News Roundtable with Steve Blank and Bill Lee - TWiST #190

发布时间 2011-09-24 03:44:35    来源


Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests! Go to 0:00-2:45 Welcome everyone to the TWiST News Panel with Steve Blank and Bill Lee. 2:45-5:00 Thank you to Carbonite for sponsoring the show. Everyone remember to thank them on Twitter @Carbonite! 5:00-7:00 Bill Lee is with us today, how are you doing, Bill? 7:00-7:15 Steve Blank is also with us today. What's new, Steve? 7:15-8:45 The number one story this week is that Meg Whitman has been named CEO of HP, ousting Leo Apotheker. Was this a good move? Bill? 11:00-12:15 How does HP ever compete with Apple? Is it even possible? 15:15-17:15 Netflix announced that it was spinning off its DVD-by-mail service into a new company called Qwikster. Why would they go for this? Is it all about valuation? 22:00-24:00 Let's talk about Dish Network, which announced it will also launch a video streaming network. However, it's only available right now to Dish users. Is this going to work? 26:15-28:00 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the show. Everyone remember to thank them on Twitter @MailChimp! 28:00-29:45 Google+ opened up to the masses this week, added search functionality and other features like Google docs integration. What do you think this will do to the activity level? 35:00-37:45 This week was Facebook's f8 developer conference and they announced a bevy of new features including a wall revamp, timelines, Spotify integration, etc. Are they changing too much too fast? 37:45-38:34 Steve, what's your take on these developments? 42:30-44:15 Bill: What does the market cap for Facebook look like in the next year? 44:15-47:00 Let's talk about Rick Santorum: The Republican presidential candidate's named was re-branded after a blogger took offense to his comments regarding homosexuality. 47:00-47:30 Would Google have changed this if it were another politician in this situation? 50:30-51:45 It was revealed this week that the FBI has been using a cell phone tracking device known as a "Stingray," capable of zeroing in on a cell phone even if it's not in use. 51:45-55:00 Can they subpoena the records of where someone was? Steve, can you discuss this one? 56:15-58:15 What is "Countdown to Zero"? 01:00:00-01:02:00 How do you frame the debate while acknowledging the realistic chance that somebody could obtain the bomb? 01:07:30-01:09:30 Twitter announced that they'll start accepting political ads. Will it spark debate and be great or will people regard it as a nuisance? 01:09:30-01:11:00 Breaking news: Groupon announced that it has swiped Google sales VP Margo Georgiadis to be COO. 01:12:30-01:15:15 Last story: In-app purchasing in iTunes has been down for a few hours now. Bill, do you have any info on this? (Read more about it here.) 01:17:00-01:19:00 Thank you to Steve (@sgblank) and Bill (@westcoastbill) for being on the program. And thank you to Carbonite and MailChimp for sponsoring the program. 01:19:00-01:20:00 Next up is This Week in Social Media, so stay tuned! Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining the TWiST Producer Program at! Multilingual? Translate this episode of TWiST into another language and email the transcript to FOLLOW ON TWITTER Jason: @jason Tyler: @steepdecline Lon: @lons Steve: @sgblank Bill: @westcoastbill Keep up with the latest from our sister company LAUNCH: Google+ Releases Update to iOS App Public Launch Brings Flood of Spam to Some Google+ Users Google+ Brings Games to Notification Bar Sweet Feature: AngelList Tells Investors Their Best Match The Facebook Timeline Is the Nearest Thing I've Seen to a Digital Identity (and it's creepy as hell) Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Producer Program! See a list of all the members of the program at Executive Producers Louis-Eric Simard, Benjamin Gifford, Jacek Artymiak, Octavian Mihai, Will Paoletto, Geoffrey Clapp, Eien Hyett, Jeff Hoffer, Kyle Lonzo, Austin Miller, Rashaun Sourles, Robb Kunz, Greg Berry, Sean Lynch, Mary Ann Halford, Jim Joyce, Morgan Howard, Margaret Johns, Kyle M. Brown, Paul Cole, Nick Duncan, Magnus Ingvarsson, Amir Ayalon, Carlos Zaidenweber, Avery Keitt, Joshua Shipsey

