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Model Y E29: Down to the Naked Body-in-White (BIW) - Oil Canning, Roof Racks, More Insulation

发布时间 2020-04-29 12:02:35    来源


Episode 29: Now that all of the parts have been removed from the Model Y, it's down to just the naked Body-in-White (BIW)! Yes, we know the car is red, but BIW is an industry-standard term for a vehicle in this state. Sandy walks us through some noteworthy observations throughout, touching on hinge pillar fastening, paint, rough welds, expanding insulation, oil canning in the floor pan, and provisions for the roof rack. If you like the content you're seeing, please consider visiting our website and clicking "Support Munro!" or subscribing to our Patreon group for exclusive content. BUY MODEL Y REPORTS: Sales@leandesign.com PATREON GROUP: https://www.patreon.com/MunroLive MUNRO MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/munro-live-store SUPPORT MUNRO: https://munrolive.com/support-%2F-shop MUNRO LIVE CONTENT: https://munrolive.com/ MUNRO MAIN WEBSITE: https://leandesign.com/ Intro/Outro: Music from YouTube Audio Library [Aka YAL] Music provided by RFM: https://youtu.be/CCPXfflu0qo

