Quick Check In - Tesla Daily
发布时间 2023-05-11 06:30:49 来源
Update on Tesla Daily scheduling for this week
Hey everybody, Rob Mauer here and today we're not going to be doing a normal episode of Tesla Daily but I did just want to make sure to take the time to quickly check in with people, let everyone know that I'm doing okay. I know we haven't had an episode so far this week, so first off I do apologize for that. I like to always give some notice if we're going to have off days like that, so my apologies on that. Everything's all good.
大家好,我是Rob Mauer。今天我们不会播送一集普通的「特斯拉日报」,但我想保证花点时间快速与每个人打个招呼并让大家知晓我的状况。我知道本周我们还没有播送新的一期节目,首先我要为此道歉。我通常会提前通知大家有哪些日子我们不会播送,所以我很抱歉。一切都很好。
Basically just had some things come up with other projects that have needed my full attention for this period of time. It's been kind of crazy 16, 18 hour days really here for the last few days, really since Sunday, so just trying to get that stuff taken care of as soon as that's really in a good spot. We'll be back to Tesla Daily as normal. I don't know when that's going to be exactly.
基本上,我在这段时间内有其他项目需要我全身心的关注,所以非常忙碌,每天工作16-18小时,从上周日开始就是这样的情况,现在只想尽快处理完这些事,直到它们得到很好的解决为止。一旦这些事情解决了,我们会像往常一样继续发布《Tesla Daily》。我不确定具体时间。
I've really thought that it might be sooner and I'm willing to work those 18 hour days to get those episodes out if I can but unfortunately it's been fully consumed by the other projects. As soon as there's enough hours in the day to get an episode done and make sure that it's done right and done well. I've got a lot of catching up to you here too, but I want to make sure that I'm not just wasting people's time. Although this one might be a waste, I did just want to make sure everyone knows what's going on.
As soon as I can be back, I will be back. Maybe it's later this week. I wouldn't necessarily count on that. I would assume that there would be no more episodes this week if we get one great. It'll be a bonus, but otherwise hopefully kind of back in full force next week, although there's still going to be stuff going on next week as well. Obviously we've got the shareholder meeting. Definitely will be some stuff for Tesla daily next week.
In a couple of weeks, we should really be back to normal. I appreciate you guys bearing with me. Again, everything is all good. It's good stuff happening and I'm excited about it, but just taking a little bit of time from Tesla daily at the moment. As soon as I can, I'll be back.
In the meantime, everything is all good. Looking forward to getting back. There's a lot of stuff going on with Tesla as we head in the shareholder meeting. I'm excited to get back and talk about all that with you as soon as possible. We'll see you soon. Thank you.