Harsh Chamria, MBA ’14: Financial Inclusion: Investing in the NINJA’s of the World

发布时间 2013-04-29 18:10:30    来源


Harsh Chamria looks at how microfinancing and giving loans to the smaller business of the world can be a safe investment. Chamria describes how his family business grants loans to the smaller businesses of the world by getting to know the applicant on a personal level rather than getting to know them on paper. He describes how you can help in this venture and let no dream slip away due to lack of funding. LOWkeynotes provides an opportunity for students at the Stanford Graduate School of Business to develop and practice a nine-minute “keynote-style” presentation about an idea they think could change lives, organizations, and the world. Through LOWkeynotes, students have the chance to grapple with big issues, and some of the challenges that leaders face as communicators. They also learn what it takes to go from being a good presenter to being an effective leader. A select number of students are admitted into the program each year. Learn more about LOWkeynotes: http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/stanford-gsb-experience/academic-advantages/mba-msx-communication-programs

