Harvard i-lab | Startup Marketing Bootcamp with Kate Castle and Jodi-Tatiana Charles
发布时间 2013-08-13 16:37:54 来源
An introductory marketing bootcamp for start-up companies where you'll learn everything you need to build and promote your product and / or brand in the earliest stages. From marketing strategy to content creation, to PR, social media—and beyond— this interactive (and fun!) workshop provides you with a framework for helping you plan and execute a successful launch. Some of the topics we talk about include:
Developing a launch and / or marketing strategy, budget and plan
To launch or not to launch? When is the right time?
Working with the press: why they are not your friends
Social media strategies
Content creation strategies
Building community support
How to choose the right marketing partners to work with
Building your personal brand
Strategic marketing that builds customer loyalty
Getting to know the right interns and know how to best leverage their knowledge