Corporations and the Justice System

发布时间 2021-01-15 00:01:49    来源


Does the justice system, including law enforcement, hold those with power properly accountable when they cause substantial and preventable harms to others? Is there equal justice under the law in the corporate context? If not, what must change in the laws and in the institutions and mechanisms of law enforcement to achieve more just outcomes? Professor John Donohue III of Stanford Law School moderates a panel discussion with Anat Admati of Stanford GSB, Professor Brandon Garrett of Duke University School of Law, and Vikramaditya (Vic) Khanna of University of Michigan Law School. The panelists are joined by additional discussants Professor Karthik Ramana of the University of Oxford Blavatnik School of Government, Professor Neil Malhotra of Stanford GSB, Professor Jerry Davis of the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and journalist Martin Wolf of the Financial Times. This is Session 6 of the Corporations and Democracy Conference, December 7-9, 2020. The full program and additional links are available here: Watch the Introduction to the Conference: Watch Session 1 on Corporations and their Political Voice: Watch Session 2 on Corporations and Money in Politics: Watch Session 3 on Expertise, Incentives, and “Thin Political Markets”: Watch Session 4 on Corporations, Media, and Truth: Watch Session 5 on Corporations, Corruption and Democracy:

