Ep 1 All Else Equal: Ruth Porat, "Making a business decision"

发布时间 2022-02-08 00:21:54    来源


In this inaugural episode of the All Else Equal podcast, professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen speak with Alphabet and Google CFO Ruth Porat about how to — and how not to — use data to make decisions. “It’s too easy to just anchor on a set of numbers,” Porat says. “Most important is to look at the trends over time, then break it down to the sensitivity analysis — what are the key variables that will drive behavior one way or another? “Coming with just a flat set of data is not constructive because obviously the world in which we live is not static.” All Else Equal is a podcast produced by Stanford Graduate School of Business. It is hosted by Jonathan Berk, The A.P. Giannini Professor of Finance at Stanford GSB, and Jules van Binsbergen,The Nippon Life Professor in Finance, Professor of Finance, at The Wharton School. #allelseequal #podcast Each podcast episode provides key insights for leaders into making better decisions. Learn more at https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/business-podcasts/all-else-equal-making-better-decisions

