Tesla Finally Adds Long Range Model 3, Fed Raises Rates, Boring Company Expansion
发布时间 2023-05-04 00:57:51 来源
➤ Tesla adds Model 3 Long Range back to US design studio after nearly a year long hiatus
➤ Fed raises rates, hints at potential pause
➤ Tesla files application for “Lithium Lab”
➤ IDRA expands casting equipment
➤ UAW withholds Biden endorsement
➤ The Boring Company receives expansion approval in Las Vegas
0:00 Intro / TSLA
0:32 FOMC statement / press conference
3:27 Long Range Model 3
9:01 Lithium lab
9:58 Megapack
10:37 IDRA
11:07 UAW withholds endorsement
12:41 Boring Company expansion
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Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody, we're out of our hour here and today we are talking about Tesla finally reintroducing the long range all wheel drive Model 3 to the design studio in the United States. We'll also talk about the Fed's interest rate decision and press conference, got some news on the boring company and a few other items as well.
大家好,今天我们要谈谈特斯拉在美国设计工作室终于重新推出长续航全轮驱动Model 3的事情。我们还将讨论美联储的利率决定和新闻发布会,还有一些有关无聊公司和其他项目的消息。
So starting off with the stock Tesla today after a pretty strong midday, closing up just two tenths of a percent, $260.61 as the stock did trail off a bit alongside the broader markets into close, the NASDAQ finishing down half a percent on the day to day.
So we'll start off with the Fed's interest rate decision. Of course they did raise interest rates by 25 basis points, now putting the target rate at 5 to 5.25%. And the most interesting part of the statement today was a change in language many of you may have seen that I tweeted about this, but the committee has removed some language about anticipating additional policy firming.
So if we look at the statement from March, you can see highlighted here as a difference, the committee anticipates that some additional policy firming may be appropriate in order to maintain a stance of monetary policy that is or to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive. So that same statement has now been changed to in determining the extent of which additional policy firming may be appropriate to return inflation to 2% rate over time, etc.
So same language after that, but taking out that anticipates language, which later on in the FOMC press conference, Fed Chair Powell did say that he did kind of highlight that and said that a decision on a pause was not made today. That sentence was taken out. He said that's a meaningful change that we're no longer saying that we anticipate and we'll approach that question at the June meeting.
So I think this roughly in line with expectations, the market didn't have major reactions to leading up until that point. Throughout the press conference, he did mention a few other things, a lot of stuff that we've heard him talk about before. He said conditions in the banking sector have improved since mid-March. Obviously, there's still some things going on there that we've talked about yesterday that continuing into today.
But his view is that conditions have significantly improved said that the process of getting inflation down still has a long way to go despite this change in language and that quote we are prepared to do more if greater monetary policy restraint is warranted. So kind of going through all of those comments and then leading into the end of the conference, he was asked about the market's expectation for rate cuts later on this year.
And he said that based on their forecast, if their forecasts are correct, they are not going to cut rates this year. The market seems to have dropped based on those comments, which I don't know. It doesn't really make a lot of sense to me because this is not a new statement from FedChairdron Powell.
It's really just a reiteration of if their forecast come in as they expect, which they've laid out in the summary of economic projections back in March. Then obviously they're not going to be cutting rates because they don't expect to be in a position to need to do that. But the underlying, you know, the hidden statement that's not being said directly there is that if things are not in alignment with their forecast, then obviously that strategy may change.
And they're just going to continue to reevaluate that meeting by meeting by meeting as they have consistently said throughout this whole process. So I think the expectations going forward will be for probably a pause based on this language removal. But of course, again, that will depend on the data that we get between now and the June meeting.
All right. So moving on from the Fed, the big news today is the is the reintroduction of Tesla's long range all-wheel drive model three into the design studio in the United States. I believe this has been missing from the design studio for roughly eight months now. Almost three quarters, the new version here reintroduced at $47,240. So kind of in alignment with the other strange pricing after that $250 price bump that we had earlier this week.
好的,所以不谈联邦储备委员会了,今天最重要的新闻是特斯拉公司重新推出长续航全轮驱动版Model 3车型进入美国的设计工作室。据我了解,这款车型在设计工作室中已经缺席了大约八个月。这个新版本的价格为47,240美元,几乎达到了这周早些时候250美元涨价后的奇怪定价的水平。
But the most interesting part of this is the slight change in specs. So the previous configuration I'll show just from the way back machine here, those specs. So the long range dual motor before 4.2 seconds, zero to 60 144 145 mile per hour top speed.
Those are still the same on this version as we can see there. But the range has declined a little bit. 358 miles was the EPA estimate for the old version, long range model three. That is now dropped to 325 plus. Tesla says this is an estimate versus the other configurations, the rear wheel drive and the performance, both say EPA estimate.
So it looks like Tesla is just waiting for EPA testing or for them to do the EPA testing to confirm what that EPA rating would be. Obviously they expected north of 325 miles. However that is a decent drop, probably about an 8% decline in the estimated range there from the old configuration.
So the other really interesting thing here that is also tied to that is that Tesla says that this new version is only going to be eligible for the $3750 credit versus the full $7500 credit for the performance. So obviously that means that there is a difference in the battery somewhere in there. And it is the same credits as earned on the lithium iron phosphate pack rear wheel drive vehicle.
So with the lower range with that credit only being half, it seems to suggest that perhaps this could be an LFP pack, maybe an LMFP pack with the lithium manganese pack that CATL has been working on. They've talked about that coming soon. We don't know exactly the timeline on that. But with the longer range here from the standard range version, that could also be a possibility. And then I think the final possibility is perhaps these are just other 2170 cells that Tesla is not getting from Panasonic at GignaVada, maybe from LG, like I think we have seen Tesla use in Europe.
So unfortunately as much digging as we've done on this, I don't think that we can make it conclusive statement on that so far. I was trying to look a little bit at the weight to see if anything had changed on that front. So looking at the way back machine, this is unfortunately the 353 mile range version of the long range model three for whatever reason the way back machine wasn't able to pull up the weight for the slightly later configuration that had 358 miles, assuming now that the weight is similar on those, we're looking at 4,065 pounds previously versus the current version, the reintroduced version at 4,034. So the weights are pretty similar again, you know, less than a 1% difference there in weight versus that lower range by about 8%.
So if we look at the, you know, some other clues that may give us some idea of what may be different here, one thing to look at is the difference for the LFP packs on charging. So Tesla says that those top out at 170 kilowatts max, that is the same for the Model Y LFP pack in China, 170 kilowatts there. So with this new version, find the right cheat here, Tesla is saying that that does still have the 250 kilowatt max supercharging. So that could again suggest that maybe this is not lithium iron phosphate, maybe this is a different 2170 cell from Tesla because it has that higher capacity or that could just be a factor of still lithium iron phosphate, but a larger battery pack allowing for that higher rate of charge at peak, which obviously happens, you know, the empty or the battery is closer to zero than it is.
因此,如果我们看一下其他线索,可能会给我们一些关于这里可能有何不同的想法,其中一个要看的是LFP电池包在充电时的差异。特斯拉表示,这些电池包的最大输出功率为170千瓦,这也适用于中国的Model Y LFP电池包。因此,通过这个新版本,我们可以得出结论,特斯拉仍然声称其具有最大250千瓦的超级充电能力。这可能再次表明,这不是锂铁电池,而是特斯拉的另一个2170单元,因为它具有更高的容量,或者只是因为更大的电池包允许在高峰时更高的充电速率,显然是在电池接近零的情况下发生。
So interesting to see that, you know, some of those differences, unfortunately we won't know, but we will eventually know when these get delivered, Tesla is saying that these are estimated to be delivered in June. If we look at the owner's manual, once those are delivered, there will be a way for us to tell because Tesla does disclose what type of battery it is. Right here, you can see control software, additional vehicle information, it will say if the battery pack is lithium iron phosphate, because of course the charging difference there is that those can be charged to 100% even for daily use rather than just for long trips to help with battery degradation.
So once we actually see delivery should be easy for people to figure that out, which again, probably in June, which brings us to the final question of whether or not this would be potentially a highland update. I think Tesla releasing it to the design studio a little bit before it's actually being delivered could be just so they can build their, you know, order mix, their vehicle mix in terms of production ahead of time, but sometimes we see Tesla introduce things and then it's just immediately available. So perhaps they're waiting a little bit on that highland update. My best guess at this point in time would be probably not. I think that's still going to be a little bit later on, but you know, that's the other open question that we still have with this vehicle.
All right, so I think that covers everything with the introduction here. Maybe the other factor would be that hopefully this is an improvement for margins, especially if this is an LFP pack. If this is, you know, you're talking about $7,000 difference with definitely not that much difference in batteries versus the rear wheel drive version. So we'll see. I think the performance is still pretty compelling because of that full credit. If you are eligible for that, ending up with not a not too major of a difference in either the range or the price in that case on the performance.
All right. Next up, we've got a report from electric today. They are reporting that Tesla is building according to permits that they have filed what they're calling a lithium lab in Nevada. So not actually at the gigafactory, but in sparks in a separate building, they have filed this application that reads, quote, tenant improvement projects for the purpose of a manufacturing R&D quote lithium lab parentheses lithium lab facility. The scope of work includes mechanical electrical plumbing and minor architectural upgrades to support tool installation and process optimizations.
好的,接下来我们有来自电能今日的一份报告。他们报导称,特斯拉正在内华达州建造一座锂实验室,而且是根据他们已经提交的许可证建造的。这座实验室并不在超级工厂内,而是在斯帕克斯市的一栋独立建筑内。他们已经提交了一份申请书,申请中写道:“为了制造和研发目的,进行租户改善项目,建立一个锂实验 (锂实验室设施)”。工作范围包括机械、电气、水管和一些小型建筑升级,以支持工具的安装和工艺的优化。
So through the rest of the article, they don't, you know, electric doesn't have a better understanding of what exactly this means. So we're really just left with that lithium lab thing, but it looks like this would probably be an R&D facility for whether it's with lithium refining. Tesla has talked about possibly getting into some lithium mining things, especially in Nevada before. So you know, it'll be interesting if we if we hear any more about that as Tesla works on that project.
Also relating to Nevada, drive Tesla candidate reporting here on a LinkedIn post from a Tesla executive that they have shipped their last megapack out of gigafator. Obviously this now being here we can see the post. Obviously this now being transferred over to production at laythrupp and that being a lot higher volume facility. Tesla has decided to shift that over and gig in Nevada. As we've talked about before, going to be continuing to expand for things like semi production and battery production for 4680s as well.
关于内华达州,特斯拉候选人在领英上发表了一篇报道,报道称他们已经将最后一个超级电池组从千兆工厂运出。很显然,现在我们能够看到这篇报道。这些电池组现在将被转移到莱斯普和那里的产能将更高。特斯拉决定将其转移到内华达州的瓦力卡。正如我们之前所讨论的,我们将继续扩大半导体生产和 4680 电池的生产。
So not surprising to see that shift, but end of an error there for gig in Nevada on the megapack. Also on LinkedIn, you're posting an update that they have now developed a casting machine, not just for die casts for vehicle bodies, but also for electric motor rotors. So obviously casting is a bad in play for a lot of other areas of the vehicle for a long time, but looks like they are getting into a little bit new space with their casting machines here and there is something they're excited about. And obviously Tesla potentially could be putting that to use as well.
The last couple of things here, first we've got an update on the UAW. They are not yet going to commit to endorsing it Biden for a second term in office, citing EV policies as one of the potential holdbacks for that endorsement. So according to you, UAW president who we've kind of talked about previously, some comments that he had made regarding the automakers, citing those concerns on EVs and saying quote, the federal government is pouring billions into the electric vehicle transition with no strings attached and no commitments to workers.
The EV transition is at serious risk of becoming a race to the bottom. We want to see national leadership have our back on this before we make any commitments. So in terms of this endorsement, obviously it's probably something that will be pretty likely to happen at some point. I think the alternative candidate for them, you know, if it is sort of a two party thing would be on the Republican side and the UAW probably not going to go that direction. So this would probably be a little bit more posturing than anything, probably the earlier that Biden would get that endorsement, the better for him in terms of building that support in that base.
电动汽车转型正面临着成为竞争无底线的严重风险。在我们做出任何承诺之前,我们希望看到国家领导人在这方面支持我们。因此,就这方面的支持而言,显然很可能在某个时候会发生。我认为,如果是两个政党之间的竞选,他们的备选候选人可能会是共和党人,但 UAW(汽车工人联合会)可能不会走这条路。因此,这可能只是一些姿态,而不是实际行动,拜登越早获得这个支持,对他在建立支持者和基础方面越有好处。
So there's still some, you know, a little bit of power that the UAW could have there in terms of, you know, withholding that endorsement. And it also sounds like they're kind of waiting a little bit to see how negotiations go in terms of the union contracts with the big three automakers, you know, big three excluding Tesla, which is quickly working its way up there. So it'll be interesting to see that, but obviously withholding their, their support at this point in time.
And then lastly for today, we've got an update on the born company we've talked previously about how they had filed to potentially expand their infrastructure in Clark County in Las Vegas. And they've now received approval to add 25 new miles of plan tunnels and 18 new stations in Vegas. The commission voted on this today and approved it approved the plan in a six to one vote. The one holdout was basically on the premise that the current plans did not take account into employees, did not take into enough accounts employees and how their transportation needs should be met.
So it was nothing against the project in general. They just had a different preference for sort of the layout in terms of the new stations and tunnel plans. So really good to see that for the born company should be really exciting to follow that expansion here in the coming years. And I'm anxious to get back out to Vegas and hopefully give that a shot, especially with these, you know, new expanded systems. All right. Not a wrap it up for today. And so as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe to Inside of For Notifications and also find me on Twitter at Tessile Podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Friday May 4th episode of Tessile Daily. Thank you.
他们对该项目总体没有反对意见,只是在新车站和隧道计划的布局上有不同的偏好。看到生产公司扩张的发展是非常令人兴奋的,尤其是在未来的几年内。我很期待回到拉斯维加斯,尝试这些新的扩展系统。好了,今天就到这里。总之,感谢您的听取。请确保订阅Inside of For Notifications,并在Twitter上找到我@TessilePodcast。我们明天再见,Tessile Daily上的5月4日星期五的一集。谢谢。