- Music - This Week In Music - Kristin Thomson, Future Of Music Coalition

发布时间 2011-09-24 00:48:02    来源


In the 12th episode of This Week In Music, Ian Rogers sits down with Future of Music Coalition's Kristin Thomson to talk about FMC's initiatives. Future of Music Coalition is a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure a diverse musical culture where artists flourish, are compensated fairly for their work, and where fans can find the music they want. Included in the discussion are: 1. Why is FMC conducting this research? 2. What are the components of the research? 3. What kind of musicians are you studying? 4. It's a global marketplace. Why just study US musicians? 5. Why should musicians and songwriters participate in the project? 6. What do you see as the outcomes of this work? 2:10 - Kristen Speaks of legal music practices, How artists become legal stake holders. 3:45 - How did you start the Future Music Coalition and where did you start? 5:15 - You guys did some reports on digital radio consolidation? 5:45 - How do you try to affect some change? 7:15 - Its pretty amazing, your sitting with policy makers and the FCC, what was it like to go from being in a band to sitting with policy makers? 8:45 - Has there been a moment when you thought "wow, we are making progress"? 09:45 - In traditional radio there is 0% paid out to artist, satellite may pay 7%- your trying to help get the money directly to the artist? 11:45 - Sound exchange will be some artists number 2 in respects to income. 14:00 - Whats the program look like this year?  15:30 - Its a huge problem when thinking of a global meta database, getting the proper funds back to the music rights holder. 17:45 - Who attends this conference? 18:45 - In regards to the artist revenue stream project, who is funding it, and how are you doing it? 21:45 - Artist watching this should go take the survey. 23:45 - How do you know each genre will exist, without a  representative survey from artists? 25:15 - If I am an artist, do I want to give the FMC my information? 26:45 - There is no question that these are trying times for the music industry, now we are in this in between stage, studies like this can really help to show the models of what 'can be' in the music business. What should we expect to see, how will this be presented back to us? 29:45 - Congratulations on 10 years with FMC, what else is going on? 30:45 - Do we know what percentage of musicians which don't have health insurance? 32:15 - How is FMC funded? 33:15 - Is this difficult, running a non-profit? 34:15 - How can people help if they want to support the cause? 35:45 - What are you listening to right now? Favorite Summer record?

