This Week in iPad - Special Episode

发布时间 2010-06-08 18:28:11    来源


This Week in iPad #9 Special Episode. For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to Meet-Up Check-in Zach Taylor (@ehrestaurant) from the Vancouver, BC (0:35). The News The hosts discussed the iPhone 4 announcement made by Steve Jobs during the WWDC Keynote on Monday (5:00). The gold master release of iOS 4.0 (formerly iPhone OS) was also discussed (15:00). Sales figures and other data that Jobs mentioned during the WWDC keynote were also mentioned (18:00). Harris read an article (24:52) discussing the partnership between Adobe and Greystripe to translate Flash ads into HTML5 so that they can be viewed on the iPad. Samsung's 7″ and 8″ Android-based Galaxy tablets were discussed (27:45). New York AG Andrew Cuomo's investigation alleged racial profiling by Apple staffers, who were reportedly asking Asian customers to see passports before they would sell them an iPad. The adoption of the iPad as a menu in an Australian restaurant was discussed (31:50). Finally, a story about Zineo, a magazine reading application for the iPad, was mentioned. MediaWeek says that iPad users spend an average of 80 minutes with each edition of a magazine that they purchase. Viewer Questions ThisWeekIn iPad Application Preview The hosts also demoed ThisWeekIn's coming iPad application (46:00) which is currently being developed by ThisWeekIn's developers.

