E127: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in conversation with the Besties
发布时间 2023-05-05 22:06:39 来源
(0:00) Bestie intros!
(0:49) Jason and Sacks intro Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
(3:46) Foreign policy: Ukraine / Russia
(17:17) Foreign policy: Taiwan / China
(18:57) Government spending: Fiscal responsibility, where to cut budget, debt ceiling
(33:22) US Govt Intelligence Agencies: "Deep State," increasing accountability, "agency capture"
(46:04) COVID: mishandling, more "agency capture," vaccine policy
(55:10) Broader thoughts on vaccines in general
(1:05:54) Energy policy: thoughts on nuclear
(1:15:29) Culture wars: trans issues, CRT in schools, public vs charter schools
(1:23:09) Media: declining trust, misaligned incentives, conflict of interest with large advertisers
(1:30:07) Mainstream media coverage, ABC News debacle, evolving with new information, money in politics
(1:40:37) The Besties do a post-interview debrief
(1:57:30) Announcing All-In Summit 2023!
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Sacks you're ready. You got your quick time going. Oh, let me do that real quick and just a quick note, Sacks Mr. Kennedy doesn't have earpieces in so he we just have to be careful of the crosstalk or talking over each other I'll direct questions to each person and then follow up so you can obviously just use your judgment of when to insert yourself but be gentle on the insertion there because we don't want that came out wrong. Just be gentle when you interrupt There's your cold open at least if you did it incorrectly it'll be quick.
Okay, here we go in three two All right everybody welcome to the all-in podcast As many of you know this podcast has gotten quite popular the last two years typically in the top 10 or 20 each week and we talk about politics We've got a big Following in DC and why are you calling these self-absorbed Chabad? I mean listen to how your cold opens a show calm down everybody Yeah, yeah, and as part of that our ongoing discussions about politics and presidential candidates has resonated in particular Communities and today we are lucky enough to have one of the top presidential hopefuls in the 2024 election joining us Robert Kennedy Jr
And we will it be inviting all presidential candidates to come on to the all-in podcast and have candid discussions that are unfeltered The way the audience would expect them. We're gonna play with different formats, but we decided for this first one We've got a series of topics we'd like to cover and And we're gonna treat it like any other all-in podcast with that.
I'll have David Sacks Who has is the most conservative of our panel who has been also the most enthusiastic? I think of everybody here and one of the most enthusiastic supporters of Robert Kennedy Jr's pursuit of the presidency of the United States So with that David would you like to introduce our guest? yeah
let me give Bobby a proper introduction here So Robert Francis Kennedy Jr is entering the political arena as a candidate for the first time at the age of 69 But it's perhaps no exaggeration to say that he was destined for the mission he is now pursuing He is the nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the son of Attorney General and Senator Robert F. Kennedy when Bobby was 14 His dad was running for president on a platform of civil rights civil liberties lifting Americans out of poverty and opposing the Vietnam War He had just won the California primary when he was tragically assassinated RFK Jr. Graduate from Harvard and the University of Virginia law school and became an environmental lawyer who aggressively litigated against corporate polluters and Government agencies that were failing to regulate them
我将邀请大卫·萨克斯,他是我们小组中最保守的人,也是最热情的支持者之一。我认为他是在场所有人中最热情支持罗伯特·肯尼迪二世竞选总统的人之一。所以,大卫,你想介绍我们的嘉宾吗?好的,让我来给鲍比一个恰当的介绍。罗伯特·弗朗西斯·肯尼迪二世今年69岁,首次进入政坛参选,但也许可以说,他注定要追寻他现在所追求的使命。他是美国前总统约翰·肯尼迪的侄子,也是总检察长和参议员罗伯特·肯尼迪的儿子,在鲍比14岁时,他的父亲正在竞选总统,主打民权、公民自由、扶贫和反对越南战争的平台。他刚刚赢得加利福尼亚州的初选时,不幸被暗杀身亡。RFK Jr.毕业于哈佛大学和弗吉尼亚大学法学院,并成为了一名环境律师,积极起诉那些污染公司和未能对其进行监管的政府机构。
He has always put the health and safety of the American people at the forefront of his activism And this has made him controversial at times as he has questioned the safety of some pharmaceutical products and also criticized COVID restrictions during the pandemic for this the mainstream media has tried to paint him as a quote conspiracy theorist But given that so many conspiracy theories about COVID have been vindicated Table of magazine wrote quote at this point the fact that Robert F. Kennedy is the country's leading conspiracy theorist alone qualifies him to be president But the biggest reason why I think his candidacy is so interesting and Relevant is that it harkens back to a democratic party that believed in peace instead of war free speech and civil liberties to have censorship Building up the middle class instead of the donor class and Opposing corporate greed, especially in the military industrial complex, which is a message you just don't hear much anymore coming from the democratic side of the aisle So with that Bobby Kennedy welcome to the program Thank you so much for having
他一直将美国人民的健康和安全放在他的行动的首要位置。这使得他有时引起争议,因为他质疑了一些药品的安全性,并且在大流行期间批评了COVID限制。为此,主流媒体试图把他描绘为“阴谋论者”。但鉴于COVID的许多阴谋论都被证明是正确的,《Table of Magazine》发表评论说“现在罗伯特·F·肯尼迪成为领先的阴谋论者,这一事实使他有资格担任总统”。但我认为他的竞选最有趣和相关的原因是它回归了民主党信奉的和平而非战争、言论自由和公民自由、反对审查制度、建立中产阶级而非捐赠者阶级、反对企业贪婪,特别是在军工复合体方面。这是一种在民主党一边的讯息,你很少能听到。所以,在这里,欢迎Bobby Kennedy加入我们的节目。感谢您的光临。
so maybe we could start with Foreign policy something we've discussed here specifically the Ukraine and Russia's invasion of Ukraine and our support of that war Sax would you like to tee up a question for mr. Kennedy? I think Bobby's tweets on the subject show that he has a really deep understanding of it He's been saying a lot of things that I've been saying since the beginning of the war which it it not just the fact that we're risking war three over You know getting involved in a in a country that isn't a treaty ally the United States and a relevant interests in the United States But I think your critique goes deeper because you actually understand the causes of how this war started So maybe you know Bobby you could speak to that how how did we end up in this proxy war with with Russia from from your standpoint?
Well, You know for first of all I would let me start by saying this I I supported the humanitarian aid to the Ukraine which is why we were told initially was the was the mission although I had I was suspicious of it and you know my son as as I've mentioned Actually went over left law school did not tell us where he was going and went over and joined the foreign Legion and fought in the car key offensive with a special forces group he was served as a machine gunner.
He was an engagement with the Russians and But he feels the same way essentially that I did this is No longer a humanitarian mission at all the decisions the United States have made As made since since the start has been about have been about prolong the war about maximizing the the violence of the war and Being absolutely in transigence against the many opportunities to actually settle the war if you and and that my Understanding of the war is that not that Zelensky is pushing this war as hard as he can But that the Neacons and the White House Want this war they want it regime change with the Russians they want to exhaust the Russian armies This is what this fan secretary Lloyd Austin said in 2022 our objective is to exhaust into the great Russian forces So they cannot fight anywhere else in the world And President Biden acknowledged that one of his objectives in the wars regime change in Russia removing the Adam Air Putin Well, if those are the objectives that is the opposite of a humanitarian mission That is a mission to maximize casualties to prolong the war it's essentially a war of attrition and that's what we're seeing.
And the brunt of this is being paid by the flower of Ukrainian youth There have been over 300,000 This is something that the US government and the Ukrainian government have worked hard to hide number of casualties Which has been catastrophic this is the most violent conflict since World War two that's take it place probably anywhere in the world and The casualties are enormous all over 300,000 Ukrainian debt Russians are killing Ukrainian depending on who you believe at a ratio of five to one two eight one Which is the seven to one in the and recently recently leaked whistleblower leaked Pentagon documents and The Russians cannot lose this war we're being told they're losing they cannot afford to lose this war This is existential for them and they have been building up their forces They have a tend to one artillery advantage on us and this is an artillery war So it's simply and we do not have the artillery to replace what we've lost up there.
This is a war that is proceeding in a very cataclysmic trajectory and The answer to your question about how we got in this war Goes back a long way, but I would say that the real story starts in 2014 when the US government and particularly the Neocons in the White House in elsewhere participated and supported the overthrow violent over the row of coup d'etat against the democratically elected government of the Ukraine and put in a very very any Russian government.
This prompted the Russians so that and believe that the US With Navy was now going to be invited into the Black Sea to have a port at Crimea It prompted the Russians to preemptedly In they Crimea at the same time The the government that went came into the Ukraine began enacting a series of laws that Turned the Russian populations of the Dombas region into second-class citizens They they they illegalized essentially their culture their language and And they began ultimately killing them they killed 14,000 of them and it was as it prompted a civil war in the country and the Russian Response which it was illegal. I have no sympathy or Towards Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin is a gangster and he's a thug but his His response in the Dombas was not irracial.
So I guess the question becomes if you were elected president Would you stop sending armaments to Ukraine? I would immediately Have a ceasefire and I would settle the war and I think it can be a saddle. I don't even know I mean it lives in the best settlement for this war was outlined in the Minsk Accords in 2014 The Minsk Accords which all the European Countries agreed upon Was when the Russian sit and the Russian people in Dombas voted to leave Russia and Russia did not want them Russia said no Let's develop an accord an agreement which would make Dombas a An autonomous region within the Ukraine which would agree to not put missile systems in Ukraine NATO missile systems Which would agree that you Ukraine would not join NATO if Zelensky says no, I want to keep fighting would you Stop sending US weapons.
I would settle this war. The Ukraine cannot fight without US support. So then at some point you would tell us Zelensky if I'm reading into what you're saying correctly. Hey settle it. You're out. Yeah, I would settle the war. Yeah. Do you think that we somehow allowed Zelensky to believe that we would allow him in NATO? Meaning do you think that US foreign policy somehow almost induced this thing to happen? I just want to try to understand the boundaries.
We have been doing integrative Military exercises with the Ukrainian military so we were actively Integrating them into NATO forces. There was no question that you know the one thing that Putin said from the outset. This is a red line. You know when I uncle is present. One of the things that he said he said a couple of things he said number one The principal job of a president United States is to keep the nation out of war and he succeeded doing that during his term in office.
He said 16,000 military advisors to Vietnam who were not authorized to participate in combat. That didn't mean that some of them didn't they were not authorized and in fact That was fewer federal troops than he said to get James Maritus into the University of Mississippi. So he's and fewer of Vietnam and two weeks before he died, he saw in a national security order ordering all of those troops home by 1965 with the first Thousand to come home that month in November and he died two weeks later.
So and then of course Johnson came in and a remand of the war and sent 250,000 troops over there Which is what all my uncle's military advisors wanted him to do. And he stood up to them one of the other things my uncle said and you know the anniversary of his speech at American University Which is an extraordinary speech probably one of the best in American history Jeff's acts is called the most important speech in American history.
It was a speech to the American people and it was an extraordinary speech because he read it is asking them to put their Their themselves into the shoes of the Russians and understand that the Russians bore the brunt of World War two. They lost one out of every thirteen Russians died in that war. Third of their country was occupied and leveled to the ground. It's like he said It's as if the entire East Coast the United States to Chicago was put into rubble.
And he described this in detail for the American people to say you know We're all people we're all on an arc and we need to we need to understand each other's motives And not just vilify each other and what we're seeing now is this formulae Vellification is narrative that we saw is Zodomo saying was you know booten with every little war that we want to get into.
Those guys are pure evil work here good and we're gonna go rescue You know the damsel and distress just on that could you contrast and compare just maybe the last three or four presidents on this very narrow dimension of That of JFK's promise of what a president should be doing Bush Obama Trump and now Biden how do you see the things that these guys have gotten right and or very wrong here on that dimension just on that Dimension, you know, I've been friends with Joe Biden for many many years.
But Joe Biden is you know, he's a go-to-war guy he he was one of the strongest supporters of the Iraq war. He's been supportive of every war that's come along and that you know I think that's one of the reasons that you know some of those that that portion of the Democratic Party, which is a very very powerful kind of king pickers Was very happy with him getting an office is that he never says no to a war. I Think Trump, you know, I liked a lot of what Trump's had about foreign policy about disentangling us from this knee jerk reaction of you know of constant wars and that the cost that that imposes on our country what it's doing It's hollowing out our middle class.
But then Trump did a lot of things including walking away from they you know from The intermediate nuclear missile treaty which is it was another provocation for Russia because that treaty. You know, we're putting these intermediate missile systems all along the Russian border and Romania and Poland and you know and in in Ukraine and And that those missiles can he a cuba I mean can he hit Moscow And in a few minutes so there was a very destabilizing system. We all signed it and he walked away from it and now I don't think that was a I think that was another provocation.
We should be de-escalating these provocations though, you know the why it didn't NATO. This is what George Kennen said after after you know the Soviet Union collapse. Why do we even have NATO anymore? Why do we have it? Why do we have it unless we're gonna involve the Russians in it? Why don't we do a martial plan for Russia? We won the war they are the losers. They admit they're the losers, but they want to join the European community. Let's make that easy for them. That's not continued to treat them as if they're the enemy because that is a. self-fulfilling prophecy And that unfortunately is what we did Let's pivot then you want to contain and you would force everybody to the table to a resolution If I'm understanding correctly You weren't explicit in terms of would you remove support? But I think we can infer from it you would have a point at which you would stop sending armaments to Ukraine We have tremendous moral pressure and economic pressure and everything else on Ukraine How about this Jason? I mean would you be willing to take NATO expansion off the table if it helps resolve this conflict? Yeah, everybody's Biden won't. Well Biden won't right? No, no, it's absolutely Why are we trying to expand? We gave our word We would not expand NATO one inch to the east and now we've gone into 13 countries You know, it's a it is a provocation
Let's talk about Taiwan so We got to stay out of wars if Xi Jinping decides Taiwan is strategic and he invades Taiwan. What would your response be if you were elected president? Well, my response would be to de-escalate that conflict There's essentially a war party in Washington um that is Is encouraging that conflict that is drumming of that conflict what I would do is I would I would De-escalate it. I would stop looking at it as a threat But I now and and and allow The Chinese and the Taiwanese to come to their own solution about what kind of relationship they have And I think that that if we stop Our provocations towards the Chinese that that would naturally de-escalate and if China decided it strategic and we're going in anyway Would you if you were president to fend Taiwan? That's a question that I would not answer I'm curious why not why don't presidential candidates just answer that question because you're committing the country To a war in the future that would be probably the bloodiest war ever fought And it's not something that strategically is not good strategy to protect but reject your your intentions You want to leave room for negotiation? You want to leave room for all kinds of movements and you want to have a debate with the American people and with Congress If Biden's been clear that he would defend it right so that's an it's an interesting insight right there freeberg
Do you want to talk maybe a little bit about the economy and the spending that we're seeing? Yeah, so Robert, I think my biggest question. I've Reference this on the show a number of times is this extraordinary concern. I have About the fiscal deficit and the debt level of the US Running deficits north of a trillion dollars a year 33 trillion in total debt Some people use the debt to GDP metric which you know at this point is approaching or has exceeded 130 percent And 52 nations that have reached that level of debt to GDP only one of them has not had to restructure Their currency or restructure their debt payments
Obviously with the debt ceiling approaching and some Fiscal conservatives using this moment as a point to try and generate leverage. I guess my biggest question for the country Now and going forward is you know, do we actually have the ability to pursue all of these interests on a social a geopolitical a security agenda and And do so without having either a balanced budget or a plan That says here are the boundaries and here are the boundary conditions because in the last couple of years and particularly In the last five years we've seen almost like a bipartisan Unmitigated spending spree that you know is largely driven to You know to do what the electorate wants which is to give people stuff and giving people stuff cost money and that money has to be paid back at some point
I guess how do you think about the importance of this and how do you think about the boundary conditions that you would You know look to articulate and impose As you you know think about this role With respect to the deficits spending and the debt levels for this country in terms of a boundary I you know, I would love to hear arguments about that I You know I with as you say, but I think the debt is now 32 trillion GDP our GDP to and 25 Trillion so that is that's just a really alarming ratio I if you look at why you know that the primary cause are our military expenditures it we're spending eight this year, I think uh 8.4 trillion dollars on the military budget this year
But if you throw in the homeland security and all that surveillance and security expenditures at home It's one point well one trillion a year That's one point one trillion a year that is attributable to Essentially to our our you know warmonger And I don't think we can afford to be police now the world anymore. We have 800 bases around the world We need to start rebuilding our middle class at home. We need to be responsible with our debt And we need my grandfather always said That we should make America too expensive to conquer we should make fortress America We should arm America to the teeth at home so that note so we're too expensive to conquer and then we should concentrate on building up our economic power and a robust middle class That's what's gonna make America strong and instead of projecting military strength abroad We ought to be rejecting our economic strength and a marketplace of ideas and economic power
I you know why right now we're borrowing six six billion dollars a day Mainly from the Chinese and Japanese just to serve the interest on that debt That's not a healthy thing for America to be and we got to figure out you know a way to Impulse fiscal discipline, but I can't tell you exactly what my boundaries would be That's something I need to think about. But how do you how do you think about that?
Like I think non-of discretionary spending You know defense is is about 800 billion non-defense is about 900 billion and then obviously their social security benefits Medicare and Medicaid In order to get the budget balanced You think cutting defense would be kind of the first priority and you could kind of get there through You know that approach, but I there still seems to be a big gap to me on you know given how much we're spending On how do we actually get there? Are we ultimately gonna have to kind of change retirement benefits Restructure Medicare Medicaid or are we gonna raise taxes or are we gonna do all three? To get to this point otherwise we have this obviously kind of never ending debt spiral that that's that's gonna cause a massive crisis
Uh, whether it's not this year. Maybe it's in five years or ten years Right now it's projected social security will go bankrupt in 2035 2034 around that range. So this is coming up fast Where are we gonna be cutting besides defense and or are we gonna be raising taxes to 70% do you think? To kind of bridge this whole I can't answer that question any better than I already have you know, I think with their there is there are targets for opportunity and the uh In the homeland security.
I think once we stop fighting these words all over the world There's a lot in that less than eight for us to have a surveillance stated home So the real cost in the military is one point one trillion a year And not just the 800 trillion that shows up on the books And I think those are targets for opportunity and I can't you know, I have to know I need to study more the issue about how to How to get back into a balanced budget.
I you know one of the things I'd say with disturbs me Is that I don't think we should be playing chicken In congress about raising the debt ceiling Um, because I think I don't think we should mess around with the full faith and credit of the United States Particularly at this point time one of the things that's happened in the world bobby is that There's been a couple of countries france is probably the best example That had to raise the retirement age and irrespective of The view that one has on whether that was right or wrong The practical reality of doing it is just that when these initial social safety nets were passed the average life expectancy of folks was 10 15 years less than what they are today and presumably as we keep inventing technologies folks are going to live to 80 90 a hundred years on average which may seem impossible, but is likely if you look at the trend
I'm just curious how you think about the state of our social safety net and What has to change what would you keep the same and what has to be totally reimagined for what the world will look like in 30 or 40 years.
I would say it's a red line for me to touch social security um Or medicare medicare i think we need to take care of people particularly people who have spent their whole life paying into a system. And with a promise at the end and and have worked hard and uh And saved and done what they were supposed to do. I don't think they you know, it's right to pull they rug out from under them. But again, I this is an issue that I need to spend more time looking at uh and studying maybe the next time I come back here on better answer for you guys.
I think this is my concern is uh, sorry, but Robert the the comment you just made is the same comment I hear from both sides of the aisle that we can't touch those social security medicare medicaid because it would be so unpopular. We wouldn't get elected and that's ultimately kind of what a democracy like ours may lead to is that folks vote And elect representatives that are going to create these systems that benefit them.
But in aggregate we may not be able to support those benefits over time and at scale. And we may be facing that moment sooner than any of us want to. And I think it's one of the more pressing Issues and concerns not just for the United States, but for the global economy. That if the US doesn't resolve this massive whole. Talking about social security for example going bankrupt in the next 12 years as one acute example of that problem set. You know, we may not be able to turn it around.
And I mean, do you think that politics is set up to solve The structural economic problems that the US is now facing because so much of politics ends up leading towards what additional benefits can I provide to my Uh, the folks that get me elected here's the thing Is we spend eight trillion dollars in the war in Iraq Eight trillion dollars and we got nothing for it. Yeah, that's pretty nuts. That's nuts In fact, we got worse than nothing.
We killed more Iraqis than Sonnet, but saying we killed a million Iraqis probably Uh, we created ISIS we turned Iraq into a proxy for Iran, which is exactly what we've been not trying to do for 40 years Um, and we drove two million refugees with the Iraq war and it's after mass Syria and Yemen and you know, Pakistan and Afghanistan two million refugees and we grew up These stabilized democracy in Europe and we go ahead so eight trillion dollars there.
We spent 16 trillion dollars on the pandemic on the lockdown and again got nothing in return Um, so that's 24 trillion dollars and now we're doing bank bailouts every you know couple of months uh, uh, uh, uh, look on valley bank Fed said that it was uh, uh, printing 300 billion dollars for that made up for all of the you know, deflationary um, uh, uh, uh, uh, steps that the Biden administration had previously taken.
So you go to uh, you know, you go to a American who's been working their whole life. And has been promised at the end of the life that they're gonna get a few bucks every month. And you know, I have a friend who I brought to my speech with me who's who we um during the same month that we committed and another 750 million during March seven weeks and 750 million dollars extra to the Ukraine. We uh, we cut 15 million Americans from Medicare.
My friend got a call from I from the from the government On his cell phone a recorded call saying that your food stamps have just been cut by 90 percent. He went from two hundred and eighty three dollars a month to twenty five dollars a month. So you try to feed yourself on twenty five dollars a month There are 30 million Americans who are starving right now And that to me is unacceptable.
And it's hard to go to people like that people who have been honest who have played by the rules. Who have done everything that they were supposed to do with the promise that they would be taken care of that their health care would be taken care of an old age. You go to those people and say okay now we're gonna cut your food stamps. And try to feed yourself on twenty five dollars a month try to feed yourself for twenty five dollars a week. We're telling them that.
And then uh And then spending eight hundred billion to make a plane. How you gonna cut the federal budget when you're sending over a hundred billion to Ukraine? There's you can't you have no more authority to do it. I want to finish that by saying You know You're like tankering in the engine room when the ship is sinking You know because But you know they ordered or switching deck textures on the Titanic Let's deal with the real problem.
Let's figure out how to make this nation a nation that is really focused on taking care of our people Inside rather than saying okay well in order to pay for the Ukraine war We got to screw every American on social security and Medicare. We've had by the way The inflation that we've. created from you know from from just printing money Is making my friend keys food twice expensive so the the cause of stables in this country is raised by 76% in two years And now they're cutting these food stamps and bailing out the same month three hundred million dollars the silicone Valley Bank We got it. I mean that it doesn't make any sense and having this kind of conversation How do we screw with the poor to make sure that we can you know we can milk them while we're doing all of this great It's this country is acting like the alcoholic Who is behind on his mortgage And who takes the milk money and goes into the bar and buys rounds for the strangers You know that's what you're dealing with That's a pretty good analogy shots everybody
So let me let me ask a follow-up question on this debt ceiling fight which is which is a game of chicken and the The country's economy might go off a cliff in the next month because Republicans Democrats can agree So Biden's position is I want a clean Debt ceiling increase no terms on it house Republicans have passed a debt ceiling increase but It contains things like a 1% cap on spending growth It clause back unspent COVID-19 relief funds and it would halt Biden's student debt forgiveness plan So Robert, I guess a question to you would be Would you negotiate like what would your posture to house Republicans be would you be willing to negotiate Because Biden is basically saying I will not negotiate at all So negotiate or not negotiate I guess that's my question to you. Yeah, you have to negotiate I'm not sure if he's posturing you know or what They have the negotiate they have to you know, they have to work out something that's good for our country And that you know and they're gonna blow sides are gonna have to give up something Oh, we have to you know, we have to put our country first and it's insane to play this game of chicken with a You know with this doing the stakes or so
I there's been a lot of talk Robert about the deep state the FBI DOJ CIA your family obviously having dealt with two tragic assassinations your father and your uncle Has dealt with his first hand in terms of just having the CIA Information about these assassinations released. I'm curious your position on some of the most radical proposals people have this election cycle of dismantling the FBI CIA DOJ aka the deep state do you believe there's a deep state and how would you as president deal with this intelligence Operation we have and then also personally What are your personal feelings on it?
大家一直在谈论深州(deep state),包括联邦调查局(FBI)、司法部(DOJ)和中央情报局(CIA),而你的家庭显然曾经历过两次悲剧性的暗杀,你的父亲和叔叔就是。在针对一些最激进的提案,比如解散FBI、CIA和DOJ,即所谓的深州问题上,我想知道你的立场。你认为是否存在深州问题?作为总统,你将如何处理我们目前的情报行动?此外,你个人对此有何感受?
Well? On the you know, I have you know, I have a pretty clear idea about how I would handle The intelligence agencies and in fact my father was thinking very deeply about that at the time my father Who believed is is you know first reaction when his brother was killed was that the CIA had killed him and in fact the first three calls he made On that day and you know, I was home at the time And John McCom the CIA was right across the street from my house And so John McCom was the CIA director you would come to our house and swim every day after work during the spring and summertime and my father called the CIA desk and talked to it to ask officer and said did your people do this? That was his first call any called Harry Louise Who is a Cuban? Who was one of the Cubans who had remained friendly with my family?
你问怎么样?我的确对如何处理情报机构有一个相当明确的想法。实际上,我父亲那时也在非常深入地思考这个问题。他曾经相信,他的兄弟被杀时,CIA 制造了这起事件。事实上,在那一天,他打的前三个电话都是询问这件事。当天我在家,而我的家就在 CIA 办公室的街对面,而 John McCom(时任 CIA 局长)在春夏季节下班后每天都会来我们家游泳。我父亲打电话给 CIA 办公室,询问那里的官员,问他们是否干了这件事。这是他的第一个电话,他还打了给一个名叫 Harry Louise 的古巴人,他是保持友好关系的那些古巴人之一。
I you know, well we were surrounded by Cubans growing up because But who were bay of big refugees my father had got them freed after a year and you know in the cashierous prisons and and um and my father and mother spent a lot of time finding houses for them schools integrating them to the US military finding jobs And so we were all raised very very closely with the Cuban community, but gradually They turned away from my family, but this One Cuban who had been been an engineer had fought with Castro And then turned against him when he can't become communist was very close friends with my father The second call that he made was to a Harry Louise and he said did Uh, did our people meaning the CIA people do this? and um and that was uh And so my father was thinking very very very Carefully about how to handle this CIA he had been you know, he had been essentially managing the CIA since he came into office
你知道吗,我们在成长过程中被古巴人包围着,因为他们是大湾区的难民,我父亲在一年后让他们获得了自由,你知道,在古巴监狱和咳嗽的大庭广众中,我的父母花了很多时间为他们寻找住房、学校,将他们融入美国军队,找到工作。因此,我们和古巴社区之间的联系非常紧密,但逐渐地,他们对我家疏远了。但是有一个曾经是工程师的古巴人曾经为卡斯特罗战斗过,后来反对共产主义,他跟我父亲非常要好。他打的第二个电话是给Harry Louise,他问:是我们的人(指中央情报局)干的吗?我的父亲非常仔细地考虑如何处理这个情报局,因为他从上任以来一直在管理情报局。
And he recognized that the problem and you know as I I talked about my speech and I think David on the show mentioned this that during the bay of big invasion I uncle realized that he had been lied to by By Charles Bell and Alan Dulles and Richard Bitts all the heads of the CIA as well as its joint chiefs And he came out In the middle of the invasion when it turned against them And he realized these these men were being killed on the beach and he said I want to take the CIA and shattered into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind So he recognized The function of the intelligence agencies had devolved And that they were they had become captive of the military industrial complex and The military contractors and their uh their function was essentially to provide our nation With a constant pipeline of new wars
The fee the military industrial complex and the growth of the surveillance state And my father when he ran for president Pete Hamill who was one of his favorite newsmen asked him on the bus during two weeks before he died asked him what he what he was going to do about the CIA and he said what we need to do Is to we we need to remove the espionage division And the espionage branch from the plans division The plans of the vision the CIA is essentially the dirty tricks Provision that's the division the action-prefid division They do the assassinations they fix elections they do paramilitary operations black ops torture black sites all that stuff The espionage division and CIA was originally set up by Cuba by Truman as an espionage agency as being anage means Information gathering and analysis It's not violence. It's about information acquisition
And unfortunately the the the the cleandestine action division Was wagging the espionage dog So the function the espionage division was to to provide new actions things to do for the cleandestine division And then covering up their mistakes So there was never any accountability and what my father understood is that the espionage division should not be working for the for the cleandestine services They should be overseeing them and particularly doing accountability Uh-oh, you know what if the CIA Looks the way that the CIA looks at the Warner Rack is it was a success because we accomplished a mission of opposing Saddam Hussein But and you know that CIA was George Kenned who lied to President Bush and said it's a slam dunk So they got us to go in there and weapons of mass shaksh
So as president would you rethink it and then Just as a final question. It's final follow up to that. Do you believe they murdered or were involved in the murder of your uncle? What would have you come to person?
Yes, they were definitely involved in the murder and you know in the 60 year cover up They're still not releasing the you know the papers that legally they have to release Um, but I don't think there's any doubt if you look at this This huge, you know mountain monumental mountain of evidence and confessions and you know so many people have confessed to their involvement and you know we understand the Um if you look I mean for anybody who has doubts about that I would recommend a book I Jim Douglas called the unspeakable Because I think he's done a better job Uh than anybody else that kind of assembling and distilling All of the millions and millions of documents that Uh have been released over the past 50 years And these things these revelations are released incrementally and so nobody really takes notice When you put them all together the story is very clear.
他们肯定参与了谋杀案,你知道在这60年的掩盖中,他们仍然没有公开那些他们法律上必须公开的文件。但是,如果你看看这些巨大的证据和认罪书,很多人已经承认了自己的参与,我们可以理解这个问题。如果有人对此持怀疑态度,我建议读一本叫《不可言说》的书,作者是Jim Douglas。因为我认为他比其他人更好地收集和梳理了过去50年公开的数百万个文件。这些发现是逐步公开的,所以没有人真正注意到。但当你把它们全部放在一起看时,故事非常明显。
So you you would definitely rethink The CIA the FBI DOJ you know the whole intelligence at the minimization. I think what you're saying as well as maybe you would also Released the documents that maybe would at least Provide some more transparency. I just wanted to build on that because you had a very provocative tweet Part of what you're talking about is accountability and we need data and transparency to have that There are people that have whistleblown. There are people that have leaked and I think it's fair to say that they've all been treated by the security apparatus in largely the exact same way But you tweeted recently about your desire to see some of those folks forgiven and pardoned Do you want to just take a few minutes just to talk about some of those folks that you think Has allowed us to actually see the truth if we want to see it and why you think that and what you think should be done with folks like that
I mean Julian Assange is an example Julian Assange is a newspaper publisher. He published leaked documents, you know why are we I mean if I was any newspaper publisher in this country I Would be worried about that and now he can go to jail for life because he published leaked documents of great import to the American people of things that we should not have been secret that we should have known about um Revelations that affect our civil rights Affect our foreign policy affect things that we ever write to know and you know, it's it's really It it's strange that there's any support for his imprisonment among the press and I think the press is beginning to figure this out finally The most controversial of those figures is Edwin Snowden but Edwin Snowden um Released documents that showed us that we were all being spied upon Yeah, and that's important for Americans to know and in fact it was so important That congress passed laws based upon his revelations to protect the American people So why are we punishing the whistleblower rather than punishing the people who were you know who were illegally spying on us That's what we should be doing. We shouldn't be Uh, jailing dissenters in our country. We shouldn't be jelling whistleblowers. We should be jailing the people who breaks the law to keep this bipartisan
Do you believe the deep state is acting to subvert the Trump presidency and that they are framing him on these three or four indictments that they are working on some that have dropped some that haven't do you believe there's a deep state conspiracy against Trump because you might be facing him
I don't use the word deep state. I mean I you know I You know, I've described how these uh bureaucracies function and it's not that It's not so much a group of people the kind of deep split state implies there's a group of people and it's kind of you know black coats and a smokey room pulling strings, but The corruption is systemic the these uh, you know, they all of these agencies are captive agencies
The CIA is ultimately working for A for industry like the oil industry the coal industry and the military contractors and that they've always had that ties since the very beginning, you know, Alan dollars Who would work for Sullivan Gromwell and ended up doing coup d'etat's I'm half of his former clients like Texaco and United Fruit Texaco and BP and in Iran in 1953 Is former client United Fruit when one Jacob R. Bans in Guatemala tried to nationalize United Fruit, you know The CIA under dollars went over through the government to protect the interest of his former client So there's always been these ties to industry and the ties now and particularly the oil industry and the ties to To the military industrial contractors really drive The CIA action and CIA intelligence
And we have to you know, you have to stop And then this is systemic in all these agencies. I mean USDA is run by Cargill Smithfield on Santo Bobilgram John Tyson EPA is run when we sued EPA Uh, we got discovery documents That showed that the head of the Pesis I division just Rowland Had been secretly working for monsanto for a decade and you know Standing Nemo's back and forth with monsanto directing them. You need to kill this study. You need to kill that study And this unfortunately is not the exception. It is the rule
我们必须,你知道,你必须停下来。而且这在所有这些机构中都是系统性的。我的意思是,美国农业部由嘉吉、史密斯菲尔德、桑托博比尔格拉姆和约翰·泰森掌控,美国环保局在我们起诉美国环保局时,我们获得了探询文件,这些文件显示,Pesis I部门负责人罗兰德一直在为孟山都秘密工作了十年,不断与孟山都进行来回联系,并指导他们。你需要杀死这项研究,你需要杀死那项研究。不幸的是,这不是个例,而是规律。
Most of the people who work for those agencies are good citizens. They're good Americans. They're honest and their patriot But the people who tend to rise in those agencies and occupy these very very powerful keep positions from decades or years like Anthony Fauci 50 years Our people who are in the tank with industry And what we need to do is unravel that across the government and that's really what people say that's the deep state That really is what it's a systemic Corruption within our agencies that is driven by agency capture
Can we actually just talk about the coronavirus maybe pandemic for a second and I just want to tie in two concepts Sometimes again, there's a lot of mainstream misinformation about it There is a lot that came out about you particularly as it relates to vaccines I just want to give you an opportunity to set the record straight Just on what you think happened covid all that corruption your thought on vaccines the efficacy of our programs how we should change what we keep the same Just maybe a chance to clear the ear so that we can get some of the Gobbledy-gook on the internet set street
I mean it's hard to you know I wrote a 250,000 paid book about it and I've written a couple of books and so it's hard to summarize you know what went wrong and in a um in a second but it's but essentially we had instead of a Public health response to what public health crisis we had a militarized and monetized response that was the inverse of what of Everything that you would want to do if you actually wanted to protect public health
We've known you know if you look at WHO protocols or the CDC protocol of the EU the NHS and Britain All those they all had protocols for how to manage the pandemic they all said unanimously You do not use lockdowns mass lockdowns you quarantine the sick You protect the vulnerable but you keep society moving because
the consequences of not do of shutting down society will be Cataclysmic beyond anything that the disease is going to impose Everybody knew that and so you know we had these these agencies that that had drilled for years and years uh this alternative You know militarized response And instead of you know doing what you want to do which is to get early treatment to people to have I mean you know
We're we live in the agent the internet we should have had a A grid that connected all 15 million frontline doctors every country around the world And figured out what are you doing that works in your country you know and try and then Distilling that information processing and getting it to other doctors
Well, we knew what was working we knew I've remector an hydroxychloric and we're working we knew that since 2004 Because NIH did the study that said hydroxychloric and obliterates coronavirus.
We knew what would work at that time and what was the response. They the response was they could not allow early treatment to occur. Why? Because there's a little known federal law that says if there is a drug that is shown effective against the target disease it is ill I a drug that is proof for any purpose. It is illegal to issue on a I am allergic to use authorization for a vaccine.
So if they had admitted that hydroxychloric on our ivermectin worked against On a virus it would have destroyed their whole hundred billion dollar vaccine you know enterprise So they had to kill early treatments.
And they went after stuff that they knew worked they this was the first respiratory virus in history Where people would go to the hospital and they would test positive for coronavirus and be symptomatic They were sick. Hey, that's why they went to the hospital.
And the hospital would say to them there is no treatment. Go home till your lips turn blue and you can't breathe. And come back and we will give you two things that are gonna kill you I'm desivir and hydroxychloric and ventilation.
So people still look at in this country and if algae is a era I mean we were doing things a couple of miles from me And Malibu There were police pulling surfers out of the surf and giving them thousand dollar tickets and telling them to go home. And I'm out of the sunshine where where coronavirus doesn't spread and lock him in their home where it does.
And every time they sent some one of these people home from the hospital sick it was a super spreader of that. Oh you look at our record of coronavirus and this is when nobody can explain who is you know defending Fauci etc. We had the highest body count in the world by far from corona virus. Oh, we have 4.2% of the world's population. We had 16% of the COVID deaths. How does anybody explain that?
And you go to nations that didn't do what we told them Nigeria. Nigeria is the highest malaria burden in the world So it everybody everybody gets hydroxychloric and once a week they call it Sunday Sunday Everybody in the country takes it on Sunday They had the highest river winds burden so I have the countries on Ivermectin Nigeria never had an epidemic It had a death rate in Nigeria of 14 people per million population Our death rate 3000 per million population.
Blacks in our countries were dying at 3.6 times the rate of whites Why were American blacks dying in Nigeria and blacks weren't And then you go to Haiti Haiti had a and by the way in Nigeria had 1.3% vaccination rate 80 had 1.4% vaccination rate And they had a death rate of 15 per million population. These are the countries that don't even Fauci and Bill Gates said We got to get them vaccinated.
我们国家的黑人死亡率比白人高出3.6倍。为什么美国黑人在尼日利亚死亡率高,而黑人不是?然后,你去海地,海地只有1.4%的接种率,尼日利亚只有1.3%的接种率,但他们的死亡率每百万人口为15人。这些都是福奇和比尔 · 盖茨说我们必须使他们接种疫苗的国家。
We got to do whatever you can because they're gonna get totally wiped out because they're poverty and guess right. They never had a pandemic across Africa. There was a 10% vaccination rate and guess what. They had a death rate of about 340.
Some people think that the death rate here was overstated because of incentives to do that do you believe that as well? Yeah, so maybe part of that death rate is it was Over and said but you believe looking back on this that Fauci As well as the pharma companies Bill Gates investments in those areas that led us down a Path you'll recall at the medical industrial the farming industrial complex you believe the farming industrial complex dictated our response to coronavirus and then freebred I'll let you jump in.
Yeah, but do you believe that that that's the I don't have any question I believe this was you know it was as I said It was a military response. I mean looking who was running The look at who was running the coronavirus response wouldn't you think it would be HHS.
Well when they out one warp speed Had to present its declassify its organizational charts to show to the FDA committee called verbaq when they demanded it And warp speed went in and showed me organizational chart charts The the the the agency running warp speed and pandemic response was not HHS It was NSA national security agency Avril Haynes is the director of national intelligence so she was running operation warp speed And who was manufacturing it wasn't Pfizer Moderna it was 140 military contractors.
当Warp Speed项目被推出时,FDA委员会Verbaq要求它公开其组织架构。Warp Speed便出示了其组织架构图。结果显示,运营Warp Speed和应对疫情的机构并非HHS,而是NSA(国家安全局)。国家情报总监Avril Haynes负责Warp Speed项目。此外,制造疫苗的并非辉瑞、莫德纳,而是140家军方承包商。
Who you know headlines ready and you say you know and then you know all of this clamp down on on Civil rights that we saw the the censorship On the closing the churches the you know that the closing of the right to assemble the banning of jury trials against pharmaceutical companies.
They crushed the seventh amendment the first amendment. They closed down 3.3 million businesses with no due process no just compensation. They they obliterated the fourth amendment right to you know to against warrantless searches and seizures With all these intrusive You know you you you you show your. medical records to go out of your house Or to get into a public building freeberg what what is correct here?
Do you believe in what is incorrect about Roberts? What's Roberts saying if anything? Well look I mean there's obviously a lot of things I could say by the way I was on the executive team at monsanto for a couple of years So you know I one one thing I will say is I sat on the at the table facing the EPA and the USDA and certainly didn't feel like a very cozy relationship in at least what I saw in the few years I was there It was it did feel like a very kind of independent regulatory and challenging frankly regulatory process at monsanto
Had to manage and deal with and go through and in releasing new products You know, I don't think that this notion that there were kind of embedded parties that Did our whims and wishes really plays true at least for my experience sitting there And I'm not a long time on santo executive I built a software company sold it to monsanto and sat on the exact team for a few years after the acquisition but I guess the the more Kind of I think bigger framing question for you Robert is really around vaccines in general I think you're your commentary around the the covid response And you know the influencing forces there Didn't start with covid right I mean you've you've been a kind of You know outspoken voice on vaccines in general for some time Is that a fair statement because I think that that's part of the media narrative around your history and legacy Is that you have been kind of outspoken on vaccines on the You know the the risks and the and the effects that you that you consider to be kind of I don't know if it's implied or explicit with respect to the use and and wide adoption of vaccines over time Maybe you could share a little bit about your broader perspective in the years leading up to covid And how that then kind of informed your point of view specifically on covid
You know my objective is not to vaccines. I'm not any vaccine. I fully vaccinated my kids were fully vaccinated I wish at this point that I had not done that because I know enough about them now I principal objective is that vaccines um in this the childhood vaccines are immune from pre licensing safety testing Of the 72 when I got was a kid I got three vaccines My children got 72 doses of 16 vaccines And the vaccines are the one medical product that does not have to go through Policiba controlled trials where you test and expose versus unexplosed population right a licensor And that there's a number of historical reasons for that to come out of the kind of the military Uh, beginning is the these vaccines were regarded as um as national security defenses against Biological attacks on our countries so they wanted to make sure of the Russians attacked us with anthrax Or some of their biological agent they could quickly formulate and deploy Vaccine at 200 million Americans with no regulatory impediments So they they call them biologics rather than medicines and exempted body of objects from pre licensing safety trial I've litigated on that it should not one of them has ever been tested pre licensor against so nobody knows What the you know you can say that the Vaccine is effective against the target disease But you can't say that it's not causing worse problems Now I'll just summarize this story
In the the vaccine schedule exploded in 1986 The vaccine industry succeeded in getting Ronald Reagan to sign a law and my uncle was also you know a group that was pressured By why at which was losing 20 dollars in downstream liabilities On every vaccine it made because it was lawsuits For every dollar that it made and they and and probably they went to Reagan and said we're gonna get out of the vaccine business And you're gonna be left without a vaccine supply unless you give us full immunity from liability and Reagan you know reluctantly sign that And so today no matter how Negligent the company no matter how grievous your injury no matter how reckless or conduct you cannot sue them That caused it gold rush because now you got a product But That there's no downstream liability Europe immune from that
在1986年,疫苗接种计划爆炸了。疫苗行业成功地说服了罗纳德·里根签署了一项法律,我的叔叔也是一个被迫接受压力的群体。这是因为在每一种疫苗製造中,百威公司都要承担约20美元的下游责任。因为每赚到一美元就需要被起诉了。他们可能去找里根,说我们将退出疫苗业务,如果您不给予我们完全豁免责任,您将面临没有疫苗供应的局面,里根不情愿地签署了这一点。因此,现在无论这些公司有多么疏忽,无论您的伤害有多么大,无论他们的行为有多么草率,都无法起诉他们。这导致了一个淘金热,因为现在你有了一个产品,但却没有任何下游责任。 您免于这个责任。
There's no upstream safety testing so that's a $250 million saving And there's no marketing or advertising cause so because On the federal government's gonna mandate this product to the 76 million American children where they like it or not And there's no better product in the world and so there was a gold rush and instead of three vaccines We quickly ended up with 72 and now we're going to you know toward 80 right now And there's no end to sight and a lot of those vaccines were unnecessary. They're not even for casual disease
These years what happened in night beginning in 1989 We experienced a chronic disease epidemic in this country It is unlike anything in the history We went from having 6% of Americans affected by chronic disease to 54% by 2006 and what do I mean by chronic disease? I mean neurological disease that I never saw when I was a kid 80 DAD HD, especially language like tics to red syndrome um ASD autism narcolepsy all these suddenly appeared autism rates went from one in 10,000 to one in every 34 1989 was the year this began The allergic disease phenod allergies suddenly appeared um food allergies exima suddenly appeared And it relaxes and has mob you know which had been around But it exploded and then autoimmune disease is like rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile diabetes I never knew a kid I had 11 siblings about 70 cousins I never knew anybody with any of these diseases and son why do five my kids have allergies? so uh
So then If you look at the manufacturer's inserts for those 72 vaccines There's 420 diseases Had have been associated with the vaccines that are listed And including every one of those diseases that went epidemic in 1989 And this is the country which the most happily vaccinated and this was happening here unlike any other country in the world And so we have this you know and and you know they would it's good for the pharma This pharma now makes 60 billion on the vaccines when I was a kid they were making 250 million now They make 60 billion a year plus 100 billion from COVID vaccine
Friedberg do you believe that these vaccines are over prescribed and are part of The rise in ADHD and and all this litany of diseases. I'm just asking Friedberg who's our resident scientist here do you believe this? You know explicitly as a scientist I'm curious. I don't think there's direct evidence supporting that relationship I think that there's a lot of environmental factors that have been driving changes in You know the rate of problems without immunity it relates to our food products our food system It relates to environmental chemistry like Robert has talked about generally. I think there's a lot of environmental conditioning that's caused this rise in in in problems in human.
弗里德伯格,你认为这些疫苗被过度开处方,是导致注意力不集中症(ADHD)和其他种种疾病增加的一部分吗?我只是问问resident scientist弗里德伯格,你是否认为如此?作为一名科学家,我非常好奇。我认为没有直接的证据支持这种关系,我认为有许多环境因素推动了我们免疫问题的变化,与我们的食品产品和食品系统有关,与罗伯特所谈论的环境化学有关。我认为有许多环境条件导致了人类问题的增加。
I interrupt for a second because I don't think it's solely the vaccines. Our children today are just winning or 100 toxic soup uh, but there's a timeline and actually I talked to colleges that I've used many my lawsuits probably the most famous in the country Phil Landrigan looked at the timeline of the explosion of all these chronic diseases And he said there's only a finite number of things that have caused it you know one is life to say Things that web became ubiquitous against in every demographic beginning and around 1993 1989 Um one of Ms. Glyves ain't near Nikitaway I've passed it size pf. O.A.s cell phones ultra-sat and he made the whole list I and so it's a finite number And the question is and vaccines are part of that and you know it is suspicious because the vaccines list all of these aside effects now
I've I put together books You know one of my books on this subject on connecting these As 14 hunter references and 400 studies digested so the science out there is pretty clear but We get this NIH refused to study these things Because it knows that Whatever wherever they follow the dots is gonna end up with a big shot And so they simply have stopped studying them and they've turned themselves into an incubator from the pseudocoproducts And they don't do this kind of basic research
我编写了几本书,其中一本就是关于如何连接这些14个猎人参考和400项研究的。因此,现有的科学结论非常明确,但是 NIH 拒绝研究这些内容,因为他们知道,无论他们在哪里追踪这些线索,最终都会涉及到一个重要的问题。因此,他们停止研究这些内容,并将自己转变为假科学产品的孵化器,不再进行这种基础研究。
I want to just give you guys one example The most common vaccine in the world is called the DTP vaccine diphtheria tetanus and tussus We gave it in this country and beginning around 79 It was killing or Causing severe brain injury and one out of every 300 kids who got it You see a study funded by NIH that found it so they got rid of it That's what caused all the lawsuits and they eventually precipitated the passage of the vaccine We stopped it here. They stopped in Europe but Bill Gates and WHO are still giving it to 161 million African children every year It's the most popular vaccine on earth Bill Gates says publicly it saved 30 million lives He went to the Danish government and said we've saved 30 million lives. We'll use support this program in 2017 The Danish said show me the study that shows that it saved all those lives He couldn't do it so they went down and they conducted a study in West Africa with a Danish operator all these health clinics And they looked at 30 years of data And as it turned out in a nation called Kenny Bissau Half the kids in that country at the age two months had received the vaccine and half had not It was a perfect natural experiment And they looked at 30 years of data and what they found was that The kids who received the vaccine were not dying of diphtheria tendus and protitis But girls who received the vaccine were dying At 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls and they were not dying of anything ever anybody ever associated with the vaccine They were dying of diphtheria Bill Hartzia malaria, Anemia, minor cuts and scrapes and mainly pulmonary respiratory disease and pneumonia And what the researchers concluded and this was a study funded by the Danish government And of an artist which is a vaccine company and the scientists were all pro-vaccine The same thing with the AESAD is this vaccine is killing more people than the disease ever were Nobody knew it because nobody associated the people who were dying because they were dying all these different things That were only the unvaccinated kids so the vaccine had saved them From diphtheria tendus and protitis about it at ruin their immune system So that they could not defend themselves against other diseases and that's the danger Of not having placebo controlled trials prior to introducing the product particularly when you're a maned in a product for healthy people
Let's with our remaining time here move on to energy You end the environment you've got an incredible track record I remember growing up in New York the amazing work you did For the watershed project and I'll let you expand upon that in a moment But the only confounding thing I found in your position and I'm curious if it's changed or not is that you spend decades trying to close the Indian point nuclear power plant In a time when clearly nuclear power is gotten safer and is Clearly I think we're the world believes and certainly everybody who's on this panel believes nuclear is a key point in the transition To renewable so what is your actual position? Explain it to us as basically as you can on nuclear Power and do you regret or have you read thought your position on Indian point?
No, I mean any important is the leasing tritium and the odds every day. Though I don't see how you can say it safe and you know they still haven't figured out what to do with the waste. They're now storing it, you know, it's it's 18 miles from mid-diamond hadn't.
Um, if a you know the the shack Where they were stored storing The fuel rods at the structural integrity of a came art. A terrorist attack against it would you know would basically render New York In a have uninhabited for you know the next 5,000 years or so so to have To put to put something that risky so closed and you know 10 million people doesn't make any sense.
Now New York power I'm all for it if they can ever make it safe. Well, if they ever make it economical and it's not me saying it's not safe. It's the insurance industry. They can't get an insurance policy. If they can't get an insurance policy and I would say I don't want.
But the nuclear American nuclear industry. I mean you go look at what Fukushima. They're poisoning the Pacific every day with huge amounts of really deadly radiation and they and out their only solution to it is to suck the water out of the groundwater and stored in these big tanks and if you just go on the internet and look at a picture of the Fukushima water tanks. And they go on to the horizon and there's no end to it.
Robert, can I just make a point? The thing with nuclear that's worth separating is it's not the fundamental technology there that's broken in either example that you use but it's the profited motive that caused both the industrial engineering of both plants to be subpar because Fukushima for example was engineered not to the seismic levels that you really needed or elevation even conceiting all that.
Here's what I would say is that you know in our country There's not the nuclear is regarded as so dangerous and they can't get an insurance. So the industry had to go to Congress in a sleazy legislative maneuver in the middle of the night and get the price Anderson Ag pass so that there so that to shift their accident burden onto the American public.
So if their plant goes up and I and I was 10 miles from that plant and I'm gonna have to pay for it. So I don't think that's free market capitalism. I believe in free markets and I can tell you this there is no public utility on the face of the earth I will build one of those plants without massive public subsidies not one nobody will ever do it and then they have to store the waste for the next 30,000 years which is five times the length of recorded human history and if you tell me how that you know if they had to amortize that rate up front.
There's no way anybody do it number number two or three or four whatever I've gotten to. It cost now between I and 16 billion dollars to build a nuclear power plant. Just the construction cost and then you got to get the technicians and then you've got to get you know the waste.
This was a regular outage isn't all of this. There's no way that it could compete in a free market. I believe in free market capitalism. I am a radical Free market here. I believe that our energy systems should reflect the marketplace and they right now you can build a solar plant for a billion dollars in gigawatt.
You can build a wind plant for 1.2 billion dollars in gigawatt. A coal plant will cost you about three and a half billion dollars at gigawatt and then you have to pay for the fuel. I cutting down the mountains of West Virginia Poisoning 22,000 miles of streams Burning you know putting mercury that gets into every fresh water fish in America Sterilizing the lakes of the Appalachians if they had to internalize that cause.
你可以花12亿美元建造一个1 GW的风电站。而对于一个相同功率的煤电站,成本大约是35亿美元,并且你还需要为燃料付费。如果把风电站建在西维吉尼亚山区,就需要砍伐山林,造成2.2万英里的河流污染。同时,烧煤会释放汞,汞会进入美国的每一条淡水鱼,同时也会导致阿巴拉契亚山区的湖泊受到消毒处理。如果这些成本需要内部化,那么煤电站的成本将极高。
Coal which says is that you know, it's for nuke which says it's too cheap to meter. It turns out it's the most expensive way to boil a pot of water that's ever been to fire. I'm just trying to make the point that if you look at the levelized cost of energy now. What you're saying is exactly why solar and wind are winning. It's just so much cleaner.
It makes so much more sense. There's no fuel cause and if the impediment is Distribution is that we don't have a grid system that can effectively, you know, work a straight of variable power. And that's what we let me let me provide a counter that maybe it's not about distribution but it's about scaling production capacity.
So you know if you look over nearly any historical time scale since we've had Industrial energy production on earth for every one percent increase in GDP per capita you see a roughly 1.2 percent increase in energy consumption per capita. And so if you forecast out by the end of the century the GDP per capita estimates in the US and around the world.
We need to increase global energy production by roughly You know anywhere from five to ten x and you know the current system of pulling carbon out of the ground and burning it up and pulling heat energy out of it doesn't scale doesn't make sense obviously put aside the carbon effect problem.
And there appears to be you know a reasonable chance. of a pretty serious material shortage for renewable sources By the middle of next decade So what do you think is the right answer to long-range energy security and what sort of technology should we be embracing And do you think that they scale fast enough to kind of allow us to have our economy grown the way that it needs to support The the population demands over the next century I mean, I'm agnostic about the energy sources and I think you need it
You know you have to be eclectic about it and a lot of them are Are you know make sense locally, but we we have enough energy we have enough wind energy In North Dakota North Dakota's windiest place on earth outside of the Arctic North Dakota Montana and Texas we have enough wind energy to produce five times the amount of our entire grid um The problem is The North Dakota wind farmer cannot get his product to market Because it dissipates in a you know, we have an antique An art antiquated grid system That simply will not efficiently move electrons across country and we need a DC grid system that you know With off ramps and the big cities etc that can do that In North Dakota if you have an acre of farmland It's worth about 300 bucks if you put a wind turbine on it. It's worth about 32 hundred bucks So every farmer in North Dakota wants to put wind turbines in their cornfield and the problem is they cannot get that energy to market That is the only choke point And if we and the same is true, you know and uh and you know, we have great solar power in this country um We we have you know, we have an abundance of of renewable energy in this country and the power of the problem is The incumbents were were were operating on rules under rules that were written by the incumbents The reward the dirtiest filthyest most poisonous most toxic fuels from hell rather than to cleat cheap clean green All some fuels from heaven and we ought to reverse that and and make it make them all competitive seems like technology and economics Have reverse that in a way.
Yeah, one last question on this so as president would you support initiatives That could advance and allow approval of safe nuclear fission Production systems to be built here in the US Well, I will like like I say I support new And new technologies of new that are safe, you know, where they but but as long as they can compete in a marketplace You show me and by by the way, I think we should be doing science even when there's no, you know I mean economic end to us. Oh, we should be looking at this stuff But I would not promote new if it's not competitive in the marketplace and it's you know and and that means You know cleaning up your mess after yourself, which you know is a lesson. We were all supposed to learn in kindergarten And if they show us what they're gonna do with the ways how they're gonna internalize their cause Rather than what they're doing now, which is to externalize their cause and internalize their profits
Okay, we have covered a lot of territory and I hate to get to uh Controversial ones like culture wars, but it's gonna come up in the presidential election I personally don't think this is what's important in the presidential election I think the fiscal stuff the energy stuff The the wars and political stuff we've discussed today are much more important but I'm curious you're take on The issues around Disney, DeSantis, Trans, uh, and this cohort of issues which have Become an obsession it seems between Certain members or certain political parties or both parties the media And certainly it's taken over a lot of discussions amongst the generation on social media What's your take on all this and when you get caught up in these debates and the presidential debates About trans athletes as put one example do you think a trans Woman who was a biological male should be able to be put in a Female prison do you think they should be able to play on a female basketball team and change with a bunch of 15 year old girls in a high school locker room I've already had first one as a desk Disney this I think that people I believe in bodily autonomy and that people's Choices about what they want to do with their body should be respected and people should not be ashamed
I do not believe at As somebody who was born a biological man Should be able to compete later on in life whatever choice they made on a woman's team. I mean I have a a niece who is playing softball at at BC She has worked She has devoted her entire life to getting that scholarship and it's it's consumed her And I've watched you know during my lifetime women sports from essentially non-existent To to equitable mainly with men sports and I think that's important and I don't think that you know um Women should lose ground um and and anyway, so I would you know, I've said on I don't believe that that's the right thing, but I think everybody should be respected
Let me ask a question then about parents who are struggling with this issue At what age should a doctor be allowed to perform gender reassignment Surgery on a individual you believe adults so at what age should you be able to have gender surgery Because this is going to come up multiple times in this debate. I think I also ought to have that choice I don't think a child should have that choice Except with you know certainly not without parent parental permission and I really don't you know I know that the um The real I you know it's a live and let's start by saying this This is a difficult issue and it's an issue that we should not be judging people on and we should not be hating people about We should much be trying to solve people problems and Give people as much leeway as possible to and as much respect In fact, especially way to exercise their choices and much respect those choices we possibly can Within that framework, I don't believe that it's uh at a child without their parental permission should be allowed to choose that kind of surgery because What if their parents agree to it should a 15 year old be able to be I that's a very difficult question and I don't feel like I'm equipped to answer and I'm not gonna You know I interfere. Yeah, I think this panel agrees with this is a very difficult issue and you know people should be
what do you think about Things like critical race theory and maybe we can just use that as a way to just talk about The state of US education in general. Are we preparing our children for the task at hand? And what is the task at hand maybe in your eyes and how does it need to change if at all? Now, you know, I think critical race theory as much as I understand it um is You know though listen we should not be hiding from people we should be honest people about the history in this country of genocide of racism and those things So the you know, we need to be honest about that with each other Not to shame people not to make people people feel badly not to make people feel guilty But to understand the the milestones that we never want to not go near again and to move forward with those things I you know internal
I don't really understand that The battle over critical race theory in schools, but you know to the extent If somebody would say that this has to that that theme Has to dominate all historical um teaching I would be against that I think it's very very important, you know America Our country has has done wonderful things in the world we have a history of idealism we have a history of moral authority and leadership and we have a history of doing bad things too But I think for children for the sake of national unity for the sake of you know for we need to instill children With the sense of optimism and hope and love and also love of history I mean I grew up learning history and learning you know kind of the heroic aspects of history which I now understand
Or not the only parts of history Um, but it's really important for children to have have role models to look up to and have an optimistic view of our country and to have I understand what the shared values are and by values. I mean aspirational values You know the things that our country is supposed to stand for When we are at our best for example, Robert in the in San Francisco we canceled advanced placement classes because it made People feel bad. Do you think that was a good decision? No, if in the name of equity? No, we should be inspiring our children towards excellence And we should be able to as adults give them measures of what mean we mean by excellence And you know that inspires kids and inspires the best out of them and you know We need to we need to have those kind of metrics so that doesn't make any sense to me
But then what's your view on for example just educational diversity in charter schools and you're just position on the teachers unions I mean my view is that we ought to be putting huge resources into public schools And making them the best schools in the world and I think if we you know Right now we're making stealth bombers for a billion dollars That cannot fly in the rain And I think if we just cut production of a couple of those we can make all our schools the best schools in the world Do they need competition? Do you believe in vouchers and parents getting to choose which school they go to because it does seem Like there's not a lot of competition and that these teachers unions have a stranglehold On these schools. I have to look at that issue more. I mean my inclination is that we should be putting resources into making our public schools the best schools in the world
But you said you believed in free markets When with regard to energy why not free markets in regard to education? Well, it has to be a I need to look okay fair enough
Yeah, let's talk about censorship. Let's talk about the media One of the things that happened during the COVID pandemic is that a lot of people grew suspicious of the mainstream media even more suspicious than they already had been It seemed like the media was curing water on certain issues It was almost impossible for the media To take seriously the idea that the virus might have come from the Wuhan lab for example people Who put forward that I think reasonable explanation were Paul conspiracy theorists The media didn't want to look into why for example this is an example Fauci lifted Obama's moratorium on gain a function research Couldn't get the media to really cover whether you know masking toddlers in Schools did anything positive and then you know when we found out that the mRNA Chats didn't prevent COVID the way they said they never even really asked The CEOs of Pfizer and these other companies when did you know this when do you know that the vaccines didn't do what you said They're gonna do and I remember at Davos you had a rebel news.
It was this gorilla media outfit that Acostid burlough the the CEO of Pfizer out in the street and they were just asking him questions that The media is supposed to ask like you know when did you know What did you know and when did you know it with respect to whether the the vaccines prevented the spread And you couldn't get the New York Times or any of the mainstream allies to cover this at all so it felt to this Gorilla media outfit So any event that's a long wind up, but you know Robert what's your take on the media? Why can't we get What seems to be on as media coverage? How does this fit into your theory of regulatory capture who are they sort of carrying water for it and why?
You know I in 2015 I wrote a book on Simon Arisle and there was a documentary that came out that time called Trace Amounts It was a really good amount documentary on the the mercury based I'm preserved if that wasn't a lot of vaccines at that time and it's been removed from most except for the flu vaccine now But I took that I had a very close relationship with Roger Ales Who is the founder foxness I had this weird relationship because when I was 19 years old I spent three months in a tent with him in East Africa and We you know he would like one way he started fox nose He became like Darth Vader to me and we were anacetic Every issue, but we always he was a very funny guy And very clever and he was also very loyal to his friends and he wouldn't make All of the hosts of fox news put me on so I was the only in farm Alice who's going on Hannity and Bill O'Reilly and Neil Kavuto It's that regularly like weekly And he made them do that, but I went to him with this with this um This movie and showed it to him and he found it compelling and he had a Relative who he believed as vaccine injured a very very close relative And he bought he believed what was going on and what the documentary, you know the throws the documentary was And he said I cannot let you talk about this on foxness. I'm sorry. It's the first time he ever saw me this and he said Um if I let you if any of my hosts let you on to talk about this I would have to fire them And he said um and if I didn't farm I'd get a call from rooper within 10 minutes And he said to me at that time that 70% of the revenues for his not on network news um prime time were pharmaceutical ads and that um that he said of 22 ad space is that we sell on the net Work news on the evening news 17 of those are pharmaceutical the we can not afford To uh to offend our biggest um our biggest uh the funder because I advertise
And you know I had this interesting experience with Jake Tapper where when I worked on my Rolling Stone article deadly immunity which was about this secret meeting that took place in Simpson with Georgia by cdc and all of the vaccine companies and FDA etc Where they decided to hide the autism effect from the American people and we I got the transcripts for them and publish in Rolling Stone.
And Jake Tapper worked for 21 days with me on a on a doc on a exclusive story. And he was gonna add simultaneously was with Rolling Stone publishing it. And Tapper the night before it went on he called me in total distress and he said it's been pulled by corporate all things Colonies and never in my career as corporate killed one of my stories and I'm really angry and then I called it back. The next day he's never spoken to me again.
But you know there are consequences for these news casters who depart from the orthodoxy. And they know it. If you look at Anderson Cooper he's got a now probably a 13 million dollar year salary. But if you actually do the math probably around 10 million of that comes from Pfizer. Which sponsors this show so you know that's he's working for them. He's not working for us. And you know they know they're working for Explosive stuff.
And I can't disagree with you as having been a publisher of my whole core here. There why why even why even have pharmaceutical ads on TV I mean only doctors can prescribe them. Yeah, it was illegal. That allow pharmaceutical advertising on TV one is New Zealand and the others the United States we both have you know these huge pharmaceutical sales so we take three to four times the amount of pharmaceutical drugs as a European type and we have the worst health results were 79th In terms of you know health impacts Uh, you know health outcomes among all nations and so you know and also pharmaceutical drugs a third biggest killer of Americans After cancer and heart attacks so it is not helping me when when they when FDA changed that rule. Um the AMA was against it like all the medical institutions said you can't do this. It is going to destroy health in America and but you know they did it.
And the problem is that these uh that the pharmaceutical companies now know not not only can you know I have this platform for broadcasting their product but they also control content on the. As far as I can tell I think the left Just to be blunt hates you more than the right. And so you want to just comment on Your ability to get the mainstream media to pay attention particularly folks on the left and give you the air time so that you can get your message. And how much the party matters in this process for you?
I don't know that they're gonna I mean it was kind of traumatic what happened this week to them Not to make because I'm used to it the ABC you know one of their the a person who describes herself As the journalist journalist and gave me a long talk when I got to ABC um That uh When I got to the green room that she was not somebody who had ever censored or caught and they're not working a cherry pick Because I said to her I don't I'm very uncomfortable doing it taped interview with you I know where you guys do when I tape an interview you cut it off you cherry pick it you dice it and you do and you then you play things that a contact And she said you won't do this see that from me.
I'm a journalist journalist. I don't take orders from anybody. I do and then She asked me She says you know in the interview I didn't want to talk about vaccine. I'm not going around the country talking about vaccines If you see my speeches, I'm I don't mention vaccines. I but if somebody asks me about vaccines I'm gonna tell the truth.
I'm not looking to talk about it. I know a lot about him But I'm not leading with that because I I'm interested in a lot of other issues. Oh, she says um Everything you've said about vaccines about vaccines not has been debunked and um, you know vaccines. It's cleared Do not cause autism What do you have to say by that and then I said to my who? And then I went into a long diatribe where I cited the cases the dates the publications And the studies that show that yeah, obviously it caused autism and She cut out that whole section and then and then So she had her question Which stated the industry talking point and then she brackets the the The news Report on me with something at the beginning that says you know, he's known to be a chronic liar in a disinformation spreader.
And then the end she said we had to remove things he said because they were false. The whole thing was so weird that she has gotten criticism even from the left Because you know, I mean it well what is the news? Castor supposed to do are they supposed to manipulate public information is their job.
Protect Americans from dangerous thoughts. Are the audiences do they have such contempt for their audiences? That the think that the audiences can't make up their own minds and what is their whole vision About the. traditional role of the American media as the guardians of free speech in the first amendment on its country You can be sure our commitment to you is to not take out one sentence of anything you said there's some stuff I'd like you to take out I mean, I also found that a crazy decision for them to make If you're if they actually believe that what you're saying about vaccines which they put on the table is Incorrect or what you said about autism or COVID is incorrect.
They should be trained enough to rebut it and have a thoughtful debate about you. I'll be even more blunt in the subject my my short takeaway about you Robert is that you are this odd person Which is born and raised by the establishment But raising a lot of very uncomfortable questions about the establishment and I think that that's very complicated for people to deal with and I don't think that folks Will be very supportive you in the mainstream and I think the reason is because It'll cause them to question all these systems that they put a lot of trust into that they work within And so I'm not even sure whether they're trying to play gotcha journalism about vaccines or which is a much bigger thing.
Which is here is a guy that I do think it's very similar to Trump that says He came out of the house and told us what was happening in the house and it actually turned out that was happening the Dave Sheppell quote from Saturday Night Live. I think you're a very different person than him But that comment is very much the same. I think people Are attracted to the truth and the confirmatory evidence about when they think that there's frankly corruption And when it's laid bare in plain English I think it's validating for those on the outside because we're like we knew it and then for folks on the inside They're like we need to bury it and I think that that's what you're gonna be up against this entire election cycle.
So whether it's us whether it's Rogan Folks that'll give you the chance for you to just lay your case out For millions of people who can smartly and intelligently make up their decision I think that's what it comes down to so I really just want to say thank you for Giving us so much time and just being as honest as you were and transparent as you were sacks closing thoughts here With yeah, I agree with that. I mean, I think that I think that's a great reference Jamoth to the Sheppell quote.
无论是我们还是Rogan Folks,都会给你机会阐述你的观点,为数百万能够明智地做出决定的人提供这个机会。我认为这就是问题所在,所以我真的想说声谢谢,感谢你花这么多时间,非常诚实和透明地表达你的观点。在这里,Sacks表示自己的想法是赞同的,他认为这是一个非常棒的参考Jamoth Sheppell的话。
I think that The ABC News interview was really telling because I think it's one thing if they had edited the interview for time And just cut certain things but they didn't do that they cut out your side of the conversation and then declared you guilty of Misinformation But not letting the audience hear what it is that you said they simply declared you guilty of it and I think In that case, I think this is an example of how dissenting views are labeled as misinformation As really a suppression tactic.
You know, they they can't prove that it was misinformation They didn't give you the chance to to say your your side of it And I think this is a tactic now of the elite to declare certain inconvenient Truce or viewpoints out of bounds. They don't want them being considered And I think what's very interesting about your campaign is you are gonna force I think elites and you know various kinds foreign policy elites Henderson Cooper political elites media elites financially consider views.
Yeah, that I you know whether you agree with them or not I think you've made them in a very articulate way and I know enough about Certain of your views Like with respect to the origins of Ukraine war to say yeah, I I agree with that. I believe that's true So I don't think they can dismiss you today's conspiracy There is sacks as we've talked about our tomorrow's polisers today's conspiracy. There is our tomorrow's polisers go ahead Jamal I really think that this is what's gonna be scary as if you're As its election kind of rules forward the contrast and compare on the democratic side is gonna be very troublesome to the establishment and I just encourage you to just Just keep sticking to it and telling people what you think.
Freeberg any final thoughts as we wrap can I say one last Yes, and my defense And I want to because it's such a great platform What I've always said to be but you know So if I'm if I'm promoting misinformation, which I'm constantly accused of Show me what it is identify don't just say I'm an infamous information promoter show me the piece that you don't agree with or that You know, I made a false statement I would say that I have not promoted any misinformation if Unless misinformation is just a euphemism for anything that departs from government orthodoxies But every pose I have probably the most robust Fact checking operation in North America because I know these attacks are coming so we have 300 and over 320 MD physicians PhD scientists On my advisory board who see everything that goes out And everything that I posted on Instagram was cited or sourced work to a government paid database Or peer reviewed publication. I don't know anything and by the way that doesn't mean I won't make a mistake at some point But guess what if I made a mistake People would point it out and you know what I would do I'd change it and a public opinion in the face of new facts Exactly Show me fact that's the only thing that'll change my opinion show me facts and I will change it so fast But you know you need to show me facts
So just on on the competition between you and Biden for this nomination I want to say that the Kennedy family has been involved in public life for for decades and many Kennedys Has served in public life and I honestly don't remember one time With any Kennedy you served in public life where they've been accused of Receiving money from a foreign government not once and we're now up to 12 Biden's I think who've received a payment You know from foreign governments Potentially in this larger 100-buy and scandal do you have a point of view on that? I mean The fact that it appears that honor Biden and other members of the buying family received payments from foreign governments Is that how do you interpret that is that something that you think is fair game in this campaign to talk about? I you know, I don't know enough about it David To be able to render judgment on it. I don't know the intricacies of those relationships I think the optics are are unfortunate But you know, I would leave it. I think it is fair game for people who are looking into it to criticize some question I don't know enough about
I'm not in the position to be able to do that all right on that I would just like to say I grew up in a Catholic I was like How sold Irish Catholic in Brooklyn on the wall in my grandmother and grandfather's Dining room were three people Bobby Kennedy robber Kennedy and Jesus Christ. It's been an honor to have you on the program And thank you for giving us two hours of vibrant debate We wish you well and we'd like to have you on again and perhaps if this platform allows September for debates And they will not host you on the debates we will I hear on the oil and podcasts. I'll let you go and On behalf of all the besties. Thank you for giving us two hours and deeply engaging on these topics That's like thank you. I really enjoyed it
All right, this I think went spectacularly well Let's go around the horn here and get immediate reactions freedberg I want to start with you because I think You on the science issues maybe held back a little bit and let him speak We yeah, we didn't have much of a dialogue with him. I'd say we we all kind of had a few opening statements, but let him kind of speak his mind I don't know. We'll see how the episode plays With listeners it was really him having a platform to speak his mind for the past you know two hours And you know, it's interesting. I mean obviously he's a candidate that's challenging the the current sitting president for his own parties nomination so you know really kind of You know interesting moment to participate in and you know, but we did kind of give him the platform to kind of speak his mind
I think my observation is this guy Robert clearly has a very deep rooted anti-establishment energy and That plays through in many of his points of view anti-establishment kind of Energy I think manifest as both conspiracy theories where you know as people have kind of classified some of his claims which typically You know involved looking at call it correlation or circumstance, but not necessarily having the causality Or the tie to demonstrate or or have proof of point or evidence of point
And I think that that's really where he trips me up on a couple of points personally Which ones would you say are the points that trip you most where were you like? I think the general statement that there are kind of you know embedded interests in government is a good general statement Then you start to try and tie together different kind of correlations or circumstances and say that's evidence It's not really it doesn't resonate true with me as someone who who likes to kind of see empirical Truth kind of be demonstrated
I think some of these points around we know that pfoAs one you know one of these products one of these chemistries He talked about that's in the environment. They're very damaging to the environment They're very damaging the human health and there are others that he makes claims around that don't have that same level of evidence But they all get kind of bucketed together that all this stuff is bad that all nuclear is bad Because they're you know is a Facility that was built in the 1950s and 1960s that had some degree of bad engineering and what some might argue isn't necessarily a major hazard Is radioactive leak but has above kind of standards of radiation leak and therefore all nuclear is threatening Those are the sorts of things that kind of trip me up with him that one can't have a little bit. Yeah as well
The nuclear issue that matters to me. This is all just bullshit talking rambling about social issues and you know Like what the fuck are we gonna do with education and wars? None of it fucking matters If we cannot solve the debt and budget crisis problem in this country We are running into the ground the United States is really just a panic. I know you do and I think the US is in a tight Let's not look back then you're a key issue.
So for me This is the thing that I told you guys. I'm focused on with every candidate is how much do you think about the prioritization Of the fiscal the federal budget? How do you think about the debt level and how do you think about the boundary conditions? And it's clear that that's not really a concrete part of his platform Nor is it by the way for any other candidate that I've seen so far. I agree with you that that's kind of where I sit And it's very unpopular. Chimoff. Let's have your response here to generally you have your opinion
I just think that your opinion is an opinion and you presented as this canonical fact and that's what I have An issue with I just think that's intellectually not accurate. So I respect the fact that you think that that's an issue But I think there's a lot of smart people that would say that's not the issue that you think it is and there are other issues Where did you find yourself Chimoff in this process? agreeing with him or Disagreing with him all political candidates
At some point have a fork in the road Which is that they're going to be a truth teller of their own truth or they're going to be conformist to talking points to try to offend the least amount of people. Okay And the first path is much riskier But it actually has much larger discontinuous outcomes i.e. Trump The other path is a good antidote to the first path When the first path is what's in power and you saw Biden take that path So for me, I don't agree with some of the things that he said in fact there are things like nuclear Which I just think he's wrong about sure But what do I appreciate is that there is a version of his truth That is researched and reasoned from his own lived experience as well as history and facts And then he's also willing to say I just don't know enough about it So let me rethink it and then come back to you
I thought the comment about you know school choice was an example Right and I think that that's healthy so on balance I would rather have candidates in that first bucket Which are truth tellers that have the potential to cause disagreement Versus the placators who say nothing And this is where I do agree with freeberg whatever the issues are that may be important
The point is placating doesn't work anymore and you need some kind of Confrontation on hard topics for there to be any progress now and so I prefer those kinds of people that are able to draw a hard line agitators Non-conform and I personally and so I've always been and I have been very anti-establishment the idea of tearing down all these institutions of power gives me glee I find it gleeful
Sacks, when we look at this incredible almost two-hour conversation we had here, I think we did hold him and force him on certain issues more than you would normally get in a review without being sensational. We didn't lead with vaccines. We didn't lead with cultural words. We talked about really important issues. Where did you find yourself in most agreement with him and where did you find yourself in least agreement with him?
Well, I want to make sure we see the forest for the trees here because I think you can disagree with this or that tree or you can get lost down the rabbit hole of some of these very technical scientific debates. But here's the forest: you've got this scion of wealth and privilege who comes from the most prominent, famous democratic family, and he was set in his life to go become an environmental lawyer who would go fight against big corporate environmental polluters. And somewhere along the way, he realized it wasn't just big corporations – it was the problem, it was the agencies, the government agencies that were supposed to be regulating them. And he realized that there was a revolving door going on between industry and these agencies, and so he ended up litigating not just against big companies, but against government agencies. I think that's a really interesting place for a candidate to come from, and what you heard him say or what I took away from it is that he has a very sophisticated critique of regulatory capture, and it goes beyond just the environmental area. It goes also to big pharma, and it goes to the military-industrial complex when he's talking about all these unnecessary wars that the United States has gotten into. And who can doubt that after we spent 20 years and eight trillion dollars bogged down in forever wars in the Middle East, who can doubt that the military-industrial complex has played a malign role in our foreign policy? And we've got all these generals, when they retire from the Pentagon, they go right onto the boards of these defense contractors. So there's enough right about his critique that I think you can't dismiss it. You can't just say this guy's a conspiracy theorist or a nut. He's saying too many things that I know to be true. And there are a lot of other areas where I don't know what the truth is, but he is making sensible arguments, and he's presenting data, and he's asking you to challenge him on the data. So, in any event, I think he's got this very interesting critique of regulatory capture. What he's basically saying is that we have a ruling elite in this country that is managing the country for its own benefit, and that is screwing the middle class. And that critique actually is very similar to what Trump and DeSantis and people on the right are saying. The only difference is that I think people on the right are blaming ideology. They're saying that the ruling elite is following this woke ideology. What Kennedy is saying is that the ruling class is following the money. But you know, I think they both could be right. I think these critiques are very compatible. So look, you might disagree with this or that part of it, but I think that this overall critique – the forest, you know, forget about the trees – I think this forest could find purchase with the electorate because I think people just feel like there's something true about this.
What I will say is this is exactly how Trump got elected, and there was a great piece, I think it was in the Atlantic, when he was running the first time around that talked a lot about the psychology of his appeal. That he comes from wealth, he comes from the system, but he is the anti-system-system product. That he came out of this machine of wealth, this machine of industry, this machine of influence, and he said this entire system needs to be torn down.
And if, by the way, the psychology that they highlighted – and it speaks to Trump, not necessarily to Robert – but what they highlighted was if you look historically at the rise of authoritarian regimes coming out of democracies, it's typically the folks that come from a point of influence and from the point of privilege and power, and they then decided they wanted to tear down the system that produced them. And you trust the bully that comes out of the machine versus the outsider who doesn't really know the machine and doesn't really have access.
And that's partially why I think maybe he has a shot at being the anti-Biden alternative, more so perhaps in this go-around than Trump is. Look, he's not a bully, and he's not going to tear everything down. Yeah, listen, I heard him on other interviews, and what he said is, we need a peaceful revolution. We need to reorganize these government agencies. So he's not saying like, maybe that's why he does win over Trump, right? Maybe he becomes the less extreme.
He's not the bully, but he's like, I know how to dismantle it. And we build these systems quite. They're incredible – free speech, supporting the rule of law, burgeoning the middle class. I mean... these are not things that are really controversial in the end and they're good moral Right, they're good values. He's very morally grounded. I think my concern is just the framework for how you kind of rationalize and and make decisions if You're allowing kind of an influence in you endo And correlation be kind of the driving force instead of having you know So make sure you just at least gather and and sort the empirical evidence to make those decisions That's what he's doing he just reached a different conclusion than you
Yeah, he's just exactly because he's saying that the other conclusion is just the orthodox conclusion Which is nothing to see here. Yeah, by the way, I'm not an orthodox guy and I'm not like following Sack said folks Have said you're pushing RFK Because you think he's a weaker candidate against the Republicans your response No, I don't necessarily think he'd be a weaker candidate for all the reasons we're talking about I think he'd be preferable to to Biden in a lot of people's views
So look for me. This is not like part is in I just think he's really interesting. I think he is a breath of fresh air I think there are many aspects of his critique of our system and the corruption of our ruling class that Hit home. I think regulatory capture is a huge issue. I think a lot of these agencies do need to be reorganized Well, it is the invisible hand that we don't know how to quantify well in all these other discussions that we have And he does put his finger on this really ugly uncomfortable truth Which is there's a cloistered set of insiders for which there's a revolving door between power and money and it's going to be very awkward
for a small number of people to hear that message as he gets more attention Which is probably why The media industrial complex will not you know will do his best to prevent that message from getting out They're the media is going to block this guy At every angle because you know why podcasts could play a huge role just like in 2016 social media broke through and played a huge role I think in 2024. I think that podcasts could break through podcast will decide the way that unorthodox candidates get their message out It could be the way it's getting its get their message out because if after two hours of this you don't want to learn more about him Or you're not going to consider him more fully I think it's impossible because he's so well spoken.
I should say he's got a moral compass He's got a track record and he's got interesting for tea what he isn't saying is he's not just throwing bombs and there may be Things that you can debate with him about his interpretation Of what he looks at you know, and that's very fair criticism, I think But his critique is well reason and so you have to unpack the nuances of it to understand why he got to it And also to try to prove him wrong that is very powerful because it's not just Him randomly screaming about how things aren't working now
And I the moments I thought were very important here and especially for the listeners who are listening who are making important decisions And want to maybe change the political system.
There were multiple times on the issue of trans surgery and I'm going to be very nuanced here with the permission of the parents. He said I need to do more research on it on freeberg challenging him about spending. Spending he said I need to I need to give that some more thought but broadly speaking You know, I think we can take money out of the military budget and billion dollar plans that don't fly in the rain.
There were many moments where he he conceited. I need to give that some more thought. I need to be thoughtful about that That's not something that you typically hear but in a platform like this with You know the nuance that we've created on this platform having discussions And the audience also being nuanced and having depth we know the fans of this podcast are in a lot of positions of power I'm sure a hundred percent or very high percentage of the people listening to this podcast actually vote and are very influential within their own circles.
I think this kind of platform where you have a very deep discussion and somebody can say You know what I need to go deeper on that and think about it when I asked him about weapons in Taiwan And then I said hey, why wouldn't you give an answer that you defend Taiwan Biden gave it So I don't want to check my cargy wouldn't want to do that. That's a really good answer By the way the official the official policy of the United States towards Taiwan is strategic ambiguity Which means we don't say whether we'll defend it depends on the circumstances and and Biden when he he's now said multiple times He would defend it and his own staff walked it back because they said we're not changing strategic ambiguity.
So yeah, I mean the policy he said in that case actually is the United States policy. So let me ask you guys a question if he won the democratic nomination and He's up against Trump who do you vote for obvious? Okay, yeah, of course a herf Kay and I think sacks would have a hard time. He won't say who he's voted for previously. I think sacks would vote or a tax is not gonna say are you Are you saying now? Sacks doesn't like to say he's just a lack of alien and preserving judgment on the general I know who both candidates are okay, he won't even sacks won't even tell us who vote who he voted for.
I would love for RFK junior to be on the ballot and have that choice for sure And and as possible I would as possible I would vote for him it depends who the other person isn't really because you wouldn't even tell us who you voted for or if you voted in the last election.
我希望RFK Junior能够出现在选票上,让我们有这个选择。如果可能的话,我会投他的票。不过这还要看另一个人是谁,因为你甚至不告诉我们你在上次选举中投了谁的票或者是否投了票。
Well, that's my right Jason. I don't have to tell you I just think it's it's intellectually dishonest since you talk about politics so much that I do I think you should tell us who you vote I talk about issues now I decide to balance those issues because every candidate is a complex mix of issues That's ultimately my decision. Yeah, but somebody who injects politics into everything to not just say I inject it I'm not the one injecting so to follow up on the question I asked I would love to see Donald Trump come on the show and give him an opportunity to have a conversation and see If folks can have a different point of view coming out of that as well as Joe Biden and maybe some of the other candidates running for the Republican nomination And I want to see if the the points of Focus for us Can you know maybe Match up with one or more of these candidates.
So far I still will come on right We think yeah. So Nikki Hall is in and then Trump will do it and then Biden will not Trump will do it. I think she would do it because he somebody would I mean he had he had he did something with barstool right.
到目前为止,我仍然认为我的想法是正确的。我们认为,尼基·霍尔(Nikki Hall)会加入,然后特朗普(Trump)会成为总统,而拜登(Biden)则不会成为总统,特朗普会继续担任总统。我认为尼基会这么做,因为他也许和barstool(一家娱乐公司)有关联。
Jason, do you want to do you want me to do the announcement on the the summit? Oh, please Okay, so but We are confirmed and signed on our venue and so we are confirmed For all in summit 2023 in Los Angeles September 10th through 12 Secure the bag baby. Let's go. We'll put out the um and I think it's gonna be Really exciting because we'll have an opportunity to at this point in the year We have a lot of time to put together a really high quality Agenda for conversations. We each want to have with really amazing people So I'm excited about that. We've kind of started to put together some Ideas on what we want to talk about who we want to invite to have those conversations of us put out some invites.
杰森,你想要我在峰会上宣布吗?好的,让我来吧。我们已经确认了地点并签署合同,所以我们确认了 2023 年 9 月 10 日至 12 日在洛杉矶举办全球峰会。赚取胜利果实吧,宝贝。我们会发布出去,我认为这将会非常令人兴奋,因为我们有时间组织一场高质量的对话,和我们想要与一些非常棒的人谈话的机会。所以我很期待。我们已经开始构思我们想要谈论的话题,以及邀请哪些人加入我们的对话,我们也已经开始发出一些邀请了。
So very good job by the way and you'll be leading you're the this is your AI summit. So I'm I'm handing everything off to you I'm helping with the parties basically, but you're driving Congratulations your team is exceptional. I just want to let the audience know. We're doing we're doing it together And I mean, I'm I'm stepping back and letting you drive. I consider this like you were I care very deeply about content and I want to you know make sure that we get a chance Yeah, and the experience and have a chance to have the conversations we want to have with the folks we want to talk with So it would nothing could be better than you building on top of the first one And then we just keep going from there to moth and sax if they want to build on it from there
There'll be three. This is what everybody wants to know is tickets There's gonna be three ticket tiers. They'll still be a VIP one for 7500 that gets you into the dinners Oh, sorry. Yeah, that's that's an important point the VIP experience this year We got some feedback on the last go around That we needed to make sure there was a degree of differentiation. So the VIP experience will include special VIP dinners early access to the theater gift bags special sections during the parties. So hopefully it elevates the experience a bit for folks that are able to Pay the higher ticket fee, which actually helps support the whole program no bottle service And I mean bottle service if you bring your card But hopefully as a way to kind of support the overall program and keep the cost down for everyone else And then it's a $1,500 general admission pass which includes access to the parties And then we'll still have the scholarship class.
Can I tell you guys a funny story? Yeah, when I joined the ownership group that bought the warriors I heard a rumor Which is that when we were competing it was us versus Ellison to buy the warriors And Ellison had an idea. I don't know if this is true or not. This is what I heard that he had a he had an idea for a new stadium And he's like he wanted to make it an ultra VIP stadium And so there's only five thousand seats and I was like sing up for airlines first class seats Oh, so you go to the stadium towards you, but it'd be like everybody would be like up close and you could touch and outside They also had a thousand guillotines so you could just yeah, I mean, it's hard enough for a family to go see I don't know if that's true or not, but I thought it was very funny For instance, crazy expensive now. It's like crazy expensive. I'm not the dollars for nosebleed seats
For the dictator, Tremoff, Polly, Hapatia for David Sacks who set up this episode and Friedberg the Sultan of science. We hope you enjoy this. It's the first of many to come We will still be doing regular dockets. We might have to go to two episodes a week on weeks like this who knows But give us your feedback share the show and we'll see you all at the all-in summit
翻译成中文:对于独裁者Tremoff、Polly、Hapatia、以及创立这一集的David Sacks和科学大帝Friedberg,我们希望你们喜欢。这是许多即将来临的节目中的第一个。我们仍然会定期发布节目,像这样的周可能会增加到每周两个节目。但请给我们反馈分享这个节目,我们会在全球峰会上见到你们。
We'll let your winners ride Bring man David Sack And it said we open source it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with it
我们将让你的获胜者继续前进。请麻烦一下David Sack先生。同时,我们决定向粉丝开放源代码,而他们对此的反应非常热烈。
I love you. I love you I'm going on a leash I'm going on a leash
Besties are gone I'm going through the deep That's my dog taking a wish to drive away
So, we're going to go to the end We should all just get a room and just have one big hug or two because they're all It's just like this like sexual tension that we just need to release some of them What your Be what your Be your feet We need to get I'm doing all this I'm doing all this
所以,我们打算走到尽头。我们应该都找个房间,来个大拥抱或两个,因为我们都有这种性的紧张感,需要释放一些。Be what your Be your feet是什么意思?我们需要明白。我正在做所有这些事情。