A Brief History of Semiconductor Packaging
发布时间 2023-04-02 23:00:28 来源
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In this video we're going to look at a brief history of the semiconductor packaging industry. Packaging refers to the integrated circuits, carrier, and enclosure. It protects the silicon die inside from physical damage while also allowing it to be connected to other devices. The industry has long been overlooked by the sexier work of wafer fabrication, but it's important and we should know about it. Let's go.
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ICs are precious little snowflakes. They need protection from the real world, which is full of damaging influences. Particles can get in and interfere with operations. Moisture in the air can cause their metals to corrode. High temperatures generated during operations can cause the IC to degrade or even fail outright. Vibrations or jolts can damage the chip's capabilities and so on. The packaging is for protecting from all of these threats.
Let's talk about what's inside. First we have your die. The die attaches to a metal support called a lead frame, oftentimes through the use of clips, adhesive, or straps. The lead frame has wires attached to it, which connect it to the outside world. These are called bond wires. And then finally there is a plastic or ceramic or metal enclosure surrounding the die, the lead frame, and the bond wires. This whole setup is considered by the industry as only the first level of semiconductor packaging.
The second level refers to the circuit board, and the third and final level refers to the system's final enclosure, like the desktop PC's chassis. The process of encasing the fabricated die into its level 1 package is referred to as the back end. We can further break down back end processes to two major steps, assembly and test.
Processes differ based on the technology, but here is the vanilla workflow. In assembly, we start by cutting the dies out of the completed wafer and inspecting them. After this we have to put the dies onto the packages lead frame called die attach or die bonding or die mounting. Then we attach the very small bond wires to the dies, which allow the chip to communicate with the outside world.
This step is called wire bonding and was pioneered by Bell Labs in the 1950s. After that we put the die into its ceramic or plastic package to protect it from the outside world. At the start this process had to be done manually, making it one of the first things to be outsourced abroad. Since then machines have taken over, and a swath of new bonding techniques have been introduced, discussing them is beyond the scope of this video, but you should know they exist.
Throughout its history, packaging schools have stayed rather consistent, helped the IC achieve its full functionality and don't get in its way, be as small as possible, and be as cost-effective as possible. In the beginning, only military or aerospace companies used semiconductors. Price was less of a concern than total reliability. There go most semiconductor manufacturers, packaged their dies, in hermetically sealed cans made out of ceramic or steel. This prevented any contaminants from messing with the chip, but there were serious drawbacks.
在其历史上,封装学校一直保持相当一致,帮助集成电路实现其全部功能且不妨碍其进行。 封装体积尽可能小,并尽可能节省成本。 在最初阶段,只有军事或航空公司使用半导体。 价格不是最大的考虑因素,而是总可靠性。 因此,大多数半导体制造商将其芯片包装在由陶瓷或钢制成的密封罐中。 这样可以防止任何污染物对芯片的影响,但存在严重缺点。
Ceramics and metal cost a lot. They're also heavy, which meant that the circuit boards they were attached to had to support all that weight. This made them heavy too. Faire child semiconductor, when Faire child started producing their revolutionary planar ICs in the late 1950s, they packed them in the same T-O5 and flat pack packages they used for transistors, just with a few more leads. We will talk about flat packs a little later in this video, but first let us talk about the T-O5.
The T-O stands for transistor outline. A T-O5 kind of looks like a squid, basically a metal can and metal lid. Faire child's first micrologic chips were accordingly etched in a round shape. But the T-O5's awkward round shape made it difficult to attach onto and arrange on a board, adding to the labor cost. Worse yet, T-O5's limited how much data the chip can take in and push out. They maxed out at just 8 to 10 pins, Faire child's new logic circuits needed far more than that.
T-O是晶体管外观的缩写,T-O5的外形有点像乌贼,基本上是金属罐和金属盖。Faire child的第一批微型逻辑芯片是按照圆形刻制的。但是,T-O5笨拙的圆形外形使其难以安装和排列在电路板上,增加了人力成本。更糟糕的是,T-O5芯片能够处理的数据量有限,只有8到10个针脚,而Faire child的新逻辑电路需要更多的针脚。
T-O5 packaging diluted the ICs advantages and worsened its disadvantages. With this situation, however, are ICs ever going to get to price parity with germanium devices and vacuum tubes. In response, Faire child developed two new packaging techniques. The first was plastic encapsulation. This sounds fancy, by the way, they did it back then was to put the IC die on a ceramic bead and cover the whole thing with a plastic blob. This method had some issues.
T-O5包装削弱了IC的优势并加剧了其劣势。然而,在这种情况下,IC是否能够达到与锗器件和真空管的价格平价。作为回应,Faire child发展了两种新的包装技术。第一种是塑料封装。顺便说一下,他们当时的方法是将IC芯片放在陶瓷珠上,然后用塑料块覆盖整个东西。这种方法存在一些问题。
Plastic can be permeable to certain chemicals leading to concern surrounding contamination. And plastic can shrink or grow depending on outside conditions like heat, inflicting mechanical stress on the chips inside. However, plopping plastic onto a chip required very little skill, this meant that Faire child circuit outsources assembly work to cheap manual labor in Hong Kong or South Korea. One of the first such electronics companies to do so.
塑料可能对某些化学物质具有渗透性,从而引起有关污染的担忧。而且,塑料可以根据外部条件(如热量)收缩或扩张,对芯片内部施加机械应力。然而,将塑料放在芯片上所需技能很少,这意味着Faire child circuit将组装工作外包给便宜的手工劳动力在香港或韩国。这是最早这样做的电子公司之一。
Faire child's second idea would forever change semiconductor packaging. Faire child's digital systems laboratory head, Rex Rice, created a new lead configuration for an IC. The leads were spaced about 100,000 of an inch apart. The industry term for this measurement is lead pitch and came out in a single line. You would attach the package to the circuit board using what is called through hole mounting.
Here, you insert the packages leads through literal holes drilled into the boards. The holes have large round solder contact areas surrounding them. After insertion, you solder the leads on the backside to secure them. The method for doing this was called wave soldering. Tests found that this new inline packaging system fit all the criteria. It can accommodate more IO, some 12-16 pins at the start. It simplified the circuit board layout, and finally it took less time and skill to assemble. The inline arrangement was far simpler than the T05 cans circle shaped leads.
Before deploying the product, Faire child first consulted with customers and end users, who did not like the single line arrangement. However, they would be okay with two lines. So Faire child revised the prototype to two rows of inline pins, dual inline packaging or DIP. Introduced in 1965, the simplicity of dual inline packaging cut the cost of assembly by a factor of 4. The industry widely adopted it throughout the 1970s and 80s. During those 20 years, DIPs, which includes ceramic and plastic versions, held some 80-90% market share when measured by value.
However, as the industry moved into the 1970s and the era of very large scale integration or VLSI, demands for IO density kept growing. Some VLSI chips would require as many as 300 leads. More leads forced the DIPs to grow increasingly large. DIPs can have 64 or even more leads, but doing so gave them in practically large board footprints. If trends continued the way they were, the DIP packages would end up being far larger than the dies themselves. This invalidates the various miniaturization gains in semiconductor manufacturing.
然而,随着工业进入 1970 年代和大规模集成或 VLSI 时代,对 IO 密度的需求不断增加。一些 VLSI 芯片需要多达 300 条引线。更多的引线强迫 DIPs 变得越来越大。 DIPs 可以有 64 甚至更多的引线,但这样做实际上使它们的印刷板占用面积变得更大。如果继续按照现有趋势发展,DIP 封装会变得比芯片本身要大得多。这将使半导体制造越来越微型化的各种成果无效。
In response to this trend, a series of new packages capable of accommodating far more leads emerged, the packaging industry's second big revolution. This generation of packages was defined not by their shape, but rather how they were attached to the circuit board.
Surface mounting technology describes a style of mounting packages onto the board using flat patches of solder already on the board. Surface mounting had several advantages over through-hole mounting. First, because through-hole mounting required you to solder the backside of the boards to secure the DIPs, you can only use one side of the board. With surface mounting, you can use both. This alone increases the theoretical number of packages on a single board by 35 to 60%.
Second, it allowed us to move the leads closer together, or in other words, for a smaller lead pitch. This is because you no longer have the solder contact areas around the holes. And third, you can use cheaper boards, drilling a hole into a board costs money, and there can be up to a thousand holes on a standard board. Ray estimates found that a surface mount board costs 13 cents per square inch, while an insertion hole mounting board costs 15 cents. Furthermore, the boards aren't peppered with holes anymore, which means they don't need so many layers to maintain their structural integrity, another cost saving measure.
Previously, all that surface mounting had to be done by hand, which, considering the smaller lead pitches, required a great deal of skill and training. This was the primary reason why surface mounting didn't take off at first. New automatic machines finally closed the loop on this. Manufacturers now use convection heating, hot gas, or even infrared heat rays to solder the packages onto the boards, basically ovens.
The origins of modern surface mounting technology are murky, and there isn't one significant inventor or eureka moment. I mean the concept of attaching stuff to a board is not exactly groundbreaking. The earliest credible mention is a British patent filed in 1960. It describes resistors, coils, and such attached to a printed board using an adhesive. The connectors were connected using solder.
现代表面贴装技术的起源并不清楚,也没有一个显著的发明家或灵光一现的时刻。我指的是将东西粘贴到板上的概念并不是一件令人惊讶的事。 最早可信的提及是在1960年提交的英国专利中。它描述了电阻器、线圈等附着在印刷板上,使用粘合剂固定。 连接器使用的是焊料。
Early adopters in the 1960s included the US military, which used flat packs for their missile guidance computers. The flat pack was a stackable rectangular glass and ceramic package that was surface mounted onto a board. The flat pack was invented in 1962 by Young Tao of Texas Instruments, so actually a few years older than the venerable DIP. I couldn't find much more about inventor Young Tao or his life, which is unfortunate.
20世纪60年代,早期采用者包括美国军方,他们用平板包装来制作他们的导弹制导计算机。平板包装是一种可堆叠的矩形玻璃和陶瓷封装,可表面贴装于电路板上。平板包装是由德州仪器的Young Tao于1962年发明的,实际上比备受尊崇的双列直插包装(DIP)早了几年。我没有找到更多有关发明家Young Tao或他的生活的信息,这是不幸的。
In the late 1960s, a Swiss watch industry adopted surface mounting as a way to reduce some number of electronics in their watches. They popularized what is called the small outline integrated circuit, sometimes also known as the Swiss outline. The small outline looks like the DIP and is made from the same molded plastic materials. However, it is far smaller, a third is high and half as long. This was because as 28 gold wing leads are spaced far closer together, possible again, because we are directly mounting these onto the board. They are called gold wing leads because their shape is somewhat reminiscent of seagulls wings. Seagulls are birds that steal your hot dogs at the beach.
在1960年代后期,瑞士的手表工业采用表面贴装技术,以减少手表中的一些电子元件。他们推广了所谓的小封装集成电路,有时也被称为瑞士封装。 这种小型封装看起来像DIP,由相同的模塑料材料制成。 但是,它要小得多,高度只有三分之一,长度只有原来的一半。这是因为28个金色飞翼引线被更接近地排列在一起,这是因为我们直接将它们安装在电路板上。 它们被称为金色飞翼引线,因为它们的形状有些像海鸥的翅膀。 海鸥是在海滩上偷你热狗的鸟。
In the 1970s, the Japanese electronics industry began adopting surface mounting technology for their car radios, TV tuners and TV cameras. It is likely they got the idea from Europe, Germany or Britain perhaps. By the 1978 and 1980 period, the semiconductor packaging industry had started moving towards surface mounting, with numerous published articles discussing its use for increasing packing density.
In the early 1980s, the Japanese revived the old US military flat pack to create an updated surface mount compatible version called the Quad Flat Package or QFP. With the Quad Flat, we have the leads projecting down and away from all four sides of the square package. Depending on their size, the Quad Flat can offer anywhere from 20 to 240 leads. Pitches shrank to as small as 1 or 0.65 mm. You can go guess how many inches that is.
在20世纪80年代初,日本人使用美国旧款的军用扁平包装盒制造了一个更新的表面安装兼容版本,称为Quad Flat Package或QFP。在Quad Flat中,引线从正方形包装的四个侧面向下和向外延伸。根据它们的尺寸,Quad Flat可以提供20到240个引脚。间距缩小到1或0.65毫米。你可以猜测这是多少英寸。
简单来说,Quad Flat Package是一种更先进的表面安装电子元件包装形式,具有更多的引脚和更小的间距。这种尺寸小而灵敏的元件是现代电子产品中很重要的一部分。
The Quad Flat quickly evolved. Push along by consumer demands for smaller and smaller consumer electronics, the Japanese industries introduced yet smaller packages like the shrink quad flat package, the very small quad flat package and the thin quad flat package. On the other end of the spectrum, new structures outpaced the Quad Flat on the lead count front. People realized that having the leads come out of the sides meant that you couldn't use the real estate underneath the package itself.
So for high lead count devices, the packaging industry revived an old IBM invention, the pin grid array or the PGA. First introduced in 1971, the square shaped pin grid array can handle hundreds of leads on its underside. IBM invented the pin grid array for high IOUs in the computer industry. Those packages were made from ceramic, which not only made them more expensive, but also their circuit boards, since those boards had to get thicker to handle the added weight. Plastic variants were later introduced.
Pin grid arrays were invented before the surface mount revolution. So a surface mount compatible cousin emerged in the 1980s, the ball grid array. With these solder balls are used rather than pins to connect the chip to the circuit board. One big disadvantage of the ball grid was that you could not easily visually inspect the solder connections underneath the package. X-ray and electrical tests are often used instead with badly soldered packages removed, re-balled and re-applied. solder ball technology appear in another packaging innovation that popularized at about the same time as the BGA.
针状排列阵列是在表面贴装技术革命之前发明的。因此,在1980年代出现了一种与表面贴装兼容的亲戚,即球形排列阵列。 使用这些焊球而不是引脚将芯片连接到电路板。 球状排列的一个重大缺点是无法轻松地视觉检查包装下面的焊接连接。 X射线和电气测试通常被用来检测,有损坏的焊接包装被移除、重新焊球和重新应用。 焊球技术出现在另一个包装创新中,该创新约在BGA流行的同时出现。
Flip chip. This is where the silicon die is flipped, so that it faces downwards. To build the interconnects, we ditch wire bonding entirely and connect using bumps and balls on the chip's pads. Flip chip technology is still used today and offers several benefits. First, there is more contact with a heat sink, which dissipates more heat. Second, electrical signals have a shorter distance with flip chip interconnects than bond wires.
Starting in the 1990s, consumers started buying smaller electronics like mobile phones. Smaller devices mean smaller components, chips, and packages. Space became a premium in a chip package. The industry measures this using what is called packaging efficiency, the ratio of the area occupied by the active device, the die. In response to this, the packaging industry developed the chip scale package, which entered the market in the mid 1990s.
Chip scale packaging is an evolution of the aforementioned ball grid array, and refers to any package where the bear die occupies 80% or more of the total package area. Taiwanese OSAT vendors like ASC Group rose up on the back of such ultra compact packages. One prominent implementation of this concept is called wafer level packaging. This is where we hook up all the die interconnects before we cut those dies out of the wafer. It's not only very cost effective, but gives you very small packages.
芯片级封装技术是以上所提到的球栅阵列技术的升级版,指的是芯片占据总封装面积80%或以上的任何封装方式。像台湾OSAT供应商ASC Group这样的公司在这种极度紧凑的封装技术支持下崛起。其中一个重要的实现是称为晶圆级封装技术的封装方式。这是在我们对晶圆进行切割之前,将所有芯片之间的互连部分连接起来的技术。不仅成本非常经济实惠,而且包装体积也很小。
As I mentioned earlier, the advent of surface mounting technology created a new generation of packages and techniques. Has Moore's law slows down, packaging technologies have seen yet another surge of investment, creating what we can call advanced packaging solutions. These new packaging technologies now have a much more direct role to play in the systems overall performance.
Semi-analysis has a fantastic multi-part breakdown on advanced packaging that I think drops the mic on the subject. Perhaps the most well known of these are chiplets. This is a variant of what are called multi-chip modules or hybrid circuits or system in packages. I did a video about it previously. Most prominently AMD used them to create a disruptively great product.
One special area of the multi-chip worlds involves 2.5D and 3D integration. These are especially cool. 2.5D integration is where we put multiple die side by side on top of an interconnect substrate called a silicon interposer. This silicon interposer doesn't have any logic, but is just made up of many embedded interconnects. There are a few consumer products using 2.5D integration today. For instance, AMD's Radeon R9 Fury GPU first introduced in 2015. As a name implies, 2.5D is an intermediate step towards 3D packaging, stacking and connecting multiple dies.
多芯片领域中一个特殊的领域涉及2.5D和3D集成。这些特别酷。2.5D集成是指将多个芯片并排放置在一个名为硅中间层的互联衬底上。这个硅中间层没有任何逻辑,只是由许多嵌入式互连构成。目前已经有一些消费品使用2.5D集成技术,例如AMD的Radeon R9 Fury GPU,该产品于2015年首次推出。正如其名称所示,2.5D是朝着3D封装、堆叠和连接多个芯片的中间步骤。
We are now able to use a whole new dimension to achieve packaging efficiencies of over 100%. Connecting these dies may require something more heavy than your standard wire bonds, bringing forth new concepts like the Thru Silicon Vias or TSVs. I am working on a future video on 3D integration and die stacking, so keep an eye out for that, if I ever finish it.
The semiconductor packaging industry is truly a chaotic one. There are so many different technology trees growing concurrently with one another, each branch developing and splitting for a certain significant need. New technologies are built on top of those addressing particular niche applications, and then suddenly before you know it, you have no idea why this new thing, which you saw fail a long time ago, is now such a big deal all over again.
In the semiconductor packaging world, ideas are created and then vanish off the mainline, only to return to the forefront when their time is right. Love it. Expect more deep dives into semiconductor packaging in the near future, as we familiarize ourselves with this new world.