A New Take on Voice: The Influence of BlackRock’s “Dear CEO” Letters

发布时间 2021-04-08 16:34:34    来源


The RAST conference held at Stanford, December 10-11, 2020 has a special focus on the role of financial reporting and disclosure and its impact on CSR (corporate social responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies and actions. A New Take on Voice: The Influence of BlackRock’s “Dear CEO” Letters Presented by Andrea Pawliczek, University of Missouri Engagement is a common means through which investors seek to influence the behavior of portfolio firms. While much of this engagement takes place in private, Professor Andrea Pawliczek, from the University of Missouri, considers the effects of another form of engagement, broad-based public engagement. She cites BlackRock’s annual “Dear CEO” letter, which in recent years has called for portfolio firms to acknowledge and quantify the impact of environmental and regulatory factors on their firms. In the post-letter period, she finds that portfolio firms’ disclosures reflect topics similar to those discussed in BlackRock’s letters. The full program and additional information is available here: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/events/review-accounting-studies-2020-conference Watch Welcome and Introduction: https://youtu.be/SynFc5e_Pts Watch Session 1 on Financial (Mis)conduct and Employee Mistreatment: Evidence from Wage Theft: https://youtu.be/8v4sia-MRf0 Watch Session 2 on Doing Good When Doing Well: Evidence on Real Earnings Management: https://youtu.be/S1G09ctti9E Watch Session 3 on Strategic Reporting by Nonprofit Hospitals: An Examination of Bad Debt and Charity Care: https://youtu.be/xUkctohvGIE Watch Session 4 on Voluntary Disclosure When Private Information and Proprietary Costs Are Jointly Determined: https://youtu.be/ih_ERV3gWUA Watch Session 5 on Criminals, Bankruptcy, and Cost of Debt: https://youtu.be/jakTtJGyNjw Watch Session 6 on Monitoring or Payroll Maximization? What Happens When Workers Enter the Boardroom?: https://youtu.be/IeRhmqRRs7k Watch Session 8 on The Impact of Carbon Disclosure Mandates on Emissions and Financial Operating Performance: https://youtu.be/oH23bdt44TU Watch Current Statistics on RAST and Closing Remarks: https://youtu.be/cV6nPkqzcJI

