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Sinking Ship Simulator: The Royal Navy's Damage Repair Instructional Unit

发布时间 2015-09-07 15:07:04    来源


http://tomscott.com - with many, many thanks to the Royal Navy and everyone at HMS Excellent! http://royalnavy.mod.uk How do you train sailors to save a sinking ship? Sure, you can teach them the theory, but there's no replacement for having to hammer softwood wedges into deck and bulkhead splits that are spraying cold, high-pressure water in your face. At HMS Excellent in Portsmouth sits Hazard, a Royal Navy Damage Repair Instructional Unit (DRIU). Every Navy recruit who's going out to sea will have to go through something like this -- and on a much harder level than we did! But then, they'll have had months of training and teamwork beforehand... DIRECTED BY Matt Gray: http://mattg.co.uk - @unnamedculprit - see behind-the-scenes video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwlnbkzDKoY WITH: Paul Curry - @cr3 Melinda Seckington - http://missgeeky.com - @mseckington And again, with many thanks to all the Navy team who were so generous with their time and effort: http://royalnavy.mod.uk - http://twitter.com/royalnavy http://facebook.com/royalnavy

