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The case for Bernie Sanders

发布时间 2020-02-27 13:00:00    来源


To understand Bernie's future, look at what he's already done. Up next: The case for Joe Biden: http://bit.ly/2TibqRm This video is one of a series in which Vox writers argue the cases for the leading Democratic candidates in the 2020 election. (Vox does not endorse individual candidates.) The case for Bernie Sanders: https://youtu.be/1PjNlBV-_s8 The case for Joe Biden: https://youtu.be/4c5fuOPCeYw The case for Elizabeth Warren: https://youtu.be/VBpmYDLECF8 The case for Pete Buttigieg: https://youtu.be/0yT7hpF654k And you can read our cases for all the candidates, including Mike Bloomberg and Amy Klobuchar, at http://vox.com/the-case-for Bernie Sanders knows what energizes his crowds: Big ideas. Visions of political revolution. New ways of doing things. It’s why his supporters love him. But it’s also why many Democrats are still unsure about him. But as Vox’s Matthew Yglesias argues, a good answer to that uncertainty can be found in Bernie Sanders’s political record; both as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and as Vermont’s representative to the US House and Senate. Sanders is a lifelong politician. And if you look at what he’s done, there’s a lot to learn about what he would do if he actually became president. So: What does Sanders’s record actually tell us? What kind of president would he be? And what would his advantage be in a general election against Donald Trump? Read more about the case for Bernie on Vox.com: http://bit.ly/392tIfE And you can watch the archives of Bernie Sanders’s old TV show here: https://www.cctv.org/watch-tv/series/bernie-speaks-community Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE Or our podcasts: https://www.vox.com/podcasts Follow Vox on Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H Or on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o

