The Prison Breakout at Cowra, Australia. Revised Edition.

发布时间 2019-01-20 13:56:45    来源


The Cowra prison breakout occurred in August 1944, when 1,104 Japanese prisoners of war attempted to escape from a pow camp near Cowra, Australia. The History Guy remembers the largest prison breakout of World War II. The is the same episode that was posted last October, with a few changes in the pictures. YouTube "de-monetized" the first posting, and, as is their unconscionable policy, has refused to provide any explanation. I have changed some photos in a good faith attempt to understand their opaque application of poorly-described community guidelines, moving a photo that, while I maintain was never shocking and clearly presented within historical context, might be the reason for the claim that the video was deemed "not advertiser friendly." To be 100% clear: This is an educational episode about actual historical events. Nothing in the episode is presented without clear context. There is no intent, whatsoever, to shock or offend. There is no presentation of gore or violence except in the clear and obvious context of important historical events. If any member of any YouTube team seeks to restrict this video in any way, please email me at describing the precise information or image that supposedly violates a policy. Please do not just link community guidelines that do not explain why certain episodes have been targeted. I do not believe that I have ever presented any episode of THG on YouTube with intent to shock or offend, nor have I presented gore or shocking images gratuitously. I do not believe that it is in the interest of YouTube, its creators, advertisers or viewers, to block the presentation of history because history is often shocking in its very nature. Remembering history is important, and plays a vital role in society. It should not be censored. Sensibilities should not move in society such that we cannot remember the past simply because the past has often been difficult. If we neglect to learn these lessons, the future will be made much more difficult. If the viewer believes that the information in this episode is appropriate and provides value, please say so in the comments. If you see a reason that such a video should not have the benefit of advertising, I do respect all opinions, and ask that you make a clear argument and indicate a time-stamp for whatever information you think crosses a line. I am truly and respectfully seeking solutions where YouTube, which has offered me an extraordinary platform and connected me to my wonderful audience, has refused to help creators in a meaningful way. If you feel that content such as this should not be censored, please consider my Patreon page. #wwii #thehistoryguy #australia

