I hit 3,000-year-old art with a hammer
发布时间 2018-08-13 15:00:10 来源
The White Horse, in Uffington, is one of the oldest surviving works of art in Britain: carved into a hillside in Oxfordshire 3,000 years ago. Every year, it's rechalked by volunteers co-ordinated through the National Trust, a line of maintenance going back to before England had written history.
Thanks to all the National Trust team! If you're free over the August bank holiday and fancy helping out, here's the link! https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/events/9220f3c2-d50f-4a9e-9063-8d9346ed5da9/pages/details
Thanks to Ian from IanVisits for giving the tipoff - he makes a cameo in this one! https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/
Camera by Paul (@cr3) - he also makes a cameo!
Edit by Michelle Martin (@mrsmmartin) - who doesn't make a cameo.
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