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How to Tap into Your Awareness | Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche | TED

发布时间 2022-12-19 12:00:11    来源


Meditation asks you to slip into a state of serene presence. But why does something that sounds effortless often feel so difficult? In this lighthearted invitation, spiritual leader Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche shares three steps to help you accept the ebb and flow of your emotions and learn to meditate anytime, anywhere. If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas: http://ted.com/membership Follow TED! Twitter: http://twitter.com/TEDTalks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ted Facebook: http://facebook.com/TED LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ted-conferences TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tedtoks The TED Talks channel features talks, performances and original series from the world's leading thinkers and doers. Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Watch more: https://go.ted.com/yongeymingyurrinpoche https://youtu.be/LDVyOnf0t9M TED's videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy (https://www.ted.com/about/our-organization/our-policies-terms/ted-talks-usage-policy). For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at https://media-requests.ted.com #TED #TEDTalks #meditation



So, I would like to discuss about meditation, but first of all, I'd like to ask you a very simple question. Can you see my hand? Yes. Yes, raise your hand. Okay. Can you hear me? Yes. Great. That is meditation. So finish. My tattoo is finished. Of course, I'm just kidding. But in a way, that is true. Why? What do you call the essence of meditation is awareness. And what is awareness knows what you're thinking, feeling, doing, seeing, hearing. That's all.

So actually, meditation is very easy, but many people found difficult. Why they are true, misunderstandable meditation. So the first is many people think meditation means thing of nothing. Stop thinking. Concentration. Shh. I'm meditating. Keep quiet. So the more when you try to stop thinking, what happened? You will think more. So we will do a small experiment. Okay. Now, please don't think about pizza. No pizza. No pizza. What happened? Did you think about pizza? No. Yes, raise your hand. I know. So actually, we don't need to stop thinking. We just need to connect with awareness. And another misunderstandable meditation is what we call blazing out. Looking for peace, calm, joy, relax. The more you'll feel relaxed, then peace, calm, joy, relax, and run away. So let me share you my own experience.

When I was young, I had panic attacks. Although I was born in the right middle of the Himalayan mountain, the area, the village, wonderful, but panic followed me as like shadow. And I have so much fear for strangers. I cannot go out and meet people. And lot of storms in the Himalayan mountain, thunderstorm, snowstorm, these storms died me crazy. And when I was nine years old, I asked my father to teach me meditation. Luckily, he was a great meditation teacher. And the first thing, what he said is, don't try to fight with the panic. Don't try to get rid of panic. And actually he said, you don't have to. Why? Awareness is like sky in the mountain. And the panic is like storm in the mountain, like cloud. And no matter how storm, storm is, it doesn't change the nature of sky. So sky is always present, pure, calm. Similarly, our fundamental quality of my awareness is always present, pure, calm. But the problem is, we don't know how to connect with awareness. What we see only thought, emotion, that's all. So he said, there are three steps of practice to connect with awareness. The first one, we have to use an object, support to connect with awareness. So this is one of my first meditation techniques, what I learned from my father. So you can join and you can relax your muscles in your body. If you cannot relax, it's okay. Allow. And close your eyes. And please listen to sound. And when you hear the sound through ear and mind together, that is the meditation. And let panic come and go, let pizza come and go. And maybe two pizza, three pizza, ten pizzas. As long as if you remember the sound, you can have pizza.
当我年轻的时候,我有恐慌症。尽管我出生在喜马拉雅山的中间地带,那个地区、村庄都很美好,但恐慌像阴影一样跟随着我。我非常害怕陌生人, 不敢外出见人。而且在喜马拉雅山上有很多暴风雨、雷雨、暴风雪,这些风暴使我发疯。九岁那年,我向父亲请教如何冥想。幸运的是,他是一位很好的冥想导师。他首先告诉我不要试图与恐慌作斗争,也不要试图摆脱恐慌。实际上他说,你不需要去做这些。为什么呢?因为意识就像高山上的天空,恐慌就像山中的风暴,像云朵。无论风暴有多大,它都不会改变天空的本质。所以天空始终存在、纯净、宁静。同样地,我的意识的基本品质始终存在、纯净、宁静。但问题是,我们不知道如何与意识相连接。我们只看到思想、情绪,仅此而已。所以他说,要连接意识,有三个修行步骤。第一步,我们必须使用一个对象,作为连接意识的支持。这是我从父亲那里学到的第一个冥想技巧之一。所以你可以加入,放松身体的肌肉。如果你不能放松,也没关系,允许。闭上你的眼睛,去倾听声音。当你通过耳朵和心灵一起听到声音时,那就是冥想。让恐慌来去自由,让披萨来去自由。也许是两块披萨,三块披萨,十块披萨。只要你记得声音,你就可以有披萨。

Okay, how was it? Did you hear the sound? Yes, raise your hand. Great. That is the meditation. Very easy. Just hear. No, you don't have to do anything. So panic comes, let panic come and go, don't care, just listen to sound. Monkey mind comes, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, let it come and go just listen to sound. So I did that. But I have big problem. The problem is lazy. I'm lazy boy. I love the idea of meditation, but I don't like the practice of meditation. So on and off like that for five years, when I was 13 years old, in India, there's traditional and three years of retreat going to start, I thought I should join this because good for my laziness.

And I join the first month, wonderful, no lazy. Second month, lazy come back. Now what happened, my lazy and my panic, they two become good friends. The live in the retreat become disaster.

And I thought I should live, but I feel embarrassed to live because I told all my childhood friend that I can do the retreat, you know, I don't want to lose my face. But if I stay almost three years to go, then I thought, what should I do? In the end, I decided to learn how to live with the panic.

So now we have the second step, what we call, actually we can meditate everywhere, anytime with anything. So you can meditate with the panic. How to do that? Just like listen to sound, when you listen to sound, sound becomes support for your meditation. Now you can watch panic. If you see the panic, great, what we call, when you see the river, your outer river, when you see the mountain, your outer mountain. So now awareness become more than panic, more than depression, stress, monkey mind, whatever, let them come, let them go. So that is the first benefit.

And second benefit, what we call, there's a wisdom comes. So when you look at the panic, panic is not solid stone anymore. Panic become pieces, sensation here, frightened image, voice, background belief. And if you take one of these away, you cannot find panic. So what I call panic become like shaving foam, look like piece of rock, but inside full bubbles. Then three, what I call, this is acceptance, like self-kind, self-love, self-compassion. You let panic come and go, that's the real acceptance, isn't it? So three in one, awareness, love and compassion, wisdom, sometimes what I call, buy one, get true free. Big deal, right? And all this because of panic. So now panic become your teacher, your best friend.

So I did this practice and in the end, me and my panic become very good friend and few weeks later, panic is gone. I miss my friend. And I finished my retreat, my retreat went very well. And after that, I have very eager to share this wonderful technique to the world.

So I taught meditation many places, wrote few books, become best-seller. And then students and become a bit of your monasteries. Then what happened? Kind of new ego emerged with me. I thought, oh, I have to watch out this song. Then I decided to do something very special, what we call wandering retreat. Meaning you left everything behind, go on the street with nothing. So I decided to do that in 2011.

I left my monastery, my student, my wonderful, cozy bed, everything, and go on the street with only a few thousand Indian rubies. And that finished within a few weeks. I have the big food. And I got food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea. I'm alone on the street. Now I'm going to die. Then I thought, why should I do? So now we have the third step, what we call open awareness meditation.

Awareness be with itself. Sky be with itself. Now no need to have support. Just be awareness itself. So I did this, that practice. Then what happened? My body become decating. I cannot see. I cannot hear. But my mind becomes so present, beyond free. And I was in that state for a few hours. Luckily, I didn't die. I come back.

So when I come back, the street become like my home. When I look at the tree, the tree become like tree of love. And wind blows to my face, become joyful experience. And the rest of my retreat went very well. I learned a lot from my retreat.

So I like to share this open awareness meditation, but it is very difficult to explain. But I want to do something drama. And this is what I learned from my father. So what we call this matter is the crazy monkey mind, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
所以我想分享这个开放性觉知的冥想,但是很难解释清楚。但是我想做些戏剧性的东西。这是我从父亲那里学到的。所以我们把这种状况称为疯狂的猴子心智,blah blah blah,blah blah blah。

And the open awareness meditation means you don't have to do anything. Just be. That's all. When you don't need to meditate, there's sense of presence being, but not loss. Be free. Be present. Thank you very much.