The Dark History Of The Rockefeller Family Exposed

发布时间 2017-06-28 17:37:55    来源


The Rockefeller family’s industrial and political accomplishments have helped shape America as we know it, and that’s great... but real life isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Here are some surprisingly dark Rockefeller family facts and Rockefeller family history that you probably didn't know:   5) A good place to start is William A. Rockefeller, the father of John D. and William Jr.: his sons who would go on to become titans of industry and amass tremendous wealth. William A, however, was a con artist who used to pretend to be deaf and mute while he was working as a traveling salesman… selling completely useless miracle pills. If pretending to be deaf and mute and selling fake medicine to people isn’t enough for you, he also had a mistress, fathered several illegitimate children, and even pretended to be a doctor named William Livingston. Seems like he could have come up with a better fake name. OR William A. Rockefeller, where the A stands for asshole.   4) Nobody wants to be eaten by cannibals, I think, but that might be what happened to Michael Rockefeller - son of former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. Michael was on an anthropological expedition off the coast of New Guinea when his catamaran tipped over. Whoopsie daisy. Anyway, in hopes of making it to shore to get help for his passengers, Rockefeller swam off into the sea and was never seen again. The obvious conclusion is that he drowned, but there were multiple nearby tribes that practiced cannibalism, and in 1969 a Dutch journalist ventured into a remote village to investigate Rockefeller's disappearance and was told that Rockefeller had been killed and eaten. You can’t say for sure that he wasn’t, and neither can I.   3) One of the first major tragedies to hit the Rockefeller family came in 1951 when Winifred Emeny - the great niece of John D. Rockefeller - killed her two children before taking her own life. Emeny, who was a hip socialite in the swanky Greenwich, Connecticut scene, started two cars in her garage, put her two young daughters in one of the cars, and laid down between the cars until all three were found dead by the family maid.   2) In September of 1913, nearly 11,000 coal miners in Colorado went on strike against the Colorado Fuel & Iron Corporation… which was owned by the Rockefeller family and Standard Oil. In response to the strike, the workers and their families were evicted from the company-owned housing. However the workers maintained their resolve and set up tent communities nearby to continue the strike. That’s when guards under the employ of John D Rockefeller Sr went in, killed the strike leader, and then began shooting at families fleeing the scene. All told, 19 were killed, including several women and children. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., testified that, even after knowing that guards in his pay had murdered the strikers and their families, he "would have taken no action" to prevent the tragedy. That’s ice cold.   OR John D Rockefeller - where the D stands for dick.   1) Finally, In 1918, the Rockefeller Foundation helped to create the Eugenic Society of São Paulo, directly financing programs aimed at breeding out the poor and disabled, and making everyone else in Brazil a little more, you know, white. The idea of Social Darwinism was widespread among Brazil's leading scientists, educators, social thinkers, as well as many elected officials and the Rockefeller Foundation played a huge role in implementing what was called the “public health movement” in Brazil, which, again, was selective breeding to make everyone white. Literally to, and I quote "to sanitize is to eugenize"

