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Model Y E18: Instrument Panel (IP) Assembly & Comparison MY-M3

发布时间 2020-04-14 12:59:46    来源


Episode 18: Sandy gives a quick overview of the Instrument Panel assembly including the general layout of HVAC system and details about the cross car beam design. If you like the content you're seeing, please consider visiting our website and clicking "Support Munro!" or subscribing to our Patreon group for exclusive content. BUY MODEL Y REPORTS: Sales@leandesign.com PATREON GROUP: https://www.patreon.com/MunroLive MUNRO MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/munro-li... SUPPORT MUNRO: https://munrolive.com/support-%2F-shop MUNRO LIVE CONTENT: https://munrolive.com/ MUNRO MAIN WEBSITE: https://leandesign.com/

