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This Week in Startups - Neil Young, Founder and CEO of ngmoco

发布时间 2010-06-30 04:03:21    来源


This week we have Neil Young, Founder and CEO of ngmoco. For more information, show notes, and an upcoming schedule, go to www.thisweekin.com. Jason Calacanis hosts This Week in Startups. Please thank our Sponsor: http://www.drobo.com/products/droboelite.php 00:15:15 THE INTERVIEW with Neil Young 00:15:30 Tell me a little about ngmoco and when you got your start? 00:17:40 2.5M unique downloads and high hundreds of thousands play daily 00:18:30 Why is the game so addictive? 00:21:20 Do you have people the area psychology majors working for you? 00:31:45 What is the future of iPad gaming? 00:37:40 Male v Female ratio of players? 00:49:30 THE NEWS with Lon Harris 00:59:20 TechCrunch TV Launches http://techcrunch.tv/ 01:05:30 Hulu Plus http://blog.hulu.com/2010/06/29/introducing-hulu-plus-more-wherever-more-whenever-than-ever/ 01:18:10 Google Me http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/29/google-me-facebook/ 01:21:00 Verizon iPhone? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/06/29/businessinsider-verizon-iphone-coming-in-january-2010-6.DTL 01:25:45 Ad.ly Expands to Twitter Aps http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/29/ad-ly-expands-in-stream-ad-network-to-twitter-apps/ 01:37:00 Friendly Music http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/29/rumblefish-friendly-music/ 01:44:00 Peace and Love, Peace and Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAU0l7325w0

