Megan Starr: Starting the Conversation About Contraception

发布时间 2015-06-29 16:37:31    来源


In the US, 51% of pregnancies every year are unintended. Why is that? One reason is that we are not using one of the most effective forms of birth control – namely IUDs, or intrauterine devices. What can we do about it? We can start talking about IUDs to increase awareness and decrease misinformation. IUDs are part of a choice that each female makes, and many couples make together, about their reproductive health care. If IUDs are missing from the dialogue, then they are not a real choice at all. Megan Starr asks us to start including IUDs in that dialogue by demystifying three major questions about them. Let’s get talking and make that choice a reality. Megan Starr is a member of the Class of 2015 at Stanford Graduate School of Business, and is part of the LOWkeynotes program.

