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Could We Clone Ourselves? | Answers With Joe

发布时间 2018-11-19 21:30:01    来源


Get Brilliant at http://www.brilliant.org/answerswithjoe/ And the first 200 to sign up for a premium account get 20% off every month! Human cloning has been a hot topic since the first mammal, Dolly the sheep, was cloned in 1996. And while no human clones have been made - that we know of - the research into cloning is saving lives through stem cell therapy. Want a cool shirt? Check out the store! http://www.answerswithjoe.com/shirts Support me on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/answerswithjoe Follow me at all my places! Instagram: https://instagram.com/answerswithjoe Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/answerswithjoe Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/answerswithjoe Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/answerswithjoe

