际上是液体和固体的组合。我的意思是,它们主要是液体,但嵌入这个3D固体结构中。因此,如果你认为果冻就像果冻一样,具有纳米级孔隙的骨架,这给了它刚性,然后这只占果冻的1%左右。
So the bet was this, could you remove the liquid from the jelly without affecting the solid structure? I mean, if you just evaporate the liquid out, well then the solid structure shrinks because as you remove liquid molecules, they pull on each other and they pull on the solid structure around them, basically crumpling it from the inside. Now Samuel Kisler solved this problem in two ways. First he realized you could replace one liquid with another inside the jelly just by washing it thoroughly so you could swap out, say, water for alcohol. And then if you take the jelly and put it in a high pressure vessel called autoclave, by heating it to the high temperature and high pressure point called the critical point of the liquid.
The liquid transformed into a semi-liquid semi-gas called a supercritical fluid. At this point there is no longer a distinction between liquid and gas. Those molecules are no longer pulling on each other. So once you've depressurized the vessel, that solid skeleton that 1% of the mass of the jell is left behind intact except for where there was liquid in the pores before is now gas. And that solid skeleton, that nanopore solid is what we call aerogel. Kisler published his findings in nature in 1931.
这种液体会转化为一种半液态半气态的物质,称为超临界流体。此时液体和气体之间已经没有区别了。这些分子不再相互牵引。所以,一旦你将容器减压,那个占这种凝胶1%质量的固体骨架就留了下来,除了原来存在液态的孔隙中的部分,此时已经变成了气态。这个固体骨架,也就是纳米孔固体就是我们所说的气凝胶。 Kisler 在 1931 年在自然杂志上发表了他的发现。
It is getting pretty hot as you can see through the thermal camera. But coming up on three minutes, there's still no sign of melted chocolate. So we're going to pull out a thermocouple and just check the temperature underneath the bunny, like underneath the aerogel and see what the flame temperature is. You can kind of see that the parts of the bunny are getting hot, but it's not the bottom of the bunny. It's all around the bunny. Exactly, that convective heat is moving up and around the aerogel. So you can see the thing is getting red hot. And by four minutes the bunny is looking a little soft. Pretty good though. Considering how easy this to melt chocolate.
Can I put my finger here? Be careful. It's not that it's hot. It's that it's real. Right. But yeah, totally cool to touch, right? It is just warm to the touch. He made aerogels out of all sorts of things. He made them out of eggs. He made them out of rubber out of nitro cellulose. And included in there was silica. Actually right here on the table I have some examples of some silica gels. This is a wet silica gel. It's kind of rubbery, so I can just carve out a piece. It is 97% alcohol in type of its pores. And then the remaining 3% solid is amorphous silica. Can I touch it? Absolutely. It's kind of rubbery. Not that strong. So was I cracking it there or was it a really kind of crack? No, it's very easy to break, very crumbly.
The next step is to replace the alcohol in the gel with liquid carbon dioxide. We're about to see liquid CO2. Liquid CO2 has the advantage of being non-flammable. Plus it's got a low critical temperature.
Open up. Let's see it flooding in there. Yeah, it's flooding in. There it goes. Just another solvent. You can clearly see it's just so much cooler on top. What temperature is it on the bottom? We're at 600 right now. 600 degrees Celsius. That's 1200 meltdown. That's 50 fair meltdown right now.
Notice where the bunny is melting. It's melting right on that edge where the heat's like the flame is kind of crawling up and over. So again, that's the. Oh, bunny down. Well, not a bad result. Not a bad result at all. I'm interested in tasting some of this chocolate here. It's hot. It's warm. It's delicious. Like fondue. Mm-hmm. That was great.
Once the liquid CO2 has filled all the pores of the gel, it's time to take it super critical. It was. I would say kind of a spiritual experience the first time that I saw a super critical fluid will get to be there. I love how much you're into these autoclades. I love aerogels. I like to make a super critical fluid. We can heat this with a hair dryer, actually.
As we approach the critical point, the surface of the liquid becomes kind of blurry. Weird, huh? That is like weird waves in there. Yeah. I'll speed it up so you can watch the surface disappear altogether. You're now looking at the super critical fluid of CO2. In this state, the CO2 can be vented without affecting the solid structure and what you're left with is aerogel.
If you look at aerogel on a light background, it's almost impossible to see because it is pretty transparent. But if you look at it on a darker background, then you can see that it has a slight bluish color. And it's bluish for the same reason that the sky is blue. Because all those tiny little nanoscale structures, they scatter the light according to Rayleigh scattering.
And the intensity of light scattered is proportional to 1 over wavelength to the power of 4, which means that scatters shorter wavelengths like blue much more than it scatters yellow or red. And for that reason, aerogel looks opaque in the ultraviolet and transparent in the infrared.
Now, what do you think this would look like if I held it up to the blue sky? What do you think we would see? Would it look ultra blue? No, it looks yellow. And that's because the aerogel is actually scattering out that blue light. And so what passes through and makes it to our eyes is the longer wavelengths like the yellows and oranges. It's basically the same effect as looking at a sunset.
When you see the yellows and oranges of a sunset, it's because the blue light has already been scattered out by the atmosphere the light had to pass through before it reached your eyes. So effectively looking at aerogel against blue sky is like looking at a portable sunset.
The nanoscale pores of the aerogel are also what makes it such a good thermal insulator. That's awesome. Does that look hot? It's definitely hot. You might think that because aerogel is largely comprised of air, like 99% air, that has the same thermal properties as air, but that is not correct.
That's because the width of the pores is smaller than the distance air molecules travel on average before colliding with something. They're so called mean free path. Hence it's really difficult for the hot fast moving air molecules below the aerogel to diffuse through it and transfer heat to the top of the aerogel. This is called the Knutson effect.
It is so weird because you don't expect something that's transparent to block the heat that well, but this really does. And that's why NASA used aerogel insulation on the Sojourner rover, Spirit and Opportunity, the Curiosity rover, and they plan to use it on future missions to Mars.
Why does it need insulation? The electronics because they don't want the electronics to get cold during the cold nights on Mars. NASA has also put aerogel to more exotic uses, notably to catch dust from a comet as part of the star dust mission.
为什么需要隔热层?因为电子设备不希望在火星的寒冷夜晚受到寒冷的影响。此外, NASA 还将气凝胶用于更多的外星探索,尤其是作为"星尘任务"中捕捉彗星尘埃的一部分。
So the particles were traveling about 6 kilometers per second relative to the aerogel. So when they hit the aerogel, because the aerogel is a very low density material, very, very porous material, the particles actually enter the aerogel and as they travel through the aerogel, they basically break apart the network that makes up the aerogel and they lose energy in the process and eventually come to a stop.
This is good for capturing particles because if a particle like that were to hit a solid surface, then it just stops immediately and vaporizes. So should we expect to see aerogel in our everyday lives anytime soon? One of my running jokes is when they build skyscrapers in Antarctica, they'll use aerogel as thermal insulation.
Why do you say that? Well, because then they'll really care about just how thermal efficient is because it would be so cold there. So instead of having 10 feet of fiberglass insulation, you could have 6 inches or something of aerogel.
Scientists are currently working on reducing costs and increasing durability. And that's true. They do have some elasticity. There we go. It is not hard to break. They've already made a lot of progress.
For example, original silica aerogel is hydrophilic. There we go. Now this is a hydrophilic aerogel. So once we've done this, is that piece of aerogel ruined now? Pretty much. But there are ways to make it waterproof.
So if you want to see that and all the other next generation aerogels, then subscribe to the channel and this may be the start of an aerogel trilogy.