Economic Theories to Find the Right Person, Project or Job

发布时间 2015-02-24 21:15:21    来源


This Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) webinar looks at the unlikely intersection of online dating and economic theory, exploring what the market for life partners can teach us about other markets where finding the right “match” is the key to success. Stanford GSB Professor Paul Oyer, author of Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Economics I Learned From Online Dating, explains how the Nobel Prize-winning ideas of Thick Markets, Signaling, and Search Theory can help in your hunt for the right employee, the right job, the right project, or the right person with whom to spend your life. In this one-hour session, Professor Oyer shows you how to cut through the overload of information and misinformation as he takes you through finding the right match in three steps: Choosing your Market, Presenting Yourself, and Making a Choice.

