Disruption Isn’t the Only Path to Innovation
发布时间 2023-05-02 13:00:09 来源
Disruptive innovation has proven such a powerful idea that many people now equate innovation with market disruption. But INSEAD strategy professor Renée Mauborgne says there's a powerful way to create new markets without destroying jobs, companies, and communities: "nondisruptive creation." She explains how some entrepreneurs and companies have been able to grow billion-dollar businesses that are new markets rather than displacements of existing ones. Two examples are the microfinance industry and the firm Square. And she explains how leaders can seek out these opportunities to foster profitable growth with less social harm. With fellow INSEAD professor W. Chan Kim, Mauborgne wrote the new book Beyond Disruption: Innovate and Achieve Growth without Displacing Industries, Companies, or Jobs.
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Welcome to the HBR Idea Cast from Harvard Business Review. I'm Kurt Nickish. We interviewed Jim McElvy back in episode 730. He told his story of co-founding the mobile payments company Square. He had been annoyed to lose a sale when his independent glass blowing studio couldn't take a credit card.
欢迎来到《哈佛商业评论》的HBR Idea Cast。我是库尔特·尼基什。我们在第730期采访了吉姆·麦克埃尔维。他讲述了他共同创立移动支付公司Square的故事。当他的独立玻璃吹制工作室无法接受信用卡而导致失去了一笔销售时,他感到非常烦恼。
Basically back then, if you sold less than $10,000 a year, accepting credit cards just wasn't economical. Square made it possible for individuals in small merchants to take credit cards with the mobile phone or tablet and Visa and Mastercard were happy about it because it was bringing them brand new business they didn't have before. As McElvy said in that interview, the most interesting part of a market is where it ends because that's where anyone can expand the zone and create a new market.
Today's guest says that Square, now a multi-billion dollar business, is a great example of non-disruptive creation and that more companies can grow in a way that moves beyond a destructive wind-lose competitive mindset and in a way that creates value without destroying jobs and industries.
Renee Moporn is a professor of strategy and management at INSEAT where she co-directs with Chan Kim, the Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. Together there, the co-authors of the new book Beyond Disruption innovate and achieve growth without displacing industries, companies for jobs. Renee, thanks for coming on the show. Glad to be here Kurt.
蕾妮·莫波恩(Renee Moporn)是英士国际商学院(INSEAT)战略和管理的教授,她与陈金(Chan Kim)共同主持蓝海战略研究所。他们是新书《超越破坏》的合著者,致力于创新并实现企业成长,同时不会取代产业、公司和工作岗位。蕾妮,感谢您出席节目。很高兴在这里和您交流,库尔特。
So why take another look at where we are with innovation today? What's wrong with this thing that we understand fairly well and teach in every business school disruptive innovation? Well, disruption is an important concept. The underlying assumption is that in order to create, you must disrupt or destroy and that even comes from the father of innovation, Joseph Shumpeter creative destruction.
But when we looked at our research, what we found is that you don't only need to destroy to create. You can also create with no disruption and no displacement. And that allows companies to not only innovate, but in doing so, achieve social good and not social good in how I spend money, but in the very way that I make money. And so that is opening up a new terrain. Why should we only focus on disruption and destruction? When we can create all new markets without disruption or destruction, we don't have to tear down and destroy to open up profit, opportunity, and have an impact in society.
Why would we shut ourselves off from all those opportunities? Just the way you discuss Square opened up a billion dollar business. Why would we ever shut those opportunities off? And therefore, why are we not having conversations on us? That is what excited us. How can we double the terrain in the field of innovation so that we see more opportunity on the horizon for all of us?
Do you feel like the social costs of disruption are, I guess, underestimated when jobs are disrupted, people like to point out that new jobs are being created and new value and it's freeing people up to do newer and better things. And there's a lot of rationalizing, I guess, of the social costs. Do you feel like some of that is lip service and that these costs are more damaging and real than the business world maybe lets on?
You know, I think it's an interesting point you're raising, but I think that when you have an industry that's no longer efficient, no longer effective, disruption provides a useful mechanism and yes, there's social costs. That's one thing. There's this whole other area which is that you can create without destroying. Now, if I am a company and I have an opportunity to create without destroying and to be able to achieve economic and social good, which we understand society at the highest levels actually increasingly are saying we need to go beyond just shareholder concerns, to stakeholder concerns matter.
And I can do that in a profitable way. As an executive or a business person, I would be a fool not to understand and consider that dimension there. So if I walk down the streets of Manhattan right now and I'm on the busiest streets, let's say Madison Avenue, I see shuttered store after shuttered store after closed store.
Does that wear on the psyche of people? To some extent? Yes, it does. When I find out that Rochester, New York when Kodak was completely disrupted by digital photography and Kodak went from some 80,000 employees down to less than 10,000, do I not think that's devastating impact on the employees, the community, and the society? Yes, I do. Now was that needed? Was that going to happen? Perhaps it was.
What we're saying is, what are the non-destructive opportunities that we might have been missing? So we need to understand, just as we say there's competing and creating their complementary, the purpose of the book isn't to destroy disruption. We're not destructive. We're positive some. It is to open up another horizon that offers billion dollar businesses, huge impact and that people haven't been giving enough consideration to.
Let's get into some more examples and talk more specifically about non-destructive creation. So let me, let's first get some definitional terms here. So when I disrupt, I offer a breakthrough solution to an existing problem. So I create a new market that displaces in existing. So what is non-destructive creation? It's creation without destruction. It's when I will create a brand new market outside the bounds of existing industries.
So there are no existing industries nor market players to disrupt nor displays. So I look at microfinance. No one ever thought that you could offer financing to people earning less than $2 a day with no stable job, no credit history, no collateral, and no one of any wealth to put their name behind in guarantee for them. Microfinance opened up a billion dollar industry. But then you know we look here in the US, well what about 23 and me? It opens up a brand new non-destructive billion dollar industry for us to understand our genetics and our DNA back, trace back our genealogy.
Another broad non-destructive look at eSports, brand new industry taking off outside the existing video game industry doesn't disrupt displays anyone, whether in physical sports like football or soccer, or in the gaming industry, creates a whole new market for people to come together in huge stadiums, 50,000 more with 200,000 young people online and old watching video game players, multi-game players, and teams exciting for big game prizes.
So the opportunities, whether in developing markets or bottom of the pyramid markets, are huge for companies. And let me back up a minute too. You know you were mentioning Kurt that okay let's just look at social costs but not disruptive creation is more than that. As I said I can create without displacing industry's companies or jobs and as we know increasingly employees want to believe that the company they work for your brand image is doing something good for society. They want to believe that you're adding so let's not forget the image impact. But there's also as we articulate in our book for very important operational advantages that come with non-destructive creation or for disruption. And that is what organizations need to take into account.
So there's practical as well as image and as well as societal implications. So a lot of reasons to expand the zone here and find new ways to create economic value where there just wasn't anything before.
True creation. It's creating new markets by looking to problems that people have that have been unaddressed and people have taken for granted as simply the way things are. For example lack problem of generational poverty had long existed. It didn't just suddenly emerge right but people took for granted that's just a simple fact of poverty that you just can't have access to credit. Until someone, Muhammad Yunus said no wait a minute. Is there a way that I can lock that opportunity so that I can create a thriving business that's a profitable growth, it's a for profit business and at the same time help these people transition and create a better life for themselves or their families.
So one way to create a non-destructive market is to look for all the existing but unexdored problems that exist in the world that we take for granted, can't be solved or just a nuisance to put up with and to solve them. And the other thing is to look at emerging opportunities in the world that are arising because of economics, demographics, societal, technological shifts that we could create a brand new opportunity for or new aspirations or solve a brand new problem.
So let me give you an example of that. Today I'm reading in the papers the real problem about commercial real estate, right? After COVID, no one's coming back. The vacancy rates are huge for these commercial real estate in the major cities around. That's an emerging new problem didn't exist 10 years ago. Now the question is, if we apply non-destructive thinking, what is an effective way that we can reconsieve of what this office space can be? If I am the holder and the owner of this commercial real estate and I know that I have mortgages on it, but the second that those leases are up, I'm not likely able to release those buildings and I'm going to have a shortfall in my clash, I want to start thinking now.
How can I start thinking non-destructively, emerging problems to reconceive that space to create a whole new opportunity for my buildings and for my own profit and for the communities that I serve because vacant commercial buildings don't serve anybody? So that's just an example of where there could be a huge non-destructive opportunity in the future.
Does it take a different kind of thinker to see these opportunities? So most companies, when they're thinking about innovating, they start with a world the way that it is and they use that to tee off and set their ideas for what is possible and probable. What actions can I take? But non-destructive creators don't start with a world as it is. They start with their imagination.
They start to think of what could be what should up, it should be in despite of what is. And because of that, they start to raise fundamentally different questions and reimagine what is possible.
We started this interview with Square and it was funny reading the book. I kept thinking back to that interview with Jim McElvie, just reminded me so much of what he was talking about. It's one of my favorite episodes and interviews because it was just so freeing to listen to how he thought about new markets and new opportunities. And then lo and behold, Square pops up as an example in your book.
我们开始了关于Square的访谈,看完书就觉得很有意思。我一直在想起我和Jim McElvie的那个访谈,因为这本书正好提到了他所讲的话。这是我最喜欢的一个节目和访谈,因为倾听他对新市场和新机会的看法是如此让人感到自由。结果,Square出现在你的书中作为一个例子,真是神奇。
I think about this, Kurt, you've got these major credit card issuers. You have these at MasterCard, Merik, and Express, all these major players. You've got these huge payment providers that process the credit cards, right? Now you're a glass blower, you missed your sale. And then you say, I don't know, I wish I could accept credit cards.
If I start with what is, I'll say, oh yeah, but you know, that's just a natural hassle that goes with being a small guy, being an individual. I got to wait till I'm a big guy, be or a big girl before I have the opportunity to have that advantage, right? But no, he doesn't think like that. He thinks that doesn't make sense.
Why should small and micro businesses less than $10,000 or even individuals, the babysitters, not be able to have the most convenient form of accepting payment? Why shouldn't they? What would that be? And how could that be to do that?
So if you think about Jim McElvie there, he didn't accept the world as it was. He knew that with his own actions and his independent thinking, he could shape that world to create a market because he saw the need and he saw that it was unaddressed, right? So an existing issue that was unexplored and he set out to explore it. And that's one of the paths to non-destructive creation.
如果您想了解Jim McElvie的背景,他并不接受世界的基本现状。他知道,凭借自己的行动和独立思考,他可以塑造这个世界,创造出一个市场,因为他看到了需求,也看到了这个需求没有得到解决,对吧?因此,他着手去探索一个尚未被探索的现有问题。这是实现非破坏性创造的一条途径。
And if more companies started to think this way, there'd be more billion dollar businesses in their different industries that could be created. Which is encouraging, right? I mean, just the same way that we can learn to be more entrepreneurial in the same way that people can seek out disruption at organizations. That's got to mean that you can learn to do non-destructive creation at companies too.
When most people use their imagination, unfortunately, they use it the wrong way. They use it to imagine why something can't happen, why something can't be done. When you use your imagination and non-destructive creation, you use it to focus on how you can make it happen.
How does non-destructive creation fit into other trends that you're seeing in business right now? And I'm thinking here of AI, chat, GPT, for instance, a lot of people think of that as disruptive. It's going to replace jobs in a lot of cases, clerical jobs, knowledge, worker jobs, white color jobs. Is that inevitable?
So let me just step back. We started out on this research on non-destructive creation, because we saw one, we don't have to disrupt in this place. There's this whole other space that we can look into. But the second thing is, we not only saw it as important, but growing in importance in the future.
One of the reasons it's growing in importance is for the precise reason you say. If you look at the world today, we're introducing or being ushered into what we call the fourth industrial revolution, where there's all new forms of AI and smart machines, robotics.
And all these smart machines, AI and robotics are on track to displace many people say hundreds of millions of jobs. The exact number no one knows, but the numbers that are thrown irrespective of the study are large, whether they displace them completely or significantly pair down.
Now the question is, where will all the new jobs come from to absorb all the humans that get released from their jobs? Of course, on the one hand, technology always brings with it new jobs we can't even imagine. And we all hope that'll be the case.
But this might not be the case often the displacement occurs faster than the new jobs are created to absorb them. That's kind of the worry here with this technological revolution, right?
That unlike previous ones where we all sort of learn not to be farmers, most of us, over many generations, this is happening very quickly. Yes, I think that the speed at which this new technological revolution is unraveling is unprecedented. And so the real question becomes about creating the jobs as people get displaced.
And when we look to it, how do historically, if we look to the theory of innovation and economics, new jobs get created, it's through new markets. So what are the paths to create new markets, sir, too? Historically, we think of disruption. It's created new markets again and again. But it does so in the short and medium term in the process of displacing yet more existing jobs, right?
So when self-driving cars come in, they start to displace all the drivers in this industry, truck drivers in America, bus drivers, car drivers. That is one of the largest employment in many states in America. So the question is where are they going to get those jobs? The power of non-destructive creation is it creates new jobs and new industries and new companies without displacing others.
So if I am a government, I'm in charge of a community. What I want to start thinking about is how can I start encouraging people to start thinking non-destructive so we can have the jobs out there as people get released to be absorbed. So that's one key reason that we believe non-destructive is likely to become even more important in the future.
Once people or organizations have imagined new markets and new opportunities that are wholly new spaces, where the stumbling blocks when it comes to seizing those and realizing them. So in our book, we outline what is the process to be able to do that. One of them is, and we talk about, this is where non-destructive has a advantage because it actually is emotionally more politically easier and emotionally more acceptable, especially in large, established companies to pursue that which is non-destructive than that which is disruptive and potentially threatens my existing livelihood and my existing revenue stream.
So that's in the process of how do I create, how do I reframe and find a way to unlock and how do I realize. And it's all about how do I build a collective confidence and competence. What can be done? What are some of those steps? One thing I think people don't realize is once you start thinking about non-destructive creation, what you start realizing is that it's more prevalent than you begin to imagine.
It's in front of you everywhere. So what do I mean by that? You think about something like an industry of pet Halloween costumes. They're very big. It's a $500 million industry. It's a non-destructive industry. Life coaching, one of the fastest growing industries in America, non-destructive industry, environmental consulting, non-destructive industry, not disrupting other prior consulting industries that are out there.
Yeah, I was kind of surprised to learn that the cruise ship industry was a non-destructive creation because that just didn't exist before. It never existed before. And at that point in time, Americans and the world, there were just the ocean liners and then jet travel for the very, very wealthy started. And so the idea of traveling to different countries and being at the ocean and sea at that point in time that was completely non-destructive.
So I guess the dishwasher non-destructive just stopped us from washing with our hands. Sanitary napkins that women use on a monthly cycle, non-destructive, right? Sesame Street, non-destructive, it unlocked the preschool entertainment industry. So I think what you need to realize is we are so trained, the economist John Hicks said that our theories are often blinkers or rather rays of light that illuminate part of the target, leaving the rest in the dark.
And as we use them, we divert our eyes from other things which are important. We have been trained and John Kurt, I noticed in your first question, trained to think, everything is disruption because that is a lens we've been looking or theory comes from shimperter and disruption. But once we now have a language system, we have a clear definition of what it is and we recognize its importance when you start to look at the world, you start to see non-destructive opportunities and you realize how many non-destructive opportunities are out there.
当我们使用它们时,我们会将目光从其他重要的事物上转移开。我们一直接受着培训,约翰·科特(John Kurt)在你的第一个问题中提到了,培训我们认为一切都是破坏,因为这是我们一直寻找的视角或理论来自于创新和破坏。但是一旦我们拥有了语言体系,我们就有了一个明确的定义,并且我们认识到它的重要性。当你开始观察这个世界时,你会开始看到非破坏性的机会,你会意识到有多少非破坏性的机会在那里。
So this is what we need to start thinking like. You know, Renee, a venture capitalist once told me that there are two kinds of innovation, better faster, cheaper and brave new world. And you've given us a glimpse of that brave new world that more companies can be going after, thanks so much for coming on the show to talk about it.
Thank you so much Kurt. That's Renee Mauborn, a strategy and management professor at INSEAD and a co-author of the new book Beyond Disruption, Innovate and Achieve Growth without displacing industries, companies or jobs.
非常感谢你的 Kurt。这是 INSEAD 的一位策略与管理教授 Renee Mauborn,也是新书《超越颠覆:创新与实现增长,无需动摇产业、公司或就业》的合著者。
And we have more episodes and more podcasts to help you manage your team, your organization and your career, find them at hbr.org slash podcast or search hbr, an Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you listen.
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This episode was produced by Mary Doe. We get technical help from Rob Eckhart, our audio product manager is Ian Fox and Hannah Bates as our audio production assistant.
本集节目由玛丽·多(Mary Doe)制作。我们得到了罗布·埃克哈特(Rob Eckhart)的技术帮助,我们的音频产品经理是伊恩·福克斯(Ian Fox),汉娜·贝茨(Hannah Bates)则担任我们的音频制作助理。
Thanks for listening to the HBR IDA cast. We'll be back with a new episode on Tuesday. I'm Kurt Nickish.
感谢您收听HBR IDA 播客,我们会在下周二推出新的一期节目。我是库特·尼基什。
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