How the fisheye lens took over music

发布时间 2019-12-17 13:30:04    来源


The fisheye album cover is a modern music staple. This is the story of where it came from. Become a Video Lab member! When Harry Styles released the album cover to his sophomore project, Fine Line, fans began dissecting everything about it. But any music lover might recognize something about its cover too. The distorted circular image might remind hip-hop fans of 1990s music videos, or psychedelic rock fans of an iconic Jimi Hendrix album cover. The photograph was taken with a fish-eye lens, a novel piece of gear that has excited amateur and professional photographers alike for over half a century. The story of how that lens was developed in the first place might be just as interesting as all the ways it has been used since its invention. Nikon 8mm Fisheye image used with permission of Ken Rockwell, who can be found at and http://KenRockwell.TV/ Note: The headline on this video has been updated. Previous version: The real story behind this Harry Styles album cover is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out Watch our full video catalog: Follow Vox on Facebook: Or Twitter:

