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Caution: High Speed Balls - A Ping Pong Ball Launcher for BBC Click

发布时间 2012-01-12 13:06:29    来源


The team from Click on the BBC World Service invited folks from the London Hackspace to put something together for their live show. The result: a ping-pong ball launcher that released a ball every time someone around the world tweeted about the show. At the end, all those balls got launched into the live studio audience. Tom Scott ( http://tomscott.com ) built the Twitter integration, which sent signals to Charles Yarnold's ( http://www.electriclaboratory.com ) custom laser-cut ball-release mechanism, which is available for download on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:15800 Then Tom Wyatt's ( http://imakethin.gs ) contraption of motors, Lego and cardboard accelerated all those balls out into the crowd. If he'd turned the power up, we could have hit the back row - but then the whole thing might have blown itself apart! More information on the London Hackspace: http://london.hackspace.org.uk/

