- Startups - News Roundtable with Paul Kedrosky and William Quigley - TWiST #182

发布时间 2011-08-20 03:01:41    来源


Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests: http://thisweekin.com/email 1:00-3:00 Welcome everyone to the Friday News Roundtable 3:00-4:00 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the program. 4:00-5:00 First story: Google has purchased Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion. 6:30-7:00 At $625,000 per patent, William, what do you think, is that reasonable? 7:00-9:30 So why do you dislike Motorola, is it because they're so aggressive when it comes to patents? 9:30-11:45 Paul, do you think we'll see a time when the top 5-6 companies come to a resolution on their own and do an arms treaty? 13:00-14:30 William: To put it in perspective, it's four months of cash flow for Google. 16:45-18:00 Next story: A Russian company plans to launch an orbiting hotel, with prices starting at $1M. Can they actually offer that for this price? 19:30-20:00 Lon: Are we going to have space tourism by the end of the decade? 21:15-22:15 Next story: It's been a huge week in HP news. They're reportedly spinning off their PC division and they're also rumored to be purchasing British company Autonomy. They're also discontinuing operations for their WebOS devices. 22:15-23:45 Paul, good idea to shut down a $40B business with $2B in revenue? 25:30-28:00 Does this just mean that Steve Jobs has kicked everyone's ass so well that no one can compete? 28:00-30:00 Thank you to Carbonite for sponsoring the program. New contest alert: Sign up for Carbonite Small Business using the promo code 'TWiST,' then email your receipt to contest@thisweekin.com to be entered to win a MacbookAir. 30:00-34:30 Next story: Ashton Kutcher served as a guest editor for the "Social Issue" of Details magazine. However, he didn't disclose all the companies he's an investor in that he promoted in the magazine. Is he a "massive whore" or does he not have to disclose because he's not really a journalist? 34:30-36:00 Insight from Tyler: It's like passing gas in a yoga class. 36:00-37:45 Next story: Evernote announced this week that they've acquired Skitch. Have you tried Skitch, do you like it? 40:00-42:15 What is Mendeley? 42:15-45:00 Next story: Google has opened up their Photovine service. Why would they launch it without integrating it with Google+? 48:00-49:45 How do you go into a board meeting and have leverage over these entrepreneurs anymore? 49:45-52:45 Do you think Groupon's IPO will get pulled, Paul? 56:30-57:45 What's going on with the stock market, Paul? Will the Dow be higher or lower a year from now? 57:45-01:01:15 William: I disagree, I think companies will be far more profitable in 2012. 01:01:15-01:03:30 Is it wishful thinking that, at a certain point, there's nowhere to go but up? 01:03:30-01:05:30 What in the world am I supposed to do with gold? 01:05:30-01:07:30 If the Groupon IPO goes off the rails does it take with it the whole tech industry? 01:13:15-01:15:30 What do you think of Demand's market cap, Paul? 01:15:30-01:16:00 This has been an amazing program, thanks everyone. 01:17:30-01:17:45 Everyone follow @quigleyreport on Twitter, check out Ranker.com and follow Tyler @steepdecline. 01:17:45-01:18:00 Thank you to MailChimp and Carbonite for their support! Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at TwistList.co! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to translate@thisweekin.com FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Lon: @lons William: @quigleyreport Paul: @pkedrosky Keep up with the latest from our sister company LAUNCH: S&P Explains Its GOOG Downgrade, James Altucher on Why S&P Is Wrong http://launch.is/blog/sp-explains-its-goog-downgrade-james-altucher-on-why-sp-is-w.html See in 30 Seconds How the Music Industry Changed over 30 Years (Awesome Infographic) http://launch.is/blog/see-in-30-seconds-how-the-music-industry-changed-over-30-yea.html Daily Signups for Second Life Grow 60% under New CEO; Tablet Version Planned http://launch.is/blog/daily-signups-for-second-life-grow-60-under-new-ceo-tablet-v.html Our Favorite Companies from 500 Startups Demo Day http://launch.is/blog/our-favorite-companies-from-500-startups-demo-day.html YouTube Relaunches Its Music Site Day after Settling Copyright Lawsuit http://launch.is/blog/youtube-relaunches-its-music-site-day-after-settling-copyrig.html Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Producer Program! See a list of all the members of the program at twistlist.co Executive Producers Louis-Eric Simard, Benjamin Gifford, Jacek Artymiak, Octavian Mihai, Will Paoletto, Geoffrey Clapp, Eien Hyett, Jeff Hoffer, Kyle Lonzo, Austin Miller, Rashaun Sourles, Robb Kunz, Greg Berry, Sean Lynch, Mary Ann Halford, Jim Joyce, Morgan Howard, Margaret Johns, Kyle M. Brown, Paul Cole, Nick Duncan, Magnus Ingvarsson, Amir Ayalon, Carlos Zaidenweber, Avery Keitt, Joshua Shipsey

